Mountain Views News Saturday, July 13, 2013
HOWARD Hays As I See It
All eyes are on the Zimmerman trial, and
there’s lots of speculation about whether Mr.
Zimmerman will be found guilty or innocent.
What’s not understood is that the most important
verdict has already been rendered. The entire
handling of this case has proven beyond a shadow
of a doubt that the American criminal justice
system is becoming highly politicized by the
Obama administration. The blatant corruption
of our justice system to achieve a politically
correct verdict should be frightening to Liberals
and Conservatives alike.
Neighborhood-watch captain George
Zimmerman fatally shot 17-year old Trayvon
Martin. That much is undisputed by either side.
But when the police investigated, they found
insufficient evidence to accuse Mr. Zimmerman
of an actual crime. This was the conclusion
drawn by the lead investigator and by the Chief
of Police. It was further supported by an FBI
investigation which concluded that racial animus
was not a part of the shooting. Nonetheless, Mr.
Zimmerman was eventually charged with second
degree murder. The chain of events leading up
to that indictment and arrest clearly shows that
the process became politically manipulated from
The lead detective, Chris Serino, felt so strongly
about the corruption of the process that he came
forward to give an interview and detailed the
pressure he faced. The Chief of Police received
multiple inquiries and specific requests from the
City Manager about when an arrest would be
made. His resistance to that pressure ultimately
cost him his job. He, too, came forward to detail
the pressure he faced.
Perhaps we can extend some empathy to the City
Manager for feeling he had to apply that pressure.
Press reports have now detailed that Attorney
General Eric Holder threatened to investigate
city officials for civil rights crimes if they did
not bring charges against Zimmerman. Mr.
Holder eventually did launch that investigation,
and of course charges were brought against
Mr. Zimmerman, but not without even further
corruption of the process.
A special federal task force set up to investigate the
handling of the shooting claimed that Trayvon’s
mother identified the voice crying for help on a
911 call as being Trayvon’s. But the task force
neglected to inform anyone that Trayvon’s father
was equally sure that the voice was not Trayvon’s.
The report omitted medical evidence showing
that Zimmerman was injured. The report further
accused Zimmerman of “profiling” Trayvon while
ignoring the fact that the watch program trains
its volunteers how to spot people who are acting
suspiciously. It’s later learned that Trayvon had
drugs in his system at the time, giving credibility
to Mr. Zimmerman’s claim that Trayvon looked
like he was on drugs.
From this point, the
pressure becomes more
blatant while at the same
time appearing more
innocent. The Obama
administration sends
“community organizers”
down to Sanford, Florida
to help orchestrate rallies against Mr. Zimmerman
and build pressure for an indictment. Eric Holder
meets with the Congressional Black Caucus and
Reverend Al Sharpton, who then heads down to
Florida to hold a rally in which he yells, “we came
for permanent justice. Arrest Zimmerman now”.
The New Black Panthers offer a bounty on Mr.
Zimmerman and threaten his family. They are
not investigated or arrested for inciting violence.
Think what the administration would have done
had the KKK done a similar thing targeting a
black suspect in an on-going investigation.
The last, and perhaps most damning, piece
of evidence showing the political roots of this
trial is the fact that the judge has just made a
highly controversial ruling at the last minute
to allow Mr. Zimmerman to be charged with
manslaughter in addition to murder. The defense
rightly objected to the lack of time permitted to
counter the second charge but were dismissed out
of hand. While it is not unusual for defendants
to be accused of lesser crimes along with a major
crime, it is highly unusual to allow the charge
to be made late in the trial when the defense is
obviously unprepared to affectively deal with the
new allegation.
At one level, it is simply disappointing to learn
that the presidential candidate who promised
to bind racial tensions has turned out to be one
of the most race-obsessed presidents in recent
history. But at a deeper and more significant
level, the racial politicization of the judicial
process jeopardizes all our freedoms and strikes
at the core of the principles we all hold dear.
If the system can be used today by a liberal
administration to manipulate the arrest of a
member of an unpopular group, the system can be
used tomorrow by a conservative administration
to arrest a member of some other unpopular
group. If justice isn’t blind and fair for everyone,
then everyone is in danger.
About the author: Gregory J. Welborn is a
freelance writer and has spoken to several civic
and religious organizations on cultural and
moral issues. He lives in the Los Angeles area
with his wife and 3 children and is active in the
community. He can be reached gregwelborn2@
GREG Welborn
“We should be taxing polluters
and not taxing students. The
GOP has it backwards because its
patrons want it that way.”
- Robert Reich
I had a great time on the
Fourth – saying hi to friends
and neighbors along the parade route, taking the
opportunity to shamelessly plug my column, and
enjoying that annual summer highlight for Mitsuko
and me – the BBQ at Susan’s.
As a parade participant myself, I didn’t have much
chance to greet other participants, as I would’ve
liked to have welcomed our new representatives –
Assemblyman Chris Holden and Congresswoman
Judy Chu.
With Asm. Holden, he’s fortunate to be serving
when Republicans are no longer able to block
progress and stifle good ideas in Sacramento - like
Holden’s own bill that recently sailed through the
Senate to help fund shelters for victims of domestic
violence by upping the fines on abusers. My
greeting for him would be one of congratulatory
With Rep. Chu it would be more like, “How the
heck do you manage to deal with it?” Earlier this
year, the approval rating for our state Legislature
was pegged at 41%. Nothing to brag about, unless
compared to the 9% it stood at three years ago before
Democrats won super-majorities and Jerry Brown
returned as governor. For Congress, in August
2011, after eight months of Republican control over
the House, approval dropped to 12% - the lowest
ever. Last month, only 10% of Americans had
“confidence” in Congress. According to Gallup,
“This is the lowest level of confidence Gallup has
found, not only for Congress, but for any institution
on record.”
Congress has hit new lows in productivity.
Two years ago by this time they’d sent 23 bills to
President Obama – the lowest number since the
1940s. This year it’s down to 15. During the Reagan
years, it was about 60 bills produced during the first
six months of a new Congress – then as today, with
Congresses partially controlled by the other party.
No-brainers like renewal of the Violence Against
Women Act and help for victims of Hurricane
Sandy passed only after heated partisan debate
(with a majority of Republicans opposing renewal
of the VAWA).
House Republicans are doing so little because
they’re told to by those calling the shots – and I
don’t mean voters back home. A letter last May to
House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader
Eric Cantor from Koch brothers’ front group
Heritage Action for America, sent at a time when
a third of all House committees were investigating
President Obama, expressed appreciation that
“the activities of the Obama administration are
receiving a sustained public vetting”, then adds,
“but it would be imprudent to do anything that
shifts the focus from the Obama administration
to the ideological differences within the House
Republican Conference”.
The letter mentions internet taxation and the farm
bill, but is meant to warn against tackling anything,
from immigration reform to background checks
on gun buyers, that might expose “differences”
between Republicans who take governing seriously
and the tea-baggers.
Legislating might divert attention from the
scandal committees. Time is found for certain
pressing issues, though. When the Heritage letter
was sent, of the 281 days the current congress had
held votes, 43 days were spent voting on repeal
of the Affordable Care Act – 37 failed attempts at
repeal so far, and counting.
As to how it got this way, a decade ago the GOP’s
corporate masters put up $40 million to establish
the Republican State Leadership Committee,
determined to seat state legislators who’d dutifully
gerrymandered districts following the 2010 census
in time for the 2012 elections. Karl Rove explained it
in a 2010 Wall Street Journal editorial; “Republican
strategists are focused on 107 seats in 16 states.
Winning these seats would give them control of
drawing district lines for nearly 190 congressional
seats”. The result was Republicans achieving a
234 to 201 House majority in an election where
Democratic candidates got 1.4 million more votes.
It’s also resulted in Republican primaries where
moderation is an automatic disqualifier. As Thomas
Mann and Norman Ornstein characterized the
House majority in a Washington Post editorial, “It
is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise;
unmoved by conventional understanding of
facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the
legitimacy of its political opposition.”
It doesn’t look like the rest of us, either. 63%
of us are white. Among House Republicans, it’s
96%. Women comprise 51% of the nation, but
8% of House Republicans. There are 41 black, 10
Asian American, and 7 openly gay members of
the House – all Democrats. There are 7 Latino
members among House Republicans, and 27 with
the Democrats.
We’ve learned that the cure for budget deficits
is not higher taxes and/or lower spending, but a
rebounding economy – which we have, and the
deficits have accordingly become a non-issue.
Not for House Republicans, though. In 2011 they
played with the “full faith and credit” of the United
States, reportedly at the cost of a million jobs and,
according to the Bipartisan Policy Center, nearly
$19 billion over ten years in additional interest
payments resulting from their treating our debt
ceiling as a bluff in a game of chicken.
Now, they’re announcing they’ll do it again –
threatening to renege on our nation’s obligations
unless Democrats agree to cut food stamps and
Social Security eligibility, and privatize Medicare.
Last week, Robert Reich illustrated the position
of House Republicans by citing two separate issues:
one would revise the formula for calculating
interest on student loans, resulting in $3.7 billion
in increased revenue. The other is the entire House
Republican leadership’s signing onto a Koch-
backed pledge to “oppose any legislation relating
to climate change that includes a net increase in
government revenue.”
Burdens are to fall on families struggling to
send kids to college. Corporate polluters are to be
For Assemblyman Holden, I know he’ll do well.
For Congresswoman Chu, I promise to spend
the next fifteen months reminding my friends
and neighbors that mid-term elections do indeed
by J. Brown
ecosystem is
under attack
as the “Crazy
Ant” invades
the south and
displaces other
species: They’re
called crazy
because of their
and swarming
The insects
nest anywhere
and are easily
transported. So far they’ve spread to 24
counties in Texas, 20 in Florida and a few
in Mississippi and Louisiana after being
inadvertently transported from South
America . They cause millions in electrical
damage a year .They are hard to kill with no
permanent solution yet.
Storing wind energy underground: Wind
power is one of the great forms of energy,
though not reliable. Scientists have
developed a new energy storage method
using compressed air underground that
could revolutionize the industry.
Inventors design lamp powered entirely by
gravity: Two U.K.-based designers created a
lamp that uses gravity to generate power for
the light. Fantastic for off grid third world
areas or any place other power source is not
Scientists create human liver from stem
cells: Scientists have for the first time
created a functional human liver from stem
cells derived from skin and blood and say
this points to a future where transplant
organs could be made in a laboratory. It’s
still years away from application but this is
very promising.
Storm warning: Climate change to spawn
more hurricanes: The world could see
as many as 20 additional hurricanes and
tropical storms each year by the end of
the century because of climate change.
The study was published by top climate
researcher Kerry Emanuel of M.I.T.
Groundbreaking surgery for girl born
without windpipe dies. In April using
plastic fibers and human cells, doctors built
and implanted a windpipe in a 2 ½-year-old
girl ,the youngest person ever to receive a
bioengineered organ. It was only the sixth
surgery of its kind. Because the windpipe
uses only the child’s own cells, there was
no need for drugs to suppress the immune
system to avoid rejection. The new trachea
was never a problem. It was her native tissue
that was very fragile.
Looking For
A network has been launched to promote
academic research in the UK relating to
the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence
(SETI). The UK SETI Research Network
(UKSRN) brings together academics from
11 institutions across the country. The
network’s Patron is the Astronomer Royal,
Professor Martin Rees. UKSRN presented
its current activities and future strategy in a
session and panel discussion July 5, during
the UK National Astronomy Meeting
(NAM) at 600-year-old St. Andrews
University in Scotland.
covers a broad spectrum of research
topics, including potential methods for
detecting signals, the linguistic challenge of
deciphering messages, the probability of an
extraterrestrial civilization interacting with
Earth, and the longevity of civilizations.
Dr. Alan Penny, the coordinator of
UKSRN said, “We hope that the existence
of the network will excite interest from
people in the UK astronomical community
that have been thinking about SETI, and
encourage them to contribute their work.”
Dr. Tim O’Brien from The University
of Manchester’s Jodrell Bank Observatory
described the capability of the UK’s recently
commissioned e-MERLIN array of seven
radio telescopes for SETI projects.
“The first proposal to search for radio
signals from extraterrestrial civilizations was
actually inspired by the construction of the Lovell
Telescope at Jodrell Bank,” said O’Brien. “We
went on to take part in the SETI Institute’s Project
Phoenix from 1998 to 2003, searching for signals
from about a thousand nearby stars. At that time
the equipment required to sift through the data
was expensive and unusual, but our modern
telescopes are potentially capable of conducting
these types of observations as a matter of course.”
The e-MERLIN array, which includes the
Lovell Telescope, is connected by optical fibers
and spread over 134 miles from Jodrell Bank to
Cambridge. This multi-telescope approach offers
potential for distinguishing true extraterrestrial
signals from interference generated here on Earth,
a key problem for all radio SETI projects.
Dr. John Elliott of Leeds Metropolitan University
is a researcher on the nature of communication:
how language structure can be identified, and
methods for subsequent decipherment and
dissemination. He has analyzed over 60 human
languages, which cover all the different types of
systems, as well as non-human communication,
such as robots and dolphins. Elliott believes
that by understanding our analytical capabilities
for communication, we can develop strategies
for extra-terrestrial message discovery and
“Suppose SETI succeeds and we detect a
technological beacon. Any message is unlikely
to be written in Martian English, so standard
decipherment/decryption techniques used by
the military and security agencies are not going
to help much. To put the challenge into context,
we still have scripts from antiquity that have
remained undeciphered over hundreds of years,
despite many serious attempts,” said Elliott.
Elliott’s research focuses on whether there
is something unique to communication
phenomena, irrespective of the source, that makes
them distinguishable from other signals in the
universe. “By looking beneath the surface veneer
of the arbitrary sounds and symbols used, we can
‘see’ the language machine itself: its mechanisms,
constraints, and evolutionary forces of efficiency
and compromise that shape it,” he said. “By
understanding these structures, it should be
possible to glean information on the intelligence
of the message author.”
You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@
The Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank inspired the first proposals to search for radio signals from
extraterrestrial civilizations. Credit: Anthony Holloway, University of Manchester