Mountain Views News Saturday, August 13, 2011
HAIL Hamilton My Turn
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Clayton-Smith
Patricia Colonello
Richard Garcia
Lina Johnson
Ivonne Durant
John Aveny
Jeff Brown
Pat Birdsall
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Stuart Tolchin
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Hail Hamilton
Rich Johnson
Chris Bertrand
Ron Carter
Rev. James Snyder
Bobby Eldridge
Mary Carney
La Quetta Shamblee
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Wellborn
Dr. John Talevich
Meaghan Allen
Sean Kayden
Keeping the Faith in the Face of Insurrection Politics
I didn’t expect
the angry email
I received from a
reader about last
week’s “Thrown
under the
bus... AGAIN!”
Moreover, this
particular reader is a friend of mine
who is not easily angered. Nevertheless,
she was incensed by my use of the word
“black” in my editorial:
I just read your article and while I
disagree with it the only part that pisses
me off is in the last paragraph. What the
hell does Obama being black have to
do with anything? Anyone who voted
for the president Because he was black
should have kept their vote. He has
always been a centrist but does have a
deep commitment to most of the issues
of the far left. You should have voted for
him because he was the best candidate for
the job. Your disappointments should be
based on what he is capable of doing not
on some ridiculous notion that because
he is black he can perform miracles. In
addition references to the President’s
race only invite comments like the recent
Tar Baby remark.
Most hurtful is the allegation that my
“references to the president’s race only
invite comments like the recent Tar
Baby remark.” This, of course, refers to a
remark made by Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-
CO) in the heat of last week’s debt-ceiling
debate. He said that being associated
with President Obama would be similar
to touching a “tar baby”.
(The term “tar baby” is a reference
to 19th-century Uncle Remus stories
about Br’er Rabbit but has taken
on a negative connotation towards
A Lamborn spokeswoman Catherine
Mortensen says the comments were a
misunderstanding and he apologizes.
The fact is I only used the word
black twice in the entire article: first,
when I identified Rep. Emanuel
Cleaver (D-Missouri) as the chair of
the Congressional Black Caucus; and
second, when I described Obama as our
first black president.
I particularly resent the implication
that I voted for Obama for any other
reason than I thought, at the time, that
he was the best man for the job. His race,
or more correctly his mixed ancestry, had
absolutely nothing to do with my choice
to vote for him.
But I do understand my friend’s
frustration and anger. Obama has gotten
a raw deal since the earliest days of his
term. His character has been defamed,
his patriotism questioned, even his place
of birth and right to be president has
been disputed. The far right has likened
him viscously to Hitler and disparagingly
depicted him as a monkey. All the while
Obama has reached out to Republicans
time and again, only to be rebuffed and
humiliated. But this was--or should have
Demonizing Democratic presidents
didn’t start with Obama. Racism makes
the Obama attacks uglier, but the attacks
on President Clinton were plenty ugly,
too. Leaving aside the sex scandals,
Clinton’s civil rights history earned him
the animus of Arkansas right-wingers
while he was governor.
When Clinton became president,
Jerry Falwell and friends promoted “The
Clinton Chronicles,” a “documentary”
claiming he’d run an Arkansas
racketeering operation responsible for
cocaine smuggling, bank fraud and
murder. He was accused of having a hand
in the suicide of his friend Vince Foster;
the Wall Street Journal demanded an
investigation into whether it was actually
murder. Sen. Jesse Helms warned him
that if he visited military bases in the
South, “He better have a bodyguard.”
All that on top of $100 million spent on
fruitless investigations into Whitewater,
“travelgate” and allegations of improper
Chinese fundraising -- and then
impeachment for lying about having sex
with a White House intern.
Over the last four decades, the
Republican Party has transformed from a
loyal opposition into an insurrectionary
party that flouts the law when it is in the
majority and threatens disorder when
it is the minority. Obama is just the
latest victim of this sort of right wing
insurrection politics.
Republican operative Grover Norquist
said it best. He was once quoted as telling
his friend Deval Patrick at a Harvard
reunion during the Bush administration
that on the off chance another Democrat
ever became president, “We’ll make
it impossible for him to govern like a
Democrat.” Norquest and friends did
their best with Clinton; they’ve succeeded
with Obama, with terrible consequences
for the country.
Keeping the faith in the face of
insurrection politics is not easy. But
when has change--even incremental
change--ever been easy?
RICH Johnson
STUART Tolchin..........On LIFE
The Wistaria Restaurant
Had dinner at the new
Wistaria Restaurant and
Bar the other night. You
know, the location we used
to know as Lozanos. The
food there was terrific. My
friend and I had the corn
chowder which is a cream based slice of heaven.
It even had little bacon bits sprinkled on top.
Then we split a pork chop which was great.
And the butterscotch pudding was the Piece
de resistance accompanied by two homemade
pecan shortbread cookies. Oh, and don’t have too
much of the pudding as the scotch part is real.
A note on sticker shock. The prices are a little
higher than most in town. But the food is worth
it. The ambience is classy. The server, Chris was
the consummate professional and manager Erin
made it spin like a top. Now, if only we can get
them to make us banana cream pie. What a way
to go!!!
I recently heard what may be the first fairy tale
ever told aimed at little boys and not little girls. It
involves a fighter pilot and a beautiful princess.
“Once upon a time, a Fighter Pilot asked a
beautiful Princess, “Will you marry me?” The
Princess said, “No!!”
…and the Fighter Pilot lived happily ever
after. He rode motorcycles, flew many combat
missions, got good promotions and was
deployed at exotic locations all around the world.
He hunted and fished, and raced cars. He never
heard ceaseless complaining, never paid child
support or alimony. He never had to leave a
party just when it was getting fun, could sleep on
top of the bed spread. He was never cheated on.
His family and friends thought he was too cool.
Finally, he had tons of money in the bank and left
the toilet seat up.
The end.
Finally in this mish-mash of information I
will end with a glance of how spell checkers on
computers may not always be reliable:
Eye halve a spelling checquer, it came with my
pea sea.
It plainly marques four my revue, miss steaks
eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a key and type a word, and weight
four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write, it shows me
straight a weigh.
Have a good week all.
As I have mentioned several times in earlier
article,s one of the main objectives of my college
career was remaining alive and avoiding the
Draft related to the Viet Nam War. In order
to successfully achieve this desired ends, it was
necessary that I obtain acceptable grades as
an Undergraduate so that I would be eligible
for admission to a reasonably priced Graduate
School. Consequently, I, like so many males of my generation,
studiously avoided taking any classes that seemed to promise the
possibility of a below average grade. Yes, I am talking about Science
Courses. We all know these are hard, require something called Lab
Work and are generally full of weird words that cannot be learned
in the two days before the test, which I generally set aside for study.
I tend to make fun of my Undergraduate days at Berkeley, but
honestly the academic classes were the smallest part of my overall
Undergraduate experience. You know the era, Free Speech
Movement, girls, music, football, ushering in San Francisco on
weekends, Haight-Ashbury. Honestly, forty-six years later I
remember more about incidents which occurred at my Work-Study
dishwashing jobs than I remember about my classes. An exception
to this was a Statistics class that I mistakenly thought I could breeze
through. The class, like many Berkeley classes, was taught by a
teaching Assistant, which was fine except for the fact that he spoke
a kind of heavily accented English that could not be understood (at
least by me). I have memories of the Teaching Assistant speaking
and the entire class kind of looking around at one another and
chuckling because clearly no one understood anything. The subject
matter of the class was difficult and I worked very hard and actually
purchased the books and kept up with the assignments, trying to
prepare for the classes in which I understood almost nothing that
was said. There was a lot of writing on a board but I seldom got to
class early enough to be close enough to the front of the class to be
able to read the Blackboard. (I think that year I was in the process
of going through Student Health to obtain a pair of glasses to help
with my nearsightedness which I didn’t believe I had). Anyhow,
the class was graded on a curve. I received a 35% on the final, or
something like that, and it was a B plus. Really, no one understood
There was a Physics 10 class which was Physics for Liberal Arts
majors like me, who were given this one-time chance to learn some
science. Unfortunately, this gigantic Survey class was taught by
Edward Teller, the father of the Hydrogen Bomb, who at that time
I thought was the most evil man on Earth and I avoided the class.
Of course, I am now limited by my lack of any scientific background
and know that I am not alone in the possession of this glaring
educational weakness. Really there are many so- called educated
people with a similar weakness. LET US NOT GIVE UP HOPE!
At a party this week-end I met this retired Physics Professor, Keith
Miller. We talked a little about physics and quantum mechanics,
enough for him to realize probably that I had read many books
but understood just a little about what we were talking about. We
talked about him teaching some sort of Physics Class for seniors
in which the students could learn some basics and have an expert
available to answer any questions we might have.
For example, I have a great deal of trouble with the idea of
randomness. I want things to make some sense, to have some clue
as to the direction a life should lead. I just watched the Television
show that attempts to explain how something (this universe ) could
be created from nothing, and I read Hawking’s book about it and
I went to a lecture at Cal Tech by Hawking’s co-author, and I still
don’t get it. Maybe it shouldn’t be such a big deal, but I’m up in the
middle of the night wondering how a proton can suddenly appear
from nothing and become hydrogen then helium, then Cleveland.
It’s all too weird. I don’t want life to be the Creation of meaning, but
desire that there be a meaning, a purpose out there that can be and
should be discovered.
If there is a meaning out there for now, it probably can best be
understood in the language of mathematics and Physics; I want
to learn more of that language. If you are at all interested in this
attempt or have some ideas of your own that you would like to share,
please contact me at my e-mail address noeltraust@earthlink.net. I
will then try and put something together with Professor Miller and
we will be on our way.
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OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column
The secret to a great
Rev. James L. Snyder
This week the Gracious
Mistress of the Parsonage
and Yours Truly, celebrate
our 40th wedding
anniversary. This week
as I pondered our life
together it occurred to me, I might be taking
some things for granted. Doing this, especially
when it involves another person, is dangerous.
I decided to take a little stock of myself and my
relationship with the Mistress of the parsonage.
What makes our marriage so great?
The first thing I had to do was check with her to
make sure our marriage was indeed great. Much
to my relief, she too agreed with my conclusion.
This borders on the miraculous. Whenever we
agree 100 percent on anything, watch out!
A recent Hollywood wedding got me thinking.
According to the reports I have seen, that
wedding cost more than one million dollars!
Only in Hollywood! Given the way such things
go in the west coast marital Mecca, it amounts to
about $100,000 a month of married life.
Our wedding, 40 years ago, cost $97.73. It took
us all summer to scrape and save for our
nuptial extravaganza.
So far, our marriage has cost us 20 cents per
month. The best 20 cents we ever invested. The
amazing thing about this is, each month the cost
goes down but the value goes up.
The question I wanted to answer, at least in my
own mind was what made our marriage so great?
What is the secret of our marriage?
As far as I can assess, there are four things
about our marriage that has made it the great
success it is today.
The first is FORGIVE AND FORGET. She
forgives me my mistakes and I never forget to
thank her for it.
Some couples carry grudges for years. Thanks
to my memory-challenged mind, I cannot
remember what I had for lunch yesterday much
less a disagreement several years old. It takes an
enormous amount of energy to REMEMBER
things that happened years ago. I prefer spending
that energy creating new memories.
Another key to our marital bliss is TOSS AND
TURN. She tosses everything out and I turn the
house upside down trying to find it. This has been
the most difficult for me.
I would not admit being a pack-rat, but each
year they invite me to be their keynote speaker
at their convention. I would go but each year
my good wife tosses the letter out before I can
My wife believes that tossing away yesterday’s
baggage and turning over a new leaf each day is
crucial. As my wife is fond of saying, “Today it
the first day of the rest of your life.” Sometimes
she says it with a twinkle of menace in her left eye.
There is also, GIVE AND TAKE. This has
proven beneficial over the years. She gives me
a piece of her mind and I usually take it. My
concern is, of all the pieces of her mind she has
given me throughout the years, how can she have
anything left?
Decision-making is not a one-way street in a
marriage relationship. Thank God it isn’t. In every
dilemma at least two sides need considering.
When you find yourself in a dilemma, do what
my wife does, go for de lemonade.
When only one person makes the decision
in the marriage, the whole relationship takes on
a lopsided demeanor. There is nothing meaner
than a one-sided decision.
One last thing that makes our marriage great is
PROFIT AND LOSS. This has taken a little more
time to take root in my mind. Taking root in a
vacuum is hard for anything.
I have discovered that a marriage runs in
decades. For instance, the first 10-year period
focuses on establishing the relationship. This is
discovering who you are as a couple, but by the
time this happens, tiny footsteps are heard in the
hallway at night coming toward your bedroom.
The second decade centers on trying to raise
those children and keep from going insane in the
process. If I have any insanity, it is because I have
inherited it from my children.
The third decade is the most important. Not
many couples get this far. The third decade is
devoted to rediscovering who you are as a couple.
No longer are we Rachael’s mom or Jason’s dad
or Sarah’s parents. We are discovering our own
identity as a couple. And let me say, it sure is the
best part of the wedding cake and we are eating
it up.
The fourth decade, where we are right now,
is relishing all those memories made in the first
three decades.
In this PROFIT AND LOSS stage, I have
discovered that I profit greatly if I cause my
significant other no loss of face. It is amazing how
many single people are married and even live
in the same house but go in separate directions
and lead separate lives. Becoming a couple is a
marvelous process taking years to mature.
My wife and I have found the key to all of
this. It is simply SUBMISSION. The Bible plainly
states, “Submitting yourselves one to another in
the fear of God” (Ephesians 5:21 KJV).
We can do this because we independently
anchor our lives to that “rock that is higher than
I” (Psalms 61:2 KJV). As a couple, we build our
lives upon a common foundation — Jesus Christ.
To my wife: A happy anniversary to the best
Mistress to adorn my parsonage.
The Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the
Family of God Fellowship, 1471 Pine Road,
Ocala, FL 34472. He lives with his wife, Martha,
in Silver Springs Shores. Call him at 352-687-
4240 or e-mail jamessnyder2@att.net. The church
web site is www.whatafellowship.com.
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