Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, June 25, 2011

MVNews this week:  Page 3

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website:


Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 25, 2011 

A Word From Kim Clymer-Kelley


Anyone who has read even a few words of 
what I have written here in this paper over 
the years has probably been made aware 
of the fact that I am a lover of nature and a 
strong advocate of the environment. I spend 
several hours everyday reading articles about 
the atrocities that are being perpetrated on 
our natural world and respond by joining 
like-minded people and signing online 
petitions and emailing my representatives 
on various issues. It is important to let them 
know that their constituents care about such 
things and it is our hope that in doing so, we 
might wrangle a little power away from the 
other forces that seem to have a stranglehold 
on our elected voices and persuade them to 
do what is right for the environment and 
thus for the people of this planet. 

 As most people in this world are aware, 
we are living in a time where it has become 
clear that unless we begin to live in a more 
sustainable way, there will be nothing left 
for our future generations. There will not 
be enough resources left on our planet to 
support human life, or much else in the way 
of life if we do not change our priorities and 
learn to live as part of nature instead viewing 
ourselves as supreme over it. We cannot 
continue in the belief that we have the right 
to take from our environment anything we 
want, and do with it as we please. While 
the problems we have created seem to be 
insurmountable, and the amount of work 
that needs to be done seems so vast that it 
could not be accomplished in our lifetime, 
it may not be as impossible as it seems. We 
underestimate ourselves. We have the ability 
to reverse the trend and begin reparations 
at a very remarkable rate if we choose to do 
so. We have accomplished such impressive 
tasks in the past when we mobilized to get 
ourselves out of the great depression and 
construct a complete infrastructure for our 
country, and when we reassigned our entire 
industrial system to gear up for WWII in 
just a few months. I believe that most people 
would indeed choose to attempt such a feat if 
they did not feel so helpless, paralyzed, and at 
a loss as to where to begin. It is easy to feel that 
it is not in one’s power to do anything other 
than to change some of our personal habits 
and choices. Those of us who care proudly 
and willingly do our best to make some 
difference, but for most it is not anywhere 
near enough. A look at the freeway and the 
thousands of cars passing by and a look at 
the valley lights at night reveals just a small 
portion of the energy that is being consumed 
... mostly derived from fossil fuels. While our 
individual contributions will make a small 
difference there is little we feel we can do to 
influence and change the overall picture of 
our society.

 I have felt that too, and I have read many 
articles and listened to others speak on the 
subject to try to relieve my frustrations and 
keep me motivated to make a difference. 
In processing all of this information I have 
taken in, a very clear picture of the problem 
has emerged. The environmental movement 
is divided up into thousands of groups 
around the world, each with their own 
special mission. Many are formed by local 
people to stop something from happening 
in their backyard; many more have spread 
to a national level or even international level. 
Some are addressing issues related to the 
oceans, or the air, or wildlife, or preservation 
of open spaces, or eliminating the threats of 
genetically modified organisms (one of my 
passions), or eliminating nuclear power, or 
promoting solar and wind power, or saving 
the rainforests...the list goes on and on...each 
group putting out fires here and fires there, 
but never uniting to identify the arsonist and 
putting a stop to his destructive behavior. 

(continued on page 4)


During their annual dinner 
meeting, The Friends of the 
Sierra Library announced and 
installed a slate of new Officers 
and Directors who will 
begin their volunteer duties 
July 1. 


The new inductees for the 
Friends include: Darlene 
Traxler, President; Beth 
Smith-Kellock,Vice President; 
Sandra Dickey, Treasurer; 
Karma Bell, Recording 
Secretary; Mary Talwar, Corresponding 
Secretary; Alison 
Snow-Wesley, Art Fair Chairperson; 
Martha Troedson and 
Alan Leahy, Best Used Book 
Sale Chairpersons; Margaret 
Quigley, Board Development; 
Sue Hart, Archives Historian; 
Dave Hart, Membership; Sue 
Levoe, Wine Tasting Chairperson; 
Jane Zamanzadeh, Publicity; 
Pat Alcorn, Trustee Liaison; 
Toni Navarro, Volunteer Development, 
and Pat Locher, Joe 
Tortomasi, Sylvia Ryan, Jerry 
Carlton and Noreen Sullivan, 
Directors at Large. 


A special recognition was given 
to Pat Woods, who retired after 
over ten years organizing the 
Library’s Best Used Book Sale, 
which last year processed over 
3500 boxes of donated books, 
providing $20,251 to the Library. 
Toni Buckner, retiring 
Librarian, was also recognized 
and spoke of her appreciation 
for the Friends contributions 
where 400 volunteers worked 
over 2000 hours to generate and 
donate $58,000 to Sierra Madre 
Library programs and services. 
The Friends on-going fundraisers 
include an annual Wine and 
Cuisine Tasting event, annual 
Spring Art Fair, and the regular 
Best Used Book Sale. 

Retiring Librarian Toni Buckner and Mayor John Buchanan


The City of Sierra 
Madre Community Arts 
Commission is pleased to 
present an art exhibition 
by Gina Long. The art 
work is now on display 
through Friday, August 19 
in Sierra Madre City Hall, 
232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 
Community members 
are invited to an Artist 
Reception on Friday, July 
22, 2011 from 6:00 p.m. 
to 7:30 p.m. at the Sierra 
Madre City Hall. The event 
is open to the public and 
light refreshments will be 

“The Unexpected Portrait 
is my take - - on people, 
families, pets, special 
occasions, life, and 
everything in between. I 
strive for my work to be a 
fulfilling collection of these 
sorts of memorable images, 
capturing as many exciting, 
delightful, introspective, 
silly and/or unique 
moments as can be seen with 
my eyes, though the lens, in 
as many ways as I can see 
them. Some images are raw 
and unaltered. Others, once 
captured, inspire me to play 
with effects, overlays and 
many times even color and 
texture. Hopefully, in all 
the images the thread you’ll 
find is a mood reflected. 
Delve in, come back often 
and let me know what you 
think. There’s always work 
in progress, a story to tell. 
If, after viewing you think 
you might like to purchase 
a portfolio image or have 
images photographed 
of yourself or of a place, 
your work, a loved one, 
a business, a special 
occasion, you name it, find 
me at my website, www.
com.” – Gina/gishmoon, 
The Unexpected Portrait--
candidly capturing life.

For more information please call 
(626) 355-5278.

City of Sierra Madre

Notice of Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given that on July 12, 2011, at 6:30 PM, or soon thereafter, the 
Sierra Madre City Council will conduct a Public Hearing, to hear testimony on 
the 2011-2012 Assessment Districts.

The nine existing Districts are as follows:

• Oakwood/Vista Lighting District

• Lighting District A

• Lighting District B

• Santa Anita/Arno Lighting District

• Fane/Windwood Lane Landscaping Maintenance District

• Central Business District Landscaping Maintenance District

• Central Business District Parking Maintenance District

• East Bonita Sewer Assessment District

• East Mira Monte Sewer Assessment District

The City is proposing that the assessments for these seven existing assessment 
districts remain unchanged for the next fiscal year, which begins July 1, 2011 
and ends on June 30, 2012. The requisite Engineer’s Report for the Districts was 
heard by the City Council at its regular meeting of June 14, 2011.

Assessments will be submitted to the Los Angeles County Assessor’s Office, 
the first week of August 2011. These assessments will appear on the next 
property tax bill for those properties within the Assessment Districts. 

To review the Engineer’s Report or the list of parcels and assessments, or if you 
have any questions about this matter please contact Director of Public Works 
Bruce Inman at 626.355.7135. 


Calling all convertibles, calling 
all convertibles! The City of 
Sierra Madre’s annual 4th of 
July Parade is in need of your 
assistance. Let your car shine 
like a firework as you transport 
the parade’s VIP’s down Sierra 
Madre Blvd. Let us showcase 
your pride and joy and as we together proudly celebrate the 
birthday of the United States of America. If this sounds like 
the opportunity your vintage, classic, snazzy convertible has 
been waiting for please contact call 626.355.5278 or email 


Episcopal Church of the Ascension, 25 East Laurel Avenue in Sierra 
Madre will be celebrating its annual start of summer with “Mass on 
the Grass” on June 26, 2011 at 10:15 a.m. 

 For the past 20 years the community and parishioners have 
gathered together to celebrate with an outdoor mass the restoration 
of the Church that was significantly damaged in the 1991 Sierra 
Madre Earthquake. It was through faith, strength and fellowship 
with the community that Churchgoers were able to restore the 
Church’s nationally recognized historic structure (designed by 
English architect Ernest Coxhead in 1889.) The outdoor mass on 
the Church’s beautiful grounds recognizes this accomplishment 
and celebrates the blessings of nature with family and friends. 

“Mass on the Grass” is followed by a BBQ picnic on the Church 
grounds with children’s games and activities. Everyone is welcome 
to join us in this celebration. No reservations required. 

 This event makes for a wonderful family outing to meet new 
neighbors and check out a wonderful community church. For more 
information, please call (626) 355-1133 or visit: www.ascension- 

Sierra Madre Police Blotter

During the week of Sunday, June 12th, to Saturday June 18th, the Sierra Madre Police 
Department responded to approximately 302 calls for service. See for 
updated information. 

Sunday, June 12th:

8:25 AM- Residential Burglary, 300 blk. Foothill Ave. Unknown suspect(s) entered a 
house between 5:00 AM on Friday June 10th and 8:25 PM on Sunday June 6th. The suspect(s) 
ransacked the interior of the den, family room, garage and car, none of the locations had 
detection of motion sensors. The loss included: a Chase Bank American Airlines Visa card, 
Bank of America checks, a 19” Sony flat screen TV, 10 pairs of women’s shoes, miscellaneous 
Christmas gifts, Chivas Regal Whiskey, Harvey’s Bristol Cream liquor, Cognac liquor, 
luggage, miscellaneous dry and canned food, a box of kids toys, miscellaneous clothes, a red 
glass vase and 3 jade colored pieces of jewelry. The suspect(s) left in an unknown direction 
with the stolen property. The loss was valued at $1,562.00. 

Monday, June 13th:

6:48 AM- Auto Burglary, 300 blk. Manzanita Ave. Unknown suspect(s) entered a locked 
parked car between the evening of June 12th and the morning of June 13th. The suspect(s) 
stole a camera tripod and a Canon camera with an attached lens, and a camera bag. The loss 
was valued at $1,870.00.

Wednesday, June 15th:

2:01 PM- Attempted Petty Theft, 300 blk. San Gabriel Ct. A 40-year old Hispanic woman 
parked her van on the street and walked up the driveway of the home. She grabbed a scooter 
and walked back to the van. The victim yelled at the suspect, who dropped the scooter and 
got into the van. The van left westbound on San Gabriel Ct. 

Thursday, June 16th:

2:26 PM- Altered/Forged/Counterfeited Document, 300 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. The 
victim reported that an unknown person stole his checkbooks. The unknown suspect(s) 
forged and cashed a check at $600.00, from the Bank of America in Sierra Madre. 

Friday, June 17th:

12:24 AM- Possess/Sell Switch Blade Knife, Michillinda Ave and Foothill Blvd. An 
officer stopped a 42-year old Van Nuys motorist for a Vehicle Code violation and learned 
that the driver was under the possession of a switch blade knife. The driver was arrested and 
transported to Pasadena Police Department for booking and later released on a citation.

Saturday, June 18th:

11:30 PM- Possession of Open Container in Vehicle, 300 blk. Sierra Madre Blvd. An 
officer stopped an 23-year old Pasadena motorist for driving with open container of alcohol. 
Further investigation revealed that the driver was also in possession of marijuana. The 
passenger was also cited for possession of an open container of alcohol in the car and 
possession of less than 1 oz of marijuana.