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this Week: Calendar: Sierra Madre: Pasadena – Altadena: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Arcadia: Monrovia – Duarte: Good Food & Drink: Arts & Entertainment: The World Around Us:
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SIERRA MADRE VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS’ ASSOCIATION ANNUAL PANCAKE BREAKFAST SATURDAY, MAY 5th 7 to 11 am SATURDAY MAY 5, 2012 VOLUME 6 NO 18 POLICE APPREHEND CAR BURGLARY SUSPECT; HOME BURGLAR SOUGHT COUNCIL TO TACKLE BUDGET SHORTFALLS Quick action by the Sierra Madre Police Department on Thursday, led to the arrest of a Pasadena resident after a brief vehicle pursuit on Sierra Madre Blvd. Marcus Allen Corner, 25, had been spotted near St. Rita’s Church testing the doors on parked cars in what appeared to be an effort to find an unlocked vehicle. Witnesses noticed Corner, who was talking on his cell phone, and quickly reported the unusual behavior to the SMPD. Within a minute of notification, the SMPD made a high risk traffice stop and arrested Corner. He was charged with felony attempted vehicular burglary and is being held on $120,000 bail. Sergeant Joe Ortiz warns residents not to leave valuables in plain sight in your vehicles and to always lock your car. Home Burglar Sought On May 1st, a home in the 600 block of Elm Street in Sierra Madre was burglarized between 5:45 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. The thief entered the property via an unlocked side gate and broke a window to gain entry to the house. As of press time, there was no description of the suspect. Anyone who may have information regarding this crime is asked to contact the Sierra Madre Police Department, 626-355-1414. Lock your doors! Sgt. Ortiz reminded residents that despite the tranquility of our town, it is absolutely necessary that doors, windows and gates be locked and residential burglaries and car burglaries continue to be a problem. Regarding residences, Ortiz noted that alarms do serve as a deterrent and encouraged homes that have alarm systems to display the signs in the front of the house. With the election and ceremonies behind, the newly reorganized Sierra Madre City Council will hold its first full meeting on Tuesday, May 8th. Among the items on the agenda are the introduction of a new SMVFD Battalion Chief and six new firefighters, new council appointments and public hearings on fees and zoning. (See notices on page 21). However, of all the agenda items listed, the one that is certain to require the most attention is the discussion of the budget. The council will discuss the FY 2011-2013 Biennial Budget projected ending balances for FY 2011-2012 and the Revised FY 2012-2013 Budget and Fee Schedule. For the FY 2011-2012 the city will have a reduction in revenues of $317,600 of which 50% ($164,373) is from the existing Utility User Tax revenues declining. There has also been a decrease of $46,441 in Franchise Fees and a reduction of $47,000 in Vehicle License Fees from the state. To mitigate the impact of this revenue loss, the city has reduced the budget by $402,000. However, because projections for 2012-2013 indicate a continued decline in revenues, more adjustments will have to be made. In the staff report that the council will consider, additional budget cuts of $504,696. The council will meet on Tuesday, May 8th at 6:30 p.m.at City Hall. S. Henderson/MVNews 50TH ANNUAL SIERRA MADRE ART FAIR The 50th annual Friends of the Sierra Madre Library’s art fair will be held in Memorial Park, 222 West Sierra Madre Blvd, Sierra Madre, on Saturday, May 5, from 9:30AM to 6:00PM and Sunday, May 6, from 9:30AM to 5:00PM. More than 80 artists will be displaying and selling their fine arts during the weekend. Mediums include oil paintings, jewelry, water colors, glass, wood, metal, photography, pottery, ceramics, mixed media, and hand woven baskets and rugs. The Art Fair will be the perfect place to find that unique Mother’s Day, graduation, or wedding gift and to find art that you will be proud to wear or display in your home. Live music will be featured throughout the weekend in the band shell and on the south lawn and a food court will offer a variety of food and drinks provided by local non-profit groups as well as food vendors. For the children, the Creative Arts Group has planned a fun and imaginative craft activity on Saturday and Sunday from 10am-4pm. A new feature of this year’s fair will be a silent auction. So far, forty of the artists who are displaying and selling their creations at this year’s fair have donated lovely, one-of-a-kind pieces for the auction which means that you’ll have a chance to bid on some really beautiful artwork. So come early and stay all day. Browse through the wonderful displays of artwork, sit on the lawn and listen to music, have a little lunch, check on your silent auction bids, and then go back and purchase those lovely pieces of art that have been calling your name ever since you spotted them. Proceeds from the Art Fair benefit the Sierra Madre Library. For more information, visit our website at sierramadrelibraryfriends.org or call 626 355-7186. NATIONAL TAKE BACK INITIATIVE A HUGE SUCCESS On Saturday April, 28, 2012, Sierra Madre Police Department participated in the National Take Back Initiative. In cooperation with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Sierra Madre Police Department collected over 50 lbs. of old, unused, and excess medication that was turned in to Police Officers at City Hall today. Police Chief Larry Giannone commended the community for an outstanding job of properly disposing of the old and unused medications that could have potentially posed a safety risk if the medications were discarded improperly. The drop off started at 10:00 AM and ended at 2:00 PM. In just four hours the public was able to walk up and hand the medications to officers, with no questions asked, resulting in over 50 lbs. of a variety of medications slated for destruction. The Sierra Madre Police Department looks forward to participating in the event next year and our goal will be to double the amount of old medications taken in now that community members know how easy it was to dispose of the items properly. OWN A PIECE OF THE HISTORIC PEPPER TREE Kiwanis Club To Auction Unique Artifact On March 1st on of Sierra Madre’s most beloved icons, the Pepper Tree was cut down due to its diseased condition. The tree, which stood for more than 125 years held thousands of wonderful memories for those who lived in town, and those who were just passing by. In the days leading up to the 1st, countless residents stopped by to sit by the tree one last time. What followed were discussions on how to preserve the memories of the tree. How about a bench? Or a special fence? None of those solutions were feasible. However, longtime Sierra Madre resident and Kiwanis Boot Skootin Chairman Joe Pergola had a brilliant idea. Let’s use the wood to create a one of a kind souvenir that will be an eternal reminder of the great tree. Pergola, a professional cabinet maker created the unique Cross pictured above. Carved and finished by hand, the Cross, with a brass plate which details its origin will be part of the Silent Auction held at the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club Boot Skootin’ Chili Cook-Off and Fundraiser next Saturday. The proceeds will be used to fund the club’s Paul Magaris mini-grant program and other programs for the youth of the community. In addition to the auction, the event will offer attendees the chance to sample an array of Chili’s prepared by both professionals and amateurs, participate in line dancing instruction given by a professional, eat, drink and be merry! Food Critic Peter Dills will chose the winners in the Professional and Amateur catagories, and attendees will vote on The People’s Choice. If you are interested in entering the cook- off, contact Pergola at 626-355-8333 or email him at jojacpergola@aol.com. Plan for a night full of good food, great fun, and much more! The event will be held in the Sierra Madre Room and the Recreation Center, 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. NEIL TURNS SWEET 16 Sierra Madre is a town where every day there is a celebration going on somewhere. This week it was Neil’s 16th birthday celebration. Neil (center with the birthday hat) is the town’s celebrity Sus scrofa domesticus - pig. He’s lived happily on W. Montecito for most of his life. And while he didn’t get the expected new car when he turned 16, he did party hard and go ‘live’ on air on the “Barry, Lisa and Rich Show,” a comedy trivia show on internet radio station, Radio Fishbowl (www.radiofishbowl.com )and authenticates Neal’s status as a bona fide celebrity. Rich Johnson, Lisa Baum and Barry Schwam (above) helped with the celebration by bringing Neil coffee from Niko’s, Cookies from Beantown and a banana from Lisa’s lunch bag. Even though the party is over, you can visit Neil anytime. He’ll be glad to see you. He lives with Katherine Emerson on W. Montecito on the south side of the street, just before Lima. You’ll recognize his adobe easily. He might even come out of the house and chat with you! This Week’s Highlights: SIERRA MADRE BUSINESS UPDATES A Fond Farewell and A Hearty Welcome Arcadia Page 6 Monrovia/Duarte Page 7 Arts & Entertainment Page 9 The World Around Us Page 11 The Good Life Page 12 Sports Page 14 Legal Notices Pgs. 18-21 PASADENA/ALTADENA 4 17 SIERRA MADRE NEWS 3 Student Arrested for Replica Handgun Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Niko and Friends Café 900 Valley View #6, Pasadena, CA Almost in Sierra Madre – we are in the East End! On the N Michillinda/Montecito Corner Monday to Friday: 7 am to 6 pm. Saturday: 8:30 am to 1:30 pm, Closed on Sunday 626-510-6151 .... www.NikoandFriendscafe.com No Gimmicks! Just Good Coffee! Arf, woof, woof! My dad and I like coming to Niko’s for Coffee! Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |