Mountain Views News Saturday, August 6, 2011
HOWARD Hays As I See It
GREG Welborn
“This whole process has
been like; you’re in a bank,
it’s a negotiation where you
got some hostages and after
getting everything you wanted
you’re still going, ‘Oh, and one
last demand - I still get to kill
the hostages, right?’”
- Jon Stewart
host drew an analogy with
congressional tea-baggers
holding the nation’s economy hostage, threatening
mayhem unless their demands are met. Then, after
a deal is struck, reacting not with relief but with
disappointment they won’t get to have their mayhem.
Stewart observed, “Government isn’t perfect, but
some people wish it was better - not gone.”
Throughout the entire ordeal, there was the
disquieting realization that these hostage-takers had
no idea what the issue was, and remained blissfully
unconcerned with consequences.
The issue was not deficit spending. Governments
routinely borrow in times of war, natural disaster and
to bring economies out of recession. Governments
borrow to make investments - as we have in such
areas as science research and education, interstate
highways, a space program, rural electrification and
a G.I. Bill - leading to immeasurable dividends.
Deficit spending was not the reason Wall Street
threatened to downgrade our credit rating, and
foreign governments questioned the future of the
dollar as a benchmark currency; rather, it was
because we’d become immobilized by debate over
whether to pay our bills.
The United States and Denmark are the only two
nations with statutory debt ceilings (a mechanism
we adopted in 1917 to facilitate the financing of
World War I). Most other countries, and the U.S.
Congress up until a few months ago, assumed
that authorization for an expenditure implied an
intention to pay for it.
The tea-baggers aren’t constrained by such
assumptions. They’ve made comparisons to a family
around the kitchen table deciding which debts to pay
right away, and which to put off for later. The U.S.
Treasury has no such latitude. It must pay debts as
they become due.
They’ve offered reassurance we have enough
funds to continue making interest payments. But
when a Treasury bond matures, it’s the face value
that becomes due, not an interest payment. If the
family sees a bill from the plumber for $75, they
know the plumber expects the $75 - not an interest
That disconnect from reality was symbolized by
Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL), the ubiquitous tea-bagger
talking head making the media rounds lecturing on
fiscal responsibility. When asked on CNN about his
being sued by an ex-wife for $117,000 in back child
support, the congressman suggested such problems
show he’s one of us, because “This is where the real
America is.”
Unfortunately, divorce and child support
payments are indeed part of American life. But
what the congressman and fellow tea-baggers fail to
understand is that, whether child support or national
obligations, the “real America” doesn’t renege on its
Fortunately, enough Republicans joined with
Democrats in realizing this went beyond partisan
game-playing, a strategy of betting President Obama
gets blamed for whatever suffering is inflicted,
and risked nothing less than the “full faith and
credit” of the United States. Sen. John McCain (R-
AZ) described Tea Party confidence in extorting a
balanced-budget amendment as “unfair. It’s bizarre.
And maybe some people have only been in this body
for six or seven months or so really believe it.”
Sen. McCain continued by quoting the Wall Street
Journal, warning that tea-bagger positions “not only
undermine their House majority, they will go far
reelecting Mr. Obama”.
As it is, the final deal seems anti-climatic. President
Obama can raise the debt ceiling, and Congress can
say it doesn’t like it. Only about 2% of the $3 trillion
in envisioned cuts need be dealt with right away.
A bipartisan committee will come up with its own
recommendations around Thanksgiving, and unless
Congress wants to deal with half-a-trillion in defense
cuts, revenue will be part of the equation.
In a Congress truly representing We the People,
it wouldn’t have come down this way. A CBS News
poll from mid-July showed just 21% support for
Republicans’ refusal to allow consideration of tax
increases. Overall Republican handling of the talks
got 51% disapproval - among Republicans. (32%
of Democrats disapproved of their own party’s
As the deal grew closer, a Washington Post / Pew
Research poll asked respondents what one word best
described their impression of budget negotiations.
“Fair” got 5% of the vote. “Compromise” got
6%. The top three vote-getters were “Ridiculous”,
“Disgusting” and “Stupid” (66%, 42% and 35%,
Hostage dramas draw attention from what really
matters. When interviewed by Chris Matthews on
MSNBC, Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) turned the topic
back to reality: “75% of corporate profit over the
last two years has been a result of cutting personnel
and innovation. We’re cutting out jobs in order to
maximize profit, and corporations are sitting on $2
trillion in cash. We are not a poor nation, but we’re
never going to realize our real wealth as long as we
don’t invest in our people.”
In another interview, Matthews took on Matt
Kibbe of FreedomWorks, the corporate astro-turf
firm behind the tea-baggers: “You have an ideology
behind you which makes sense, but the trouble with
it when it comes down to running the United States
government, you guys don’t accept the fiduciary
responsibility to be part of the United States
government, do you? You’re basically still carrying
placards, and you’re still standing outside the Capitol
yelling. But you’re not willing to come inside the
building to help run the government, which means
paying the bills, because you don’t accept that
responsibility, do you?”
On Monday, the day before the hostage crisis
ended, the U.S. lost $18 million in a single day as
higher interest was demanded by a worried market
in an auction of short-term Treasury bills.
Wall Street continues to tumble at the prospect of
even minor budget cuts in a struggling economy.
The Republican House has adjourned for a five-
week vacation.
So based on their performance last week,
Tea Partiers are (depending on who you want
to believe) Hobbits, Neo-Nazis or Terrorists.
Seems like a pretty extreme accusation,
especially coming from the party that pleaded
with us to resume a more civil discourse after
Representative Gabrielle Gifford’s shooting, so
I thought I’d review what claims, aspirations or
goals of the Tea Party might warrant such a title.
Let’s start with documenting the fact that we
don’t just have some loons on the left hurling
these charges. After all, if it’s just one nutter who’s
having his 15 minutes of fame, then it would
be unfair, and blatantly uncharitable, of me to
assign such lunacy to the entire Democratic Left.
Sadly, it’s not just one nutter. Maureen Dowd, a
mainstream Liberal writer if ever there was one,
accused the Tea Partiers of being Hobbits. O.K.,
O.K. that might actually be a compliment. After
all it was a Hobbit that saved the world. But dear
Maureen meant it in the most disparaging and
condescending of ways. Tina Brown of Newsweek
called them suicide bombers. Representative
Doyle of the great state of Pennsylvania referred
to Tea Partiers as the equivalent of the Taliban or
Hezbollah. He then followed that with the “T”
word, accusing them of actually being terrorists,
which was quickly picked up by Chris Matthews
of MSNBC, and then not-to-be-left-out-of-the-
press-coverage Vice President Biden, who also
picked up the theme.
So what is it exactly that Tea Partiers want?
Well, the proximate cause of all these complaints
and accusations is the fact that Tea Partiers want
to reduce the deficit and prevent the federal
deficit from consuming us. They point to the
sheer size of the deficit and debt, which ballooned
under President Obama, and have dared to say it
is at unsustainable levels. To add to their hate-
filled and violence inciting remarks, they’ve
pointed out that the amount of revenue collected
by the government has remained fairly steady
as a percentage of our economy (GDP), but the
amount of spending has increased well beyond
anything imaginable. In other words, they say,
it’s a spending problem, not a tax problem. That
is truth, but as has often been the case, speaking
the truth doesn’t earn you any friends or allies.
Seems a bit absurd, doesn’t it, that pointing
to the extravagance of spending would equate
a group of average Americans with bumbling,
hate-filled and violent characters from fiction,
history and the Middle East? Perhaps there’s
more to the story. It seems after all that Tea
Partiers are unhappy with a number of things the
current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. has
done. It’s actually a rather long list.
1. When Obama took office, the federal deficit
was 3% of GDP, and it’s now 11%.
2. When Obama took office, the federal debt
was $10.7 trillion but has
grown in 3 short years
to $14.3 trillion, with
another $2.something
trillion agreed to.
3. The dollar has
lost roughly half its
value against gold since
Obama took office.
4. Since Obama took office, employment has
FALLEN by 3.5 million jobs, instead of growing
by 2.5 million as he claimed.
5. China’s military budget has increased by
13% while ours will suffer $40 billion per in cuts
over the next decade, with even more threatened
by December, and Tea Partiers don’t think the
Chinese want to just run humanitarian projects
with all these soldiers and weaponry.
6. Since Obama took office, the percentage of
“moderate” Muslims who had a favorable view of
the U.S. has fallen from George Bush’s 9% to 5%.
Sucking up to them really didn’t work.
7. Peace-loving, misunderstood Iran has
increased their enriched uranium from 1,000
kilos to 4,000 kilos, undoubtedly to be used in
the export of really fun glow-in-the-dark toys for
American girls and boys.
The list could go on, but space is tight. The
reality, though, is that none of the above is really
a reason to accuse Tea Partiers of the heinous
crimes listed. The point of the matter is that
liberals are irate that Tea Partiers have been so
successful in transforming the nature of the
political discussion in Washington. The Obama
era started with a goal of increasing the size and
scope of government to levels almost unheard of
in our republic.
Conservatives seemed on the defensive.
Conservative ideas seemed to be waning. Within
the scope of a few short months, and lots of grass
roots efforts, Tea Partiers have helped Americans
of all stripes recognize that a bloated government
with massive deficits and debts is counter to the
American way. Americans are now engaging in a
serious debate about the size, scope and mission
of government, and the restrictions it imposes on
average Americans. Bringing that in to the clear
light of day has earned true conservatives the
invective and vile anger we’re seeing now.
About the author: Gregory J. Welborn is a
freelance writer and has spoken to several civic
and religious organizations on cultural and moral
issues. He lives in the Los Angeles area with his
wife and 3 children and is active in the community.
He can be reached at gregwelborn@earthlink.net.
The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques
Promoting Your Small Business:
Developing A Tagline for Your Business
by La Quetta M. Shamblee, M.B.A.
Along with your business name and logo, a
tagline is definitely the most noticeable element
of a business’s identity. A tagline is usually a one
or two line descriptor that is usually placed along
with a logo or company name. However, some
taglines can be comprised of single word, like 3M’s
“Innovation,” or Budweiser’s “Whassup?!”
Coming up with a tagline that is creative and
catchy enough to be memorable may seem easy,
but corporations typically spend big money for
advertising agencies to develop and market test
their taglines. Small businesses that don’t have the
big budgets can still come up with brilliant taglines
by following a few guidelines and investing some
time to brainstorm. If you choose one that is
creative and catchy enough, it will also be the most
memorable association that the public makes with
your business.
When potential customers begin to identify
your tagline with your business, they’re more
likely to patronize you when they have a need or
desire for what you sell. It may even prompt them
to spend money with you as a result of learning
more about the company with the catchy phrase.
Consider the following four “retro” taglines to
see if you can recall and match them with their
respective businesses (answers are provided at the
end of the following paragraph):
1) “Just Do It!” 2) “The Quicker Picker Upper”
3) “The Ultimate Driving Machine” and 4)
“Where’s The Beef?”
Although all of these taglines were used in
marketing campaigns that featured a series of
television, radio and print ads over a number
of years, each tagline communicated a message
about the company and its products. Each of these
businesses has moved on to new taglines, but they
were so memorable that millions of customers
still make the association with their respective
businesses: 1) Nike, 2) Bounty, 3) BMW and 4)
“Shorter is better” is the Golden Rule when
developing your tagline. By following basic
guidelines, you will be able to come up with one to
serve your business well. First, ask yourself, “What
do I want to communicate to my customers?”
What is the main message that I want to convey
about my goods or services? Second, do some
research on taglines of other companies, large
and small. Gather them into a file where you can
review them. Which ones grab your attention and
why? Third, it’s time to have some brainstorming
sessions (solo or with a small group). You may
have 10, 20 or even more ideas when you finish.
Fourth, once you’ve generated the list, it time to
narrow it down to the top three so that you can
make a decision. Your final choice may need to
be reworked or reworded. Finally, it’s time to do
some informal marketing research on your short
list of taglines. If you’re already in business, you
can ask existing customers for their opinions. If
you’re still in the planning stages, you can solicit
feedback from business colleagues or others who
fit the profile of your potential customers.
Mountain Views News will be sponsoring a
Fall 2011 series of free introductory marketing
workshops for small businesses. Final arrangements
are being made to confirm dates and locations, with
the first to be announced for registration in next
week’s column.
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