Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 5, 2011 

5,4,3,2,1,… Blast Off!!! March 1st celebrates 
the 16th Year of Parenting Awareness Month 
in the City of Pasadena. A month dedicated 
to honoring parents and caregivers for all 
they do to help raise positive, healthy, thriving 

In an effort to celebrate this month Day One 
and over 40 local partners have come together 
to develop a month long calendar of 
both free and low cost developmental activities 
that help parents restore balance in their 
lives-while allowing them to embody the balance 
& behaviors we want to see in our youth. 

One of the main attractions in this month 
long series is the Parent & Caregiver Conference 
that is being held at the PCC Community 
Education Center (3035 East Foothill 
Blvd., Pasadena 91107) on March 26th from 
8a.m. to 3:00p.m. All parents, 
grandparents, foster parents, caregivers, and 
mentors are invited to attend free!

The conference is an excellent opportunity 
for parents to join leading experts in exploring 
hot topics affecting children, gain new 
parenting tips, and engage with other parents. 
Parents and caregivers will have the opportunity 
to choose from an array of workshops 
that will be provided in both English and 
Spanish. Topics include: Managing Stress, 
Health and Nutrition, Employment, Lowering 
Expenses in the Home, Sex in the Relationship, 
Alcohol Drugs and Your Children, 
Parenting with Love and Limits, Focusing the 
Unfocused Child, Dealing With a Loss In The 
Family, and Keeping Our Youth Safe.

The ultimate goal of the conference is to ensure 
that parents are happy, healthy, and self 
assured so that they may model positive behaviors 
for their children to follow. 

FREE Continental breakfast, lunch, child-
care, and parking will all be provided for at 
no cost to attendees. 

To register and receive more information 
about the Parent and Caregiver Conference 
as well as the many other activities planned 
for Parenting Awareness Month, call Day 
One at 626.229.9750 or email us at carolina@

Flyers are currently available throughout the 
City of Pasadena including local libraries and 
community centers.

For more information about Day One, visit 
our website at

Parenting Awareness Month partners include: 
300 Pasadena, Amadeus Salons and Spas, 
APPLE, Armory Center for the Arts, Borders 
Bookstores, Chiropractor Kyle Umland, City 
of Pasadena Human and Recreation Services, 
City of Pasadena NW Programs, Families in 
Transition, Flintridge Center, Foothill Family 
Service, Fuller Graduate School of Psychology, 
Hazel Garcia, Hillsides, L.A. Parent, 
LEARNs,Life Coaching Masters, Lululemon 
Athletica, Magic Beauty Salon, MASH, 
Neighborhood Connections, North Lake 
Village Business Association, Parent Project, 
Pasadena/Altadena Coalition of Transformative 
Leaders, Pasadena Central Library, 
Pasadena Police Department, Pasadena City 
College Foster/ Kinship Care, Peace Over 
Violence, Planned Parenthood Pasadena and 
SGV, Pasadena Public Health Department, 
Pasadena Unified School District Welcome 
Center, Shirlee Smith, Star News, Twoheys, 
Western Justice Center, Women at Work, 
Working Mother Magazine, and Young and 

INTELLIGENCE SUBCOMMITTEETechnical & Tactical Intelligence 
Subcommittee Oversees Space and Cyber 

Washington, D.C. – As we near the 10-year anniversary 
of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and are 
keeping a close eye on countries across the Arab world 
undergoing significant changes in their quest for 
democracy, the House Intelligence Committee continues 
to be engaged in work critical to our nation’s security. 
In January, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) was tapped to continue 
serving on the House Permanent Select Committee on 
Intelligence, and today he was named Ranking Member 
of the Subcommittee on Technical and Tactical (T & 
T) Intelligence. T & T oversees the technical aspects of 
intelligence gathering, including space-based assets, as 
well as cyber security. T & T also has primary oversight over the National Security Agency, the National 
Reconnaissance Office, the National Geospatial Agency and other military intelligence programs. 
“I am grateful for the continuing opportunity to serve on the Intelligence Committee, and I will be 
honored to serve as Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Technical and Tactical Intelligence,” Rep. 
Schiff said. “In the face of national security challenges of both today and tomorrow, good intelligence 
is the best defense. My top priority as Ranking Member will be ensuring that our world-class scientists, 
researchers, engineers, who work to improve our technological capabilities, are appropriately staffed, 
operating within the law and with maximum effectiveness when it comes to space and cyber security.”
Satellites play a critical role in our intelligence agencies, because their images can be used to track 
suspected terrorists around the world and stop future attacks. Satellites provide real-time data to our 
troops on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan, and allow us to monitor important global developments. 

Cyber networks don’t just power our cell phones and iPads; they keep our electric grid running, secure 
the banking world, protect our water supply, and operate our classified military and intelligence systems. 
Since coming to Congress, Rep. Schiff has advanced efforts to ensure the safety of all Americans by working to 
improve our intelligence gathering, implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations, and working 
to revamp the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. 
In 2007, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appointed Rep. Schiff to the new House Select Intelligence 
Oversight Panel. The following year, he was also appointed to the House Permanent Select Committee 
on Intelligence, which also drafts the laws that govern the intelligence agencies operations. That 
committee is also responsible for overseeing the 16 agencies that comprise the intelligence community, 
which include components of the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, Justice, State and 


Day One and over 40 partners host parents and caregivers in the community 

What: Parent & Caregiver Conference 

When: Saturday March 26th, 2011

Where: Pasadena City College - Community Education Center

 3035 East Foothill Blvd, Pasadena, 91107

Time: 8:00am to 3:00pm

Cost: FREE (childcare and meals provided at no cost) 

Theme: “Put on Your Oxygen Mask before Assisting Others” 

 Taking care of YOU while taking care of your family

Sierra Madre Police Blotter

During the week of Sunday, February 20th, to Saturday February 26th, the Sierra Madre 
Police Department responded to approximately 362 calls for service. See 
for updated information.

Sunday, February 20th:

12:56 AM- DUI Alcohol/Drugs, Baldwin Ave and Hampton. An officer stopped a motorist 
for a Vehicle Code violation, and determined that the driver was under the influence of 
alcohol. The El Monte resident was arrested and taken to the Pasadena Police Department 
jail for booking.

Monday, February 21st:

3:29 PM- Breaking/Removing Vehicle Parts, 400 blk. W. Sierra Madre Blvd. A Sierra 
Madre resident reported to the Police Department that an unknown subject(s) stole the 
passenger side rear view mirror during the night.

8:02 PM- Tampering/Injuring Vehicle or Contents, 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd, City Park 
Community Building. An officer responded to broken rear passenger side window. The 
Sierra Madre resident reported that no items were taken from the vehicle. The suspect(s) 
fled in an unknown direction. 

10:16 PM- Auto Burglary, 100 blk. E. Highland Ave. Unknown suspect(s) opened the 
victim’s driver’s side door and stole a backpack. The backpack included the victims Apple 
power book, Annual Disney Pass, and her California Driver’s license. 

11:12 PM- Auto Burglary, 600 blk. W. Montecito Ave. Unknown suspect(s) smashed a front 
passenger window using an unknown object. The suspect stole a black Targus Computer 
case and a Compaq Computer. 

Tuesday, February 22nd:

10:22 AM- Possession of Marijuana/1oz or less, 1000 blk. N. Michillinda Ave. Motorist 
was stopped for a Vehicle Code violation. Investigation revealed that the Pasadena resident 
was under possession of a small clear plastic baggie containing marijuana. The driver was 
cited and released on the field. 

Saturday, February 26th:

11:18 PM- Possession of Marijuana/1oz or less, 50 blk. Lowell Ave. Motorist was stopped 
for a Vehicle Code violation. Investigation revealed that the Pasadena resident was under 
possession of marijuana. The driver was cited and released on the field. 


As any of you who read my column know I spare no time and effort to 
deliver truly useful information. Well I inherited a boatload of brilliant 
bits of stuff from my friends Nancy and Ken. And I will pass it on to you 
just as soon as you read about some really important yummy information: 

 HOT FUDGE BROWNIES a la mode are now being served at Fresco’s 
restaurant. And only $4.95. They bake the brownie to order, which 
means it takes twenty minutes to prepare. But boy, is it worth it. How is 
that for important stuff?

 Okay, now onto the sort of information that will cause you to amaze and delight your 
friends, relatives, neighbors and complete strangers. Here goes: 

 “Stewardess” is the longest word you can type with only the left hand. What about the 
right hand Rich? Hah! Got you covered. That word is “lollipop.”

 “Dreamt” is the only English word that ends in the letters “mt”. (Which is what my head 
is often full of.)

 Typewriter is the longest word that can be made using the letters on only one row of the 
keyboard. (Isn’t this stuff great?)

 Ever read the sentence: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog?” Wonder why you 
see it? Because it uses every letter of the alphabet.

 “Racecar”, “kayak”, and “level”, are palindromes. Backwards and forwards they say the 
same thing.

 There are only four words in English that end in the letters “dous.” Tremendous, 
horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.

 There are two words in the English language that have all 5 vowels in order: “Abstemious” 
and “Facetious.” But what about sometimes “y?”

 A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds. (How did they figure that out?)

 How long is a jiffy? 1/100th of a second. 

 A snail can sleep for three years. (I may be a member of the snail family.)

 Almonds are a member of the peach family. Huh?

 In the last 4,000 years no new animals have been domesticated. (Not even my cat Taco.) 

 If the population of China walked past you, 8 abreast, the line would never end because 
of the rate of reproduction. (How do we prove this?)

 Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.

 The Queen Elizabeth 2 cruise ship moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel fuel.

 There are more chickens than people in the world. 

 Women blink nearly twice as much as men. That number goes way up when men are 
staring at pretty girls.

 Winston Churchill was born in a ladies’ room during a dance. 

 And…all the ants in Africa weigh more than all the elephants. (Another one that may be 
hard to prove.)

 Finally, pirates are going to be invading Sierra Madre on Saturdays starting March 12th 
thru April 16th at the Playhouse. “Treasure Island” is one of the terrific interactive Fairy Tale 
Theatre plays for children (and adults like me) produced by June Chandler. Call (626) 355-
4318 for ticket information.

RICH Johnson

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No.327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: