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this Week: Calendar: Sierra Madre / Arcadia: Pasadena – Altadena: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Monrovia – Duarte: Summer Fun: Arts / Nature: Left Turn / Right Turn: Opinion: The World Around Us: The Good Life: Homes & Property: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
Also inside: Summer Fun Page 8 Arts & Entertainment - Page 9 Business Today - Page 10 Looking Up with Bob Eklund - Page 12 LEFT TURN/RIGHT TURN Page 11 OPINION Page 12 SAVVY SENIOR Page 13 NATURE & THE ENVIRONMENT Christopher Nyerges Page 9 ONE OF A KIND by Chris Bertrand HOME OF “THE MISSES CLIMIE” Page 16 AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY SIERRA MADRE General Plan Volunteers Needed Page 3 The Collins Twins Come To Town Page 5 ARCADIA Santa Anita & The Breeders Cup Page 3 PASADENA MONROVIA/DUARTE Proposed New Legislation on U.S. Visas Page 4 Neighbors Helping Neighbors Page 6 SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2011 VOLUME 5 NO. 33 FOOD TRUCKS ROLL INTO TOWN REPLACEMENT OF WATER MAIN IN EAST SIERRA MADRE BOULEVARD TO IMPACT TRAFFIC The City of Sierra Madre Water Department will begin construction of a replacement water main in East Sierra Madre Boulevard on Monday, August 15th. The project will replace a major portion of a 90-year old water main with a new 12-inch diameter main, new fire hydrants and new water services to each residence or business within the project area. The project will be undertaken by Stephen Doreck Equipment Rentals, Inc. under contract with the City, and is expected to be completed by October 20th. The project extends along the north side of Sierra Madre Boulevard from the Maintenance Yard at Sierra Vista Park to Baldwin Avenue. During construction the contractor will keep two-way traffic lanes open on the south side of the street. This will require parking restrictions in the work areas; it is estimated that approximately 300 feet of roadway will be “detoured” each day, beginning approximately August 29th. All driveways will be accessible for vehicles by the end of each construction work day, and the Contractor has indicated that all trench excavations will be covered with temporary asphalt or steel plates by the end of each work day. Athens Services has been notified of the project and has agreed to work with the City and residents to continue trash pickup service in the project area, although minor, temporary scheduling modifications may be required in order to avoid interference with the water main project. MTA has been notified of the pending work, and has confirmed that Line 268 service will continue, although some bus stops may be temporarily impacted. Thank you for your patience with this project and for bearing with the unavoidable inconveniences that it will bring. Please be assured that everything possible will be done to minimize project impacts on the City’s residents and water customers, including traffic congestion, noise, and dust. If you have any questions about the project, please contact the Sierra Madre Public Works Department at 626-355-7135. It was bound to happen eventually. Food Trucks, the trendy, self contained restaurants on wheels made a stop Saturday in Sierra Madre. And, despite recent news reports of traffic congestion and even an unfortunate accident, the trucks did not present any problems during their stay in this small village. Several hundred people came out and according to Bill Coburn, Executive Director of the events sponsor, the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce, “several of the trucks sold out of multiple items on their menu, and Nom Nom, probably the most well known of the trucks due to its second place finish in last season’s “The Great Food Truck Race” on the Food Network, sold out and was on the road home nearly two full hours before the end of the event.” Local restaurants were supportive of the Chamber’s efforts to bring people and potential long term customers to Sierra Madre, and based upon reports from residents who attended, most of the attendees were not from Sierra Madre. There will be a second Food Truck event on August 27th from 11 to 6 p.m. Eleven trucks are expected: Go Country 105 Chuckwagon www. gocountry105.com/chuckwagon/ Crepe’n Around http://crepenaround. com/ Los Angeles Shaved Ice – Hawaiian Shaved Snow Cones http://www. losangelesshaveice.com/index.html Peanut Butter Bar – Gourmet Peanut Butter Sandwiches http://www. pnutbutterbar.com/index.html Lake Street Creamery http:// lakestreetcreamery.com/ Sloppy Gourmet – Gourmet Sloppy Joes http://www.sloppygourmet. com/ Get your Lardon – Breakfast http:// getyourlardon.com/ Dumpling Station www.dumplingstation. com Grilled Cheese Patrol – Gourmet Grilled Cheese http://grilledcheesepatrol. com/ KrazyBBQ – Korean Fusion www. krazybbq.com For more information, contact the Chamber of Commerce, (626) 355- 5111. Photo by Dean Lee/MVNews HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE, LARGE APPLIANCE, USED CFL LIGHT BULB COLLECTION INFORMATION Household Hazardous Waste and E-Waste Roundup This year’s event will be held on Saturday, August 20th at the Mariposa Avenue Parking Lot. From 9:00am to 2:00pm, residents are welcome to bring their household hazardous waste and electronic waste items for proper disposal at no charge. Items accepted include: paint, thinner, brake fluid, household and car batteries, pool chemicals, motor oil, expired pharmaceuticals, anti-freeze, fluorescent light bulbs, computer monitors, televisions, printers, and other electronic items. The Mariposa Parking Lot is located south of the downtown businesses on W. Sierra Madre Blvd., between S. Hermosa Ave. and S. Baldwin Ave. For additional information contact the Public Works Department at 626- 355-7135 or the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts at 888-CLEAN-LA. Or visit www.CleanLA.com. Refrigerator and Freezer Recycling Program Saturday August 27th - Thinking about getting rid of your used refrigerator or freezer? Or just want to save some money on your energy bill? Take advantage of Southern California Edison’s Saturday pickup event in the City of Sierra Madre. SCE is offering its utility customers who are residents of Sierra Madre $50.00 in exchange for your inefficient, working refrigerator or freezer-and they will come pit it up for free. Appointments are required and can be made by calling 1-800-234-9722. Used Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) The rising use of CFLs in the community is a welcome energy-efficiency and money saving alternative to traditional light bulbs. These bulbs last many times longer than incandescent bulbs, but do not last forever. These bulbs contain a small amount of mercury and in order to safely recycle these bulbs it is recommended that they be brought to a household hazardous waste event or your local Home Depot®, which has graciously accepted these items for the past few years. Should a fluorescent or CFL bulb break, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control recommend the following guidelines that should be followed: . Open all doors and windows to ventilate the area for at least 15 minutes. . Turn off AC/fan/heater so as not to circulate vapors. . Young children and pregnant women should leave the area during cleanup. . Wear protective equipment, such as a dust mask and gloves. . Carefully remove the larger pieces and place them in secured closed container. . Use two stiff pieces of paper such as index card to “sweep” the smaller pieces and dust. . Put all material into a sealed container labeled “broken CFL” and take to household hazardous waste event. For more information on hazardous waste and recycling, please contact the Sierra Madre Public Works Department at 626-355-7135. SMSR SEEKS CORPORATE SPONSORS FOR 60TH ANNIVERSARY EVENTS This year the all-volunteer Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Team is commemorating 60 years of service to the community. The Team was founded by Sierra Madre residents in 1951 and since then has answered thousands of requests for help in the local mountains and beyond. Team members past and present live by their motto: “Anywhere in the wilderness that someone needs help…” As part of its 60th anniversary celebration, the Team will print 1,000 copies of a full-color commemorative booklet featuring articles about Team history and safe hiking tips for adults and kids. This one-of-a-kind book will be distributed throughout the community to local leaders, families, and outdoor enthusiasts. It will be available at Adams Pack Station at Chantry Flat and in the Sierra Madre Library, and given to current and former Team members at the 60th anniversary banquet. A good portion of the commemorative booklet will be filled with paid sponsor messages. Proceeds from sponsorships will help the Team fund a public open house in October, at which the community will be welcomed to Station 108 for tours and talks about safe hiking in the local mountains. Sponsorships will also pay for other 60th anniversary commemorative events such as the team banquet. Any money left over will be used for the Team’s search and rescue activities. Sponsorships range in cost from $300 for a full page to $50 for 1/8-page (business-card size). Messages and artwork must be received no later than September 1st. Sponsors will be provided with a flier announcing their support for the Team, to be placed in their storefront if desired. Additionally, sponsors will be recognized on the Team’s website. Anyone interested in purchasing a sponsorship and showing the community that they support SMSR is invited to e-mail the Team at: pr@smsr. org Inside This Edition... CALENDAR Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 Pasadena/Altadena Page 4 Around San Gabriel Valley Page 5 Arcadia Page 3 Monrovia/Duarte Page 6 Education & Youth Page 7 SUMMER FUN Page 8 Arts & Entertainment Page 9 Legals Page 14/15 Left/Right Page 10 Opinion Page 11 The World Around Us Page 12 The Good Life Page 13 Homes & Property Page 16 Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |