Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 13, 2013
The price of gasoline and the bad economy doesn’t have to put a damper
on fun this summer. There are two great avenues of entertainment that are close
by and free! One involves musical entertainment and the other, our great public
Duarte’s Pamela Park has a GREAT Thursday evening concert series: July
18- Blues Band, July 23- Life Church Gospel Band, August 1-Mariachi Divas,
August 8- Edgar and Lucy(Salsa, Cumbia), and August 15- Pure Performance-
R&B/ Jazz. The Latin Misfits will perform on Saturday, August 17. All concerts
are from 6:00-8:00pm. Bring a blanket, chairs and picnic fare for a great evening.
Pamela Park has the best, safest playground equipment for all age kids!
Up in the City of Duarte, there are three remaining 6:30-8:30 pm Wednesday concerts: July
17-Centerfold Hits of the 80’s, July 24-Jumpin Joz Band-Swing and July 31- Los Mineros De Durango
& Mariachi Relampago. Great food booths open at 6:00 pm. The Parade Committee will have a raffle
and Friends of the Duarte Library will be handing out free books to the children. (Concerts are at
Duarte Park, 1344 Bloomdale Street)
Monrovia has its great 7:00- 8:30 pm Sunday concerts: July 21-Gem City Jazz Cats-Jazz,
July 28-The Answer-Classic Rock, August 4-Mariachi Divas-Mariachis, August 11-Blackstar-Country
and August 18- Delgado Brothers-Roots, Rock, Latin Blues. Concerts are free. Bring a picnic basket,
blanket, chairs and be ready for a great family evening. Food booths are available and there’s a great
playground for kids! (Concerts are held at Library Park)
Arcadia’s concert series are on the City Hall Lawn, Thursdays evenings, 6:30-8:00 pm. July
18-Sharon & the Cevells(1950’s), July 25-Chris Lozano Band(Country), August 1-Upstream(Caribbean
Music & Steel Drums), August 8- Cold Duck-1970’s top-40’s- National Night Out-Arcadia’s 110th
Birthday, August 15-The Answer-Classic Rock, August 22-Cash Up Front-Tribute to Johnny Cash.
Arcadia will have a Kids Fun Zone with games, crafts and activities.
I live in the County Area and have utilized Live Oak Library for twenty years. I have also gone
to Duarte Library on several occasions, so the info I will provide pertains to these two great county
Since our grandkids will be here for FIVE weeks, I went on line and learned both libraries
have SEVERAL great activities planned. Duarte Library will feature a great Art Day, July 16, from
3-4pm, ages 4-12. On Thursday, July 18, from 3:30-4:30, bring your child to meet Kim Brown, sister
and inspiration of author Marc Brown (“Arthur Books”). The kids will be taught how to draw the
“Arthur” character! Then on July 23, Ronald McDonald is coming to the Duarte Library from 3:00-
4:00 pm! Toddler Storytime is 10:15am, and Storytme for Preschoolers and early elementary is at
11:15. Every Saturday at 2pm, during the summer, there’s been adult fun-last week, making recipe
scrapbook; this Saturday, decorate aprons and next week, decorate useable grocery bags! Visit www.
duartelibrary.com to see its great programs. (It is located at1301 Buena Vista Street, Duarte, and the
phone number is (626) 358-1865.
At Live Oak Library, Monday evenings have special teen activities like Teen Game Night,
5:30pm, July 22. Monday, July 22, My First Book Club at 3:30, for grades K-2. Rising Readers Book
Club is for Grades 2-4 and meets Thursdays, 3:30-4:30. Usually Monday mornings at 10:30 is the
toddler Storytime. After School Adventures is Tuesdays at 4:30 and includes astounding adventures,
sublime rhymes and awesome art activities. Live Oak Library is at 4153 E. Live Oak Ave., Arcadia.
Phone is (626) 446-8803. Visit www.liveoaklibrary.com for more info.
“What’s Going On?”
News and Views from Joan Schmidt
Going Green and Saving Money
By Christoper Nyerges
[Nyerges is the author of “Enter the Forest,” “Self-Sufficient Home,” and other
books. He teaches regular self-reliance classes and does a weekly podcast on
Preparedness Radio Network. He can be reached at School of Self-Reliance,
Box 41834, Eagle Rock, CA 90041, or www.ChristopherNyerges.com.]
Way back in 2000,
my wife Dolores and
I wrote a book called
“Extreme Simplicity: Homesteading in the
City,” where we detailed how we grew food,
raised animals, generated power, and more, in
our average home in the hilly outback of Los
The “Self-Sufficient Home” book is a continuation
of that work, but in this case, we didn’t
strictly write about what we did in our own
home. Rather, I interviewed at least two dozen
other home-owners and experimenters to discover
the ways in which they were practicing
urban self-reliance.
The book begins with the story of Dude
McLean, former Marine who was heavily involved
in self-reliance, and his experience
during the 1971 Sylmar earthquake. McLean
and family survived well when much of their
neighborhood was in ruins because they gardened,
stored food and water, and had sufficient
camping supplies and the know-how to
live in the backyard. Whenever I teach a class
about urban preparedness, I begin by reading
that chapter and the very real lessons learned
by McLean and family.
“Self-Sufficient Home” includes an interview
with Altadena architect Steve Lamb, who
shares all the ways in which homes should be
built to take advantage of natural principles
such as sunlight, wind patterns, shade, and
other site-specific issues. Lamb points out that
white roofs, and large overhangs helps keep
houses naturally cooler. During the course of
writing the book, Lamb took me to a few of the
places he’s worked on to show me how it’s also
possible to retrofit an “average” house to take
advantage of these principles.
The book shares the specific ways in which
various local people, with no government aid
and with no whining, went about producing
their own electricity, and their own solar-heated
water. The reader is guided through the
steps of making an electrical use assessment
before going out to purchase any solar devices
or components. It’s important to do that assessment
if you’re going to be your own power
producer, so you build a system that is suitable
to your situation.
There are interviews with people who collect
rain water, with everything from low-tech to
high-tech methods. In fact, this is now so
“mainstream” that all of the building supply
companies routinely sell you all the hardware
needed to turn a bucket into a rain water catchment
The many alternatives to the conventional
flush toilet are discussed, from the expensive
high-tech to the very simple low-tech methods
that have been practiced for millennia.
The book also addresses all the ways in which
the average urban back yard can be utilized for
food and medicine production. This begins
with an assessment of the resources already
on the property, coupled with a list of your
specific needs and wants. Where to get your
seeds, how to produce plants from cuttings,
and ways to create your own backyard fertilizers
are all included.
I interviewed a La Crescenta resident who
makes his own biodiesel fuel from used vegetable
oil, and ran his VW diesel rabbit on his
own fuel for months. There are enough details
in the book for the reader to follow in this
man’s footsteps.
And lastly, there are several interviews with individuals
whose lifestyles are laudable – a man
who bicycles every day, a permaculture practitioner,
a woman who lives in a tipi, and more.
“Self-Sufficient Home” can be obtained via
Kindle, and hard-copies are available wherever
quality books are sold, or on-line. This is
a wonderful book and everyone should have
a copy.
[More information about Nyerges’ classes and
books is available at www.ChristopherNyerges.
com, or via School of Self-reliance, Box 41834,
Eagle Rock, CA 90041]
Mayor Pro Tem Liz Reilly assists volunteers
By: Cynthia Kurtz, San Gabriel Valley Economic Development Partnership
There was a time when the
weather was considered a neutral
topic for polite conversation.
You could always bring
up the weather. Not anymore.
Start talking about the weather
and pretty soon you are talking
about global warming, climate
change, AB 32, and green
power. These are definitely not
neutral topics!
Pepperdine University recently
surveyed California voters on
their opinions about the environment
and energy. While
the majority of voters believe
climate change is a moderate
or serious threat, Californians
don't agree on what to do about
them and who should pay for
the solutions.
Let's start with climate change
- 38 percent of those surveyed
say it is a serious threat, 33 percent
a moderate threat and 20
percent say it is no threat or not
real. Clearly, a majority believe
that climate change is some level
of threat.
One would then assume that
there would be support for public
policies that will address this
threat. Don't jump to that conclusion
too quickly. California
has adopted the most advanced
public policy on climate change,
the Global Warming Solutions
Act, also known as AB 32. Ask
those same people if they think
that AB 32 is having a negative
or positive effect and 32 percent
say positive, 30 percent
say negative, and 29 percent say
We know that climate change
is strongly linked to power generation
and policy leaders are
adopting regulations intended
to increase the use of "green
power." There are conflicting
theories attempting to convince
Californians that these policies
are creating jobs or driving
companies to other states taking
the jobs with them. Neither
side is winning that battle - 52
percent of voters say they can't
tell how jobs are being impacted
while 21 percent say jobs are
being created and 27 percent
say jobs are being lost.
Cost and jobs are very important
to these respondents.
When asked if they would be
willing to ease environmental
regulations on oil extraction
and refining if they reduce the
price of gasoline and increased
the number of jobs in California,
51 percent said yes to just
28 percent responding no.
When it comes to paying for
these policies, the message is
not surprising. Asked if they
would be willing to pay more
for gas, electricity, food and
other consumers to increase the
use of green energy and help
the environment, 53 percent
said no - 30 percent said yes.
There are clear winners and
losers when it comes to support
for future sources of energy: 77
percent support increasing the
use of solar; 70 percent support
increasing the use of wind; 70
percent support increasing the
use of water; 51 percent support
increasing the use of liquid natural
gas. Only 23 percent support
increasing the use of coal.
Support for increasing nuclear
power is split with 35 percent
supporting and 30 percent not
supporting it. You may be interested
in knowing that this survey
was taken after there were
known problems at San Onofre
Nuclear Power Plant but before
Edison's announcement that
they would close the plant
So now that we can't use the
weather as a "go to" topic, how
should one start a new conversation?
"How about them