Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, June 29, 2013

MVNews this week:  Page A:3

LIBRARY - (cont. from page 1)

the Mary Tumilty Endowment 
Fund. Both of these brochures are 
available at the Library.

 Margaret Quigley, Board 
Development chairperson, was 
introduced and began the election 
process. Margaret recognized the 
outgoing board members -- Dave 
Hart, Sue Levoe and Karma Bell 
with certificates of appreciation. 
The new nominees to the Board, 
Pat Alcorn (President), Beth 
Smith-Kellock (Vice President), 
Sandra Dickey (Treasurer), Teresa 
Chaure (Recording Sec), Mary 
Talwar (Corresponding Sec) and 
Vicky Ryan (Membership) were 
named and asked to come forward. 
Since there were no nominations 
from the floor, these new Board 
members were approved. 

 Returning members as the 2013-
2014 Friends of the Sierra Madre 
Library Board of Directors. 
Returning are: Janet Emery 
and Susan Gallagher (Art Fair), 
Martha Troedson and Alan Leahy 
(Best Used Book Sale), Margaret 
Quigley (Board Development), 
Sue Hart (Archives), Sharon 
Murphy (Newsletter/Website), 
Jane Zamanzadeh (Publicity), 
Darlene Traxler (Trustee Liaison), 
Connie Wortham (Volunteer 
Development) and Toni Navarro, 
Pat Locher and Jerry Carlton 
(Directors at Large). She then 
presented a gift from the Board to 
Darlene thanking her for 2 years of 
leadership as President.

 The 2013-14 Friends’ President, 
Pat Alcorn, is honored to have 
been selected by the Board and 
thanked all the volunteers, who for 
many years, have contributed so 
much time and hard work giving 
the Library much needed extra 
funds that the city’s budget can’t 
cover. Over 3,000 volunteer hours 
have been given to the Friends! 
Their constant support is much 
appreciated. She then invited 
everyone to sing Happy Birthday 
and enjoy the table centerpieces for 


Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 29, 2013 

City of Sierra Madre


To: Citywide

From: The City of Sierra Madre


Applicant: City of Sierra Madre

Project Location: City-wide 

The City of Sierra Madre gives notice, pursuant to State of California law, that the City Council will conduct a public 
hearing to review the City’s compliance with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s 
Congestion Management Program pursuant to California Government Code Section 65089. 


City of Sierra Madre City of Sierra Madre

City Council meeting City Council Chambers

Tuesday, July 9, 2013 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.

(Hearing begins at 6:30 p.m.) Sierra Madre, CA

All interested persons may attend this meeting and the City Council will hear them with respect thereto.


APPEAL: If in the future anyone wishes to challenge the decision of the City Council in court, one may be limited to 
raising the issues that were raised or presented in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or before, the 
scheduled public hearing. For further information on this subject, please contact the Development Services Department at 
(626) 355-7135.

By Order of the City Council

Danny Castro, Director of Development Services


The Sierra Madre Garden Club got a whole crop of new gardeners started when they hosted the 
City’s Fun in the Park session in Memorial Park on Tuesday, June 25th. The Garden Club members 
painted and sealed terra cotta flower pots and then covered them in chalk-board paint, ready to be 
decorated and personalized by each little gardener. They also provided a bin of potting soil and flats of 
succulents, along with trowels, chop sticks, chalk and stickers 

The free event attracted children from ages 2 ½ to 8 years old, who each happily personalized their 
flower pot, and then filled it with soil. Chop sticks were used to poke holes into the soil so the stems of 
the plants could be easily inserted into the dirt. Each child got to pick plants that they liked from the 
many shapes and colors the club members offered up, and the succulents were inserted into the pot 
and tamped down. There were lots of proud smiles as the kids showed off their handiwork!

One young gardener, Toby, who is 8 years old and has a budding green thumb said, “I like succulents 
because you can just cut a piece off and it grows. And it’s good for this weather because they don’t 
need much water!” 

For more information about the Fun in the Park series, contact the City’s Community Services 
Department. For more information about the Sierra Madre Garden Club visit their website at: http:// 


Which Smart Phone is best for you? An I-Phone? A Blackberry? An Android? How would you 

Have lunch with Kiwanis on Tuesday, July 2nd when professional representatives will present an 
interactive demonstration of the most popular brands of Smartphones. A presentation of interest 
to people of all age groups.

Lunch will be served. The meeting will be held at The Lodge, 33 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. and begins 
at noon. (Lunch at noon; Program begins at 12:30)

The program is free however if you wish to have lunch the cost is $10.

For reservations call 626-355-0728

Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Log


The Sierra Madre Search and Rescue (SMSR) Team responded to seven individual calls for assistance 
in May with all of the calls taking place in our local foothills. 

Injured Hikers, Hermit Falls, Chantry Flat: As we move into the summer months and schools 
are getting out for summer vacation, the Team is seeing increased activity in the Hermit Falls area. 
May 2nd, 26th (2 calls) and the 30th all accounted for rescues for the rescue team. As is typical for 
accidents in the area, hikers often suffer injuries when jumping from the rocks into the pools in 
the area. Injuries range from relatively minor to very serious. Hikers are asked to exercise good 
judgement and discretion when spending time in our local mountains. Even with rapid notification 
and response from emergency agencies, rescues take much longer to complete when access entails 
hiking to the accident site. 

In February of 2012, a class of 9 probationary members began training to becoming full members of 
Sierra Madre Search and Rescue. On May 10th and 11th, the 6 probationary members who had made 
it through the program to that point successfully completed their Mountain Rescue Association 
(MRA) certification testing. This testing included written, oral and hands-on demonstration of 
key mountain rescue skills. The skills testing takes place in a field setting under the supervision of 
senior Team members who carefully evaluate and critique performance. The skills the probationary 
members mastered include a variety of high-angle rescue, land navigation, patient packaging, 
tracking, helicopter operations, snow and ice travel, swiftwater rescue, and incident management 
skills. After successfully completing their testing, these members will begin classes to become 
nationally-certified EMT’s. The Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Team congratulates the former 
probationers on completing this milestone and earning their, “Blue Patches” and becoming full Team 


For over 60 years the all-volunteer Sierra Madre Search and Rescue team has been responding to calls for 
help in the local mountains and beyond. Funded entirely by private donations, SMSR provides a range 
of public programs on wilderness safety in addition to its search and rescue activities. The Team never 
charges for any of its services. 

For more information, including how to arrange a wilderness safety demonstration for your school 
or group, visit

For the period June 16-23, 2013

Sunday June 16, 2013

Overnight, an unknown suspect entered a vehicle parked in a driveway in the 400 block of Grove 
Street and rummaged through the interior. Once inside, the suspect was also able to access the vehicle 
trunk and remove items from that area. The suspect took small items of value and left the scene 
without being seen. There was no sign of forced entry into the vehicle and the owner admitted that 
he had not locked the car that night. 

At 6pm, a traffic collision occurred in the intersection of Oak Crest Drive and Deodar Circle. A 
vehicle exiting the Deodar Circle cu-de-sac, failed to yield to a vehicle travelling north on Oak Crest 
Circle. The parties sustained minor injuries and both vehicles were towed from the scene. 


Tuesday June 18, 2013

At 2pm, units responded to a report of a kidnapping at Kersting Court. On arrival officers determined 
that the matter was not a kidnap, but was a fight between a father and daughter. The two were 
travelling in a vehicle when they became engaged in a verbal argument. At one point, the daughter 
attempted to exit the vehicle while it was still moving. In response the father used physical force to 
prevent her from doing so. A battery report was completed and the investigation into the matter is 

Thursday June 20, 2013

At 3:45am, a resident in the 700 block of West Sierra Madre Boulevard observed a suspicious vehicle 
parked in an apartment carport. The vehicle doors were open and the lights were on. He immediately 
notified police of the situation. As officers arrived at the location, they observed a female (suspect) 
standing at a carport storage compartment that had both doors open. The individual was detained and 
officers determined that a large amount of property was stacked on the ground a short distance away. 
It was determined that the suspicious vehicle belonged to the suspect and it contained a large amount 
of property as well. Also found in the vehicle was the suspect’s 8 month old son. It was determined 
that the suspect had been rummaging through a number of carport storage compartments, removing 
property and loading the items into her vehicle. During a search of the vehicle, methamphetamine was 
found and it was determined that the suspect was currently on probation for Burglary. An arrest was 
made and the District Attorney’s Office subsequently filed counts of Burglary, Possession of Narcotics 
and Child Endangerment on the suspect. The child was released to the care of the Department of 
Children’s services. 


In a sight rarely seen in Sierra Madre, members 
of the IATSE (The International Alliance of Theatrical 
Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, 
Artists and Allied Crafts of the United 
States) walked picket lines in front of the St. Rita 
parking lot earlier in the week. The strikers were 
protesting the filming of a low budget feature, 
“Last Chance Holiday” that was taking place. 
Strikers were fighting against long hours and the 
lack of benefits. 

 The Art Directors Guild sent out an email Tuesday 
urging members to “please support this crew, 
which has been intimidated and abused by the 

 The dispute was settled Thursday afternoon.


Beginning July 1, 2013 the offices at City Hall and the Community Recreation centers will be open 
Monday - Thursday 11:00am - 5:30pm.

At the May 28, 2013 City Council meeting, the City Council adopted new open hours for City Hall 
and the Community Recreation offices as a part of the fiscal year 2013-2015 bi-annual budget. 

The Council implemented the new open hours at City Hall and Community Recreation offices to 
offset for the reduced staffing levels implemented over the last five years. The adopted FY 2013-2015 
budget also includes additional consolidated job responsibilities as well as technology enhancements 
to continue to improve work efficiencies and effectiveness, in order to serve Sierra Madre citizens.