Mountain Views News Saturday, August 13, 2011
HOWARD Hays As I See It
Curbing Bad Behavior/
Enough With The Profanity
“When somebody says,
‘We don’t have enough
money for this space
program’, I’m asking, no,
it’s not that you don’t have
enough money, it’s that the
distribution of the money
you’re spending is warped
in some way that you are
removing the only thing
that gives people something
to dream about tomorrow.
“You remember the ‘60s and ‘70s? You
didn’t have to go more than a week before
there’s an article in LIFE Magazine; ‘The
Home of Tomorrow’, ‘The City of Tomorrow’,
‘Transportation of Tomorrow’. All that ended in
the 1970s; after we stopped going to the moon, it
all ended. We stopped dreaming.
“And so I worry the decisions Congress
makes don’t factor in the consequences of those
decisions on tomorrow. Tomorrow’s gone . . .
They’re playing for the quarterly report, they’re
playing for the next election cycle, and that is
mortgaging the actual future of this nation. The
rest of the world’s passing us by.”
- Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson
Dr. Tyson, astrophysicist and Director of the
Hayden Planetarium, made those remarks last
week on Bill Maher’s HBO show. Maher had
asked Dr. Tyson for his reaction to Congress’s
attempts to defund the James Webb Space
Telescope, successor to the Hubble, which
promises to show the very birth of our universe.
Maher pointed out the $6.8 billion cost
of the Webb telescope is what we pay for a
month’s involvement in Afghanistan. Dr. Tyson
mentioned the $850 billion bank bailout from
Fall 2008, and observed it’s an amount equal to
the cost of our NASA space program - over its
entire fifty-year history.
NASA was formed under Republican President
Eisenhower, we embarked to the moon under
Democratic Presidents Kennedy and Johnson,
and the plaque astronauts left at Tranquility
Base bore the signature of Republican President
Nixon. This was not a triumph of a particular
party or president, but of all Americans.
The flash cabin fire at the launch pad of Apollo
1 under President Johnson and the Challenger
explosion under President Reagan were not
failures of a particular party or president, but
were occasions of mourning and rededication
for all Americans.
Whether regarding scientific challenges, wars,
or economic calamities, robust political debate
over goals, methods and priorities are part of
our American tradition. Whatever side is taken,
we’ve been united in hoping for the success of
our country and the prosperity of our people.
There have been times when we’ve been called
to sacrifice, but that sacrifice would be shared
among us all, as we’d all share in the benefits to
follow. We remained “one nation, indivisible”.
That was then.
A decade ago, tens of thousands of the finest
Americans were prepared to make the ultimate
sacrifice for our country in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The rest of us got a tax cut.
As the wars dragged on, our soldiers
complained of lack of armor in the field and lack
of care once they got home. Patients at Walter
Reed who spoke with the media were punished.
The rest of us got another tax cut.
Americans went further in debt so those with
incomes over a million a year could average an
extra $2,700 a week in tax cuts. Our soldiers
scrounged Iraqi dumps for scrap metal to protect
their vehicles from I.E.D.s.
Questions of such priorities should be the
subject of vigorous debate. President Bush
circumvented such questioning by keeping
$150 billion a year in war expenses off budget as
“emergency appropriations”. Arrangements were
made so that the nearly-a-trillion spent bailing
out the banksters who tanked our economy
would show up on the budget later for the next
guy to deal with.
The concern was not with the damage
off-budget war expenses, bank bailouts and
unfunded tax cuts could inflict on the nation’s
economy, but that whatever such damage and
deficits might be, they could be blamed on the
successor administration of President Obama
(as Greg Welborn did in his column last week).
An event such as Standard and Poor’s
downgrading of America’s credit rating would
normally be a universal embarrassment. When
Republicans were accused of being at fault, they
responded by noting that President Obama
presided over the first downgrade in our history.
When Democrats were accused, they pointed
out that S&P specifically castigated Republicans
for their refusal to consider revenue increases.
When the Tea Party was accused, they cheered
(as at a recent rally in Wisconsin).
It used to be that Americans realized the
strength of our economy depended not on tax
rates, but on how many of us were able to have
jobs offering a middle-class income - providing
spending money to pump back into the economy
through local merchants. It wasn’t how much an
individual paid, but how many individuals there
were who through employment could join the
tax base.
It used to be we honored our teachers, cops,
firefighters and other civil servants. Now, we
resent them - adamant that if we in the private
sector can no longer enjoy the decent income,
benefits and retirement security that used to be
the norm, then neither should they.
It used to be we had a government of We the
People. Now, thanks to recent Supreme Court
decisions, we have a government of corporate
interests. Unlike individuals, corporations
purchase government influence in the interest of
profit, not patriotism.
American corporations are shifting operations
to take advantage of expanding middle-class
markets in China, India and Brazil. At the
same time, they’re making record profits by
devolving America into a third-world supplier of
cheap labor - and investing in politicians who’ll
facilitate that change.
At the same time, many of those politicians
along with corporate media voices are rooting
for America to fail.
By contrast, Dr. Tyson looked back on the time
before we stopped dreaming, and reflected, “This
is the America I grew up in, and it’s the America
I want to hand to my kids”.
As a public relations
consultant, I pride
myself on knowing a
little bit about the concept
of image. I attend
workshops, read blogs,
books, newspapers and
magazines, participate
on webinars, engage
with my colleagues and attend professional
development conferences all with the intention
of becoming a knowledgeable and
skilled public relations practitioner. So this
past weekend, when I learned from several
high-placed sources that an Academy Award
winning actor and his colleague, a popular
TV actor, disgraced themselves by using
profanity at an awards celebration filled
with hundreds of journalists, I asked myself
where was their media training? Or are these
gentlemen so full of themselves to believe
they can address a “certain” audience with a
disrespectfully tone? As they were using profane
language in the presence of the stunned
audience, several tweets, Facebook posts and
texts were being shared with hundreds of
social media participants. Their bad behavior
became a hot topic during the evening’s
Is it ever appropriate to use profanity? I say
no, especially, public figures should refrain
from this behavior. Didn’t these gentlemen
realized their ill-considered act was going to
be reported to millions of individuals over
the worldwide web? Where was their public
relations representative? Someone should
have told these gentlemen they were addressing
hundreds of “reporters.” This is so
regretful, I can’t even make sense of it. Hopefully,
someone had a private conversation
with these two talented gentlemen and imparted
to them an apology to the prestigious
journalists organization is in order. It’s not
too late to say, “we’re sorry.”
Here is my tip for the day: please know your
audience, it’s the first rule of communications.
And, by the way, “Enough with the
profanity.” It is not cool.
Ron Carter
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WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sierra Madre (“City”) approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the Sierra
Madre Redevelopment Project (“Redevelopment Plan”) covering certain properties within the City (the “Project Area”); and
WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Sierra Madre (“Agency”) is engaged in activities to execute and implement
the Redevelopment Plan pursuant to the provisions of the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and
Safety Code § 33000, et seq.) (“CRL”); and
WHEREAS, since adoption of the Redevelopment Plan, the Agency has undertaken redevelopment projects in the Project
Area to eliminate blight, to improve public facilities and infrastructure, to renovate and construct affordable housing, and to
enter into partnerships with private industries to create jobs and expand the local economy; and
WHEREAS, over the next few years, the Agency hopes to implement a variety of redevelopment projects and programs to
continue to eliminate and prevent blight, stimulate and expand the Project Area’s economic growth, create and develop local
job opportunities and alleviate deficiencies in public infrastructure, to name a few; and
WHEREAS, as part of the 2011-12 State budget bill, the California Legislature has recently enacted and the Governor has
signed, companion bills AB 1X 26 and AB 1X 27, requiring that each redevelopment agency be dissolved unless the community
that created it enacts an ordinance committing it to making certain payments; and
WHEREAS, specifically, AB 1X 26 prohibits agencies from taking numerous actions, effective immediately and purportedly
retroactively, and additionally provides that agencies are deemed to be dissolved as of October 1, 2011; and
WHEREAS, AB 1X 27 provides that a community may participate in an “Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program,” in
order to enable a redevelopment agency within that community to remain in existence and carry out the provisions of the CRL,
by enacting an ordinance agreeing to comply with Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code; and
WHEREAS, the Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program requires that the community agree by ordinance to remit
specified annual amounts to the county auditor-controller; and
WHEREAS, under the threat of dissolution pursuant to AB 1X 26, and upon the contingencies and reservations set forth
herein, the City shall make the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 community remittance, currently estimated to be $676,000 Dollars; as
well as the subsequent annual community remittances as set forth in the CRL; and
WHEREAS, the City reserves the right to appeal the California Director of Finance’s determination of the Fiscal Year 2011-12
community remittance, as provided in Health and Safety Code Section 34194; and
WHEREAS, City understands and believes that an action challenging the constitutionality of AB 1X 26 and AB 1X 27 will be
filed on behalf of cities, counties and redevelopment agencies; and
WHEREAS, while the City currently intends to make these community remittances, they shall be made under protest and
without prejudice to the City’s right to recover such amounts and interest thereon, to the extent there is a final determination
that AB 1X 26 and AB 1X 27 are unconstitutional; and
WHEREAS, the City reserves the right, regardless of any community remittance made pursuant to this Ordinance, to challenge
the legality of AB 1X 26 and AB 1X 27; and
WHEREAS, to the extent a court of competent jurisdiction enjoins, restrains, or grants a stay on the effectiveness of the Alternative
Voluntary Redevelopment Program’s payment obligation of AB 1X 26 and AB 1X 27, the City shall not be obligated to
make any community remittance for the duration of such injunction, restraint, or stay; and
WHEREAS, all other legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred.
Section 1. Recitals. The Recitals set forth above are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference.
Section 2. Participation in the Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program. In accordance with Health and Safety Code
Section 34193, and based on the Recitals set forth above, the City Council hereby determines that the City shall comply with
the provisions of Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code, as enacted by AB 1X 27.
Section 3. Payment Under Protest. Except as set forth in Section 4, below, the City Council hereby determines that the City
shall make the community remittances set forth in Health and Safety Code section 34194 et seq.
Section 4. Effect of Stay or Determination of Invalidity. City shall not make any community remittance in the event a court of
competent jurisdiction either grants a stay on the enforcement of AB 1X 26 and AB 1X 27 or determines that AB 1X 26 and
AB 1X 27 are unconstitutional and therefore invalid, and all appeals therefrom are exhausted or unsuccessful, or time for filing
an appeal therefrom has lapsed. Any community remittance shall be made under protest and without prejudice to the City’s
right to recover such amount and interest thereon in the event that there is a final determination that AB 1X 26 and AB 1X 27
are unconstitutional. If there is a final determination that AB 1X 26 and AB 1X 27 are invalid, this Ordinance shall be deemed
to be null and void and of no further force or effect.
Section 5. Implementation. The City Council hereby authorizes and directs the City Manager to take any action
and execute any documents necessary to implement this Ordinance, including but not limited to notifying the Los Angeles
County Auditor-Controller, the Controller of the State of California, and the California Department of Finance of the adoption
of this Ordinance and the City’s agreement to comply with the provisions of Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the Health and Safety
Code, as set forth in AB 1X 27.
Section 6. Additional Understandings and Intent. It is the understanding and intent of the City Council that, once the Agency
is again authorized to enter into agreements under the CRL, the City will enter into an agreement with the Agency as authorized
pursuant to Section 34194.2, whereby the Agency will transfer annual portions of its tax increment to the City in
amounts not to exceed the annual community remittance payments to enable the City, directly or indirectly, to make the annual
remittance payments. The City Council does not intend, by enactment of this Ordinance, to pledge any of its general fund
revenues or assets to make the remittance payments.
Section 7. CEQA. The City Council finds, under Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 15378(b)(4), that this
Ordinance is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) in that it is not a “project,”
but instead consists of the creation and continuation of a governmental funding mechanism for potential future projects and
programs, and does not commit funds to any specific project or program. The City Council, therefore, directs that a Notice of
Exemption be filed with the County Clerk of the County of Los Angeles in accordance with CEQA Guidelines.
Section 8. Custodian of Records. The documents and materials that constitute the record of proceedings on which these findings
are based are located at the City Hall located at 232 W Sierra Madre Blvd, Sierra Madre CA 91024. The custodian for these
records is City of Sierra Madre.
Section 9. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held
invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without
the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. The City Council hereby
declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance irrespective of the invalidity of any particular portion thereof.
Section 10. Certification; Publication. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause it, or
a summary of it, to be published once within 15 days of adoption in a newspaper of general circulation printed and published
within the City of Sierra Madre, and shall post a certified copy of this Ordinance, including the vote for and against the same,
in the Office of the City Clerk in accordance with Government Code § 36933.
Section 11. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from its adoption.
Section 12. Effective Date. The City Council hereby declares, on the basis of the findings set forth above, that an emergency
exists and that this Ordinance is necessary to preserve the public peace, health and safety. Accordingly, this Ordinance is adopted
as an emergency ordinance and shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its adoption.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on Tuesday day of August 9, 2011, by the following vote:
AYES: Buchanan, Moran, MacGillivray, Mosca, Walsh NAYS: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None
The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques
Free Mini-Workshop Series
Developing Your Marketing Plan
Need to find and attract new customers?
Preparing to start a business? Join other
entrepreneurs in the Pasadena-Foothills area
for an introductory mini-workshop series that
provides an overview of the steps needed to
develop a marketing plan for your business.
This introductory series includes three,
90-minute sessions that feature interactive
presentations on Introduction to Marketing,
Writing Your Marketing Plan and Producing
Your Marketing Materials – respectively. Each
participant will have the opportunity to complete
a project to gain hands-on experience applying
the knowledge learned in the workshops.
The workshops are hosted by the Pasadena-
based nonprofit, Women At Work and sponsored
by Mountain Views Newspaper. The instructor
is La Quetta M. Shamblee, a professional
grant writer and consultant with a focus on
small business development and nonprofit
organizations. The workshops are scheduled for
three consecutive Wednesday mornings from
7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. on September 7th, 14th and
21st. Seating is limited. To receive information
on how to register and other details for this free
workshop series, e-mail your name and contact
information to lshamblee@womenatwork.org
no later than August 27th. Note: No initial
information regarding workshop details will be
available or provided via phone – e-mail only.