Mountain Views News Saturday, August 6, 2011
First “Trojan” Asteroid Discovered Sharing Earth’s Orbit
Astronomers studying observations taken by NASA’s Wide-field
Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission have discovered the first
known “Trojan” asteroid orbiting the Sun along with Earth.
Trojans are asteroids that share an orbit with a planet near stable
points in front of or behind the planet. Because they constantly lead
or follow in the same orbit as the planet, they never can collide with
it. In our solar system, Trojans also share orbits with Neptune, Mars
and Jupiter. Two of Saturn’s moons share orbits with Trojans.
Scientists had predicted Earth should have Trojans, but they have
been difficult to find because they are relatively small and appear
near the Sun from Earth’s point of view.
“These asteroids dwell mostly in the daylight, making them very
hard to see,” said Martin Connors of Athabasca University in Canada,
lead author of a new paper on the discovery in the July 28 issue
of the journal Nature. “But we finally found one, because the object
has an unusual orbit that takes it farther away from the Sun than
what is typical for Trojans. WISE was a game-changer, giving us a
point of view difficult to have at Earth’s surface.”
The WISE telescope scanned the entire sky in infrared light from
January 2010 to February 2011. Connors and his team began their
search for an Earth Trojan using data from NEOWISE, an addition
to the WISE mission that focused in part on near-Earth objects,
or NEOs, such as asteroids and comets. NEOs are bodies that
pass within 28 million miles of Earth’s path around the Sun. The
NEOWISE project observed more than 155,000
asteroids in the main belt between Mars and Jupiter,
and more than 500 NEOs, discovering 132 that
were previously unknown.
The team’s hunt resulted in two Trojan candidates.
One of these, called 2010 TK7, was confirmed
as an Earth Trojan after follow-up observations
with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
on Mauna Kea in Hawaii.
The asteroid is roughly 1,000 feet in diameter.
It has an unusual orbit that traces a complex motion
near a stable point in the plane of Earth’s orbit,
although the asteroid also moves above and below
the plane. The object is about 50 million miles
from Earth. The asteroid’s orbit is well-defined
and for at least the next 100 years, it will not come
closer to Earth than 15 million miles.
“It’s as though Earth is playing follow the leader,”
said Amy Mainzer, the principal investigator
of NEOWISE at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
(JPL) in Pasadena, Calif. “Earth always is chasing
this asteroid around.”
A handful of other asteroids also have orbits similar to Earth.
Such objects could make excellent candidates for future robotic or
human exploration. Asteroid 2010 TK7 is not a good target because
it travels too far above and below the plane of Earth’s orbit, which
would require large amounts of fuel to reach it.
You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@MtnViewsNews.com.
Ask jai……
Ask jai is a weekly column that will strive to honestly answer your job search questions relating to job
searching techniques, networking skills, resume writing and interviewing. The employment situation is getting
better, however, it is still a challenge finding were the jobs are located and how to get pass the “gate-keepers”.
As an Executive Recruiter I was privy to working directly with Corporate Recruiters and understanding
their process in selecting which candidates to interview and hire. I will candidly answer your questions,
possibly bluntly answering your questions, but I will be totally honest. My objective is to help you achieve
your employment goal.
Drawing The Line
I am an administrative assistant with over ten years experience and currently unemployed for the past six
months due to a lay-off. I am happy to say I have had at least ten interviews during the past three months.
Everyone says that is a “good thing”. However, I never get a call back or an offer to get hired. My friend said
it’s probably because of my choice of clothes that I wear to interviews. She believes my clothes could be a
little intimidating. I feel I dress to impress and my favorite color is red. I wear red suits to all my interviews,
red pant-suits, and red suits with skirts, red jackets with black or beige pants. I make sure my finger polish
and lipstick matches the red in the outfit. I also carry a very expense red purse and matching shoes. I read
somewhere that in order to make an impression in an interview you must dress for success. I believe wearing
red expresses my lively and high energy personality to the interviewer. Only one interviewer asked me
a question that had nothing to do with the job. She ask me what perfume scent was I wearing. It was Red, of
course. Do you think the reason I am not getting called back or hired is because I dress in red? How could
the way I dress be an issue? Lady In Red
Dear Lady In Red:
Dress for success is the key here, not to dress to impress yourself. First impressions are lasting impressions. In
your case I could keep on writing these little quips. But, you really need someone to tell you the color red also
means STOP. Stop wearing all red to your interviews. I am sure the impression you are making on the interviewer
is ... “see me and hear me”. Sorry, I could not resist another quip. Ask yourself this question: Do you want to dress
to get and keep a job? My favorite color is turquoise. But you would never see me dressed head to toe in turquoise.
I am trying my best to imagine someone dressed in red from head to toe interviewing for a position.
Research every company’s dress code before your interviews and dress accordingly. The norm in dressing for
an interview is to keep it simple and professional. Stay in the color zone of black, browns, navy blues and white.
You can always accessorize with a little red since that is your favorite color and I have a feeling the color probably
empowers you. Never wear perfume to an interview. Most employers have banned wearing perfume in the workplace
due to allergies, and some scents are overwhelming. I recommend that you read: First Impressions: What
You Don’t Know About How Others See You, by Ann Demarais, Ph.D. and Valarie White, Ph.D. A few changes
to your interviewing wardrobe will probably bring you successful results.
Everything you ever wanted to know about how to get a job…but did not know who to ask. Ask jai. Send your
questions to jai@resumeandcareerservices.com or visit website www.resumeandcareerservices.com.
Last May lawmakers in Missouri passed the Amy Hestir Protection Act which was named
for a Missouri woman who was manipulated into a sexual relationship with a teacher while
she was still in junior high school. While the aims of the new legislation are widely seen as
worthy and non-controversial on its face, provisions in the law prohibiting how teachers
may communicate with students, specifically those dealing with social media, are raising
eyebrows and concerns all over said social media sites. Many are interpreting the new law
to mean that teachers cannot become “friends” with students or contact them in any way on
Facebook or other similar social media sites. Others are adopting a far stricter interpretation
that suggests that teachers may not even open accounts on sites where their students have
accounts where they can send and receive messages not open for public viewing. Sponsors
of the new law contend that they are only seeking to prevent the establishing of a “pathway
to sexual misconduct” that is often maintained and strengthened through contact on sites
like Facebook. For all of its lofty aims this legislation is sure to be challenged on many legal
fronts and enforcement of this law will be difficult to say the least. Regardless of which side
one comes down on in this debate this issue does raise the age-old question of just how
friendly an adult professional should be with the underage charges in his or her care. Even
when both parties are “of age” there are boundaries of professional decorum that are not to
be breached under any circumstance and in these instances contact in social-media-sphere
can only serve to undermine the structure of proper social order. The answer to this question
was probably far simpler in a simpler time but we do not have the luxury of time-travel
in order to avoid dealing with our modern problems. Personally, I can’t think of any of my
teachers that I would’ve “friended” back in the day. Not one. We weren’t on those kind of
speaking terms, not even with the teachers that I liked. I would’ve felt a little weird talking to
an adult in the same manner as I talked to my friends or even hanging out in the same place
other than a classroom and even then, it was clear to me that we weren’t friends or equals.
Every once in a while one of these authority figures would have something to say to me in
private but in those cases private meant right outside the classroom door or sometimes in
the principal’s office. It was a pretty public “private”. It wasn’t after-hours or outside the confines
of the school campus and it certainly wasn’t something delivered to my inbox at 2am
and meant to be kept just between “us”. Everyone isn’t meant to be “friends”.
KATIE Tse..........This and That
Happy Tails
by Chris Leclerc.
Canyon Canine Dog
Walking & Pet Sitting Services
Well, my husband and I just got back from Cambria! Actually, we
haven’t left yet, but by the time you read this we will have returned.
If you don’t know Cambria, it’s a tiny coastal town roughly halfway
between here and San Francisco. But I suspect you’re familiar with
it, because it seems everyone in town has been there. My husband
fondly refers to it as “Sierra Madre by the Sea.” A few years ago,
my parents and I were exploring one of Cambria’s scenic back roads
leading to farms and other hot spots. A couple on bikes stopped and said to me, “Hey!
Did you work at Howie’s?” It was a very singular experience, my one taste of celebrity.
My husband’s a good sport to go with me, since a couple days of staring at the water
is not his idea of a swinging time. Even though “enjoys long walks on the beach” has
become the sappiest description for one’s self, I do like walks on the beach! We already
went on his vacation to Vegas, which was nice --except I don’t gamble, hate shopping
(see previous articles), and am too cheap for shows. Vegas is perhaps the most antithetical
destination to Cambria I can think
of. Vegas: the city that never sleeps, versus
Cambria: the town that hits the hay at nine.
I pity the Cambria visitor who doesn’t
enjoy reading. Because if there’s nothing
on TV, you’re left with a lot of time on your
hands after dinner. The condos we’ve rented
have been well stocked with novels (of a
surprising range of interests!), board games,
and even a mounted spotting scope. This
makes you wonder if the other condos have
similar optic devices, so you make sure to
close all the bed and bathroom drapes and
to never enter the big main dining room in
anything less than total decency.
Besides the sea and pines, Cambria’s
a good place for the great American pastime of eating. Linn’s Restaurant is widely
known and beloved. It burned down once, but triumphantly rose from its ashes to
create an even more extensive eatery. Making small talk in the waiting area, another
customer explained how his family structures their entire vacation around Linn’s meal
schedule. So, they can’t travel too far during the day, because they have to make it back
for lunch etc.
Since Cambria is near Paso Robles, it’s also a great place to go wine tasting. My parents
have broadened their tastes in recent years, but when I was growing up, my mom’s
drink of choice was Blue Nun or Mogen David. My dad and I tease her that both are
spiked Kool-Aid. My dad’s all about economy, so his vintage is usually in a box. I’m
not a wine snob (it’s just that I won’t order white zinfandel). Despite their disinterest,
my parents agreed to visit Fermentations, a casual and diverse tasting room. As our
server poured the first of our flight, I could tell my dad was suppressing snickers at
descriptions like “a creamy nose and a bright finish... with notes of grapefruit.” My
mom, however, instantly advanced her level of wine appreciation with the discovery
of muscato and port.
You meet all sorts while wine tasting. Last year, my husband and I were sitting
outside, when Chloe, a rotund and greasily sleek cat, befriended us by kneading her
claws into my stomach (I guess she thought it looked soft). A dog scared her away, and
we called her name a few times before entering a tasting room. Somewhere between
the viognier and syrah, two of Chloe’s twins appeared and leapt onto shelves holding
expensive glassware. For being large, they were amazingly nimble. We kept looking in
vain for Chloe afterward. Perhaps we’ll see her this time. Either way, there’ll be good
food, good wine, and a good book for when they roll up the sidewalk at nine.
Most of the dogs I have owned throughout my life have
been “mixed breeds” or what some like to call “mutts”,
which is actually quite appropriate considering the fact
that I myself come from a very eclectic genetic line of
ancestry. I do not have a problem with so-called “mutts“,
because more often than not mixed breeds are less apt
to have the physical conditions and inherent diseases
that seem to prevail with the pure bred. However, it just
so happens that my current canine companion, “Tatertotts”
is indeed an extremely pure bred bloodhound,
born of parents who come from a long line of “blue-
blood” hounds, with a tight English family tree that
traces all the way back to the turn of the 20th century.
In jest, I call Tater an “in-bred re-tread”, mostly because
of her behavioral traits. It is a term of endearment and
by no means do I mean it as an insult, because I love her
with all my heart. Let’s put it this way, that girl thinks
she is the only dog on the face of the earth, so she is not
the most social creature you’ve ever met!
Although I would never breed dogs intentionally,
I do appreciate what you might call the “art form” of
breeding the “perfect specimen” of a given species and
I enjoy seeing a dog whose traits, marks and characteristics
were successfully bred for a specific purpose. Furthermore,
most pure bred dogs seem to enjoy pleasing
their masters by performing the “job” for which they
were bred. In spite of the social challenges I have with
my dog, when I look at her I can’t help thinking how
gorgeous she is and how fortunate I am to have her. I
adopted Tater from a breeder/handler who bred her for
the show ring. One of 4 siblings, Tater’s brothers and
sister were apparently quite successful at show, however
at the age of 1 ½ years, when Tater proved less-than-
promising for winning “best-in-show”, the owner was
forced to give her up. Lucky me! Tatertotts is different
from any other dog I have ever owned. Like I said, most
pets of mine have been “ combo-spawn”; the result of a
neighboring dog jumping the fence and having his way
with the dog next door, or an adoption through a local
SPCA agency.
I have never before owned a dog that required so
many trips to the vet, but Tatertotts is a major part of
my life, so she is definitely worth it. Fortunately, I have
an excellent veterinarian whom I trust with regard
to Tater’s health needs. Dr. Sylvia Domotor (Animal
House in Monrovia) has been a godsend. She is knowledgeable
about the unique needs of a bloodhound, and
she cuts right to the chase with what must be done to
keep Tater healthy. What surprised me most was to find
out that the majority of Tater’s symptoms are nothing
more than allergic reactions! At first I had a hard time
understanding that the dark goop growing in her ears,
and the odd blotchy spots that sometimes appear on
the surface of her under belly and between the massive
folds of skin beneath her neck are the result of allergies.
It seemed so foreign a concept to me. However, now
that I know what the problem is, I can get proper treatment
to control it, and avoid more chronic conditions
that may occur otherwise.
What I have also come to know is that allergies are
apparently very common among dogs, skin reactions
are the most common symptoms, and certain breeds
are more susceptible than others. Many allergens that
effect dogs are the same ones that effect humans. To
help identify and control symptoms, dog allergies are
often categorized as inhalant, food, or parasite-related.
Like humans, dogs can be allergic to air-borne particles
that cause reactions such as sneezing, coughing, runny
nose and watery eyes. Allergic reactions to certain
foods are also common for the canine, and as most of
us know all too well, parasites such as fleas and mites
can cause chronic skin problems for our beloved pets.
There are some home remedies for dog allergy symptoms,
and fortunately veterinarians are well prepared
to treat symptoms that cannot be remedied at home.
Antihistamines found in the pharmacy aisle of our local
grocery store can be efficient in treating some dog
allergies. Common sense also tells us that when an allergen
is removed from the dog’s environment, symptoms
will decrease, so keeping the dog indoors when
airborne pollen is potentially high can make a huge difference.
Laundering the dog’s bedding and bathing the
dog on a regular basis also helps. Be sure to use a mild,
non-caustic soap product and take dry the dog off well
afterwards. As for food allergies, most reactions are due
to wheat or gluten ingredients used as fillers in dog food
products. Check the label on the package, and try to
stick with products that show meat as the main ingredient,
versus grains or other fillers. If your dog continues
to show symptoms of allergic reaction, consult your
veterinarian in a timely manner. The good side of the
story is the fact that when a pet is not feeling well, it
doesn’t mean he is actually sick. It may just be a reaction
to an allergen in his environment, and something
that is easily remedied. Keep a close eye on your canine
companion, and if you do detect symptoms, hopefully
you will be as surprised as I was to find out it’s just an
allergy that can be easily treated!