Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, August 5, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 3


Mountain View News Saturday, August 5, 2023 


by Deanne Davis


Pickleball, an invigorating blend of 
tennis, badminton, and ping pong, 
has recently swept Sierra Madre. 
This growing phenomenon, 
praised for its accessibility and social 
nature, is attracting community 
members of all ages and skill 

Stay tuned as we dive into Sierra 
Madre's emerging pickleball scene 
and the community it's fostering. 
Find out why this fast-paced game 
is all the rage and where you can 
catch a lesson.

What Is Pickleball?

Played both indoors and outdoors, pickleball involves two to four players who use solid paddles to 
hit a perforated ball over a net.

This fun yet challenging sport offers plenty of health benefits, including improved coordination, 
balance, and even mental agility. Moreso than other sports, it can be played at a casual pace, making 
it an excellent way to keep fit, have fun, and make new friends.

The best part is that anyone can easily learn how to play pickleball. Once you've got the basics, you'll 
join the ranks of an estimated 36.5 million pickleball players across the US

Where to Play Pickleball in Sierra Madre

There’s no need to travel outside of the city anymore. There are now pickleball courts near you.

Sierra Madre Memorial Park

Known as a local hotspot for pickleball enthusiasts in Sierra Madre, this park is a fantastic place for 
a game. As the town's only dedicated venue, it plays host to a lively community of players who bring 
their own nets and create their own lines on the two outdoor courts. Access to the courts is free, 
and restroom facilities are readily available.

Final Thoughts

Pickleball is more than just a sport—it's a community, a means of staying fit, and a source of endless 
fun. Sierra Madre, with its engaging outdoor courts at the Memorial Park, offers an en-ticing 
invitation into this vibrant world.

Now it's your turn to join in on the action. Grab a paddle, head to the nearest court, and find out 
firsthand why pickleball has been the fastest-growing sport in America for three years running.

It’s August! It’s hot! School doesn’t start for 
another week! But, in case you needed reasons 
to love August, here are a few:

August 1 – National Mustard Day, 

 Respect for Parents Day

August 2 – National Dinosaurs Day, 

 National Coloring Book Day, 

 National Ice Cream 

 Sandwich Day

August 3 – National Watermelon Day

August 4 – National Chocolate Chip 

 Cookie Day

August 5 – National Oyster Day

August 6– National Root Beer Float Day, 

 National Wiggle Your Toes Day

Yes, I could go on for the rest of the month, 
but there’s enough to celebrate right there to 
make your day. And one more piece of useless 
information: There are 145 shopping 
days left till Christmas.

I came across the following somewhere or 
other and liked the idea so much I thought 
you’d like it, too:

“I have a decision I can make every morning 
when I wake up. I have a choice. I can spend 
the day in bed going through the difficulty I 
have with body parts that aren’t working as 
well as they used to, or I can get out of bed 
and be thankful for the parts that still DO 
work! Each day is a gift and as long as my 
eyes open, I will focus on the new day and 
the happy memories I’ve stored just for this 
time in my life.”

Happiness is like a bank account. You withdraw 
from it what you deposit. My choice is 
to deposit a lot of happiness into my memory 
accounts. Here’s one that makes me happy 
every day: The picture today is of my sad, 
sunburned little orange tree. It has two oranges 
on it and looks tragic. Underneath, 
if you look closely, are two drip sprinklers 
which eventually create a small pool of 
water. Every day around 7 a.m. these drip 
sprinklers start dripping water around the 
base of the tree. Also, every day, a number 
of tiny little brown birds start gathering a 
little before 7 in anticipation of the coming 
water bonanza. These little guys jump on the 
sprinklers and bounce up and down, splash 
around, flap their wings joyously and have 
the best time imaginable. They get along 
nicely and take turns jumping on the long 
drip sprinkler. This is the best possible start 
to my day and always makes me think of that 
verse in the Gospel of Matthew (10:29-31): 

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet 
not one of them will fall to the ground outside 
your Father’s care. And even the very 
hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t 
be afraid; you are worth more than many 

A little more about birds, I had a family of 
Quail who laid their eggs under one of my 
cactus plants where there was plenty of 
shade and a little water. One day I noticed 
two adult Quail herding what must have 
been a dozen or more tiny little chicks from 
the cactus plant to my lemon tree and they 
spent the day there in the cool, damp shade. I 
hoped to see them the next day but they had 
packed their bags and moved on.

More happiness bringers: Give yourself the 
gift of flowers. I have them everywhere in my 
house. Alstroemeria, which are always available 
at my grocery store for $3.99 a bunch. 
They last for over a week and thanking God 
that the first thing I see every morning is 
flowers is a great way to start the day. 

It’s been incredibly hot everywhere and the 
most delicious feeling in the world is to step 
out of the heat and humidity and back into 
our air-conditioned houses. Yes, our electric 
bill makes us gasp when we open it, but life 
is so much better with A/C than without it. 
John and I suffered through about 44 years 
of stifling, mind-numbing heat in our hundred-
year-old house on Alegria before we 
were finally able to install air conditioning, 
which made our life so much more enjoyable.

We continually offer thanks to the fine 
minds who came up with air conditioning 
and, thanks to Wikipedia, here’s something 
you might not know about this best 
invention ever: The basic concept behind 
A/C is said to have happened in ancient 
Egypt, where reeds were hung in windows 
and moistened with trickling water. Water 
evaporation cooled the air blowing through 
the window, which also made the air more 
humid, beneficial in that dry desert climate. 
In ancient Rome, water from aqueducts was 
circulated through the walls of certain houses 
(think mansions) to cool them. Second 
century Chinese inventor Ding Huan of the 
Han Dynasty invented a rotary fan for air 
conditioning with 7 wheels, 10 ft. in diameter, 
manually powered by prisoners. (See, 
it just doesn’t pay to tick off the Emperor!) 
Cornelis Drebbel turned summer into winter 
for James 1st of England by adding salt 
to water. 

We, here in the 21st century just press a 
button and enjoy instant relief. Thank you, 
modern technology. We are beyond grateful!

Deposit a little joy into your happiness bank 
account today. Buy yourself some flowers.

What a joyful picture of Mr. Hatfield, who 
made Arnold’s Hardware the best place to go 
for just about anything, John and I were frequent 
visitors and were never disappointed, 
always treated so well, no matter how stupid 
the (my) question was. He will be missed. 

August 25 – National Kiss and Make Up Day

August 30 – National Toasted Marshmallow 

My book page: Deanne Davis

There are treasures there! Trust me!


The Friends of the Sierra Madre Library announce 
Sale will be held on Friday, August 4, 2023 (3:00 
p.m.– 7:00 p.m.) and Saturday, August 5, 2023 (10:00 
a.m. – 2:00 p.m.). The Friends are moving from the 
library basement in October and need to reduce 
our inventory. Everything in the basement will be 
half-price for both days of the sale. Featured this 
time in the basement will be Comic Art featuring 
Captain America, Avengers, Tarzan, Street Fighter 
and many more. We also have a Very Large collection 
of Graphic Novels (Batman, The Watchman, 
The Preacher, etc.) All for HALF the marked price!! 
And this is your chance to buy the complete 2020 
World Book set (again at half price) before school 
starts! Plan to come shop in the air-conditioned 
basement and find many, many bargains in New 
and Nearly New Fiction and Non-Fiction books.

The parking lot will have our Annual Back-to-
School sale. Many, many children’s books in great 
condition will be for sale as well as games, puzzles 
and school supplies. Teacher materials and books 
are available too! And check out our Bargain Books 
for older readers for only $1.00 each;

Paperbacks .25 each or 5/$1. Don’t forget the $5.00 
BAG SALE on Saturday in the parking lot!!

This sale is sponsored by the Friends of the Sierra 
Madre Public Library. All proceeds will be used to 
support programs, services and acquisitions for the 

Come early for the best selection and to talk books 
with knowledgeable cashiers and other book-lovers! 
The sale will be behind the Sierra Madre Public Library, 
440 West Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. 
For more information, please visit us at our 
web site, 
our Facebook page; our Instagram page or call 

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