Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website:
Mountain View News Saturday, August 13, 2011
The City of Sierra Madre
Community & Personnel
Services Department in
collaboration with the
Pasadena YMCA is assessing
the need for afterschool
programs. Currently, the
YMCA operates afterschool
programs for youth under
10 and the City operates
programs for those 11-17.
The two organizations are
evaluating a partnership
in which the YMCA
assumes the operation
of teen programs as well.
The information received
here will help the City of
Sierra Madre Community
& Personnel Services
Department and YMCA
develop youth programs
that focus on academic
achievement, enrichment
specialty classes, and
recreational development.
Please help us by filling
out our online survey at
Thank you for participating
in this voluntary survey
inquiring about your family’s
interest in and need for after
school programming in
Sierra Madre. For additional
information please contact
the Community & Personnel
Services Department (626)
Guitarist Dan Rotten will
perform in Kersting Court as
part of Friday Night Live, put
on each summer by the Sierra
Madre Chamber of Commerce.
There will be a “Future’s So
Bright” theme for the evening,
with shoppers encouraged to
wear their coolest “shades”.
One lucky “cool shades” wearer
will win a $25 gift certificate to
Butterfly Effect Day Spa.
In addition, anyone who
spends $35 in a retail store
or $50 in a restaurant during
Friday Night Live hours (6:30
to 9pm) is invited to bring
their receipt to the Chamber
booth in Kersting Court. They
will be entered in a drawing
to take place the final week of
Friday Night Live. Shoppers
are eligible every time that
they spend $35/retail or $50/
restaurant – the more times
they spend $35/$50 the greater
their chances of winning. On
the final Friday, August 26th,
two lucky shoppers will have
their names drawn to win a
shopping/dining spree at Sierra
Madre businesses valued at
more than $500! With only five
weeks of eligibility, the odds of
winning will be quite good for
those who are entered in the
Friday Night Live will take place
in downtown Sierra Madre
from 6:30 to 9pm through Aug.
26th. For more information,
including an entertainment
lineup, list of themes, and a list
of businesses participating in
the shopping spree giveaway,
visit www.SMFridayNightLive.
info or call the Chamber at
(626) 355-5111.
Weather Wise
5-Day Forecast
Sierra Madre, Ca.
Mon: Sunny Hi 80s Lows 60s
Tues: Sunny Hi 80s Lows 60s
Wed: Sunny Hi 80s Lows 60s
Thur: Sunny Hi 80s Lows 60s
Fri: Sunny Hi 80s Lows 60s
Forecasts courtesy of the National Weather Service
Unless otherwise noted, all meetings listed below are held at
City Hall 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.
Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
City Hall Hours:
Monday - Thursday 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
Fridays 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
CITY HALL CLOSED ON August 12th and 26th
Tue Aug 16 @ 9:30AM - 10:30AM Summer Fun in the Park
Tue Aug 16 @ 7:00PM Sierra Madre Friends of the Arts
@ the YAC 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd.
Wed Aug 17 @ 3:00PM - 08:00PM Farmer’s Market
Thu Aug 18 @ 9:30AM - 10:30AM Summer Fun in the Park
Thu Aug 18 @ 7:00PM - Planning Commission Meeting
Fri Aug 19 @10:00AM - 07:00PM YAC Summer Field Trips
Fri Aug 19 @ 7:45PM - Summer Pool Movie Nights, 8-19-11
Sat Aug 20 @ 9:00AM - 02:00PM
Household Hazardous Waste and E-Waste Roundup
Sun Aug 21 @ 6:00PM - 08:00PM Concerts in the Park Series
Mon Aug 22 Bargain Book Table Sale
The City of Sierra Madre’s Youth Activity Center is hosting field
trips this summer. Come out and join the fun, you do not even
need to be a YAC member! Please sign up online at www.cityofsierramadre.
com/onlineregistration or at the Community Services
Office located at 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. For more information
please contact the Community & Personnel Services Department
at 626-355-5278.
Summer Field Trip Schedule:
Friday, August 19 – Six Flags Magic Mountain
o 10:00am-7:00pm, $30 per youth
Free Parent/Child Workshops at the
Sierra Madre Library
The Sierra Madre Public Library is again offering its popular five-
week parenting workshop series in September. The workshops,
for families with children ages three and younger, will cover general
parenting; speech, language and reading; child development;
nutrition; physical fitness and play for young children. The informal
sessions will be interactive and will include toys, crafts,
books and play, in addition to discussions of parenting issues and
Presenting at the workshops on consecutive Tuesday mornings,
beginning Sept. 6th through Oct. 4th, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30
a.m., will be community partners with expertise in working with
young children. Registration begins August 1st, and as seating is
limited, reservations are required.
Sierra Madre’s
Farmer’s Market Is Back!
New Location
The Sierra Madre Farmer’s Market new location is in
Downtown Sierra Madre on Hermosa Avenue, south
of Sierra Madre Boulevard to Mariposa Avenue. The
hours will be from 3:00-8:00 p.m. during the summer
with the exception of major holidays. During the winter/
Pacific Standard time the market could possibly
end at 7:00 p.m.
1630 AM
Free on-air publicity for local events
Sierra Madre’s new community radio station is now accepting scripts
for Public Service Announcements (PSAs) about community events.
PSAs will be broadcast on the air at no charge. The station operates
24/7 and can be heard at 1630 on the AM dial.
Any local non-profit or non-commercial organization can have
their event information broadcast to the public on Sierra Madre
Community Information Radio. This new radio station covers the city
of Sierra Madre, plus surrounding areas of Pasadena, Arcadia, and
In a nutshell, your event must:
• Benefit a non-commercial or non-profit entity
• Be open to the public
• Be of general interest to local citizens
write a Public Service Announcement that describes your
event and e-mail it to
Pasadena CA. This year will be the 10th Annual Holy Chaos
concert. The plans are set; the location is perfect and the
bands are ready to rock.
The Concert will be held August 20th 2011 at The First
Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena 3700 East Sierra Madre
Blvd. 91107. Tickets are on sale and will be sold at the door.
Tickets are $5 with the flyer and $7 without.
For the last 10 years, all kinds of bands and artists have
been a part of Holy Chaos. In an effort to bring the best
and most complete bands the local scene has to offer, Holy
Chaos continues to stand out as one of the best independent
concert events every year!
Come join the ACOP and all the Christian Rock you can
imagine. Every year the event has been a success. We have
heard music from some of the best bands in this genre, bands
like Confide, The Parousia, Freewaypeople, Coolhand luke.
This year’s lineup will include The Parousia w/ Broadawake,
Spades and Blades, Crossing Out, Sketch Orchestra and so
many more!
This is a Great concert, at an even better price; the first 20
attendees will get in free. Come rock away, on August 20th.
For any question or comments contact Sevag at or you can call 626 786 3554
for more information. Also look out for Holy Chaos updates
on Facebook.
Join the City of Sierra Madre this summer for the FREE Concerts
in the Park Series which begin Sunday, July 10, 2011 and occurs
every Sunday through August 28, 2011.
August 21 – Danny Dean and the Rockabilly Lovers (50’s
Rock) sponsored by the Senior Community Commission selling
August 28 – The Silver Beatles (Beatles Tribute Band) hosted
by the Community and Personnel Services Department.
The eight concerts are held from 6:00 pm and run through 8:00pm.
All concerts will be held at the Memorial Park Bandshell, 222 W.
Sierra Madre Blvd. next to City Hall. Seating is on the green so remember
to bring blankets and lawn chairs. Alcohol is prohibited.
Spectators are encouraged to support local organizations that may
provide refreshments.
For additional information please contact the Community & Personnel
Services Department
(626) 355-5278.
The Sierra Madre Aquatic Center will be hosting three pool
movie nights this summer. This program is offered at absolutely
no charge thanks to a generous donation from the Sierra Madre
Community Foundation and is open to all from Sierra Madre
and the surrounding community. Each pool movie night will
begin at 7:45pm, space is limited so be sure to arrive early. Snacks
will be available for purchase at the June and July movie nights
and proceeds benefit the Sierra Madre Dolphins Swim Team.
Friday, August 19 – Tangled.
The Sierra Madre Aquatic Center is located at 611 E. Sierra Madre
Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024. For more information please call
Summer Fun in the Park Schedule:
August 2 Los Angeles Zoo
August 4 CATZ Fitness Activity
August 9 Sierra Madre Search and Rescue
August 11 CATZ Fitness Activity
August 16 Mission Renaissance Arts and Craft
August 18 CATZ Fitness Activity
August 23 L.A. Arboretum Arts and Craft
August 25 CATZ Fitness Activity
What better way than a scoop of ice cream with a
little fudge sauce on top to savor women’s right to vote? To
celebrate the momentous day 91 years ago when women
gained full participation in democracy with the
passage of the 19th amendment, the League of Women Voters
Pasadena Area is throwing an ice cream social for the
whole family on Sunday, Aug. 28, 4:00-5:30 p.m., at the historic
Hillmont House, 939 N. Hill Ave.,
Ragtime music by Dad’s Band Plus One, games and
activities for children and plenty of Carmela’s ice cream on
the lawn of a Victorian landmark promise and old-fashioned
good time. Children under 13 are free. Everyone else
pays only $5.
Reservations and further information about the
League are available by calling 626-798-0965. Reservations
and tickets also are available online: http://www.lwvpasadenaarea