Mountain Views News Saturday, August 13, 2011
Schiff to Draft
on New U.S.
Visa Policies
Mars Rover Arrives At New
Site on Martian Surface
Man Shot
in Gang
By Dean Lee
Congressman Adam Schiff
held a roundtable discussion
Thursday with the brightest
entrepreneurs, business leaders,
Caltech faculty and students
focused on the impacts of
national visa policies on
technology startups and
economic competitiveness.
Schiff said current immigration
policies look at how to keep
people out and not how to
attract the right people to come
in, “That’s not the frame where’re
use to looking through. I think
it would be very worthwhile, at
the highest level, to put a focus
on immigration policy along
those lines.”
The takeaway from the meeting,
Schiff said, was a broader
understanding of what startups
need. He said originally he was
looking at drafting legislation
that would give someone in
the U.S. on a student visa that
graduates with an advanced
degree, starts a business, and
hire a certain number of people,
that person would then get a
green card.
Schiff said he was fond of an
idea from Caltech Director of
International Scholar Services,
Marjory Gooding, allowing
a grace period, not unlike a
“When you have a startup
it’s like you’re married to a
business,” Schiff said. “I think
a lot of the comments could
be accommodated by that
He gave examples of looking
at what type of degrees people
graduate with or if their startups
have licensing agreements with
larger companies, “you could
look at a series of factors to see
how serious the startup really
is, or is it a phony incorporated
entity just to produce green
Schiff said ultimately he
was trying to develop a new
visa category for people in
STEM (science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics)
fields that want to stay and create
U.S. businesses. He also said he
wanted to deal with the issues
of spouses and independents of
people with H-1B visas.
Schiff said he did worry that
a whole cottage industry could
lead to phony startups helping
people get this new kind of visa
something he said the grace
period could address.
Overall he said, “My goal is to
revisit some of the immigration
policies that are economic
suicide and trying to jettison
those that are not working
and counterproductive and
developing new polices that will
help our economy.”
Attendees included, Caltech
President Emeritus, Dr.
David Baltimore; Professor of
Chemistry and Nobel Laureate,
Dr. Robert Grubbs; Dr. Yaakoy
Shevy, President and CEO of
Orbits Lightwave; Dr. Michael
Glardello, President and CEO of
Materia Inc. and Tim Cadogan,
CEO of Ad serving, consulting
startup OpenX, among others.
Police are asked for the
public’s help seeking the
whereabouts of a second
suspect after a gang related
dispute Wednesday night
ended in gunfire leaving
one victim in serious
condition with mutable
gunshot wounds.
Police said shortly before
11:00 p.m., they received
calls of shots heard in the
area of Lake Avenue and
Claremont Street. Upon
arriving, they discovered
an adult male with gunshot
wounds. The victim was
transported to a local area
hospital where he remains
in serious condition.
Detectives said they
later arrested Uriel Solis,
male-27 of Long Beach,
in connection with the
shooting. Detectives are
seeking the whereabouts of
the second suspect.
Reports suggest the suspects
may have been driving a
dark colored sedan. Police
said two men were walking
down the street when the
suspects confronted them
identifying themselves as
gang members. Police said
the other victim was not
injured. Police described
both suspects as Latinos in
the 20s possibly wearing
Anyone with information
regarding the incident
is asked to contact
the Pasadena Police
Department at (626) 744-
Photo courtesy of NASA/JPL
After a journey of almost three
years, NASA’s Mars Exploration
Rover Opportunity has reached
the Red Planet’s Endeavour
crater to study rocks never seen
On Aug. 9, the golf cart-sized
rover relayed its arrival at a
location named Spirit Point on
the crater’s rim. Opportunity
drove approximately 13 miles
(21 kilometers) since climbing
out of the Victoria crater.
“NASA is continuing to write
remarkable chapters in our
nation’s story of exploration
with discoveries on Mars and
trips to an array of challenging
new destinations,” NASA
Administrator Charles Bolden
said. “Opportunity’s findings
and data from the upcoming
Mars Science Laboratory will
play a key role in making
possible future human missions
to Mars and other places where
humans have not yet been.”
Endeavour crater, which is
more than 25 times wider than
Victoria crater, is 14 miles (22
kilometers) in diameter. At
Endeavour, scientists expect
to see much older rocks and
terrains than those examined
by Opportunity during its
first seven years on Mars.
Endeavour became a tantalizing
destination after NASA’s
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
detected clay minerals that may
have formed in an early warmer
and wetter period.
“We’re soon going to get the
opportunity to sample a rock
type the rovers haven’t seen
yet,” said Matthew Golombek,
Mars Exploration Rover science
team member, at NASA’s Jet
Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in
Pasadena, Calif. “Clay minerals
form in wet conditions so we
may learn about a potentially
habitable environment that
appears to have been very
different from those responsible
for the rocks comprising the
City Look to
Heavy Lifters
Weight lifters ready to press
200 pounds or more can
compete for trophies and prizes
during the seventh annual
bench press competition
at city of Pasadena’s Villa-
Parke Community Center
gymnasium on Saturday, Sept.
Applications are available for
participants ages 18 and over.
Last year’s bench press winner
in the super-heavyweight
division was Ricky Pickens,
pressing 565 pounds.
This year’s competition is
sponsored by Max Muscle,
Juice It Up!, Triangle Sports
and the city’s Human Services
and Recreation Department.
The event welcomes male
and female competitors in
five weight categories, with
trophies awarded for 1st, 2nd
and 3rd place in each weight
Applications are available at
the center; 363 E. Villa St. Cost
to compete is $10 per person.
For more information call Bill
Davis at (626) 744-6523.
Gaden Jangtse Monks
to Create Sculpture
50/50 Leadership Announces
“Leadership Circles”Program
On the heels of the anniversary
of California Women’s right to
vote, a day that highlights one
of the most prolific moments
in women’s history, 50/50
Leadership, a California based
non-profit (with international
reach) dedicated to the
advancement of women’s roles
in the business sector, launched
its Leadership Circles program.
The program is the brainchild of
the non-profit, and is one that
envisions a world where women
hold fifty percent of leadership
positions. This is a number
slightly less than women’s
population statistics worldwide
and one that at present is
severely lacking. The year-long
program begins in Pasadena on
Sunday, September 25th from
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the
Flintridge Foundation Retreat
Center at 236 W. Mountain,
Pasadena, CA 91103.
City Offers
The Pasadena Public Health
Department is offering low-
cost Tdap vaccines to raise the
awareness of back-to-school
immunization requirements as
part National Immunization
Awareness Month.
New California laws, Senate
Bill (SB) 354 and SB 614, now
require students entering 7th
– 12th grades to show proof of
the Tdap shot for Whooping
Cough before entering school.
This requirement applies
to both public and private
The city’s clinics will be
providing $10 Tdap vaccines
this summer, Monday -
Thursday from 8:00 – 11:00
a.m. and 1:15 – 4:30 p.m. Aug.
22, 25, 29 and Sept. 1. Walk-ins
are welcomed.
Governor Jerry Brown signed
SB 614 last week to give
schools the option of more
time to work with students to
obtain their Tdap shot.
For more information call the
clinic at 626-744-6121.
Pacific Asia Museum
announces the residency of
the Gaden Jangtse Buddhist
monks from September 7-11.
During the course of their
five-day stay, the monks will
create a sand mandala in Pacific
Asia Museum’s Focus Gallery,
and a butter sculpture (floral
form) in the Courtyard from
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. On
Wednesday, September 7, all
visitors may come to Pacific
Asia Museum free of charge
for a 10 a.m. Opening Blessing
and a mandala lecture by Geshe
Tenzin Sherab. Additional
programming will occur on
Friday and Sunday.
The sand mandala is an
ancient art form that is unique
to Tibetan Buddhism. The
artwork is made by placing fine
sand, which is ground and dyed
by hand, into an intricate design
of the world in its divine form.
It is intended to serve as a map
by which the ordinary human
mind is transformed into the
enlightened mind.
The creation of the mandala
begins with the Opening
Ceremony and the chanting
of Buddhist prayers. The
construction of the mandala
then continues over the next
five days. The monks work all
day, placing the sand grain by
grain into the delicate pattern,
as they create these incredibly
rare and sacred works of art.
Upon completion of the
mandala, the monks will hold
a Dissolution Ceremony as the
mandala is blessed a final time
and the grains of sand are swept
into a pile-- erasing the once-
beautiful work of art. Some of
the sand is given to those who
are present, as a small blessing
for their home or gardens. The
remainder is taken to the ocean
where it is poured into the
moving water, which according
to Tibetan Buddhist belief
blesses all the beings living
there, carrying prayers and
blessings throughout the world.
Citizen Journalism Meet-up
The Pasadena Community
Network and this newspaper
are holding a workshop on
Citizen Journalism.
This group is the place where
aspiring journalists can learn
from trained professionals
and support their local
community by covering
what’s really happening in
their neighborhoods.
We will put the news in your
hands. Learn how to find
the story, the tools needed
to capture the story and the
means to tell the story using
the power of video, audio and
print along with online social
media The next meeting is
Aug. 9 from 6 p.m. to 8p.m.
at the Pasadena Community
Network - Studio G, 2057 N.
Los Robles Ave.
For more info call
626.794.8585 or visit
Learn not just how
to blog but how to
report the news
Soto Elected
PCC Student
Pasadena City College
student Alexander Soto has
been elected as the 2011-2012
student trustee member for the
Pasadena Area Community
College District. He will
be serving a one-year term
retroactive to July 1.
Soto has been an active
participant in a variety of
activities and projects on
campus during his two years
at PCC. “During my first year,
I was involved in the creation
of a pilot school, the School
of History and Dramatic Arts,
that provides a well-rounded
education by combining social
sciences, natural sciences, and
the arts in an interdisciplinary
curriculum,” explained
Soto. “Moving forward, I
will continue to be involved
with the school as an in-class
This past year, he served
as the vice president of the
Associated Students of PCC
where he organized the “March
in March” event that brought
students to Sacramento to
rally and take a stand on
behalf of higher education. He
also served as a senator of the
Student Senate for California
Community Colleges where
he was involved in the
statewide shared governance
decision making process and
was able to work closely with
the Chancellor’s Office.
“I look forward to serving
this institution and its
students because education
is something that I see as the
most important component
in our society,” Soto said. “I
believe that in the current state
budget crisis we must not let
education be forgotten, and
will do what I can to make
sure PCC is in a good situation
for students during these
tumultuous times.”
For more information,
contact the PACCD Board of
Trustees at (626) 585-7202.
College Adds New
Design Tech Pathway
Pet of the
Fire Department Reminds
Residents to Register For
Emergency Notifications
An innovative new program is
beginning this fall at Pasadena
City College that combines
design, digital fabrication
technology, Math 402, and
English 100 into one integrated
pathway. The Design Tech
Pathway will allow PCC
students to learn the skills
necessary for success in the
creative, high-tech, high-pay,
high-demand careers of the
globalized future.
In a supportive, dynamic
learning environment, students
will solve real-world design
problems, with the support
of motivated instructors and
student mentors. Students
will learn design skills
through hands-on experience,
with state-of-the-art rapid
prototyping technologies (3D
scanning and design software,
3D printing, laser-cutting and
milling) along with developing
creative problem solving,
critical thinking, team work and
communication skills. Math
and English are contextualized
for design and technology so
all the classes are integrated
together to achieve strong
student success.
Created as a broadly based
introductory program, the
Design Tech Pathway will
prepare students for success
in PCC transfer and certificate
courses in architecture,
engineering, fashion, graphic
design, jewelry, photography
and product design. The
Design Tech Pathway will
also assist students to develop
education and career plans in
new technology fields such
as additive manufacturing,
bio-medical engineering and
aeronautical fabrication.
Successful completion of
this 12-unit block guarantees
students continued access to
the facilities through spring
enrollment in the Fabrication
Laboratory (fablab), ensuring
students can use their new skills
in their chosen major.
The program is open to
all incoming or continuing
students who have enrolled
and tested in at Math 402 and
English 100 on PCC placement
tests. Students must complete
the application process online at
Successful applicants will
be promptly notified when
application is completed. If
you have questions, please
email Deborah Bird or Salomon
Davila at designtech@pasadena.
Block registration begins on
Wednesday, Aug. 10. The two-
week summer Design Tech
Boot Camp begins Monday,
Aug. 15, and the fall semester
classes begin Monday, Aug. 29.
For more information, contact
(626) 585-7901.
In order to ensure that
emergency messages, red-
flag parking restrictions
and other urgent
communications can be sent
to community members
within Pasadena, the City
reminds residents and
businesses to self-register
The Pasadena Local
Emergency Alert System,
or PLEAS, is a technology
solution for both text and
voice messages. The system
knows if the message has
been delivered to a person,
voicemail, or was not
delivered due to a telephone
system error. The system
will continue to attempt to
deliver its message until it
is successfully delivered, or
until the message expires.
To self-register for
emergency alerts please go to
net/disaster/ and then select
the Emergency Notifications
(PLEAS) link. There are
a variety of emergency
notification you may select.
The system will send a
reply e-mail to activate
your account which also
serves as confirmation your
registration was successful.
Once registered, if a call
is received from (626)
405-2358, it is because
vital information will
be disseminated and it’s
imperative you listen to
the message to completion.
The Fire Department
recommends you add
this phone number to
your address book so you
recognize it. Additionally,
if you receive an email
from PasadenaLocalAlert@
important information will
be included. Add it to your
email address book so it does
not get confused with spam.
The City website and same
link included to register,
also includes disaster
preparedness information
regarding a myriad of
topics. For residents without
computer access, all City
libraries have free internet
service. If you have any
questions please contact
James Weckerle at 626-744-
Tiny Lucky weighs about 10
pounds and is just 1 year old.
He has lived with kids before
and gets along with other
little dogs. Lucky is still very
much a puppy and looking
for someone who will enjoy
training him. Come visit with
this adorable little dog!
The regular dog adoption fee is
$120, which includes medical
care prior to adoption, spaying
or neutering, vaccinations,
and a follow-up visit with a
participating vet.
Please call 626-792-7151
and ask for A292378 or come
to the Pasadena Humane
Society & SPCA, 361 S.
Raymond Ave , Pasadena
CA , 91105 . Our adoption
hours are 11-4 Sunday,
9-5 Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, and Friday, and
9-4 Saturday. Directions and
photos of all pets updated
hourly may be found at www.