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this Week: Calendar: Sierra Madre: Pasadena – Altadena: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Arcadia: Monrovia – Duarte: Summer Fun: Good Food & Drink: Arts & Entertainment: Left Turn / Right Turn: Opinion: The World Around Us: The Good Life: Homes & Property: Columnists: Recent Issues:
SHOP LOCAL AND SAVE ! CHECK OUT LOCAL RETAIL COUPONS IN THIS EDITION! SATURDAY, JULY 30, 2011 VOLUME 5 NO. 31 SIERRA MADRE PD MEETS WITH NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH CAPTAINS Upcoming Release of CA Prison Inmates May Impact City Crime Story by Chris Bertrand MIDGE MORASH -SIERRA MADRE’S RENAISSANCE WOMAN PASSES AWAY On Monday evening, officials from Sierra Madre Police Department met with Neighborhood Watch Block Captains in the first of periodic meetings. Earlier this year, the officials met with the Business Community in a similar format. Chief Marilyn Diaz, Larry Giannone, Len Hundshamer and Ruben Enriquez each delivered parts of the presentation. They covered current burglary patterns and recommendations to minimize a home’s exposure, the expected local impact of the upcoming state mandated downgrade of certain nonviolent crimes to reduce the prison population, the EVG scandal update and other topics. SMPD Expects October Inmate Release Will Impact City Crime Levels Chief Marilyn Diaz spoke about the impact of AB 109 & 117 legislation, the State Public Safety Realignment. The main components of public safety realignment are twofold: it defines local custody for non- violent, non-serious, non-sex offenders; and it makes changes to state parole and creates “local post- release community supervision.” These changes are to take place October 1, 2011. At the meeting and in a follow up interview for this article, Diaz stressed that Sierra Madre expects to see the impact in increased property crimes. “These are often drug-related crimes. “For instance, when people need money for drugs, they steal. Burglars often strike on streets in proximity to corridors like Sierra Madre Boulevard, Michillinda Ave., Orange Grove Ave., and Grandview Ave. We are preparing for this prospect when thousands of offenders will be released statewide. Police chiefs have been meeting regularly to plan for the impact of prisoner release to our communities.” Diaz continued, saying we will need to draw on the eyes and ears of the Neighborhood Watch and the community, to pay attention to things that seem amiss, and call them in. Enriquez stepped in with success stories of alert neighbors calling in suspicious activity, including a recent case where a truck with two men pulled up to an adjacent home. After a knock on the door received no response, they broke into the back of the home, taking personal property. Chatty Burglars Share Their MO with SMPD after Arrest. When the PD caught up with them later, the duo shared their criteria for choosing a target home: Morning hours after people go to work allow burglars to work uninterrupted and unnoticed for many hours; Homes with long driveways and old, easy to pry windows attracted their attention; and using a vehicle that downgrades suspicion, like a pickup with a lawn mower in the back. Diaz told of another hair raising story involved another morning attempted burglary. A resident was showering when someone came to the door. By the time he came downstairs from the shower, he viewed two burglars headed to his back door, one pulling on gloves. With the presence of mind to hide in the bathroom with the shower on, suggesting his inattention to the burglary, he called 911, and within a short time, officers showed up, detaining the suspects. On Tuesday, the very next morning after the Neighborhood Watch discussion, a crime alert email came from the PD, announcing that an attempted burglary with a similar scenario had occurred, followed by notice of another crime with a block of the first attempt: “On Tuesday, July 26, 2011, at about 9:41 a.m., an attempted residential burglary occurred in the 500 block of West Highland Ave. Suspect #1 repeatedly rang the door bell at the front door. The resident, an adult male, was home but did not answer the person at the front door. A few minutes later, the resident heard someone trying to open an unlocked window to the rear of the house. The resident yelled out and startled the suspect. The suspect ran to the street and into an awaiting car occupied by two more males. The suspects are described as young males, possibly Hispanic with shaved heads. The vehicle is described as a silver, 4-door sedan, with a rear spoiler. The car was last seen eastbound on Highland Ave. toward Lima St. Officers suggested that when an unknown person comes to the door, to at least acknowledge that someone is home, though not interested in whatever is offered, hopefully deterring this crime scenario being played out again locally. Residents Encouraged to Sign Up for Online Reports of Local Crime Events Capt. Giannone alerted the Neighborhood Watch Captains that a free online service is now available to Sierra Madre and other communities. Individuals can sign up to receive alerts of crimes reported in their area, and/ or a relative’s area, or other location of concern, like a school or a neighborhood being considered for home purchase or lease. The website is and requires only about two minutes to setup a customized alert sent by email, or to view crime information online. Filters are available to determine exactly how often residents receive updates, and even on what types of crimes they wish to hear about. Chief Diaz also recommended that residents check their Megan’s Law website, www.MegansLaw. to update themselves on sexual offenders living in an area of concern. SMPD Seeks Feedback on Operations and Personnel Giannone pointed out that the police department is very interested in getting feedback on how they are doing, especially when it the observations (positive or negative) are recent, and can be tied to the event or officer for follow-up. While on this topic, Giannone remarked that the PD sometimes receives negative comments about officers observed pulling motorists over for possible offenses. He commented that the officer has the discretion to write and file a warning or a citation, and a passerby will not necessarily be aware which is being given. SMPD Seeks More Neighborhood Watch Groups and Captains The PD welcomes the opportunity to offer as many Neighborhood Watch meetings as a group would like to have, according to Giannone. Many of the groups represented had been about two years since a neighborhood meeting was held. Though the city has many active Neighborhood Watch areas, many areas have no active Watch. To inquire about setting up a Neighborhood Watch in your neighborhood, or give feedback on how the SMPD is doing, contact Capt. Giannone at 626-355- 1414 or email him at LGiannone@ On Saturday, July 23, 2011, Midge Morash, one of the most loved, admired, and cherished residents of Sierra Madre passed away. At age 88, she had struggled in recent months with her health. Midge was affectionately known as “Mother Nature” in environmental circles because of her commitment to protecting the earth, especially Bailey Canyon. In fact, she was instrumental in developing the first trails at Bailey Canyon Park in the 60’s. Midge was honored by the city for her work as the developer of the Nature Awareness Program more than 30 years ago. That program included field trips once a year for all third graders in town, and the recruiting and training docents for the program. She was one of the founders of the Sierra Madre Environmental Action Council (SMEAC) in 1972 and designed three of their brochures and helped develop information for the kiosk at Bailey Canyon. She also devised a trail guide for Live Oak Nature Trail and Canyon View Nature Trail in Bailey Canyon, with assistance from Eaton Canyon Nature Center. For several years, along with her volunteer work, she was lab technician at the hospital when it was located in town. In an interview with Midge two years ago, she said her focus has forever been on nature. “I have a passion for nature and teaching others about nature. Kids have to learn respect for nature and the knowledge of the environment, and to live respectfully.” Midge and her husband Tal who preceded her in death, were the parents of four children. Tal passed away in 1988 and their son John also passed away. She is survived by two daughters, Kim Lazaro of Poway and Anne Johnson of Rancho Cucamonga and a son, Paul Morash of Evanston, Wyoming. When the Morash children were small, she also volunteered “in all the usual school functions” and was a leader for Brownie and Girl Scout troops for years. The recipient of numerous awards and honors over the years, in 2009, she was the Sierra Madre 4th of July Parade Grand Marshal. In 2000, she was the Sierra Madre Older American of the Year. “A True Renaissance Woman” Dear friend Fran Garbaccio described Midge as a “true renaissance woman”, because of her many talents. For, in addition to the countless volunteer hours spent protecting, nurturing and teaching, Midge was an incredible artist. Her Sierra Madre home, and later her home at The Oaks in Pasadena, was filled with her creations. On February 13, 2009, Midge fell and broke her pelvis, and shortly thereafter moved to The Oaks in Pasadena, her residence at the time of her death. Services for Midge will be held on August 27, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. at the Sierra Madre United Methodist Church. Rev. Mark Trotter will preside. Story & Photos by Susan Henderson Midge Morash,originally from Northern California, moved to Sierra Madre almost 50 years ago. She and her husband Tal, raised four children, John, Kim, Anne and Paul and three grandchildren. In addition to her volunteer work with SMEAC and Bailey Canyon, she is also an accomplished artist. Her homes were filled with sculptures. “I like faces”, she once said of her work. Much of her work reflects that interest, such as the bust of a gentleman shown below. CORRECTION: The correct date for the tribute for Ralph McKnight is FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2011 at the Levitt Pavillion at 7:00 p.m. before the Billy Mitchell concert. ELVIS WAS IN THE HOUSE! Inside This Edition... CALENDAR Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 Pasadena/Altadena Page 4 Around San Gabriel Valley Page 5 Arcadia Page 6 Monrovia/Duarte Page 7 Education & Youth Page 8 SUMMER FUN Page 9 Good Food & Drink Page 10 Arts & Entertainment Page 11 Legals Page 12 Left/Right Page 13 Opinion Page 14 The World Around Us Page 15 The Good Life Page 16 Homes & Property Page 17 Harry Shahoian rocked Sierra Madre as Elvis in a concert sponsored by the Rotary Club this evening. Harry paid tribute to his parents Mama Pete, who was celebrating her 95th birthday during the show. (Above) The Concert was a part of the Summer Concert in the Park series put on by the Community and Personnel Services Department, with the help of local organizations that sponsor a week/ band. On Sunday, Southern California Lyric Theater is the sponsor, with a performance of Fairy Tales and Fantasy VI. Photo and caption by Bill Coburn Read The Paper Online At: | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 |