Mountain Views News Saturday, September 4, 2010
One Of A Kind: Featuring unique homes & gardens and the people who create them Story and Photos By Chris Bertrand
Tour Seven of Sierra Madre’s Coolest Kitchens!
There’s something for every kitchen taste at the kitchen tour
of seven select kitchens in Sierra Madre during the inaugural
“Taste of Sierra Madre” event on September 11. For $35
you’ll have from 9-1 to mosey through Modern, Craftsman,
Spanish, Contemporary and even a reconstructed Historical
home, one previously owned by Sierra Madre Patriarch,
Nathaniel Carter.
The home was actually part hotel used by Carter during
his early development days in Sierra Madre, and part old
schoolhouse. Of course it’s designated a historic home!
It has been rebuilt it from the inside out and gives an
outstanding example of how to create a modern kitchen in
an older home without loosing the home’s character.
Another kitchen on the tour is a Spanish style home, built in ‘the round’. Two
homes utilize blue as their theme color. There is another racing toward completion,
a Craftsman kitchen and laundry remodel by local contractor. One home on the
edge of “the Canyon” was constructed in a relatively tight space to accommodate
multiple cooks, and yet another was designed for a Chef and Cook Book author
to accommodate cooking classes and demonstrations in her home. The final stop
will be ALNO Pasadena Kitchens on E. Montecito in Sierra Madre, which has several state of the art
demonstration kitchens that will be open for viewing.
Your $35 ticket doesn’t stop there! This all access ticket will gain you entrance to the doings at Kersting
Court, featuring local culinary tastes and professional and student music. And wait, there’s more! At
Sierra Madre Elementary, the afternoon will be given over to the Smooth Jazz of two chartbusters, Paul
Brown and Chris Standring.
All of your donations go toward two great causes. Half the net funds raised will benefit children in need
of cleft palate surgeries by the nonprofit Rotaplast Organization. The other half stays right here in the
community and will fund expanded fine arts programs for area youth at the Youth Activity Center.
Tickets are on sale now… until they’re gone! Mark your calendar for September 11, starting at 9 a.m.
Tour eight great kitchens, then spend the afternoon at Kersting Court and at the Smooth Jazz concerts.
For more information visit the event website, or contact event chair,
Tom Brady at 626-355-3471.
Chris Bertrand
These are two of the homes that will be featured as part of the ‘Coolest Kitchens Tour’. Each kitchen has
unique features that are a reflection of the owner’s needs and will inspire those considering remodeling.
Lenders are an increasingly difficult crowd to please, so if you're looking for the best
deal on a mortgage, you need a couple of strategies to improve your credit score.
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A Zogby poll reports that one third of all people who request a credit report find errors.
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The largest percentage of your score is determined by your payment
histories, but the second largest factor is your "card utilization rate," or your total
balances compared to your total credit limits. 10% is the ideal number like $2,500 in
charges when you have a $25,000 line of credit).
If you correct errors, have an excellent payment history, and get your debt-to-credit
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Luther Tsinoglou has just been named the top producing sales agent in Dickson
Podley Realtor's Sierra Madre office for 2009, making the top 10% at the company
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( ) Golf & Lunch $70 ( ) Golf Team Registration $250 ( ) Tennis & Lunch $50 ( ) Lunch Only $25
( ) Golf Tee / Tennis Court Sponsor $100 (includes one round of golf or tennis entry and lunch)
( ) I cannot attend but wish to make a donation of $
Name: Phone:
Address: City: Zip:
For golf players - Please circle mode of transportation: Golf Cart WalkingFor tennis players - Please circle playing level: Beginning Intermediate AdvancedI would like to play on a court/golf with (indicate other registered players names):
Release Waiver:
Intending to be legally bound, and assume all risk in connection with or in any way related to my participation in the Oktoberfest Golf and
Tennis Tournament, I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, my training and health are adequate for me to compete safely in this event.
In consideration of your accepting my entry, I assume all related risks and do hereby for myself, executors and administrators, waive and
release forever any and all rights and claims or damages I may hereafter occur to me against the persons or organizations
affiliated with this event, including but not limited to the City of Sierra Madre, committee members, and any and all supporters of the event, their
representatives, successors and assigns, for any injuries suffered by me while participating in the Oktoberfest Golf and Tennis Tournament.
Further to the extent, relevant, I hereby authorize the City of Sierra Madre to film or photograph myself or my child while participatingin City- or City Community Service- sponsored events, and to use such films or photographs in television programs (including but not limitedto community access television) or any other public forum without compensation to me or my child, and I specifically authorize the City of SierraMadre to use such photos for marketing and promotional purposes. I hereby agree that in connection with that filming or photography,
neither I nor my child will perform copyrighted works or works that are the subject of any trademark without the consent of all copyright
or trademark holder or holders. I and my child hereby relinquish any copyright or trademark, or any other intellectual property protectionsor any right to privacy under any applicable law in connection with any performance filmed or photographed by or on behalf of the City.
Signature Date:
Registration Formbenefiting the Sierra Madre Youth Activity Center
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: