Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 6, 2011
By Christopher Nyerges
[Nyerges can be reached at Box 41834, Eagle Rock,
CA 90041, or www.ChristopherNyerges.com. He
is the author of 10 books, and leads wilderness
I had to chuckle when I heard a "survivalist" say
that he’d like to see the collapse of society so that
he could start over from scratch. Really? Why
would someone sitting behind a computer, driving
a truck, and buying what he needs at the local
grocery store want things to fall apart? Though
such persons are usually clueless as to what it actually
takes to start a society "from scratch," such
sentiments do reveal a deep discontent with our
current state of affairs.
History is full of folks who attempted to create a
breakaway society, usually in search of a better,
more idealistic, maybe even utopian, way of life.
That’s how our American experiment began, at the
expense of the Native Americans. This is how and
why the Amish live they way they do, and persevere
despite the ridicule of their neighbors.
Hippies of the 1960s and ‘70s also tried to create
separate communities, "communes," where they
could farm, dance and sing, and attempt to put
into practice whatever religion and politics they
developed. Let’s examine the hippies.
A few years ago, I had the opportunity to interview
Vine Deloria, Jr. for Wilderness Way magazine.
Deloria was named by Time magazine as one
of the greatest religious thinkers of the 20th Century.
Among his approximately two dozen books,
he wrote "God is Red," which Wilma Mankiller
(former Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation)
called "the flagship book of Native American spirituality."
(Deloria passed away at age 72 in November
of 2005).
Among other things, I spoke with Deloria about
how hippies presumed to imitate Native Americans
in both look and practices.
The reason that the hippie movement failed, Deloria
told me, was not just because of drug use,
though that was a significant factor. Hippies
failed, said Deloria, because they failed to grasp
the value of organizing tribally, and they ignored
the value of customs. "I think they failed for lack
of discipline and lack of commitment," he said.
"People tried to create communities from scratch
and it didn’t work. People were sincere, but they
often lacked anything in common except a rebellious
spirit. And in fact, a lot of Indian communities
today have the very same problem. Extreme
individualism is chaos and unjust to everyone."
Deloria also blames television and popular media
for presenting a false picture of what traditional
Indian culture was and is all about, so those who
do sincerely try to pursue that end up pursuing a
"In the world of ideas," continues Deloria, "Indian
culture becomes a kind of deli where people
pick and choose what they want to practice. Much
of the appropriation is the projection of wishful
thinking on different Indian symbols, such as the
vision quest, sweat lodge, using the pipe, etc. My
fear was that with so many Indians living in the
cities with no experience with reservation communities,
some of them would begin to think that
the frauds actually represented the true tribal cultures.
I can remember how popular the Billy Jack
movies were and many Indian youths thought the
‘ceremonies’ in that movie were what people actually
did. A lot of it sounded good to people who
knew nothing about Indian culture. And simply
being an Indian in the urban area does not somehow
magically mean you know anything of the
traditional tribal culture."
It was an insightful interview with Deloria on a
variety of topics where he shared – if you read
between the lines – how to succeed at making a
meaningful community, based upon following
certain patterns from the past.
Unfortunately, the interview was never published
in Wilderness Way because the owner/publisher
told me that "It might offend Christian readers."
"How on earth would they be offended?" I
"Because his book is called ‘God is Red,’" said the
I was shocked at his narrow-mindedness, and suggested
that he read such books as "The Pipe and
Christ," or Joseph Epes Brown’s
"The Sacred Pipe" to see that
there is less dichotomy between
pure tribal religion and
pure Christianity than meets
the eye. This is not to imply
that Deloria did not criticize
Christianity. He certainly did,
but Deloria was an "equal opportunity"
criticizer, criticizing
what he saw wrong in both Native
American practices, Christianity,
and elsewhere.
For example, he harshly criticized
televangelists such as
Oral Roberts who once told his
followers that he needed about
$10 million for his new building
or "God would take me
home." He analogized televangelists
to mainstream Christianity
as the travelling pop
shaman to traditional tribal
"Except the televangelists are
much worse," he explained.
"They thirst for political power whereas the medicine
men, even the phoneys, simply want some
public recognition and status."
There is no shortage of guidelines from the past
or present for "the right ways to live." It is silly to
think that everything must be destroyed in order
to create a higher and better way of life.
Deloria brought up just a few of the principles that
anyone can work to put into practice: Discipline,
organizing within a community of like-minded
people, and valuing your traditions and customs.
Additionally, whenever anyone brings up "The
Old Ways," it usually refers to such things as valuing
family, home, respect for elders, respect for
your surroundings, cooperation with others, and
the ability to adapt.
Anyone wishing to seek the meaning of Real Survival
cannot go wrong by beginning to apply these
simple principles into your daily life.
LOS ANGELES, CA— In 1996, the Los
Angeles & San Gabriel Rivers Watershed
Council formed to address issues of inadequate
communications between agencies
with responsibility for water management.
Five different water agencies were
not exchanging information with the
public or even among themselves, resulting
in ineffective policy, ill will and occasional
lawsuits. It was for this reason
that, 11 years after founding Heal the Bay,
Dorothy Green led a group in forming
the Watershed Council.
On July 14th, the organization officially
changed its name to Council for Watershed
Health. This new name reflects the
desire to create a sustainable Los Angeles
by educating people everywhere that
healthy waters mean healthy communities.
By taking a proactive role through
the very best research, analysis, and education,
the organization can and will take
the progress it has made over the past 15
years and move it forward to achieve Vision
2025, which sees greater Los Angeles
as a region that is a model of sustainable,
urban water¬shed management.
Since its founding, the Council has tackled
issues that were difficult for government
and business to address individually.
Issues such as poor water quality, heavy
reliance on imported water, park scarcity,
imperiled open spaces, and ignored rivers.
In 2000, the organization initiated
the Water Augmentation Study (WAS),
which proved that polluted stormwater
in an urban setting could be safely used
to augment local groundwater supplies.
The implications of that research are being
felt region-wide, resulting in better
policies, practices and a healthier region
for us all. The Elmer Avenue Neighborhood
Retrofit in Sun Valley is an exemplary
demonstration of these principles
in action.
The Council continues to work toward
a more sustainable southern California.
Some recent achievements include:
• The completion of one of the first
and most comprehensive “green streets”
in Los Angeles at Elmer Avenue in Sun
Valley. The street was completed through
a partnership with residents, 14 government
agencies, and consortium of non-
profits. By incorporating the latest in
innovative water saving techniques and
water saving elements, Elmer Avenue is
able to capture more water yearly to than
is used on the entire block! In addition,
drought-tolerant landscapes were added
to show that native plants will not only
improve the environment, but can actually
beautify a neighborhood.
• Working with the community of
Compton to develop the Compton Creek
Watershed Management Plan.
• Training hundreds of professionals
through the Sustainable Landscape
Seminars, learning how they can be good
stewards of the land.
• Providing a forum for discussion
and greater understanding of issues
related to the intersection of land use
planning and watershed management
through a quarterly symposium series.
Dorothy Green had an incredible ability
to push everyone to look at the bigger
picture. Where others saw concrete, she
saw the river. Where others saw a river,
she saw the watershed. Where others
saw stormwater pollution, she saw more
drinking water. Dorothy also saw collaboration.
She knew that she couldn’t make
the vision a reality without bringing together
diverse groups. As the Council
for Watershed Health looks toward the
future, we hope residents will share our
Vision 2025:
We envision that by 2025 the Los Angeles
region is a model of sustainable, urban
watershed management. The region’s watersheds
are managed for environmental
health, social equity, and economic vitality,
with clean waters, reliable local water
supplies, restored native habitats, ample
parks and open spaces, integrated flood
management, and revitalized rivers and
urban centers.
The Council for Watershed Health supports a
healthy watershed for the region by serving as
a robust center for the generation of objective
research and analysis. The Council has established
a platform for meaningful collaboration
between governmental organizations, academic
institutions, businesses and other nonprofit
organizations with a vested interest in preserving
the watershed.
Founded in 1995 by leading environmental
activist Dorothy Green, the Council for Watershed
Health produces
continuing research
programs that examine
water usage and quality
as well as create and enhance
preservation and
conservation tactics. The
trustworthy expertise
and analysis that comes
from the Council’s ongoing
programs connects a
diverse set of groups with
overlapping missions in
an effort to drive polices
that will continually improve
watershed quality.