Mountain Views News Saturday, March 3, 2012
By Harvey Hyde
If you want to improve your short game you
have to learn how to chip the golf ball with solid
contact. I am going to explain to you exactly
how to just that. The address position for chipping
the golf ball has three components. Today I
am going to tell what they are and how to apply
#1. Ball position is critical for consistent impact.
It has to be in the middle to middle back of
your stance. If it is too far forward you will hit
up on it and top the ball or hit it thin most of the
time. The other reason you want it in the middle
to middle back of your stance is so the clubhead
will approach the ball on a steep angle.
#2. The second part is to make sure you have
75% of your weight on your left foot at address.
Once you place the weight on your left side, leave
it there during the backswing and downswing. If
you stay put during the swing the clubhead will
swing steep into the back of the golf ball and it
will have the same flight and roll every time.
#3. After you have placed the ball in the center
of your stance and you leaned over to the left
with 75% of your weight on your left leg, it is
time now to move the handle over to your left
side. Remember when you address the golf ball
the handle of the club is in the center of your
body. When you moved your weight over to the
left, the center of your body is now on your left
side. That is why YOU HAVE TO MOVE THE
When you move the handle over to your left
leg it will allow the club to swing UP in the backswing
and DOWN in the downswing, thus creating
a steep and consistent impact.
If you follow these steps you will chip the golf
ball better than ever.
For more information go to: www.bobbyeldridgegolf.
In this week’s
column I want to
offer this advice to
parents: Allow your
children to play a
variety of sports.
I bring this up
because I recently
had legendary Los Angeles Ram barefoot
kicker Mike Lansford on my radio show to
talk about the football camp he and former
Ram quarterback Vince Ferragamo are
holding Saturday, March 24, at Veteran’s
Stadium in Long Beach. (For information,
go to fnlcamps.com).
As a youngster growing up in Arcadia,
Lansford enjoyed playing all sports. It
wasn’t until his late teens that he began to
concentrate on kicking, a skill that brought
him fame and fortune.
When I asked him how soon kids should
start learning a certain skill, Mike told me
he had heard of a toddler at 18 months being
taught how to placekick a football. Now that
is just plain ridiculous. Many other experts
and even private coaches have told me that
focusing on one talent, skill or sport should
not come until kids are at least teen age, or
old enough to decide “this is going to be my
Young athletes, both boys and girls, need to
be given the opportunity of having fun and
playing different sports. I think it is wrong
for a parent or club sports coach to select a
specific sport for the child at a young age and
not allow him or her to diversify and enjoy
different experiences. In the effort to refine
and expand specific skills, this often happens.
At a young age it is difficult to tell what
sports fit a young talented athlete. And you
limit their growth, agility, knowledge, skills
and ability to establish a wide variety of team
and personal friendships, some of which
might last a lifetime.
Unfortunately, there is for some the
belief that simply enjoying the sport and
the competition is not enough. One needs
to excel in the game, and the only way to
demonstrate excellence in a sport is to get a
college scholarship – or better yet, become a
professional athlete. And in order to do that
one must concentrate on that sport and play
it year-round.
But my belief is that by playing several
sports you become more coordinated in
using different muscles and skills, not to
mention stronger and more sociable. Also,
limiting your child to one sport puts undue
pressure on that youngster and delivers the
wrong message. Winning is a good thing,
but it is not the only thing.
The development of a child during his or
her growing years is very important and it is
the parents’ responsibility to protect bones,
ligaments and tendons, and, we are learning,
brain function. We all know that over-
practice and over-use can cause injuries.
Then, there is the potential for what we
call burnout. A youngster will get fed up
and announce, “I just don’t like doing this
anymore. And I don’t have any friends.” A
child needs to identify with being your son
or daughter, not just your highly skilled
athlete. Let your child grow up naturally and
be a kid.
And it is important to remember this,
although it is obvious to most people: A child
does not have to be an athlete to be successful.
Let your children discover their own talent,
whatever that might be, and encourage them
to pursue it.
Harvey Hyde’s Peristyle podcast can be heard
on uscfootball.com and his radio show on Las
Vegas station KSHP AM 1400 can be heard
via the Internet.
Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.comVOLUME 5 NO. 23
SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 2011Inside This Edition...
Sierra Madre News Page 3More News Page 4Pasadena/Altadena Page 5Arcadia
Page 6Monrovia/Duarte Page 7Education & Youth Page 8Class of 2011 Page 9Good Food & Drink Page 10Arts & Entertainment Page 11Legals Page 12Left/Right Page 13Opinion
Page 14The World Around Us Page 15
The Good Life Page 16Homes & Property Page 17
Page 18Research Supporting
Mitigated Negative Dec-
laration Called “Woefully
By Susan HendersonOn Thursday, the Sierra Madre
Planning Commission heard from
both supporters and opponents of the
Final Mitigated Negative Declaration
(MND) for the Alverno High School
Master Plan. The plan includes
expansion of the school’s facilities
that include a 12,860 square foot, two
story multi-purpose building; a 2,900
square foot amphitheatre and a new
multi-purpose sports field to replace
the existing softball field.
Currently the school is operating
under a Conditional Use Permit
that was originally approved in
1959. Alverno has not done any
major renovations since that time.
It is proposing the improvements
and expansion in order to maintain
its ability to compete with other
private schools and maintain its’
enrollment. Currently the enrollment
is approximately 350 young women.
After years of negotiations with
neighbors and city officials, an Initial
Study was done in March of this year
to review the overall impact of the
project on the community. In May, a
Final Mitigated Negative Declaration
was prepared for the Sierra Madre
Planning Commission. On Thursday,
the MND was reviewed and the
commission requested additional
information from city staff before
approving the document.
Residents who live in the area sur-
rounding the school are split in their
opinions of the project. Many of the
more vocal opponents have lodged
their complaints with the school and
the city. As a result, a series of com-
munity meetings were held last year
that resulted in the school and the city
mitigating certain issues, but there are
still concerns being expressed over po-
tential increases in noise and traffic.
There is also concern about the impact
of the project on the trees in the path
of the expansion.
According to CEQA, a Negative Decla-
ration (or Mitigated Negative Declara-
tion) can be prepared only when there
is no substantial evidence that the
project may have a significant effect on
the environment. And while the city
has submitted documentation to sup-
port a MND, opponents do not agree.
The consensus of those opposed to the
project is that the data used to support
the MND was “woefully inadequate”.
Before the MND was submitted
to the planning commission, the
state’s clearinghouse submitted the
application from Alverno to numerous
agencies for review. Reviewing the
application to insure that the school’s
plans would not violate any state laws
or have an adverse impact on resources
in the area were the California
Departments of Fish and Game,
Parks and Recreation, Transportation,
Regional Water, Quality Control, Cal
Trans and the Highway Patrol. In
addition, the North American Heritage
Commission reviewed the application.
Of the agencies contacted by the state,
only one, Cal Trans, issued a letter to
the city. In it, the agency asked the city
to limit heavy construction equipment
to off-peak hours and to remain
mindful of concerns regarding water
The planning commission listened to
speakers on both sides of the issue in
a marathon session that resulted in
postponement of any action on the
MND until July.
The 2011 Election Committee is
looking for a few more volunteers
for the Altadena Town Council Elec-
tions on Saturday, June 11. There are
five polling locations to choose from:
Charles White Park 77 Mountain
View Street (Ventura Street side)
Farnsworth Park 568 East Mount
Curve Avenue
Gordy’s 843 West Woodbury Road
S& J Auto 1904 New York Drive
Webster’s 2450 North Lake Avenue
Shifts are:
9:00–11:00; 11:00–1:00 and 1:00–3:00
We also need ballot counters from
3:00 to 4:30 at the Davies Building at
Farnsworth Park. Feel free to take a
polling shift, a ballot counting shift
or both!
Email atcelection@yahoo.com to
volunteer or contact Eric PierceChair- 2011 Election CommitteeAltadena Town Council atcelection@
yahoo.com or call 626 664-4300Alverno's Principal, Ann Gillick, was
among several from the school and
contracted specialists who made
presentations at Sierra Madre's
Planning Commission recent meet-
ing. Over thirty persons spoke dur-
ing public comment, with only a
handful of dissenters. The commis-
sion discussed the current iteration
of the plan until 11 p.m., asking for
further work from the school. The
plan will be revisited next by the
commission in July. Photo by Chris BertrandPost Commander Dave Loera sa-
lutes as Paul Puccinelli performs
Taps at Memorial Day serviceA standing room only crowd es-
timated at more than 200 people
turned out to honor the nation’s
fallen soldiers at Pioneer Cemetery
today, Memorial Day, at a ser-
vice put on by Sierra
Madre’s Harry L. Em-
bree VFW Post 3208.
Commander Dave
Loera presided over
the ceremony, which
began with the posting
of the colors by mem-
bers of the VFW, fol-
lowed by the Pledge of
Allegiance.. Rev. Pat-
rick Brennan of Mater
Dolorosa gave the in-
vocation, and Patrick
and Mary Cronin led
the crowd in singing
the National Anthem,
America the Beau-
tiful and God Bless
Commander Loera in-
troduced Mayor John
Buchanan, who spoke
briefly about Memo-
rial Day, thanking the
veterans and applaud-
ing the VFW members
for the spirit in which
they present the ser-
vice on an annual basis. He asked
the crowd to remember that “this
day is their special day, but so too,
is tomorrow.”
Buchanan then introduced keynote
speaker Council Member Mary-
Ann MacGillivray. Ms. MacGil-
livray spoke for just under twenty
minutes, reciting statistics on the
number of casualties and deceased
in various wars, and quoting presi-
dents, statesmen, historians and
military figures. She reminded the
audience that Sierra Madrean How-
ard Miller, who is buried in Pioneer
Cemetery, and whose widow, Tom-
mie Anne still lives in town, was
one of the men who raised the flag
at Iwo Jima. And she spoke of what
America is, and that others strive to
be like America.
“We’re a collective mix of greatness
and greed, high tech and heart-
land. We are the country of Mickey
Mouse and Micky Mantle, from
John Smith to John Glenn and Atlas
Booster, from Charles Lindbergh to
Charlie Brown, from Moby Dick
to Microsoft. We went from Kitty
Hawk to Tranquility Base on the
moon in less than seventy years.
We’re blue grass and rock and roll,
Marvel Comics and the Bill of
Rights. In short, we are everything
that everybody wants to be.”
She spoke of the recent passing of
a 110-year old WWI veteran, the
last remaining veteran from World
War I. And she spoke of the need
to keep the stories of our WWII
veterans alive. She then introduced
the VFW members that had served
in WWII, allowing each to stand
and be recognized, and they were
recognized with a standing ovation
and a long round of applause.
She introduced Staff Sergeant Ken
Anhalt, who was a tail gunner on
B-24 bombers. Petty Officer Gor-
don Caldwell, who served on the
USS Saratoga, was next, followed
by Staff Sergeant Art Contreras,
who served in the Pacific The-
ater and was awarded the Purple
Heart for his service. Michael Do-
menico, a US Army Engineer who
served in Belgium, Luxembourg
and Germany, as well as the Pacific
Theater. She introduced Petty Of-
ficer Ted Evans, who served from
1945 to 1949 in the Philippines,
Japan and China, and Petty Officer
George Metzger, who served from
1943 to 1946, including Okinawa.
“These gentlemen are our World
War II heroes,” she concluded the
She closed by reciting the third
verse to America the Beatiful, call-
ing it a “fitting end to this day.” The
words to that verse are:
O beautiful, for heroes provedIn liberating strife.
Who more than self their country
lovedAnd mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refineTill all success be noblenessAnd every gain divine!
Following the traditional laying
of the wreaths by members of the
VFW, Paul Puccinelli performed a
flawless rendition of “Taps” on the
bugle. The service was followed by
a lunch of sandwiches, chips and
Entire video link: http://www.sier-
ramadrenews.net/?p=2497Photo Story by Jeff Brown at
jab3jab48#p/u/0/-izPdOIrVbEHEROES: REMEMBERING AND REMEMBEREDMemorial Day Services Hosted by VFW Post 3208Story and Photos by Bill CoburnPost Commander Dave LoeraVeterans Gordon Caldwell and Art ContrerasALTADENA TOWN
VOLUNTEERSAlverno Neighbors Remain
Concerned Over Master PlanThe Class of 2011 - Part I Page 9Subscribe Today!
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