Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 17, 2012
By Chris Bertrand on Special Assignment
These Sierra Madre
Rotarians are all smiling,
because they enjoy this
dynamic service group’s
camaraderie, great weekly
speakers who make a
difference in their lives,
and the support they give
the local and international
communities through
extensive programs,
scholarships, mini-grants,
international Rotary
volunteer trips, and of
course, Rotary’s famous
tri-tip sandwiches served at
the yearly Wistaria Festival
event in Memorial Park.
If you are looking for a
way to give back to the
special community of
Sierra Madre, to support
our teachers, students and
work on projects of great
international import, like
the work to stop polio, give
us a try!
We’re an eclectic group of dedicated volunteers, as well as local business owners, finance, real estate,
educators, attorneys contractors and other professionals, and some of us are retired. And we’re a fun
Come visit a Rotary meeting Tuesday mornings at the Hart House in Memorial Park, located at 222 W.
Sierra Madre Boulevard. Chef Mario provides a wonderful breakfast beginning at 7 am, and you’ll be
off to work or activities by 8:30 a.m.
Come be our guest. Your first breakfast is on Rotary! Just RSVP to Peggy Beauregard at PeggyBeau@
For more information, contact SM Rotary President, TBrady@DGRP.com or Publicity Chair, Peggy
Beauregard, peggybeau@gmail.com
On Monday evening, March 12, officials from
Sierra Madre Police Department met with
the community’s Neighborhood Watch Block
Captains to bring the representatives up to
date on local as well as national crime trends,
identifying critical safety precautions and
measures to minimize the public’s exposure to
Police Chief Larry Giannone, Lt. Mike
Kirkpatrick, Officer Ruben Enriquez, plus
Cadets Ho and Gonzalez each delivered parts
of the program. Due to an arising police issue,
Lt. Len Hundshamer’s Emergency Preparedness
and Lessons Learned from the December
Windstorm presentations were tabled for a
future meeting.
Credit Card Skimming
The topics of internet crime, identity theft and
fraud were a hot topic, in the wake of the Valero
skimming operation uncovered several months
ago, barely a year after 600+ patrons of the EVG
gas station just a block away became victims of
credit card fraud, now tied to the Russian mafia.
PD officials indicated that both cases are
being investigated by federal authorities from
the Secret Service, due to the overseas and
organized crime connections to the cases. The
Valero incident has generated about 55 victims
since coming to light in December, 2011.
Though the alert was sounded months ago, one
neighborhood watch captain discovered fraud
from the Valero incident only recently, and was
encouraged to file a police report.
Although this type of criminal activity is
rampant, especially at gas stations across the
country, consumers can reduce risk by using
pumps that employ tamper tape, though this
is not 100% effective. “Whenever a new anti-
criminal technology is used, the criminals will
always try to get around it,” said Enriquez.
A YouTube® video http://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=lLAFhTjsQHw&sns=em produced
by a television news program about the identity
fraud vulnerability posed with Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) chips in credit cards was
shown. These RFID chips are embedded in
some credit cards in order to enable a “fast pay”
rather than swipe procedure.
The percentage of these chips embedded in
American credit cards is low, the risk to those
whose cards have the chip is high. After the
initial installation of a skimming device within
the pump, criminals can capture information
from credit cards without even lifting the
card from a victim’s wallet through wireless,
Bluetooth technology.
The SMPD recommends removal of these
chips to reduce credit card fraud risk. They also
recommend a vigilant watch on transactions
through credit accounts, though they
recommend the used of credit cards over debit
cards, due to the greater ease of funds recovery.
Mail Theft Arrests and Local Property Crime
An SMPD officer made a relatively routine
traffic stop on Baldwin recently, and discovered
that the two occupants’ vehicle contained mail
and other stolen items from Sierra Madre
and other LA municipalities. Fourteen open
investigations were solved by the observant
actions of the alert SMPD officer.
According to Enriquez, comparing the 2011
to 2012 periods from January 1 through March
12, residential and commercial burglaries
had no change, with 5 occuring in both years
during this period. Auto burglaries and thefts
from vehicles increased from 5in 2011 to 7 in
2012. Auto thefts increased from 0 to 2 between
the two years. All other thefts increased from
6 in 2011 to 11 in 2012 during the period in
Enriquez stressed that securing vehicles and
homes by locking them will reduce crimes of
opportunity greatly. Though Sierra Madre is
quite safe, the PD recommends locking cars
and houses, and to refrain from leaving purses,
wallets, laptops and especially GPS navigators
completely out of sight in vehicles.
Stolen Bicycle Sting Successful
A Sierra Madre residence recently reported a
$2,000 bicycle as stolen from his residence. Later
that day, the resident checked bicycle listings on
Craig’s List, and found a listing matching his
cycle. He gave the information and the serial
number of the bike to police.
Sierra Madre cooperated with Pasadena Police
and performed a sting to attempt to “purchase”
the bike from the alleged perpetrator at a
Pasadena location. The bike was indeed the
same one, identified by PD personnel acting
as buyers. The seller, who was identified as a
Sierra Madre resident, offered the stolen item
at $1,000 for a quick sale, was arrested. Officer
Enriquez stressed that the bicycle was able to be
recovered so easily, because the owner recorded
the serial number of the item.
Overnight Parking Permit Process Online April
For Sierra Madre resident convenience as well
as to better utilize police department staffing, an
online parking permit program will go live on
April 1. SMPD fields up to 30 requests a day for
overnight parking permits for on-street parking
during the daily no parking time of 2-5 a.m. on
city streets.
Captain Giannone indicated the process
took much longer to bring online than earlier
expected, but will finally be available in the next
few weeks, through a parking service center
company called www.PayMyCite.com.
Yearly permits as well as daily permits up to 7
days long can be purchased online, and permits
printed immediately and conveniently at home
if paid online by credit card. The PD will
continue to handle walk-in requests for parking
Rise in Burglaries May Be Tied to
2011 Public Safety Realignment
In a post-meeting email, Chief Giannone
shared that increased crimes may point to the
early release of incarcerated inmates as a result
of the 2011 Public Safety Realignment. He
indicated that a rash of burglaries in the San
Fernando Valley has some wondering if the
inmate early release program could be to blame.
While it is too early in year to get statistics on
the people committing these crimes, the Los
Angeles Police Department has noted a trend.
“Of the people that we are arresting associated
with property crimes, we find that they are
people who already have arrest records,” said
LAPD Captain Paul Snell with the Van Nuys
Division. “And many of which have already
been in state prison.”
SMPD recommends common sense procedures
for crime prevention. Be alert to your
surroundings. “If you’re headed into a dark alley
alone, consider waiting to join other pedestrians
as a group. Be alert if you are alone in secluded
places like movie theaters,” an uncomfortable
experience Enriquez and his wife recently had.
Activate security alarms even when home, and
use motion lights. Most importantly, report
suspicious persons.
Enriquez concluded, “Our citizens and
Neighborhood Watch are our eyes and ears. We
can’t be everywhere at once. If you see a person
or car that doesn’t belong, call us at 626-355-
1292 or at 911. We will be happy to come and
check it out.”
SMPD Seeks More Neighborhood Watch Groups
As part of the department’s communication
program, the SMPD meets regularly with both
Block Captains and Business Owners to keep
them apprised of information that will help all
keep the crime level down and public safety up.
The PD welcomes the opportunity to offer
as many Neighborhood Watch meetings
as a group would like to have, according to
Giannone. Many of the groups represented had
been about two years since a neighborhood
meeting was held. Though the city has many
active Neighborhood Watch areas, many areas
have no active Watch.
To inquire about setting up a Neighborhood
Watch in your Sierra Madre neighborhood,
or to give personal feedback on how the
SMPD is doing, contact Capt. Giannone at
626-355-1414 or email him at LGiannone@
Front row (L to R): Christy-Joy Brendel, Sec., (Chief) Marilyn
Diaz, -VP, Tom Brady, Pres., Peggy Beauregard, Board, John
Stubbs, Pres. Elect
Middle Row: Vokouhi Unell, Karen Swisher, Jennie Jacobsen-
Huse, Kris Poulsen, Jeff Porter, Chris Haddow
Back Row: Alan Unell, Dan Alle, Doug Kerns, Michael (Dr. Bud)
Budicich, John Harabedian, Bart Doyle
The Volunteer Sierra Madre 4th of July Committee is seeking nominations for the 2012
4th of July Parade Grand Marshal. The Parade will be held as always the morning of July
Parade Grand Marshal nominees should embody the spirit of Sierra Madre, be an active
volunteer in any of the local nonprofit organizations or in some way contributed to the
betterment of Sierra Madre.
Nominations must be submitted in writing by Tuesday, May 9th and should be sent to
the 4th of July Committee, PO Box 1073 Sierra Madre CA 91025 or emailed to
This All-American friends and family event is made possible through the wonderful
contribution of donors and sponsors, if you’d like to help please contact us through the
information or above or follow us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/4thofJulyInfo
City of Sierra Madre
Public Hearing Notice
To: Citywide
From: The City of Sierra Madre
The City of Sierra Madre gives notice, pursuant to State of California Law, that the City Council will hold a
Public Hearing on March 27, 2012, at 6:30 PM, or soon thereafter, to hear testimony on the Citywide Fees.
The City is proposing updated fee changes to be effective after approval by the City Council. .
The draft of the Fee Schedule is available at City Hall and the Sierra Madre Library for the public to review.
If you have any questions about this matter please contact Administrative Services Director, Karin Schnaider, at
City of Sierra Madre City of Sierra Madre
City Council meeting City Council Chambers
Tuesday, March 17, 2012 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.
(Hearing begins at 6:30 p.m.) Sierra Madre, CA 91024
All interested persons may attend this meeting and the City Council will hear them with respect thereto.
For further information on this subject, please contact the Administrative Services Department at (626) 355-
By Order of the City Council
Karin Schnaider,
Administrative Services Director
An Evening of Prayer, Reflection and Music
St. Rita Church will host a special ecumenical
event on Palm Sunday evening at 7 p.m. on April 1.
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week’s
traditional commemoration of the series of events
that define Christian faith: Jesus’ triumphal entrance
into Jerusalem, when palm branches were placed in
His path, the time before His arrest on Holy Thursday
and His Crucifixion on Good Friday.
Choir members from churches in Pasadena, South
Pasadena, Walnut and Glendale, plus vocalists from
three colleges, USC, CSULA and PCC will join the
St. Rita choir. The event will debut poignant new
music and script written as a collaborative effort by
Sierra Madreans, Mimi Mycroft and Paul Puccinelli,
interspersed with traditional reflective Lenten prayer
and music.
Puccinelli, Director of Liturgy and Music at St. Rita,
said the evening will present a fresh perspective, as
seen through the eyes of passersby on the “Journey to
the Cross” with an overarching theme of forgiveness.
Said Mycroft, an experienced playwright and pageant
producer, “We wanted to make the week of the
Passion a special spiritual experience for the parish
and community.” She has worked on “connecting the
dots with narrations, and viewing the same situation
through different eyes.”
The duo’s goal is to offer a full fledged experience from
different perspectives. A young girl will reflect the
joy of Jesus the King coming to Jerusalem. Another
vignette will follow two apostles as they prepare for
the fest in the upper room.
A miffed Judas will speak in soliloquy after being
dismissed by Jesus from the supper table. At the
Crucifixion, Mary Magdalene will reflect on Mother
Mary at the foot of the cross. Later, the Centurion
who won Jesus’ cloak in a roll of the dice, will share
Mycroft and Pucinelli hope to spark renewed
reflection and prayer, engendered by “What if I were
there?” “What would I have said?” and “What would
I have done?”
All are welcome at this ecumenically appropriate
evening. Donations will be gratefully accepted.
St. Rita Catholic Church is located at 318 N. Baldwin
Avenue, Sierra Madre. For more information, please
call 626-355-1292 or visit the parish website, www.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com