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Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 29, 2013 

Monrovia Police Blotter


The VERY HEATED Meeting in Arcadia By Joan Schmidt

Highlighted Activity for the Weekdays of June 24-26, 2013


During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 
510 service events, resulting in 92 investigations. To see a complete 
listing of crimes reported, go to
map/ca/monrovia for crime mapping. For Police Department 
news and information, visit our website and follow us on Twitter 
for police notifications.


Theft From a Vehicle

June 24 at 1:37 p.m., a theft from a vehicle in the 1000 block of 
Oakleaf was reported to police. The victim parked her car in 
front of her house the previous night. When she returned to her 
vehicle the next afternoon, she noticed the glove compartment 
was open. A small amount of currency and miscellaneous items 
were taken. The victim had left the vehicle unlocked. The investigation 
is continuing.


Vehicle Burglary

June 25 at 1:00 p.m., a female subject was attempting to deliver 
documents to a business in the 800 block of West Foothill. She 
walked from her car to the front of the business and left her purse 
in the car. She found the business was locked. A male subject who 
had just exited his vehicle told her she could deliver her package 
to the rear of the business, as the backdoor was open. The woman 
went to the back of the building and found it was locked, also. 

When she returned to the front of the business, she saw the male 
subject with her purse in his hand. He casually got into his car 
with the purse. She confronted him at his car demanding her 
purse. The subject started his car and drove away. The suspect is 
described as a male White in his thirties, driving a silver Mitsubishi 
with Carmax paper plates. The investigation is continuing.


Residential Burglary

June 25 at 6:21 p.m., police were dispatched to a residential burglary 
that occurred in the 1200 block of South Alta Vista. The 
victim came home from work and found the apartment had been 
broken into. Officers responded and cleared the apartment. No 
suspects were located and the investigation is continuing.


Vehicle Burglary

June 25 at 6:38 p.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 500 
block of Parkrose. The victim parked his car in his driveway and 
believes he locked it with the alarm remote, but was unsure. He 
went inside his home for the evening. When he went to his car 
the next morning, he noticed some paperwork had been moved, 
but didn't think anything of it and drove to work. On his way 
to work, he noticed other items were missing from the vehicle. 
He called police and notified them of the burglary. When he returned 
home that evening, police responded and searched the 
vehicle for evidence. Investigation continuing.


Injury Traffic Collision

June 26 at 7:47, police responded to a traffic collision involving 
a bicyclist and a vehicle. The bicyclist was riding west on Royal 
Oaks, approaching Bradbury, when he was struck by a motorist 
who was turning left onto Bradbury. The motorist told the officer 
he could not see the bicyclist due to sun in his eyes. The bicyclist 
appeared to have minor injuries, but was taken to a hospital for 
exam as a precaution. The driver of the vehicle was cited for failing 
to clear the intersection before turning.


Injury Traffic Collision

June 26 at 11:49 p.m., an injury traffic collision involving a motorcycle 
was reported near the intersection of Peck and Live Oak. 
An Arcadia police officer was northbound on Peck, south of 
Clark. As he approached the intersection, a motorcycle quickly 
shot out of Clark to northbound Peck. The motorcycle continued 
to accelerate to a high rate of speed. As the officer caught up to 
the motorcycle and started to turn on his lights, the motorcycle 
locked up, began to skid, and hit an SUV. The motorcyclist was 
thrown from his motorcycle and hit the street. Monrovia police 
officers responded to the scene as the accident occurred in the 
City of Monrovia. The subject was taken to a hospital with head 
injuries. Investigation continuing.


Tip of the Week


Fireworks Safety

Lighting fireworks at home is not legal in the City of Monrovia. 
The best way to protect your family is not to use any fireworks 
at home - period. Attend public fireworks displays, and leave the 
lighting to the professionals. If not handled properly, fireworks 
can cause burn and eye injuries in kids and adults. The Fourth of 
July can be a fun time without injuries if you make sure everyone 
knows about fireworks safety.


If you are in an area that allows Fireworks, follow these safety 

• Make sure fireworks are legal in your area before buying or using 

• Never allow young children to play with or ignite fireworks.

• Avoid buying fireworks that are packaged in brown paper because 
this is often a sign that the fireworks were made for professional 
displays and that they could pose a danger to consumers.

• Always have an adult supervise fireworks activities. Parents 
don't realize that young children suffer injuries from sparklers. 
Sparklers burn at high temperatures - hot enough to melt some 

• Never place any part of your body directly over a fireworks device 
when lighting the fuse. Back up to a safe distance immediately 
after lighting fireworks.

• Never try to re-light or pick up fireworks that have not ignited 

• Never point or throw fireworks at another person.

• Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose handy in case of fire or 
other mishap.

• Light fireworks one at a time, then move back quickly.

• Never carry fireworks in a pocket or shoot them off in metal or 
glass containers.

• After fireworks complete their burning, douse the spent device 
with plenty of water from a bucket or hose before discarding it to 
prevent a trash fire.

 There are heated meetings, and there 
are Very HEATED meetings, and the June 
19th Monrovia-Arcadia-Duarte Town 
Council Meeting held at Annunciation 
Hall certainly was the latter!

 Over the years, I have witnessed heated 
meetings. One of the first concerned 
the proposed Greystone Homes on the 
former Edwards Drive-in site across from 
Annunciation Church. One parishioner 
stood up and said, “Monsignor doesn’t want 
car lights shining in his bedroom window. 
(Impossible - his room is at the back of the 
rectory!) There were heated complaints 
about increased traffic, but that never 
happened! The second battle involved the 
proposed Albertson’s on Live Oak. At least 
TEN irate residents said their house faced 
the site, but a drive-by down Lenore Street 
found ONE house DIAGONALLY facing 
the site! 

 At the recent Town Council meeting, the 
two issues were Hope House, a group home 
at 2051 Fairgreen Avenue, Monrovia and 
the proposed low-income housing on Live 
Oak Avenue in Arcadia. The group home 
houses four developmentally disabled 
men, each with the mental capacity of a 
young child. Mr. David Bernstein, Director 
of the Program explained that the state 
now dictates large facilities are no longer 
permitted; small group homes now must be 
utilized. Consequently there are five such 
homes in El Monte and two in Monrovia.

 Apparently, during their first night 
at Hope House, one of the men left the 
facility at 2:00 am. He wondered into an 
unlocked neighbor’s home and was sitting 
in the kitchen, when the teenage resident 
walked in and was freaked out! (Who 
wouldn’t be alarmed?) The resident’s door 
was unlocked, but that was not the issue. 
No one should wander into someone else’s 
home. However residents were yelling out, 
“He broke in”. There was a lot of yelling 
and Town Council Chair, David Hall, did 
a good job of keeping order. Everyone 
had a chance to speak. However, common 
courtesy so far went out the window that 
Captain Nee, Commander of Temple 
Station, had to tell the people to behave. It 
was ugly. 

 George Lopez, one of the site’s caretakers 
was also verbally attacked. I understand 
the people’s concern, but when it’s the 
EIGHTH person repeating the attack, 
it gets ridiculous. Mr. Lopez explained 
that the State of California doesn’t allow 
“locked facilities”. Group homes also have 
to go through channels to get permission 
to put locks on windows. (Twice it was 
said, “Within two weeks” the security issue 
will be resolved, but people still came up to 
speak demanding a time frame! I thought 
they need to listen!) The facility’s immediate 
response is now TWO caregivers, so the 
incident won’t reoccur. 

 The second issue was the proposed 
community housing on Live Oak Avenue. 
A resident brought a letter with 108 
signatures against the housing. Issues 
included inadequate parking, “too dense 
a project” and the fact it would be a four-
story building. She also asked the Town 
Council to write a resolution opposing 
the housing, which is what Temple City’s 
Council had done. This woman was very 
polite and explained residents’ positions 
on the housing. However, following her 
were irate residents attacking Rose Olson, 
Director of Housing and Real Estate 
Development. Mr. Hall pointed out the 
other multi-storied buildings on Live Oak 
- bank, attorney’s office, etc.) One man 
complained the proposed building would 
block his view of the mountains. I wondered 
how the existing Church - soon to be razed 
- did not block his view. The residents were 
told that the Planning Commission would 
be holding further meetings on this issue. 
The residents wanted the meetings moved 
to our area and held at night! This was 
unbelievable. Since 1993 when I joined 
the Town Council, I have attended several 
meetings. If the issue is important enough, 
you have to take a day off from work, plus 
there is better transportation into Los 
Angeles than to get to our area!

 As more info is released, I’ll pass it 
on. Please attend the next Town Council 
Meeting, July 17th, Pamela Park. Visit 


Friends of the Monrovia Public Library will hold their monthly 
Half-Price BookSale in the Friends Store throughout the month 
of July. This month, adult books and media with a blue dot on 
the spine are half-price. While some items are individually 

priced, regular prices range from $0.25 to $2.00 Visit the Friends 
Store (Monrovia’s only Bookstore!) early for best selection. 

The Friends Store is located inside the Monrovia Public 

Library. Store hours are Monday-Wednesday, 10 a.m. -5 p.m. and 
Thursday-Saturday, noon -5 p.m. 

The Friends of the Monrovia Public Library promote the Library 
by encouraging a greater use and appreciation of the literary, 
educational, and cultural advantages the library offers to the 



Tuesday, July 2, 7:30 p.m. City Council Meeting

Friday, June 14, 6:30 p.m. Battle of the Badges, PD vs FD Basketball 
Game; MHS


Thursday, July 4, 3 – 8:30 p.m. 4th of July Festivities & Concert, 
Library Park

Thursday, July 4, 9 p.m. 4th of July Fireworks Show, Library Park

Saturday, July 27 9-3 p.m. EWaste Recycling Event, Monrovia 
Park N Ride (Corner of S. Myrtle Ave. & W. Pomona Ave.)

Sunday, July 28, 9-3 p.m. EWaste Recycling Event, Monrovia Park 
N Ride (Corner of S. Myrtle Ave. & W. Pomona Ave.)


AARP 55 – Alive Mature Driving Course 

Thursday, July 11 and Friday, July 12, from 9 a.m. to 1 
p.m. at the Community Center. 

The two-day course will focus on current driving laws 
and provide participants with helpful hints to improve 
their driving skills. FEE: $12 for an AARP member 
and $14 for a non-member; payable by check only to 
AARP. Reservations must be made in advance, please 
contact (626) 256-8246.

Weekly senior stretching and exercise class.

NEW TIME every Monday at 2 p.m. at the Community 

The fee for the approximately one hour class is $2, 
and includes stretching techniques geared toward seniors 
over 50.

Active Adults Stretching & Walking Class

Every Friday at 9 a.m., at the Community Center, $2 
per class.

The class meets for approximately one hour and begins 
with stretching followed by a walk around Old 
Town Monrovia. Participants are encouraged to wear 
comfortable clothing, and bring a towel and bottle of 

Monthly Blood Pressure Screening, 50 years + 

The free program is hosted by Methodist Hospital, 
and is offered on the second Tuesday of the month, 
from 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m., at the Community 

Weekly Social Crafter’s Class, 50 years +

The program is free and is held every Wednesday, 
from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m., at the Community Center. 
This program is designed to provide social opportunities 
while crocheting or knitting.

Monthly Afternoon Movies and Munchies at the 

Last Friday of each month at 12 p.m. in the Library's 
Community Room. 

This month's movie will be screened on Friday, June 
28, featuring a British comedy-drama film about a 
home for retired musicians that is soon to play host 
to a new resident, an eternal diva and the former wife 
of one of the residents; staring Maggie Smith, Tom 
Courtenay and Billy Connolly. Can you guess the 
movie? This program is free and open to Monrovia 
seniors 50 years and older.



That's right- it's back! From 10am - 2pm on 
Myrtle Avenue, shop for fresh produce at 
the Sunday morning Farmers' Market in Old 
Town Monrovia.

We’d like to hear from you! 

What’s on YOUR Mind?

Contact us at: editor@mtnviewsnews.
com or
mountainviewsnews AND 

Twitter: @mtnviewsnews