Mountain Views News Saturday, March 17, 2012
Happiness & Krispy Kremes
March Birthdays
Ella Gutman, Santos Ruiz, Viky Tchatlian,
Mary Cooper, Carla Duplex,Terri Elder,
Georgina ‘Snooky’ Greger, Rita Johnson,
Helen Wallis, Dorothy Webster
Senior Programs have returned to the Hart
Park House enior Center, 222 W. Sierra
Madre Blvd. in Memorial Park - Come by and
see the changes!!
By Rene Quenell, Founder/Owner
Yoga Madre - Sierra Madre
MONDAYS: City Hall & Lunch Café
12 noon: Intervale Lunch Café: Come enjoy
a hot meal with others. Donation for seniors
(60+) of $2.00; visitors $3.75. Call 355-0256
to make your daily reservation.
1:00 pm to 1:45 pm: Strength Training with
Lisa Brandley. FREE class of stretching with
light hand weights while you sit.
FREE blood pressure checks by Methodist
Hospital Nurse; 11 am to 12 noon.
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm: BINGO; cards are only 25
cents each so stop by & play
5:15 pm to 6:45 pm: Yoga; $6.00 - 50 & over.
Please call 355-5278 for more information
11 –11:45 am: Balance Class with Teryl. FREE
class designed to improve balance & refresh
the joints
12 noon: Intervale Lunch Café; daily reservations
needed 355-0256
2nd Wednesday of the month: FREE Legal
Consultations: 10-11:30 am. Appointments
call 355-7394
Wii Wednesday - 1:00 pm or call the senior
desk at 355-7394 to arrange another time &
day to learn how to play. No previous experience
or skills required and it is great exercise.
1:00 to 3:30 pm: Game Day. Join us for Poker
with Bridge on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays; so
please call for more information.
FRIDAY: City Hall closed on Dec. 16, 23 & 30
and Lunch Café closed on Dec. 23
12 noon: Intervale Lunch Café; daily reservations
needed 355-0256
Saturday: 11:30 am: Senior Club brown bag
lunch and BINGO at 12:30 pm.
Meals are delivered to home-
bound seniors by volunteer drivers
through the YWCA Intervale
Lunch Program M-F (with frozen meals for the
Meals are delivered to the home-bound seniors
by drivers through the YWCA Interval Lunch
Program M-F (with frozen meals for the
Call the YWCA at (626) 214-9460 for more
Take a few steps toward happiness through yoga. After just one class,
yoga can begin to make a difference in how you feel. You can feel the
stress melting away. But, then this funny thing happens. As you keep
practicing, you begin to get stronger, you begin to feel better, you notice
you are smiling more and you are making better choices about what to put in your body
so you can do that pose a little better. (While I do advocate balance, and that includes the
occasional indulgence, too many Krispy Kreme donuts can keep you from getting deeper
into that forward fold.)
Self-discipline is one of the foundational teachings of yoga. But so is going at your own
pace. If you jump into a new regime of depriving yourself of pleasure, then you are bound
to fail. But what if you can find pleasure in your practice? I think yoga is one of the most
self-empowering things you can do for yourself. I always notice that my life just goes better
when I am practicing. Things don’t bother me as much. I am lighter on my feet. I have more
stamina and less of that nagging negative voice in the head. I am happy.
I can’t think of anything better for the planet and for you than happiness through your
practice. The world will be a better place, and your life will be what you make of it. Yoga
shows you how to overcome struggle, how to breathe in challenging situations and how to
find happiness in yourself. Sound too good to be true? Then I challenge you.
Have you been away from your practice for a while? Then I invite you back.
Namasté, René
Dear Savvy Senior:
Can exercise help seniors with arthritis? I
have osteoarthritis and have read that certain
exercises can help ease the pain, but I
don’t know where to start, and I certainly
don’t want to make it any worse than it already
is. What can you tell me?
Sedentary Sally
Dear Sally:
Lots of seniors who have arthritis believe
that exercise will worsen their condition, but
that’s not true. Study after study has shown
that exercise is actually one of the best treatments
for osteoarthritis.
Proper and careful exercises can help reduce
joint pain and stiffness, strengthen muscles
around the joints and increase flexibility.
It also helps manage other chronic conditions
that are common among seniors with
arthritis, such as diabetes, heart disease and
obesity. Here are some tips to help you get
Exercises for Arthritis
Determining exactly which types of exercises
are best for you, depends on the form and
severity of your arthritis, and which joints
are involved. It’s best to work with your doctor
or a physical therapist to help you develop
an exercise program that works for you.
The different types of exercises that are most
often recommended to seniors with arthritis
• Range-of-motion exercises: These are
gentle stretching exercises that can relieve
stiffness as well as improve your ability to
move your joints through their normal range
of motion. These exercises should be done
• Strengthening exercise: Calisthenics,
weight training and working with resistance
bands are recommended (two or more days
a week) to maintain and improve your muscle
strength, which helps support and protect
your joints.
• Aerobic exercises: Low-impact activities
like walking, cycling, swimming or
water aerobics are all recommended three to
five times per week to help improve cardiovascular
health, control weight, and improve
your overall function.
It’s also important to keep in mind that when
you first start exercising, you need to go
slow to give your body time to adjust. If
you push yourself too hard you can aggravate
your joint pain, however, some
muscle soreness or joint achiness in the
beginning is normal.
To help you manage your pain start by
warming up with some simple stretches
or range of motion exercises for five to 10
minutes before you move on to strengthening
or aerobic exercises. Another tip is
to apply heat to the joints you’ll be working
before you exercise, and use cold packs
after exercising to reduce inflammation.
If you’re experiencing a lot of pain while
you exercise, you may need to modify the
frequency, duration, or intensity of your exercises
until the pain improves. Or you may
need to try a different activity – for example
switching from walking to water aerobics.
But it you’re having severe, sharp or constant
pain, or large increases in swelling or your
joints feel hot or red, you need to stop and
see your doctor.
Exercise Resources
To help you exercise at home, there are a
number arthritis exercise DVDs you can
purchase to guide you through a wide variety
of activities. Collage Video (collagevideo.
com, 800-819-7111) sells several at prices
ranging between $10 and $25, as does the
Arthritis Foundation Store at afstore.org or
Also see go4life.niapublications.org, a resource
created by the National Institute on
Aging that offers a free exercise DVD and
book that provides illustrated examples of
exercises you can do to improve your condition.
You can order your free copies online
or by calling 800-222-2225.
If you need some motivation or don’t like
exercising alone, ask your doctor about exercise
programs in your area for people with
arthritis. Hospitals and clinics sometimes offer
special programs, as do local health clubs
and senior centers. The Arthritis Foundation
also conducts exercise and aquatic programs
for people with arthritis in many communities
throughout the U.S. Contact your local
branch (see arthritis.org/chaptermap.php, or
call 800-283-7800 for contact information)
to find out what may be available near you.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior,
P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit
SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor
to the NBC Today show and author of “The
Savvy Senior” book.
Join the Senior
Community Commission
at the
for a FREE presentation. Lunch is
available for a
$2 donation
Call (626) 355-0256 by
12 noon the day before.
THURSDAY, APRIL 26TH - Palm Springs
Follies. Spend the day in sunny PS and see
the new show Hot! Hot! Hot! celebrating
those memories of endless summers with
music and dance. COST per person is $58
(includes transportation, tip & show).
Lunch will be on your own at one of the
many restaurants next to the theatre.
Registration can be done either in person or
online at:
Tickets can now be purchased at:
Sierra Madre City Hall
Sierra Madre Recreation Center
Sierra Madre Library
We’d like to hear from you!
What’s on YOUR Mind?
Contact us
at: editor@
Pasadena Highlands, an independent and assisted
living community, is proud to provide a special
gift basket on the first Tuesday of each month.
Accredited In-Home nursing care will provide a
special prize on the 4th Tuesday of each month.
Bingo takes place every Tuesday at 1:30 pm at the
Sierra Madre Recreation Center while the Hart Park
House is under remodeling. The game begins at
1:30 pm but those wishing to play must arrive 10
minutes before to secure your Bingo cards. Join
us on the 1st & 4th Tuesday of each month
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