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New In The Mountain Views: Sports are back! Page 14 Plus......On The Course with Bobby Eldridge SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 4, 2010 VOLUME 4 NO. 35 A Taste of Sierra Madre The first festival showcasing the ‘flavor’ of this treasured foothill Village. A day of fine arts, great food, live music, and unique design on Sept 11, 2010 Schedule of Events 9:00 AM to Coolest Kitchen 1:00 PM Tours 10:00 AM Kersting Court Opening Ceremonies Gooden School Ensemble Student Fine Arts Awards Drama performance from St. Rita School Bethany Christian School Student musical performances 11:30 AM FOOD COURT in Kersting Court until 2 p.m. Noon Presentation of Grand Prizes for Student Art and Essay Contest Police & Fire Department Chili Cook off Eric Byak Project Live Music 12:30 PM Chef Chris Allen Chocolate Truffle Demonstration 12:45 PM Cheryl Barnes & Dr. Phil Cabasso vocals and jazz HEADLINERS CONCERT: SME Auditorium at 141 W. Highland Avenue, Sierra Madre 1:00 PM Gayle Bluemel and the Late Bloomers in SME Auditorium 2:00 PM Kate Lee’s Family Tree Band in Kersting Court Michael Bishop and David Cousins in Kersting Court 2:00 PM Chris Standring # 1 Album BLUE BOLERO and Orchestra performs in SME Auditorium 3:00 PM Paul Brown 2 Time GRAMMY Winner, 38 # 1 Hits in SME 3:20 PM Michael Lington and Eric Byak Project, Lauren Wood, Katisse in SME 4:00 PM Kersting Court Closing Ceremonies with Patriotic Songs by Combined Choirs From St. Rita and Sierra Madre Congregational Churches 4:30 PM Conclusion of Tribute to Police and Fire Department in Kersting Court Proceeds from the event will benefit the Rotaplast Cleft Palate Surgery Fund and expanded fine arts programming at the Sierra Madre Youth Activity Center. Every dollar makes a big difference to kids near and far! $35 All access/ all venue tickets; $20 Adult Kersting Court ONLY tickets; $10 Children 5-18 Kersting ONLY Buy tickets online or in town at Savor the Flavor, Best Buy Drug, The Bottle Shop and Belle’s Nest. www.ATasteofSierraMadre.com a 501c3 nonprofit Smiles@dgrp.com 626-355-3471 Taste of Sierra Madre Activities One Million Dollars For the second time in less than a year, Happy’s Liquors in Sierra Madre has sold a winning lottery ticket. A lucky Sierra Madre resident, who shall remain nameless, won a million dollars by purchasing the lucky ‘Scratcher’ at Happy’s. In November, the store sold a winning Super Lotto ticket worth more than $191,000. Jandal Singh holds the kind of scratcher that held the winning numbers. According to Singh, Happy’s Liquors will recieve $10,000 from the California Lottery for selling the winning ticket. Happy’s Liquors is located on the corner of Sierra Madre Blvd. and Baldwin Avenue in Sierra Madre. Photo by S. Henderson The City of Sierra Madre will hold a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate its new emergency radio station on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 5:00 pm. The event will take place in City Hall at the radio broadcast desk. Mayor Joe Mosca will cut the ribbon along with Hank Landsberg, Project Manager and winner of this year’s Public Safety Award for spearheading the emergency radio station project. WQKW561 is a Sierra Madre’s “Emergency and Public Service Radio Station”. It is a local non-commercial AM radio station that is licensed and regulated by the FCC as a “Travelers Information Station”. The station covers the city of Sierra Madre and surrounding areas at 1630 on the AM dial, and may only be used to broadcast emergency, public safety, and community information. In times of emergency, AM-1630 will distribute important emergency information to residents, even during power outages. During a fire, earthquake, flood, or mudslide, AM-1630 will provide the important safety information that residents need. Soon, residents will be alerted to tune to AM-1630 with the return of the horn in the center of town. A series of three blasts of the horn will notify the town to tune to AM-1630 for up to date emergency information. The Sierra Madre Fire and Public Works departments will be conducting intermittent testing of the horn during the next few weeks. Beginning in November, the horn will again sound daily at 5:00 pm, seven days a week, 365 days a year. In non-emergency times, AM-1630 will broadcast information about non-commercial community events, e.g., Wistaria Festival, Art Fair, 4th of July, etc. These events will be publicized, providing listeners and visitors about event hours, location, parking, etc. For information on how to publicize an event on AM-1630, please visit the City’s website at www.cityofsierramadre.com. The Sierra Madre City Council appropriated $14,672.00 from Internal Service funds that were budgeted for emergency communications in November of 2008 and appropriated an additional $9,237.00 of unrestricted general funds in February of 2010 to be used if needed. However, the community donated over $13,000.00 for this project and the system was completed well under budget. Only $2,250.00 of the City’s Emergency Communication funds was needed and no general funds were necessary to complete this system. The Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club and the Sierra Madre Fire Safe Council spearheaded the fundraising efforts for the project. Other organizations such as the Sierra Madre Civic Club and private residents contributed more than $13,000. This project is another fine example of Sierra Madre’s All America City spirit where residents, community groups, and the local government come together to accomplish a common goal. City To Celebrate New Radio Station Hank Landsberg, Project Manager and Former Mayor George Maurer, who was instrumental in organizing interest in the project test the new equipment. Inside This Week... NEWS AROUND SG VALLEY Page 4 PASADENA/ALTADENA Page 7 MORE NEWS Page 11 Do you have emergency supplies set aside in case there is a disaster such as a major earthquake? Does your family have an emergency plan that includes how you will communicate when there is a disaster? For many people, planning for an emergency or disaster is not a priority. According to the 2009 Citizen Corps National Survey, only 36 percent of individuals believed there was a high likelihood of a natural disaster to EVER happen in their community. Many people think they have everything they need in the event of an emergency at hand, and can simply “grab and go.” September is National Preparedness Month (NPM) – the perfect time to take action and get your family READY. Preparedness is everyone’s responsibility. We all have to work together, as a team, to ensure that individuals, families, and our communities are ready. During NPM, the Sierra Madre Individual Preparedness Project (SMIPP) and the City of Sierra Madre are hosting the Sierra Madre Family Preparedness Festival on Saturday, September 11th at Memorial Park. The Festival will begin at 9:00am with a flag and 9/11 remembrance ceremony performed by local Girl and Boy Scouts along with members of VFW Post 3208. Mayor Mosca will deliver a preparedness message and officially kick-off the day. The festival is designed to educate the entire family on a variety of preparedness topics. Children can learn about safety during earthquakes and fire by going through LA County Fire Departments “Shakey Quakey” trailer and the Pasadena Fire Department’s “Smokehouse” trailer. Representatives from FEMA will be on hand to distribute a wide variety of preparedness materials along with “REX” the READY mascot who will teach children about preparedness. Pasadena Humane Society will be offering pet preparedness education along with an opportunity to adopt a pet. The Sierra Madre Senior Commission is also participating and is focusing their efforts on Senior Preparedness offering assistance with The File of Life and resources from Methodist Hospital. The Lions Club mobile medical unit will be on hand offering free eye and hearing tests. Other participants include the Kiwanis Club of Sierra Madre, the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, Sierra Madre Search and Rescue, Sierra Madre Police & Fire Departments along with Sierra Madre (cont. on page 3) Festival To Teaches The Entire Family How to Take Action to Be Ready by Donna Cayson FEATURES Calendar & Arts Page 2 Public Safety Page 5 Education & Youth Page 6 Good Food & Drink Page 7 Legals Page 8 Opinion Page 10 Happy Birthday Mountain Views Page 10 The World Around Us Page 12 The Good Life Page 13 SPORTS Page 14 Homes & Property Page 15 FYI Page 16 Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |