Mountain View News Saturday, March 22, 2025
The Society of Professional Journalists Los Angeles (SPJ/LA) is now accepting applications
for its 2025 Scholarship Awards for aspiring journalists studying in Los Angeles, Orange and
Ven-tura counties or students born and raised in those counties who are attending accredited
jour-nalism programs elsewhere in the U.S.
SPJ/LA offers six separate scholarships with specific criteria to outstanding news journalism
students seeking to enter news, sports and/or photo journalism media careers and are currently
attending universities or colleges.
The scholarships (one per applicant) that will be awarded this year are:
Richard D. Hendrickson Memorial Scholarship - students of color ($2,000).
Lisa A. Davidson Memorial Scholarship - aspiring journalist ($1,500).
Ken Inouye Scholarship - media diversity ($1,500).
Helen Johnson Scholarship - broadcast journalism ($1,500).
Carl Greenberg Scholarship - investigative or political reporting ($1,500).
Bill Farr Scholarship - aspiring journalist ($1,500).
The application deadline is April 15, 2025.
Application forms with full details and requirements are available at SPJLA.org/scholarships.
Please email applications and questions to: Richard Saxton, Scholarship Committee Chair –
For more information about SPJ/LA, visit www.spjla.org
Alverno Heights Academy
200 N. Michillinda Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
(626) 355-3463
Head of School: Joanne Harabedian
E-mail address: jharabedian@alvernoheights.org
Arcadia Christian School
1900 S. Santa Anita Avenue Arcadia, CA 91006
Preschool - TK - 8th Grade
Principal: Cindy Harmon
website: www.acslions.com
Arcadia High School
180 Campus Drive Arcadia, CA 91007
Phone: (626) 821-8370, Principal: Brent Forsee
Arroyo Pacific Academy
41 W. Santa Clara St. Arcadia, Ca,
(626) 294-0661 Principal: Phil Clarke
E-mail address: pclarke@arroyopacific.org
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary School
Ms. Rose Navarro, Principal
2660 East Orange Grove Blvd.
Pasadena, Ca 91107
Barnhart School
240 W. Colorado Blvd Arcadia, Ca. 91007
(626) 446-5588
Head of School: Tonya Beilstein
Kindergarten - 8th grade
website: www.barnhartschool.org
Bethany Christian School
93 N. Baldwin Ave. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
(626) 355-3527
Preschool-TK-8th Grade
Principal: Jonathon Hawes
website: www. bcslions.org
Clairbourn School
8400 Huntington Drive
San Gabriel, CA 91775
Phone: 626-286-3108 ext. 172
FAX: 626-286-1528
E-mail: jhawes@clairbourn.org
Foothill Oaks Academy
822 E. Bradbourne Ave., Duarte, CA 91010
(626) 301-9809
Principal: Nancy Lopez
Frostig School
971 N. Altadena Drive Pasadena, CA 91107
(626) 791-1255
Head of School: Jenny Janetzke
Email: jenny@frostig.org
The Gooden School
192 N. Baldwin Ave. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
(626) 355-2410
Head of School, Jo-Anne Woolner
website: www.goodenschool.org
High Point Academy
1720 Kinneloa Canyon Road
Pasadena, Ca. 91107
Head of School: Gary Stern 626-798-8989
website: www.highpointacademy.org
La Salle College Preparatory
3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, Ca.
(626) 351-8951 website: www.lasallehs.org
Principal Ernest Siy
Monrovia High School
325 East Huntington Drive, Monrovia, CA 91016
(626) 471-2800 Principal Darvin Jackson
Email: schools@monrovia.k12.ca.us
Odyssey Charter School
725 W. Altadena Dr. Altadena, Ca. 91001
(626) 229-0993 Head of School: Lauren O’Neill
website: www.odysseycharterschool.org
Pasadena High School
2925 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, Ca.
(626) 396-5880 Principal: Dr. Eric Barba
website: http://phs.pusd.us
St. Rita Catholic School
322 N. Baldwin Ave. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
Principal: Jon McMaster (626) 355-6114
Website: www.st-ritaschool.org
Sierra Madre Elementary School
141 W. Highland Ave, Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
(626) 355-1428
Principal: Dr. Jodi Marchesso
E-mail address: marchesso.jodi@pusd.us
Sierra Madre Middle School
160 N. Canon Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
(626) 836-2947 Principal: Garrett Newsom
E-mail address: newsom.garrett@pusd.us
Walden School
74 S San Gabriel Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91107 (626) 792-6166
Weizmann Day School
1434 N. Altadena Dr. Pasadena, Ca. 91107
(626) 797-0204
Lisa Feldman: Head of School
Wilson Middle School
300 S. Madre St. Pasadena, Ca. 91107
(626) 449-7390 Principal: Ruth Esseln
E-mail address: resseln@pusd.us
Pasadena Unified School District
351 S. Hudson Ave., Pasadena, Ca. 91109
(626) 396-3600 Website: www.pusd@pusd.us
Arcadia Unified School District
234 Campus Dr., Arcadia, Ca. 91007
(626) 821-8300 Website: www.ausd.net
Monrovia Unified School District
325 E. Huntington Dr., Monrovia, Ca. 91016
(626) 471-2000
Website: www.monroviaschools.net
Duarte Unified School District
1620 Huntington Dr., Duarte, Ca. 91010
Website: www.duarte.k12.ca.us
SSiieerrrraa MMaaddrree
WWoommaann’’ss CClluubb
550 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 22002255:: 111188 YYeeaarrss
Founded February 23, 1907 – “Living the Volunteer Life” in Friendship
Member of General Federation of Women’s Clubs cfwc.org & gfwc.org
2025 Academic Scholarship
Due March 29 , 2025
Application Form Online
(Pasadena, CA Area High Schools Only)
Presented May 2025 for 2025-2026 Year.
Join the SierraMadreWomansClub.org
Explore SierraMadreWomansClub
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com