Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, March 22, 2025

MVNews this week:  Page 8



Mountain View News Saturday, March 22, 2025



1. London native, e.g.

5. Major news network, acr.

8. Elect democratically

12. Dharma teacher

13. *Henry ____, a serial husband

14. Mosaic artist

15. Cracked open

16. Between ids and super-egos

17. More unfriendly

18. *Babylonian ruler, code creator

20. Minute bit

21. Cavern or cave

22. Not amateur

23. Sapodilla tree gum

26. *Akhenaton or Tutankhamun

30. Be bedridden

31. a.k.a. crown vetch

34. *Viracocha, the eighth Sapa ____ of Kingdom 
of Cusco

35. Like some peppers

37. ____-been

38. Trots and canters

39. And others, for short

40. Shred of clothing

42. Aptitude test, acr.

43. a.k.a. sodium carbonate

45. In ignoble manner

47. One behind plate, for short

48. Patrick Swayze/Demi Moore movie

50. George Lucas' warrior-monk

52. *Egypt's famous queen

56. Capital of Tunisia

57. Military status

58. "High" time

59. River in India

60. Rainbows, e.g.

61. Al Capone, e.g.

62. Difficult situation

63. Striped stinger

64. Biblical paradise


1. Ho-hum

2. Indian royal

3. Mosque V.I.P.

4. Plane road

5. "Sometimes a cigar is just a ____"

6. She turned to stone

7. Not yet final, legally speaking

8. *Second-longest reining British monarch

9. Spaghetti aglio and ____

10. Do like bees?

11. Go wrong

13. Top of a mountain, e.g.

14. #8 Down's headdress, e.g.

19. Untwist a rope

22. Third degree

23. Lawyers' loads

24. Informed of latest trends (2 words)

25. Homeric epic

26. Exterminator's target

27. Liquorice flavor

28. Based on number 8

29. Rash

32. *Mohammad Reza ____ Pahlavi

33. Get calories

36. *Robert Graves' "I, ____"

38. Comprehend

40. Medicinal amt.

41. Kindle editions

44. Not quite right

46. Posture

48. Unfriendly stare

49. From this time

50. Equinox month

51. Concludes

52. Underwater hermit

53. Arnold Lobel's "Frog and ____"

54. Tug-of-War equipment

55. Soon, to a bard

56. Burton of gothic horror genre

March 15, 2025 Solutions

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