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 Mountain Views News Saturday, June 15, 2013 


The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques

By La Quetta M. Shamblee, MBA


#SBW2013 – 


Every year since 1963, the President of the United States has issued a proclamation announcing 
National Small Business Week to recognize the contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small 
business owners. There are lots of events happening in June that celebrate Small Business Week. 

If you can’t get out to attend some of the events, you might consider joining in the conversation on 
Twitter. Search for the hashtag #SBW2013 which will group all the posts about Small Business Week 
2013. You’ll be able to read all the updates from people attending Small Business Week events from 
around the country. You might consider re-tweeting some of the posts, replying to some or adding 
in your own thoughts. Just make sure you include the hashtag (#SBW2013) somewhere in your post. 
This is a great way to connect to other business owners and build more Twitter followers (especially 
if you are a B2B business).

If you attend the events, become a virtual reporter and share interesting, live snippets and updates on 
what is happening. You’ll be creating a way to stay connected with more people you meet at the event 
and gain visibility for your business. 

About MJ: MJ and her brother David own HUTdogs, a creative services business that specializes in 
internet marketing strategies and Social media education. “Like” them on Facebook for trending 
news in social media, internet marketing and other helpful tips,

They love to share knowledge and create networking opportunities at their live events. Check out 
their schedule at: 


Let’s go shopping! This is a welcomed sentiment of entrepreneurs throughout America as this year’s 
National Small Business Week is recognized June 17th through June 21st. This is a flagship event 
sponsored by the U.S. Small Business Administration. It is celebrated in cities throughout the country 
and includes a variety of events designed to promote the growth and success of small businesses, 
including conferences, workshops and other activities that provide information and access to 

A Small Business Person of the Year is selected by each of the 50 states, with each business owners will 
move on to compete for a national title, which will be announced on June 21st in Washington, D.C.

What makes small businesses so important?

• Small businesses have always been an important part of the economy, and currently account 
for the creation of at least two out of three new jobs on an annual basis
• More than half of all Americans work for or own a small business
• Most new inventions and innovations originate in a small business as a result of entrepreneurial 
ingenuity (Microsoft®, Apple®, Walmart® and many other multibillion dollar corporations all began 
as small businesses)

Join us in celebrating small businesses in local communities throughout the U.S. all week long. Eat 
at independently-owned restaurants, pick up a new fashion or accessory item at the neighborhood 
boutique, or buy a birthday or thank you gift at a local shop that carries an inventory of special or 
one-of-a-kind items.

Owners of small businesses have weathered many challenges to start, establish and grow their 
businesses. Let’s join in with a weeklong celebration of patronage as show of support for what they 
mean to our economy, locally and nationally.

For information about National Small Business Week activities planned nationwide, including a 
number of online events, visit:



 Cynthia Kurtz, President

San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership

How often do you answer your phone? Not your cell phone, your landline? 
Do you even have a landline? 


The way the world communicates is rapidly changing. One out of every three American homes is 
wireless. Another one-third uses voice over internet protocol (VoIP) which transmits the communication 
via the internet. That leaves just a third of us who still have a traditional landline that uses 
the public switch telephone network (PSTN) sometimes referred to as plain old telephone service 
(POTS). Just 10 years ago, 70 percent of household had POTS.

 You may be thinking these wireless or VoIP users are mostly young, wealthy, urban dwellers. That 
may have been true once but today 47 percent of low income adults and 83 percent of Lifeline subscribers 
live in wireless households. Thirty-one percent of Americans between the ages of 55 and 64 
own smart phones.

Wireless phone technologies are having enormous impacts on the way we do business as well. 
Twenty-five years ago the telephone was used to order products and schedule appointments. Today 
smart phones allow businesses to manage systems remotely, share data, and access information from 

Wireless VoIP service offers cost advantages over cellular service. If you are connected to the Wi-Fi 
network for Web service and emails, the additional cost for phone service is minimal. Future generations 
of cells phones are expected to include built in Wi-Fi so your phone can switch automatically 
between cellular and VoIP even during the same call reducing those nasty "dead zones."

Industry experts predict that demand for POTS will all but disappear as hybrid phones with the capability 
of operating off cellular or VoIP provide better reliability at lower costs.

All this sounds great for the consumer and is clearly the direction most consumers are already headed 
but as always there are a few issues that have to be resolved.

Communication companies need to make significant investments to their IP technology systems. 
For example, AT&T has invested $96 billion in system improvements since 2007. They plan to invest 
another $66 billion over the next three years - $14 billion of that to expand and upgrade wireless 
VoIP networks. They say even this huge investment isn't enough to keep up with customer demand. 

Current regulations require telephone companies to provide and invest in both PSTN and VoIP networks. 
By having to offer dual systems the dollars available for investing in the newer technologies are 
reduced and the ability to make high speed internet available to everyone is slowed. 

Telephone service is essential especially for 911 and other emergency calls. PSTN needs to be maintained 
in areas until a reliable, affordable alternative is available. But should we require that PSTN 
be maintained when most consumers are choosing an alternative? Or do regulations that encourage 
innovation and investments in new technologies provide a better path for keeping us competitive in 
a global economy?


There are new rules regarding short sales meant to improve the experience for both sellers and buyers, 
but the legalities and legwork can overwhelm even the most savvy. Of course, that's where the real 
estate agent shines, handling the paperwork and the phone calls, leaving you to focus on your move.

Keep in mind that if you're expecting to buy a home on short sale, you can get a great deal, but don't 
expect miracles from a bank that has agreed to accept a price lower than what the sellers owe on their 
mortgage. These short sales often generate multiple offers, and if a home has been approved to sell for 
$200,000, don't expect to waltz in and offer $125,000.

The real advantage of a short sale deal is that the home will likely be in much better physical condition 
than its foreclosure counterpart. Often, a foreclosed home will have been abandoned for months, and 
perhaps trashed before being vacated. A short sale property in better condition is in and of itself a 
benefit with real value that offsets any lower price you could offer on a foreclosure.

And for sellers, a short sale preserves your dignity, reduces some of the stress, and won't damage 
your credit history as much as a foreclosure. Whether selling or buying, consult an agent for the best 

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