Mountain Views News Saturday, August 13, 2011
Foothill Unity Center announces 2011
Neighbors Helping Neighbors honorees
Monrovia Police Blotter
During the last seven-day period, the Police
Department handled 552 service events, resulting
in 80 investigations. Following are the last week’s
highlighted issues and events:
Battery Thefts
On July 29, two curbside box battery thefts
were reported in the early morning hours. The
boxes were pried open and the batteries stolen.
The thefts occurred on Duarte at Magnolia and
the 400 block of East Cherry. The investigation is
On July 29 at 9:29 p.m., officers were flagged
down by a male subject who was bleeding from
the mouth. He told officers he was jumped by two
to three male juveniles. No suspects were located.
Investigation continuing.
Wanted Robbery Suspect Arrested
On July 30 at 11:09 a.m., officers located a
named robbery suspect they had been searching
for extensively. The suspect was wanted for the
robbery of a business in the 300 block of West
Huntington that occurred on July 12. The suspect
had approached a cashier with his hand in his
jacket pocket and threatened to shoot her if she
didn’t give him money from the register. After
obtaining the cash, he fled the location. Officers
had identified the suspect and had been watching
several locations he was known to frequent. He
was located working on a vehicle in the city of
Duarte and was arrested without incident.
Domestic Violence / Child Abuse - Suspect
On August 1 at 3:49 p.m., officers responded
to the 400 block of East Los Angeles Avenue
regarding a male subject hitting another subject
with a bat. When officers arrived, they located
a male subject that was bleeding from a head
injury. The two suspects with the bat had left
the location. The investigation revealed that
the subject with the head injury had physically
abused his girlfriend, with whom he has two
children. He had also physically abused one of
the children. This subject was taken to a hospital
for treatment. The identity of the two suspects
that assaulted the domestic violence suspect is
unknown at this time. The injured suspect was
arrested after he was treated and released from
the hospital. Investigation continuing.
Hit and Run Traffic Collision
On August 2 at 12:06 a.m., police received
the report of a vehicle striking the Acapulco
Restaurant building. The occupants of the vehicle
fled the scene. Officers arrived and determined
there were no injured patrons in the restaurant and
no occupants of the car remained at the scene. A
driver’s license and an employee badge belonging
to a female subject were found at the scene, along
with an identification card for another female
subject. Further investigation revealed that the
driver at the time of the accident was probably
the female with the identification card. A location
check of her residence was made, but she was not
located. The investigation is ongoing and charges
for driving without a license and hit and run will
be pursued. Investigation continuing.
Felony Vandalism
On August 3 at 7:25 a.m., a resident in the 400
block of East Olive reported her vehicle had been
vandalized. The vehicle was parked on the street
and had been keyed during the night. At about
12:01 p.m., officers returned to the location, as
two other vehicles belonging to the same victim
had also been keyed. All of the vehicles had been
vandalized sometime between midnight and 7:25
Southern California Edison Region Manager Elisa Clifford, center, joins other SCE volunteers at last
year’s Foothill Unity Center Back to School Fair.
Volunteers Henry and Lou Thedinga, Southern
California Edison and The Monrovian Family
Restaurant will be honored at 13th Annual
Golden Plate Awards September 22
August 10, 2011 — Dedicated volunteers Henry
and Lou Thedinga, longtime corporate champion
Southern California Edison, and business
supporter The Monrovian Family Restaurant will
receive Neighbors Helping Neighbors Awards
at Foothill Unity Center’s 13th Annual Golden
Plate Awards dinner on Thursday evening,
September 22 at Santa Anita Park in Arcadia. The
Center presents these honors each year to local
businesses, organizations and individuals who
have offered extraordinary support.
Longtime Monrovia mayor Bob Bartlett and
community hunger fighter Robin Salzer, owner
of Robin’s WoodFire BBQ in Pasadena, will also
be honored at the event with the Center’s Heart in
Hand Humanitarian award, presented annually
to local people who have made an outstanding
impact on the quality of life in their communities
and beyond.
Reservations to the event, the Center’s
only major fundraiser of the year, are $75 per
person. They may be ordered online at www.
foothillunitycenter.org, or by mailing a check to
Golden Plate Awards, Foothill Unity Center, 415
West Chestnut Avenue, Monrovia CA 91016.
Sponsorship packages begin at $1,000. Each
comes with a number of special recognitions
including ads in the Tribute Journal. The Center
is also seeking items for the evening’s silent
and live auctions. Those valued at $50 or more
received by August 26 will be acknowledged in
the Tribute Journal. For more information, visit
www.foothillunitycenter.org or contact Gerald at
the Center, (626) 358-3486.
2011 Neighbors Helping Neighbors Awards
Volunteer Award: Henry & Lou Thedinga
Henry, a very young 93-year-old and a Pearl
Harbor survivor, and his wife, Lou, who turns
90 this year, have been Center volunteers for
twelve years. Over that time, they’ve worked in
just about all areas. Currently, Henry registers
arriving clients and Lou works the Choice Pantry,
where clients can select special items. The couple
also pitches in at all special events, including
Thanksgiving and Holiday Distributions. They’re
regular donors as well. The Center is proud to
be one of several organizations that benefit from
their time and energy.
Corporate Award: Southern California Edison
With the help of Region Manager Elisa Clifford,
who sits on the Center’s board, SCE has been a
key supporter for many years in many ways. Every
year, the company has sponsored the Golden Plate
Awards and participated in the Back to School
Fair, awarding it major grants for the past two
years. SCE has also sponsored the organization’s
annual Volunteer Appreciation Lunch and raised
money at their annual employee event for Center
programs. It’s not unusual for SCE to bring nearly
70 volunteers to help out at the food warehouse.
Business Award: The Monrovian Family
Owner Sia Soris and her team are among the
Center’s most devoted and steadfast fans. The
Monrovian has donated the food and provided
the location for the organization’s Volunteer
Appreciation Luncheon for the past three years,
and supplied food for 400+ volunteers working
our Back to School Fair for the last five years.
They are always ready and willing to help with
whatever is needed, from soup to turkeys.
The Monrovian also prominently displays the
Center’s Auxiliary donation bank at their register,
generating regular support funds.
Longtime Volunteers Henry and Lou Thedinga have
been donating their time to the center for over a
Sia Soris is owner of The Monrovian Family
Restaurant, an enthusiastic supporter of Foothill
Unity Center.
The Library Brings the Summer Reading Club
to the Summer Extravaganza Program
The Youth Services staff held their annual
Summer Reading Club on the road for the
Summer Extravaganza Program for five weeks
this summer. The 268 youth, ages six to 16,
participated in the reading incentive program.
Staff met under the trees to discuss books, passed
out reading incentives and presented book-related
games and other activities. A visit to the Library
for the teen Summer Extravaganza participants
was held on Monday, August 1. The teens played
a Library version of The Amazing Race, talked
about books and watched a short film.
Library Storytime Hiatus
All storytimes and additional Library youth
programming will take a short break beginning
the week of August 8. Baby Time, Time for Twos
and Munchkin Storytime will resume on Tuesday,
September 6.
Senior Trip to the Los Angeles Farmer’s Market
A senior day trip to the Los Angeles Farmer’s
Market will be held on Friday, August 19.
The participants will meet at the Community
Center at 9:30 a.m. and are scheduled to
return at 4 p.m. Tickets may be purchased
for $17 at the Community Center and will
include transportation. The participants will be
responsible for their lunch. Spend the day in L.A.
and receive a free gift bag of goodies. Space is
limited and reservations are required.
For additional information and reservations,
please contact the Department of Community
Services, at (626) 256-8246.
Monrovia Public Library Teen Advisory Board (TAB)
has a New Book Club
Check out the Teen Advisory Board’s (TAB)
new book club Popular Paperbacks for Monrovia
Teens, created by teens, for teens. Read thrilling
adventures, or books, about evil bullies and
complete a short survey, telling Librarians across
the country what you think. The teen feedback
will help facilitate the creation of book selections,
by the group; Popular Paperbacks for Young
Adults, a national committee of librarians,
sponsored by the Young Adult Library Services
Association (YALSA). Stop by a TAB meeting,
held on the first Monday of the month, to be a
part of the book club.
For additional information, please contact the
Monrovia Public Library, at (626) 256-8274.