Mountain Views News Saturday, May 18, 2013
Pasadena, CA – The Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD)
Board of Education voted to 4-2 to re-elect Renatta Cooper to
a third term as its
president at its regular
board meeting on
May 14, 2013.
“I am honored to be
selected for a third
year as this board’s
president and look
forward to working
with my colleagues
for the academic
achievement of all
children in the district,”
said Cooper.
“I would also like to
discuss the possibility
of adding a president-
elect to work
collaboratively for
our students.”
Since her election to
the board in 2007,
Cooper has focused
on early childhood
education, closing the achievement gap between groups of students,
increasing the proficiency English language learners and
a stronger engagement of parents and the community. An expert
on early childhood education, Cooper formerly taught graduate-
level child development programs at Pacific Oaks College and has
been a member of the First 5 Los Angeles Board of Commissioners.
She was first elected President of the PUSD Board of Education
in 2011.
At its organizational meeting on May 6, the board elected Tyron
Hampton as Vice President and Kim Kenne as Clerk. There is
currently one vacancy on the board that will be filled by board
appointment in June.
Sierra Madre, CA
(May 17, 2013)
– Alverno High
School, in association
with several local
alumnae hairstylists,
will host a Pantene’s
Beautiful Lengths
event on campus on
Wednesday, May 22
from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00
p.m. Alverno’s Campus
Ministry class, the
event organizers, is
hoping to collect more
than 1,000 inches of hair from
students, faculty and staff,
family members, friends, and
community members to donate
to Pantene’s Beautiful Lengths
Founded in 2006, Beautiful
Lengths is a partnership
between hair care giant
Pantene and the American
Cancer Society, the largest
non-profit health organization
committed to saving lives from
every cancer and improving
the quality of life for people
facing the disease. The role of
Pantene is to help women grow
long, strong, beautiful hair
and provide the funds to turn
this hair into free, real-hair
wigs for women with cancer.
So far, Pantene has donated
24,000 free real-hair wigs to the
American Cancer Society’s wig
banks, which distribute wigs
to cancer patients across the
Next Wednesday’s event will be
the fifth time Alverno has held
an event of this type. Since 2003,
Alverno has donated nearly
7,000 inches of hair to Locks
of Love, an organization that
provides wigs and hairpieces
to financially disadvantaged
children suffering from long-
term medical hair loss. Students
chose to donate to Beautiful
Lengths this year after spending
a year focusing on issues that
deeply affect women including
education and healthcare.
Every person who donates
on Wednesday will receive
a special gift bag, an angel
hair pasta lunch, and an “I
Donated” badge to show off
their great commitment to the
cause. Additionally, there will
be a special raffle for anyone
who participates.
In order to donate, individuals
must meet the following
criteria: at least 8 inches of
straight hair or 10 inches
of curly hair; hair that is no
more than 5 percent gray; and
hair that has not been over
treated although colored hair
is acceptable if not drastically
different than your natural
color. Hair that has been
bleached will not be accepted.
Alverno High School is located
at 200 North Michillinda
Avenue, Sierra Madre, CA
About Alverno High School
Alverno High School is a
Catholic, private, college
preparatory school for young
women dedicated to preparing
them to function in a society
as informed, knowledgeable
persons, who have the requisite
skills to make and implement
mature decisions about
complex problems. Enlivened
by the spirit of its Immaculate
Heart Community sponsors,
and mindful of the Franciscan
roots of its founders, Alverno’s
program—academic, spiritual,
aesthetic, social, and physical—
is shaped by the staff, trustees,
and students in light of the
world for which the students
are being educated. Alverno’s
mission is to empower each
young woman to be exactly
the person she wants to be
and since 1960, Alverno has
empowered more than 4,100
women to meet that goal.
For more information about
Alverno High School, please
call 626-355-3463 or visit www.
Alverno’s Campus Ministry program hopes to donate 1,000 inches of
hair to the organization
Alverno High School
200 N. Michillinda Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
(626) 355-3463 Head of School: Ann M. Gillick
E-mail address: agillick@alverno-hs.org
Arcadia High School
180 Campus Drive Arcadia, CA 91007
Phone: (626) 821-8370, Principal: Brent Forsee
Arroyo Pacific Academy
41 W. Santa Clara St. Arcadia, Ca,
(626) 294-0661 Principal: Phil Clarke
E-mail address: pclarke@arroyopacific.org
Barnhart School
240 W. Colorado Blvd Arcadia, Ca. 91007
(626) 446-5588 Head of School: Ethan Williamson
Kindergarten - 8th grade
website: www.barnhartschool.org
Bethany Christian School
93 N. Baldwin Ave. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
(626) 355-3527 Principal: James Lugenbuehl
E-mail address: jml@bcslions.org
website: www. bcslions.org
Clairbourn School
8400 Huntington Drive
San Gabriel, CA 91775
Phone: 626-286-3108 ext. 172
FAX: 626-286-1528
E-mail: jhawes@clairbourn.org
Foothill Oaks Academy
822 Bradbourne Ave., Duarte, CA 91010
(626) 301-9809
Co-Principals Nancy Lopez and Diane Kieffaber
The Gooden School
192 N. Baldwin Ave. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
(626) 355-2410 Head of School: Patty Patano
website: www.goodenschool.org
High Point Academy
1720 Kinneloa Canyon Road Pasadena, Ca. 91107
Headmaster John Higgins
website: www.highpointacademy.org
LaSalle High School
3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, Ca.
(626) 351-8951 website: www.lasallehs.org
Principal Bro. Christopher Brady, FSC
Monrovia High School
325 East Huntington Drive, Monrovia, CA 91016
(626) 471-2800 Principal Darvin Jackson
Email: schools@monrovia.k12.ca.us
Odyssey Charter School
725 W. Altadena Dr. Altadena, Ca. 91001
(626) 229-0993 Head of School: Lauren O’Neill
website: www.odysseycharterschool.org
Pasadena High School
2925 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, Ca.
(626) 798-8901 Principal: Gilbert Barraza
website: www.pasadenahigh.org
St. Rita Catholic School
322 N. Baldwin Ave. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
Principal Joan Harabedian
(626) 355-9028 website: www.st-rita.org
Sierra Madre Elementary School
141 W. Highland Ave, Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
(626) 355-1428 Principal: Esther Salinas
E-mail address: salinas.esther@pusd.us
Sierra Madre Middle School
160 N. Canon Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
(626) 836-2947 Principal: Garrett Newsom
E-mail address: newsom.garrett@pusd.us
Walden School
74 S San Gabriel Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91107 (626) 792-6166
Weizmann Day School
1434 N. Altadena Dr. Pasadena, Ca. 91107
(626) 797-0204
Lisa Feldman: Head of School
Wilson Middle School
300 S. Madre St. Pasadena, Ca. 91107
(626) 449-7390 Principal: Ruth Esseln
E-mail address: resseln@pusd.us
351 S. Hudson Ave., Pasadena, Ca. 91109
(626) 795-6981 Website: www.pusd@pusd.us
234 Campus Dr., Arcadia, Ca. 91007
(626) 821-8300 Website: www.ausd.net
325 E. Huntington Dr., Monrovia, Ca. 91016
(626) 471-2000 Website: www.monroviaschools.net
1620 Huntington Dr., Duarte, Ca. 91010
(626)599-5000 Website: www.duarte.k12.ca.us
The program is FREE Monday - Thursday to all PUSD students at
schools with PasadenaLEARNs.
If students want to attend the Friday field trips, the cost is $85 for
the entire summer (all 4 trips).
LEARNs is also hiring PUSD credentialed teachers to teach the
language arts and mathematics portion of our program.
Help spread the word about this enriching, fun-filled summer
program which includes math, art, science, language arts, performing
arts, and more.
Visit www.gopusd.com/learns for more details.
No Boundaries 8, the annual all-district student art exhibit, continues
through May 19 at the Shops on South Lake, 345 S. Lake
Ave. (next to the Corner Bakery), Pasadena. The exhibit features a
selection of K-12 student artwork from every school in PUSD. For
more information, visit www.gopusd.com/arts.
Two John Muir High School filmmakers won top honors in the
Bear Aware Youth Film Contest organized by the California Department
of Fish and Wildlife. Jose Nuño and Alex Burgos won
the first-place prize of $500. The students’ Bear Aware Films are
now posted on CDFW’s YouTube page and will be used for Bear
Aware Outreach in the San Gabriel Valley. To view the films,
please go to www.dfg.ca.gov/BearFilmContest.
Alejandro Lopez, a ninth grade student at Pasadena High School,
has been chosen to participate in the University of Southern
California’s “Sea Grant Program”. USC’s Wrigley Marine Science
Center sponsors this summer program that allows high school
students to spend one week on Catalina Island studying environmental
science and exploring the Earth’s ocean. This year, 97 students
from all over the United States applied to be admitted into
the program; only 20 students were chosen: 6 from out of State;
4 from Northern California; and six from Southern California.
Alejandro was the only student chosen from the Pasadena area.
Alejandro was recommended for admission to this program by
Ms. Hines, his chemistry teacher.
Pasadena High School’s swim team ranked in the top five at the
CIF Pacific League Swimming Championships May 2. The girls
varsity place second, boys varsity placed fourth and both girls and
boys junior varsity ranked fifth.
The Pasadena Educational Foundation is once again offering
its popular Summer Enrichment Program to local K-8 and high
school students, with classes ranging in everything from Creative
Writing to Chess. Registration is open and classes are filling up
fast, so visit www.pasedfoundation.org/summer to enroll today.
Spots are still available for incoming kindergarten students to
enroll in Jackson Elementary School’s Spanish Dual Language
Immersion Program (SDLIP). This program integrates native
Spanish speakers with non-native Spanish speakers to promote
bi-cognitive academic achievement. Students in the program
learn to listen, speak, think, read and write fluently in English
and in Spanish. The program at Jackson is also uniquely complemented
by a science, technology, engineering and math academy
at the school. Call (626) 396-5700 to schedule a tour or for more
ROSEMEAD, CA. – May 17, 2013 – Four Don Bosco Technical
Institute (Bosco Tech) students have been selected to participate
in an eight-week summer internship program sponsored by the
Boeing Company. The internships will take place at the aerospace
and defense corporation’s satellite division in El Segundo where
each student will work under the direction of an engineering
The goal of Boeing’s program is to provide high school students
with hands-on experience and increase their exposure to science,
technology, engineering and math (STEM) professions. In addition
to being assigned job responsibilities, the students will attend
workshops and training sessions in several topics including 3D
printing, STEM careers, and team building, all conducted by Boeing.
The interns will also be treated to a one-on-one meeting with
an astronaut.
The Bosco Tech students, all juniors, were selected to participate
in the program based on high academic standing, strong communication
skills, and excellent problem solving abilities. Donovan
Gonzales, Adam Jang, Alexander San Miguel, and Patrick Williams
will begin their responsibilities on June 24. Each was given
their choice of work experiences, from designing aerospace modules
to developing employee communication tools.
“We’re extremely proud of our students and their commitment
to excel in the internships,” said
Bosco Tech President Alberto
Pimentel. “They will certainly
use this experience as a reference
point as they plan their
university and career paths.
We’re grateful to Boeing for
providing this very valuable
educational opportunity.”
Bosco Tech is an all-male Catholic
high school that combines
rigorous college-preparatory
and innovative technological
education. The science, engineering,
technology and math
(STEM) curriculum allows
students to exceed university
admission requirements while
completing extensive integrated
coursework in one of several
applied science and engineering
programs. For more information
about Bosco Tech, call
(626) 940-2000 or visit www.
THE REEL DEAL: by Ben Show
Not having read the book
and with only the previews to
go on, I expected ‘The Great
Gatsby’ to be a joyful romp.
However, what I discovered
was a beautifully dark
love story that completely
consumes a group of friends,
family members, and partiers
in the 1920’s New York.
Nick Carraway
(Tobey Maquire) has just
moved to New York and has
found a tiny cottage to stay
in. The house is a tiny place,
squished between two giant
mansions, one belonging to
the mysterious Mr. Gatsby
(Leonardo DiCaprio). Nick
soon discovers a twisted past
between Gatsby and Nick’s
cousin, Daisy Buchanan (Carey Mulligan), and learns that there
is a dark reason behind all of Gatsby’s immense wealth and
fabulous parties.
Starting off light and carefree, ‘The Great Gatsby’ leads
you to believe that it is a fun movie. It then twists you into the
obsessive world of Mr. Gatsby and how, if life is played correctly,
the past can become your future.