Mountain Views News Saturday, March 3, 2012
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
Patricia Colonello
Richard Garcia
Lina Johnson
Ivonne Durant
John Aveny
Jeff Brown
Pat Birdsall
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Stuart Tolchin
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Hail Hamilton
Rich Johnson
Chris Bertrand
Ron Carter
Rev. James Snyder
Bobby Eldridge
Mary Carney
La Quetta Shamblee
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Wellborn
Dr. John Talevich
Meaghan Allen
Sean Kayden
HAIL Hamilton My Turn
STUART Tolchin......On LIFE
The National Security
State means the ideology
and institutions (Dept. of
Homeland Security, Dept. of Defense, CIA, NSA)
established by the National Security Act of 1947
and thereafter expanded by later presidents, is
an enduring legacy of then President Harry S.
Truman, in support of what came to be called
the “Truman Doctrine”to support free peoples
who are resisting attempted subjugation by
armed minorities or by outside pressures.”
which explains the transformative process that
ended in the ultimate demise of the New Deal
state with its emphasis on social spending and
ushered in the militarist National Security State
with its support of “Preditory Capitalism.”
In his book “Brave New World Order”,
Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer identified seven
characteristics of a National Security State:
¦ The first characteristic of a National
Security State is that the military is the highest
authority. In a National Security State the
military not only guarantees the security of the
state against all internal and external enemies,
it has enough power to determine the overall
direction of the society. In a National Security
State the military exerts important influence
over political, economic, as well as military
¦ A second defining feature of a National
Security State is that political democracy and
democratic elections are viewed with suspicion,
contempt, or in terms of political expediency.
National Security States often maintain an
appearance of democracy. However, ultimate
power rests with
the military or
within a broader
National Security
¦ A third
characteristic of a
National Security
State is that the
military and related
sectors wield
substantial political
and economic
power. They do
so in the context
of an ideology
which stresses
that ‘freedom” and
are possible only
when capital is
concentrated in the
hands of elites.
¦ A fourth
feature of a National
Security State is its obsession with enemies.
There are enemies of the state everywhere.
Defending against external and/or internal
enemies becomes a leading preoccupation of the
state, a distorting factor in the economy, and a
major source of national identity and purpose.
¦ A fifth ideological foundation of a
National Security State is that the enemies of the
state are cunning and ruthless. Therefore, any
means used to destroy or control these enemies
is justified.
¦ A sixth characteristic of a National
Security State is that it restricts public debate
and limits popular participation through secrecy
or intimidation. Authentic democracy depends
on participation of the people. National Security
States limit such participation in a number of
ways: They sow fear and thereby narrow the
range of public debate; they restrict and distort
information; and they define policies in secret
and implement those policies through covert
channels and clandestine activities. The state
justifies such actions through rhetorical pleas of
“higher purpose” and vague appeals to “national
¦ Finally, the church is expected
to mobilize its financial, ideological, and
theological resources in service to the National
Security State.
Open government is based on the American
constitutional form of representative
government. Government is the servant, not
the master, of the people. Open government
requires an informed citizenry. Additionally, by
delegating authority, citizens do not give public
servants the right to decide what is good for the
people to know and what is not good for them
to know.
Which form of government do we have today.
Before you answer think about the Patriot Act.
Section 224 (Sunset) is a sunset clause. Title II
and the amendments made by the title originally
would have ceased to have effect on December
31, 2005, but, with the exception of the below
sections, was extended to March 10, 2006:
Since 2006 the Patriot Act has been extended or
reauthorized by Presidents Bush and Obama,
the last time being on May 26, 2011 when
President Obama signed a 4-year extension of
the act which included the above sections.
you didn’t
even watch
the Academy
Presentations or maybe you don’t
even care about movies but, for
what my opinion is worth, I think
the Award Show was a complete
embarrassment that typified what
is wrong with the United States.
First of all I am not saying that the
whole four hours was completely
unentertaining—it wasn’t. What I
am saying is that the show missed
many opportunities for relevance,
education, and even significance.
In that way it was very much like
the present American political
process which wastes time and
millions of dollars discussing
insignificance while much of the
world’s population struggles for
One of the things I found
troubling is that the whole thing
emanated from someplace in the
Universe referred to only as the
Hollywood and Highland Center.
Up until a couple of days earlier
the place was known as the Kodak
Theatre but since Kodak, is now
defunct I guess the name cannot
even be used. Kodak, how ironic?
Is this the handwriting on the wall?
Is this our future? What does
this tell us? I think the Master
of Ceremonies, Billy Crystal, did
actually make one relevant and
topical comment about the place,
calling it the Chapter 11 Play
House or something like that.
Speaking of Billy Crystal, I am
told he was selected in an attempt
to go back to the Glory Days of
the Academy Awards and rehash
some of the old Bob Hope and
Jerry Lewis stuff that had once
been so successful. Billy is in his
sixties now and his singing and
dancing demonstrates a kind of
self-parody that was still much
more diverting than last year’s
attempt at entertainment. If you
can recall that far back, last year
the Emcees were the youngsters
Ann Hathaway and James Franco
as the show attempted to appeal to
a “younger demographic”. Well, it
certainly didn’t appeal to me and I
sincerely doubt that it very much
appealed to anyone else. This year
there was more of an attempt
to go for nostalgia and to
recreate the glory days of
Hollywood. To this end the
theatre was dressed up like an old-
time Movie House and there were
pastel colored usherettes passing
out popcorn. What a waste of
If they wanted nostalgia why
not focus on real connections
and memories. In the past year
Elizabeth Taylor left us. During my
life-time Elizabeth Taylor was the
most radiant and glamorous and
Award-nominated of actresses. In
the whole four hour marathon she
was only momentarily mentioned.
Elizabeth Taylor’s only competitor
for most famous movies star in
the last half-century was Marilyn
Monroe. In fact the nominated
pictures this year actually included
a picture focusing on someone’s
week with Marilyn. Her film,
Some Like it Hot, was, I think,
selected in an AFI poll as the most
enjoyed movie in the last fifty
years. So, was there any mention
of Marilyn whatsoever? ... No.
There really were connections to
be made. In an attempt to remedy
complaints about last year’s lack
of diversity the show opened
with an appearance by Morgan
Freeman, the “Voice of God”. At
that very moment the aged, heroic
Nelson Mandela, with whom
Freeman is closely identified
and actually played in Invictus,
was confined to a hospital; was
this even mentioned? Another
glaring omission involved the
Awards given for the best short
film. These films invariably
involve meaningful and politically
significant subjects. I think there
was an award to the first African-
American Director and yet
there was absolutely no attempt
made to discuss the substance or
significance of these films.
As to the four major awards
given to actors, there is little here to
bring glory to America. The award
for best actress presented by last
year’s winner, who played the King
of England, to this year’s winner
who played the Prime Minister of
England. I’m not making this up
and no one mentioned it. As to
supporting roles, the one to a male
went to an 82 year-old Canadian
while the one to the female was
presented to an African-American
woman for playing a maid in
a picture set in the 1960’s. As
deserving as Octavia Spencer was,
there is something disconcerting
about this whole heroic Black
1960 maid business being saluted
here in 2012. Morgan Freeman
sort of already played that genre
of role in Driving Miss Daisy and
somehow it’s just too easy for
everyone to pat themselves on the
back as we recognize that things
have changed a lot since 1960. Yes
things have changed a lot but the
problems involving race-relations
and the rearing of children remain
and are still being neglected.
What I am complaining about is
that the whole show had a chance
to be relevant, meaningful and
amusing and it sacrificed that
chance to try and get a few laughs
and presented a show that was
still ultimately pretty boring. By
the way, I saw many movies this
year and, without question, the
most educational, meaningful, and
entertaining feature came from
Iran. It is called “A Separation”
and is in Farsi and was produced
in Iran. You should try and see it if
it’s showing anywhere.
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OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column
Whenever somebody
mentions the word “free” in
my presence, my right eye
turns a vivid jaundice. It
is not that I have anything
against the word free; just
the person who is trying to use it to gain some
kind of an advantage over me. I know anybody
employing this mono-verbiage, is hiding some
very long strings.
My father taught me a long time ago that there
are no free lunches. Occasionally somebody will
advertise a free lunch and I go and find out the
lunch is free, but they are going to charge you to
get out of that restaurant. In the end, it would
have been cheaper to buy my own lunch.
My philosophy is simply this; if I cannot
afford it, I do not want it. In my vast experience
down through the years, I have discovered that I
cannot afford free. And I think I know why. My
understanding of the word “free” and the person
employing that word is not the same.
When I use the word “free,” I am insinuating
that there is absolutely no cost associated with
this product whatsoever.
When others use the word “free,” they often
are insinuating that I am just a free market for
them to take advantage of in the neighborhood
of my money. Unfortunately, I do not live in that
neighborhood anymore.
I especially do not accept any “free offers” via
the telephone. If someone has something to give
me for nothing, let him come to my door, hand
it to me, shake my hand and get out of Dodge. To
me, that’s what free is all about.
Just the other day I received one of those
telephone calls. I must confess that I was in
a rather curmudgeonly attitude and was just
looking around for someone on which to spit
my scorn.
Then the telephone rang.
When I answered the phone, it turned out
to be someone offering me, absolutely free, with
no cost to me absolutely, a free crime prevention
program for my blessed domicile.
“No thank you, sir,” I said as politely as I could.
“I’m not really interested.”
I assure you I have no PhD or DD attached
to my name whatsoever and yet as simple as I
am, I understood what the phrase “I’m not really
interested” was all about. Not so my affable
telephone caller.
“But I assure you, sir, that this program is
absolutely free to you. It’s our way to say thank
you to some of our customers.” He rattled
on as though we were having only a one-way
conversation. If this is going to be a one-way
conversation, who will take up the offering? I
think I know.
After five long minutes of him telling me how
important it was for me to have security in my
home and how his product was absolutely free to
me, I finally got a word in edgewise.
“But I have my own security system, thank
There is a slight pause and then he said, “What
is your home security system, if I may ask?”
All right. I will confess right now that I had
a wee bit of naughtiness on my mind, but in my
own defense the telephone caller opened the
door. I always believe where there is an open
door somebody ought to step in.
“My home security system is called, Napoleon-
two-Claws, and furthermore I’m quite satisfied
with it.”
There was another pause on the other end of
the phone and I heard someone clear their throat
and then ask, “I’ve never heard of that program.
What is ‘Napoleon-two-Claws’?”
You know what it is like when you are trying
not to laugh and it is about all you can do not to
laugh? For a brief moment, I felt a little bit guilty
but then I remembered who was on the other
end of the phone. Somebody that was trying to
con me with some kind of free thingamajig.
“The ‘Napoleon-two-Claws’ home security
program that I have in my house is my cat. I call
him Napoleon because he walks around with his
right paw stuck in his coat between two buttons.”
There was an extended pause on the other end
of the phone and finally he said, “What would
you do, sir, if someone broke into your house?”
“I’d send flowers to the funeral.”
“The funeral? Who’s funeral?”
“Why, the funeral of the guy who tried to break
into my house while ‘Napoleon-two-Claws’ was
on duty. The first moment an intruder would
enter into my home, good old Napoleon would
claw that sorry person to death.”
Then feeling good about my momentum at this
point I continued, “I live there and I have a hard
time getting in my house without being clawed
to death by Napoleon. And I feed the cat. My cat
is the meanest, grumpiest, most cantankerous
animal on God’s green earth. If anybody, and I
mean anybody, can get past Napoleon they can
have anything in my house. Absolutely free.”
At that moment, I heard a distinctive “click”
and I realized our conversation was over. I guess
whatever he had that was free did not measure
up to good old ‘Napoleon-two-Claws’.
The only one I trust to give me something is
God. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are
heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew
What Jesus gives is absolutely free.
The Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family
of God Fellowship, PO Box 831313, Ocala, FL
34483. He lives with his wife, Martha, in Silver
Springs Shores. Call him at 352-687-4240 or
e-mail jamessnyder2@att.net. The church web
site is www.whatafellowship.com.
RICH Johnson
In this politically charged season I consider
it apropos to examine the function and role
of politicians. I have recently met council
candidates Chris Koerber, Colin Braudrick and
Gene Goss. Articulate gentlemen who could
easily, in my estimation serve the city well.
Whether we agree or disagree with council
members or candidates, we should never forget
these people are volunteering (or offering to volunteer) massive
amounts of their time to serve the good of our community. They’re
not in it for the money folks.
Colin Braudrick at his kick off party, the primary role of government
is to insure public safety. He has lots of insight and experience when
it comes to public safety as he is a Police Sergeant with the LAPD.
One of the key ways of insuring public safety is passing laws. Some
of the laws on the books give us pause to wonder what the politicians
were thinking:
A number of states and municipalities have a law against carrying
concealed weapons. In Seattle, Washington it is illegal to carry a
concealed weapon more than six feet long.
Don’t eat candy an hour and a half prior to going to church in Salem,
West Virginia. It’s illegal. Storing snowballs in a refrigerator is illegal
in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. Speaking of public safety it is illegal to walk
down any street in Maine with your shoelaces untied. Talk about
public safety
If your car drips on the pavement in Green Bay, Wisconsin you’ll
pay a dollar per drop in fines. Tie your elephant to a parking meter
in Orlando, Florida (who hasn’t) you better put money in the meter.
You can cook in any bedroom in California but don’t think for a
moment you can sleep in a kitchen. It’s agin’ the law. As is falling
asleep in a bathtub in Detroit.
Personal hygiene is an issue of public safety. It’s against the law to
blow your nose in public in Waterville, Maine. What’s more sneezing
on a train is against the law in West Virginia. So, hold it in til you
cross the border.
Throwing a banana peel on the sidewalk is unlawful in Sherman,
Texas (I actually researched and discovered that no emergency room
of any hospital in the United States has ever reported an accident
caused by slipping on a banana peel.)
I wonder if candidate Colin Braudrick (who is from Carmel,
California) knows it is illegal for a woman to take a bath in a business
office in Carmel. And driving a car while sleeping is against the law
in Memphis.
Radiofishbowl.com. Local Sierra Madre radio on the internet. When
you are on your computer log into Radiofishbowl.com and listen to
great music and wonderful funny programming like the Barry, Lisa,
and Rich show Monday and Saturday mornings at 10:00 am. The rest
of the time enjoy wonderfully diverse music programmed by James
Faulkner. The Live365 radio app will give you access via your iPhone.
Cinderella has a few more Saturday morning performances. 11:00am
at the Sierra Madre Playhouse. Geared for kids it is also heartwarming
for adults to enjoy. Watch little girls dressed as princesses dance with
Prince Charming. $18.00 for adults and $12.00 for those 12 and
Finally, my oldies band, JJJukebox has the honor of performing at
Café 322 on the last day of March. Saturday, March 31st from 7:00 to
9:00 followed by Jane Fuller band, The Real Jane, performing rock
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