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Inside this Week: Calendar:
Sierra Madre: Pasadena – Altadena: Arcadia: Monrovia – Duarte: Good Food & Drink: Arts & Entertainment: Left Turn / Right Turn: Opinion: The World Around Us: The Good Life: Homes & Property: SierraMudre.Info: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
Artist of the Month... go to page 3 SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2011 VOLUME 5 NO. 21 4th of July Grand Marshal Announced Protecting Our Property City Council To Consider Transferring Property from CRA By Susan Henderson In recent years the question has been asked, “Who Owns City Hall?”. While the motivation behind the question may have been to find out if city properties were mortgaged to the hilt, the inquiry lead to the discovery that in fact titles to four parcels of city property should actually have been changed from the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) in 1988. This issue has escalated in importance given the State’s current desire to dismantle CRA’s. As a result, at Tuesdays city council meeting, the council will be asked to consider transferring title of city property held by the CRA to the City of Sierra Madre. In the report submitted to the council by staff, the properties (7 parcels), are listed as: City Hall/Public Safety Facility - 4 parcels and 186 W. Highland, a Portion of the Mariposa Parking Lot and Portions of 70-84 Esperanza. According to the report, in 1972, the CRA issued Public Safety Facility Lease Revenue Bonds and City Hall Facility Lease Revenue Bonds which provided the funds for construction of City Hall and the Police and Fire Departments facilities. Title for the properties were held in the name of the issuing agency, the Sierra Madre Community Redevelopment Agency. The bond documents included a provision that called for title to the properties to be transferred back to the city when the bonds and other costs were paid in fill. In 1988, Tax Increment Bonds were issued that paid off the 1972 bonds in full. At that time, title should have reverted back to the City of Sierra Madre but were not. It is that omission that the council is being asked to correct on Tuesday. In addition staff recommends that three other parcels (Highland, Mariposa and Esperanza), transfer title from the CRA to the City of Sierra Madre. By correcting the 1988 oversight, and transferring title from the CRA to the city, Sierra Madre will avoid having assets taken by the state should the CRA be eliminated. Also on the council agenda on Tuesday (partial list) are recognition of Older American Of The Year Pat Alcorn; Recognition of Sierra Madre’s Hometown Hero John Shear (http:// mtnviewsnews.com/v05/htm/n12/ index.htm), and Fees for Summer Aquatic Programs. Sierra Madre City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 6:30 pm at City Hall 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. By Bill Coburn The 4th of July Committee announced today that they have named Sierra Madre School’s retiring principal Gayle Bluemel to be the Grand Marshal of the 2011 4th of July, and in the same press release, they announced they have responded to a large groundswell of support for John Shear by creating a new designation, “Hometown Hero.” Shear is a longtime Sierra Madre resident who captured the imagination of people worldwide earlier this year when he, at age 90, threw himself in front of a runaway horse at Santa Anita Park to protect a young child that was in its path, suffering extensive injuries that required lengthy hospitalization and time off work. Bluemel, who began teaching at Sierra Madre School in 1990, served for a time as vice-principal under Ty Gaffney, before replacing Gaffney in 2006 upon his retirement. She recently announced that she will retire effective June 30, 2011. According to the Committee’s press release, “Under Ms. Bluemel’s leadership as principal, Sierra Madre School’s academic performance has consistently been in the elite of all California schools, earning it the California Business for Education Excellence Honor Roll award in 2009.” According to Committee Chairman Matt Bosse “The Grand Marshal is a person’s whose efforts over a long period of time have been beneficial to the community of Sierra Madre. The title of Grand Marshal is intended to honor a person’s volume of work, dedication and overall enhancements to our city.” Using that definition, Bluemel certainly qualifies. However, the 4th of July Committee chose to also honor Mr. Shear for his heroism, selecting him to be the Parade’s Hometown Hero, a new designation. According to the Committee’s press release, the Hometown Hero will not necessarily be an annual parade entry; the Hometown Hero designation will be reserved for people that commit acts of courage and honor that go above and beyond serving the community-at-large. The 2011 4th of July Festivities will begin with a Community Picnic on Saturday, July 2, 2011 in Sierra Vista Park. From 3– 8 pm there will be swimming, picnics, a home-run- derby and much more. The celebration will continue on July 3rd in Memorial Park from 5-10 pm with the traditional “Bubblewrap Fireworks”, beer garden, food booths and a performance by Mercy and the Merkettes. The 4th of July will start off with a bang and the new 5K Firecracker Fun Run. The run will begin at 7:00 pm in Kersting Court and run a loop along the parade route. The traditional hometown parade will begin at 10 am and will be followed by activities in Memorial Park. Anyone interested in registering to participate in the 5K Firecracker Fun Run or in the 4th of July Parade can do so online at www.cityofsierramadre. com/onlineregistration. For more information on all of the 4th of July Festivities, please call 626.355.5278. Gayle Bluemel Photo courtesy of Bill Coburn Schedule of Events 6:00AM Pick Up Race Numbers in Kersting Court 7:20AM Pre-Race Instruction 7:30AM Race Start 7:45AM Kids’ Mile Fun Run Race Start 8:30AM First Runner Comes Down from Mountain 9:00AM Beer Garden Opens 10:30AM Awards Ceremony 12:30PM Race officially over 1:00PM Beer garden closes Alverno Students Focus on a Single Topic for Senior Projects Interest in academic pursuits typically flags during the Spring of Senior year in high schools across the country. Alverno High School created a way to pique their seniors’ quest for knowledge, while polishing their presentation skills before college, according to Cynthia Cales, Senior English teacher at the school. Candace Siegle, Director of Admissions, commented, “This is an enormous undertaking, as the girls have to learn how to do something completely new and document the process. In the past we’ve had girls learn how to design furniture, build a pond in the back yard, teach young elementary kids how to cheerlead, train a seeing eye puppy, learn to box, and delve into the secrets of the credit card. This (day) is the presentation of all their hard work. The current class is very creative so I am looking forward to seeing what they have done.” Alverno’s seniors did exhibit a wide range of creativity in their presentations, which included belly dancing study by a Lebanese student, shadowing an equine veterinarian, dressmaking, hoofing horses and their foot care, LAPD cadet program study, Sea World’s “in the water” dolphin study program, ethnic cooking classes and much more . A few solidified their commitment to a course of study in college. Others figured out, through the focused research on the topic, that it was NOT an area they wanted to pursue. A team of teachers and alumni came in to evaluate the young women’s projects, and awarded prizes after the program yesterday. Wendy M. Finch-Burk, Director of Development and Alumnae Relations, announced the winners today: 1st Place ($150) went to Kelly Shunn for her Green Peace: The Campus Garden, where she re- landscaped a corner of the school with succulent vegetation, including agave and flax. 2nd Place ($100) was awarded to Ashley Zika, for her “Dreaming Couture: Every Dress Has a Story” project. 3rd Place ($75) winner was Christina Lopez for “The Life of a Teenage Mother” and 4th Place ($50) went to Regina Cabrera for her “50 Golden Years” project which featured the first five decades of Alverno High School. Siegle reflected, “This fits in so nicely with our mission; to empower each young woman to be exactly the person she wants to be. It’s also fun and creative!” Inside This Edition... CALENDAR Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 Pasadena/Altadena Page 4 Arcadia Page 5 Monrovia/Duarte Page 6 Education & Youth Page 7 Good Food & Drink Page 8 Arts & Entertainment Page 9 Legals Page 10 Left/Right Page 11 Opinion Page 12 The World Around Us Page 13 The Good Life Page 14 Homes & Property Page 15 FYI Page 16 On our way to Niko’s! Niko and Friends Café 900 Valley View #6, Pasadena, CA On the N Michillinda/Montecito Corner Monday to Friday: 7 am to 6 pm. Saturday: 8:30 am to 1:30 pm, Closed on Sunday 626-510-6151 • Dog friendly patio • Japanese Erasers & Puppets • Smoothies, Sandwiches, Soups and Coffee • www.Nikoandfriendscafe.com Discover what good coffee tastes like, come to Niko ‘s! Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |