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With Coach Harvey Hyde Page 19 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2011 VOLUME 5 NO. 42 FORMER MAYOR MOSCA RESIGNS City Loses Its Most Popular and Controversial Civic Leaders SIERRA MADRE HONORED....... Citizens and Employees Commended For Outstanding Service THe City of Sierra Madre held its’ annual recognition of exceptional volunteers, residents and employees last month at the Villa at Alverno High School. The event was attended by more than 200 volunteers who serve on the many commissions and committees that keep the city running. Frank Hall was the Master of Ceremonies for the evening and was assisted with the presentations by Sierra Madre Mayor John Buchanan. One of the many highlights of the evening was when 87 year old Gordon Caldwell was presented with the George Maurer Lifetime Service Award. It is an acknowledgement of significant contributions over an entire career. Its namesake, George Maurer, was first presented this award in 2006 for his selfless acts of dedication, honor and service to the community and City of Sierra Madre. Caldwell, a longtime Sierra Madre resident, businessman and distinguished volunteer, began giving back to the community upon his arrival to Sierra Madre in 1958 by joining the Sierra Madre Volunteer Fire Department. Since then he has been involved in various organizations and devoted his time for the good of the community. A World War II Veteran he is active in the local VFW, an active member of the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club. For the Red Cross, Gordon served first as a disaster volunteer before devoting his time to blood drives. Three times a year he would make over 350 telephone calls in Sierra Madre to recruit blood donors. During the time that called, set- up, and entertained at blood drives more than 2,000 units of blood were collected. Lydia Kerns, a Pasadena High School Senior and active member of the Rotary Interact Club was awarded the Youth Service Award. The Friends of The Library received the The Wistaria Award which is presented to a local business or organization whose major contributions to the City and community of Sierra Madre have demonstrated a true partnership that assists in and provides services and programs, or enhances the general welfare of the Community as a whole. Toni Buckner was the recipient of the Employee of The Year Award. Buckner recently retired after 34 years of service. The Public Safety Award was presented to Casey Morrisey (above right) who, on October 31, 2010 saved a woman and child from physical abuse without regard for his own safety and well being. Officer Jeannette Dabney was bestowed with the Police Chief’s Special Award. Dabney, pictured left with Chief Marilyn Diaz, has demonstrated outstanding dedication to duty and service in resolving community law enforcement- related issues. Left to right, Gordon Caldwell, George Maurer and Mayor John Buchanan Photos courtesy City of Sierra Madre Mosca celebrates garnering the highest percentage of votes, 20.5% for his second term in 2010. Photo MVNews Archives City Council member Joe Mosca has announced that he will resign from City Council. Mosca was elected to a second term on the Council in April of 2010, and his term ends in 2014. Mosca’s spouse, Matt Bosse, who has been the head of the 4th of July Committee the last few years, has been offered a job in London, and the couple decided to accept the job. They will move with their two adopted sons, Garrett (4) and Devan (9 months). Mosca was originally elected to the Council in 2006, and in his first evening on the Council alienated many of his backers when he chose to vote to move forward with a draft of the Downtown Specific Plan, with the intent of a citywide vote on the completed DSP. The backers wanted a vote on the DSP in its draft form. In 2007, Mosca was served with recall papers, but those backing the recall were unable to gather enough signatures to make it happen. While the City doesn’t have a policy on how Council members are selected Mayor the tradition has been that the seat rotates based upon seniority on the council. When it came time for Mosca to rotate to the Mayor’s seat, he was overlooked twice. He was ultimately chosen to be Mayor after the 2010 election, when new members Josh Moran and Nancy Walsh gave him the majority he needed. City Hall was packed with cheering Mosca supporters that night, who cheered his election to the mayor position. Mosca was the top vote getter in both elections in which he took part. Mosca sent a letter to the entire population of Sierra Madre expressing how much he has enjoyed serving the community and thanking everyone for their support. In the letter, Mosca pointed to some of the successes that occurred during his time on the Council, among them the beginning of paramedic services, enhancing hillside zoning to preserve hillsides in the future, and a balanced budget. Mosca’s resignation will become effective after the first council meeting in November. -B. Coburn/S.Henderson LETTER FROM THE EDITOR: THe Mountain Views News has always sought to provide accurate information to its readers. With the exception of an occaisional grammatical error, we strive for perfection. We want our readers to be able to rely on the news that we report. We go to great lengths to assure that accuracy. Last week, in our coverage of the downgrading of Sierra Madre’s credit rating, we reported that the city had not fallen from an AAA rating as reported in the Pasadena Star News, and we provided readers with a legend from Moody’s explaining their rating system. This week, the ratings were again misstated in the Star News. On October 6, 2011 and again on October 11, 2011, Star News reporter Brian Charles wrote, “.....downgrade in Sierra Madre’s bond rating from AAA to an A rating.” Further, local blogger John Crawford sent the following email to the paper on Saturday, October 8, 2011: “ Just dropped a copy of today’s Loony Views off at the Star News They were howling with laughter. How could you have not known that A3 and AAA (or A1and A) are the same thing? John” Because it is important for residents to understand the significance of the downgrade, and not to be misled with misinformation, I again contacted David Jacobson AVP - Communications Strategist, Public Finance Group for Moody’s Investors Service to confirm the Mountain Views story and asked him the following: “Can you tell me if this is a correct chart of the Moody’s ratings based upon the information on your website? (Moody’s Investors Service Rating Symbols and Definitions) AAA AA1, AA2, AA3 A1, A2, A3 Baa1, Baa2, Baa3 Ba1, Ba2, Ba3 and so on? Questions have been raised that an AAA rating is the same as an A3 rating. Please clarify”. Jacobson responded with the following statement: “You are correct in your rating ranking.... Aaa is our highest rating and is six notches higher than A3.“ As indicated in the response from Moody’s, the difference in falling six steps from an AAA rating and two steps from an A1 to an A3 is quite significant. To fall from an AAA rating to A3 would indicate far more serious problems than just a shortcoming in our water rate increase. Fortunately, that is not the case. H. Susan Henderson, Publisher and Editor SIERRA MADRE BUSINESS UPDATES - Part II Proposals, Openings, Expansion, Remodels and Recently Listed by Chris Bertrand COACH HARVEY HYDE - See Sports...Page 19 BOTTLE SHOP BEGINS 990 S.F. EXPANSION Billy Sullivan, owner of The Bottle Shop at 58 W. Sierra Madre Boulevard, has begun construction on the 990 square foot expansion into an adjacent commercial building on its west side, to create a wine tasting area for the business, which already offers an extensive wine collection. The construction area has been tarped to contain dust from the demolition and reconstruction process. The expansion was (cont. on pg. 3) Inside This Edition... CALENDAR Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 Pasadena/Altadena Page 4 Around San Gabriel Valley Page 5 Arcadia Page 6 Monrovia/Duarte Page 7 Education & Youth Page 8 Nature & Environment Page 9 Arts & Entertainment Page 11 Left/Right Page 12 Opinion Page 13 Legals Page 14/15 The World Around Us Page 16 The Good Life Page 17 Homes & Property Page 18 NIKO AND FRIENDS CAFÉ 900 Valley View #6, Pasadena, CA On the N Michillinda/Montecito Corner Monday to Friday: 7 am to 6 pm. Saturday: 8:30 am to 1:30 pm, Closed on Sunday 626-510-6151 www.Nikoandfriendscafe.com Coffee for the Coffee Connoisseur! New Japanese erasers have arrived! Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |