Mountain Views News Saturday, March 3, 2012
HOWARD Hays As I See It
Political theatre sells advertising, so it’s
no surprise that media coverage of the
Michigan and Arizona primaries focuses
on the Republican intra-party battle and
the wounds each candidate is inflicting on
the others. Come November, however, these
squabbles will be consigned to the history
channel and the great debate over our future
will take center stage.
Primary coverage paints a picture of
irresponsible siblings fighting with one
another. Sadly, the results from last Tuesday
were not conclusive, although Romney
now seems to have a somewhat significant
competitive edge, but the squabbling
has many Republican voters still wary of
Romney. They seem to doubt whether
he’s true to conservative principles, and
this showed most dramatically among Tea
Candidate Romney is going to have to shore
up support among this critical component
of the electorate, not because they represent
the conservative base, but because they are
the most vocal and visible manifestation of
the deep resentment most “independents”
feel toward President Obama’s policies and
hard-left-leaning vision for America. These
independents and these Tea Partiers are
looking for the candidate who will truly
deliver on the promises of fiscal restraint
and a secure future – themes that candidate
Obama espoused in the last election but
abandoned in office.
Obama doesn’t have these voters now,
and they should be an easy win for any
Republican. The fact is that on every major
issue the real disagreements among the
Republican candidates are over style and
tone, not real policy differences. With the
exception of Ron Paul, whom nobody is
seriously considering as a challenge at this
point, the following are principles which any
of the Republican candidates would endorse
and every independent would embrace.
1. The size of government and the debt ($15
trillion) are too damn high. This President
wants to increase both.
Any Republican would
reduce them both.
2. This President lost
our AAA credit rating
and doesn’t even care.
Any Republican would
take steps to restore it.
3. Real unemployment
stands at 15%. This
President’s policies have done nothing to
significantly reduce unemployment. Any
Republican would loosen the reins on
American business and put millions back to
4. Obamacare promises to increase the
cost of healthcare and eliminate a patient’s
ability to make decisions about their own
healthcare. Instead, a government panel
will decide what care is provided. Any
Republican would repeal this monstrosity.
5. Medicare and Social Security cannot meet
their obligations. This President refuses to
even touch the issue. Any Republican would
put these programs on sound footing.
6. This President is on record saying he
supports higher gas prices (his energy
secretary wants $8/gallon, like Europe).
Any Republican would allow more domestic
production and bring down the price of
7. This President dismisses America’s unique
role in the world, apologizes for our past and
is willing to let the Iranians to get the bomb.
No Republican would do this.
It seems trite at this point to claim that
2012 will be the most important election
of our lifetime, but it’s true. It’s a choice
between squandering America’s greatness
and restoring that greatness. Principles any
Republican or independent will support.
Gregory J. Welborn is an independent opinion
columnist. He writes and speaks frequently
on political, economic and social issues. His
columns have appeared in publications such
as The Los Angeles Daily News, The Orange
County Register, The Wall Street Journal and
USA Today. He can be reached at gwelborn@
Senator Carol Liu
California State Senate, 21st Dist.
Sacramento, CA
Dear Sen. Liu;
I wanted to follow up on our brief conversation last week. Hope you
don’t mind this appearing as an “open letter”, but with the approaching
deadline for my weekly column, I thought I’d get both out of the way.
Most are aware of redrawn legislative districts and the new “open primary”
procedures. It wasn’t until last week’s meeting of the Foothill
Community Democrats, though, that the reality sunk in that come June 5, here in Sierra
Madre we’ll be given ballots with unfamiliar names of those wanting to represent us, final
selections will be made in November, and in January Sierra Madre will have new representation
both in Sacramento and in Washington, D.C.
Whether or not the individuals who spoke at the meeting will ultimately prevail on Election
Day, I’m confident, at least, that Sierra Madre will be served by those seeking to encourage
the economic recovery rather than block it for partisan purpose; who’ll serve the
interests of We the People rather than those of the highest bidder.
The first speaker, Rep. Judy Chu, brought her background as L.A. Community College
professor, Monterrey Park mayor and State Assembly member to the U.S. Congress in 2009
to succeed Hilda Solis, now Secretary of Labor under President Obama. In congress,
Rep. Chu has distinguished herself as an advocate for women’s reproductive rights, public
service, education, and in encouraging the developing green economy - having received a
100% rating from the League of Conservation Voters. A welcome relief from retiring Rep.
David Dreier.
Might be genetics, but Chris Holden has shown the same enthusiasm for public service
in his hometown of Pasadena as his father, Nate Holden, showed as an L.A. City Councilman.
As longtime Pasadena councilmember and former mayor, he’s seen to the continued
vibrancy of Old Town and charter reform at City Hall. At the meeting, he expressed his
desire to see successes such as that of Old Town replicated in communities throughout the
state. As a potential constituent, I’d rather be hearing about such successes of my State Assemblyman
than about charges brought against an incumbent for packing loaded guns at
an airport.
I was also impressed with your own record of accomplishment, Sen. Liu, from a career in
education to the La Canada Flintridge City Council, from the Assembly to the State Senate
representing Burbank, Glendale and Pasadena – and now maybe Sierra Madre. It’s a record
not just of promoting quality of life for all, but of focusing on the protection of those most
vulnerable – children, the elderly and disabled – constituencies least likely to have high-
priced Sacramento lobbyists promoting their cause.
I also had the opportunity at the meeting to chat with Dr. Janice Nelson, longtime activist
and wife of a former mayor of Sierra Madre. Dr. Nelson was collecting signatures on a
petition to bring health insurance under the purview of the State Insurance Commissioner.
Among other things, hikes in insurance premiums would have to be justified to the Commissioner,
as is now required with car insurance. A bill with similar goals died in the State
Senate last year. This is the issue I said I’d be following up on with you.
The bill, AB52 by Assemblyman Mike Feuer, would’ve given either the Insurance Commissioner
or the Dept. of Managed Health Care authority to stop excessive rate hikes. It passed
the Assembly last June with the support of Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones.
In the Senate, Health Committee Chairman Ed Hernandez (D) initially supported AB52
but, as reported by the Center for American Progress, let it die because he “could not support
the bill in its current form.” The Center also reported Sen. Hernandez’ income is
boosted by $69,000 a year by payments from Kaiser Health Plans on property he owns.
Kaiser spent $5 million lobbying Sacramento since 2009; along with Anthem Blue Cross
spending $2.5 million, UnitedHealth and Health Net a million each, and Blue Shield California
(In an irony not lost on health advocates, the lobbying firm retained by Kaiser, Carpenter
Hawkins Sievers LLC, was active for over a decade battling efforts to curtail smoking in
public places and tobacco marketing aimed at children.)
In comments addressed to Rep. Chu, I mentioned that fully two-thirds of my state retirement
payments goes to health insurance premiums, with between a quarter and a third of
that going not to healthcare but skimmed off for corporate profit and overhead – feeding
multi-million-dollar bonuses for execs at WellPoint and UnitedHealth – while state tuitions
are hiked, teachers are laid off and the safety net for our neediest is shredded.
Were a single-payer system established for state retirees and/or employees, there would
be no pension problem – or at least not the gutting of needed services we’re seeing today.
A single-payer plan for all Californians nearly passed in early February, and would’ve become
a reality had it garnered the support of only two of the six Democratic senators
who were bought off. The six, Sens. Calderon, Correa, Padilla, Rubio, Vargas and Wright,
received a total of $1.4 million from the insurance, pharmaceutical and health industries.
This would’ve been routine had Republicans been in charge. What makes it noteworthy
is that this sacrificing of our state’s well-being for the benefit of narrow corporate interests
took place under a Democratic majority.
By June 5, we should know enough to base our decisions on more than whether a name is
followed by a “D” or an “R”. I hope my neighbors in Sierra Madre will have the opportunity
to meet you and the other candidates in person as I did, and I trust that in the next several
weeks the Mountain Views News will play a crucial role in helping us become familiar with
those who would represent us in Sacramento and Washington, D.C.
My Best,
Howard Hays, Sierra Madre, CA
TINA Dupay
This campaign season
can be summed up
by one interview on
conservative talk
radio last August.
It was with Iowa
Straw Poll-sweeper
Congresswoman, Michele Bachmann, in which
she proclaimed: “What people recognize is
that there’s a fear that the United States is in
an unstoppable decline. They see the rise of
China, the rise of India, the rise of the Soviet
Union and our loss militarily going forward.”
Yes, Bachmann warned us of a foreign boogieman
rising … one that’s been dead for over 20 years.
But warning of a zombie nation feasting on
the metaphorical brains of the U.S. is consistent
with a party now completely untethered from
basic American history, science or any other
evidence-based practice: The GOP is now a party
standing proudly on a pro-fiction platform.
Yes, in their party, as an aide to Senator Jon Kyl
put it last year, whatever they say is “not intended
to be a factual statement” but to illustrate a point.
For example, this week Mitt Romney brought
a Michigan tea party audience to tears
recalling the 50th anniversary of the American
automobile event he attended as a child … even
though it took place months before he was born.
Former Senator Rick Santorum asserts
public schools are an “anachronism” of the
industrialized era as the reason they should be
privatized. He said at the CNN debate last week:
“Not only do I believe the federal government
should get out of the education business, I
think the state government should start to get
out of the education business and put it back
to the local and into the community.” Just when
millions of Americans have lost their homes
comes a candidate in favor of home schooling.
Public schools are arguably what made us a
country. The colonies had one of the highest
literacy rates in the world at the time. In James
D. Hart’s “The Popular Book: A History of
America’s Literary Taste” published in 1950,
he notes that in 1650 New England there were
laws requiring “reading and writing schools.”
Education was thought to thwart Satan at that
time (note to Santorum there). Hart goes on
to include a popular ditty of the era: “From
public schools shall general knowledge flow,
For ‘tis the people’s sacred right to know.”
Also, the principal writer of the
Declaration of Independence, Thomas
Jefferson, was (gasp) publically educated.
Santorum, as a pro-fiction candidate,
also dismisses colleges as “indoctrination
mills.” One man’s indoctrination is another
man’s accreditation to work in the sciences.
The four candidates still vying for the
nomination are pro-fiction to the core: Somehow
the President who okayed the assassination of
Osama bin Laden, sent drone attacks into Libya
and kept Gitmo open is an apologetic pansy – soft
on our enemies. Obama has deported more illegal
immigrants and spent more money protecting
the border than any of his predecessors – but
he’s ignoring the issue of illegal immigration.
Romney keeps on promising if elected he’ll make
the military so powerful no other country would
dare attack us even though we have the biggest
military in the world. Gingrich who says if given
any power he’ll send U.S. Marshalls to compel
radical judges to explain their rulings, deems
“the pill” to be the epitome of radical government
overreach. Taxes? Too high even though they’re
historically low (especially during war time).
Tax cuts? A pay-for-themselves panacea even
though the Bush Tax Cuts didn’t pan out.
Challenge their narrative and brace for
the ad hominem attacks. You only believe
this because you’re at least one of the
following: liberal, socialist, unemployed,
commie sympathizer, elite, dupe, European,
journalist, gun hater, Muslim, Obama-bot,
or (my favorite from my inbox) silly little girl.
Because in fiction you must create an enemy or
there’s no story.
The pro-fiction party will tell you their
ideas will lower gas prices, cut the deficit,
end poverty, cut the size of government and
make everybody super free by allowing the
states to decide which rights to take away.
No matter how completely impossible –
no matter how divorced from evidence or
precedence – the GOP will continue to make
claims not to be factual – but just to illustrate a
point. Possibly that you should vote for them.
The Soviet Union must be watching this race
right now and just laughing their heads off.
Tina Dupuy is an award-winning writer and the
managing editor of Crooks and Liars. Tina can be
reached at tinadupuy@yahoo.com.
GOP 2012: