Mountain Views News Saturday, July 13, 2013
There are many benefits to having a Facebook page for your business. If you keep
it active and feed it with good content, it will start to show up in the search engines, even to people
who are not on Facebook.
I was recently asked to review the process of setting up a Facebook page. Here are the steps to get
1. Launch the business page from your main Facebook account. You only need one account
and login information on Facebook. Each account can have a personal timeline and manage
multiple Business Pages.
2. After you login to your main Facebook account, go to: www.facebook.com/pages and select
“Create Page”
3. Select the type of page you are creating (company, product, artist, band, cause etc.) Know
that you can always change the categories later.
4. Facebook will walk you through a step-by-step process. Be prepared to have a square version
of your logo for the profile image as well as a nice cover image (think in the shape of a billboard).
5. Fill in all the page information details. Make sure you fill in the short description and the
overview section with good key words as this helps the search engines find your page. Pay close
attention to the page address. You will be able to set up a unique url just for your page (www.
6. Populate your page with photos and at least four to five posts before promoting your page
and inviting your friends to “Like” your page.
About MJ: MJ and her brother David own HUTdogs, a creative services business that specializes
in Internet Marketing strategies. They are known for providing valuable information at their Social
Media and Email Marketing classes. “Like” them on Facebook for trending news in social media,
internet marketing and other helpful tips, www.facebook.com/hutdogs.
Sign up for their upcoming classes and presentations at: www.hutdogs.com/workshops/schedule
Many homeowners are still facing mortgage default, and while the best bet is to contact
your lender directly, there are tempting advertisements out there for companies that claim
they can solve your financial crisis. Fraud is rampant, so look out for the following warning
First, don’t believe the hype when you hear, “We’ll stop the auction!” or, “Debt eliminated,
guaranteed!” If it sounds too good to be true, it is!
You should be suspicious of any company that tries to gain your trust by imitating a government
agency. They may (illegally) publish government logos and names, or even copy the
look of an official website, so pay attention to the details.
Back out of any deal that requires you to pay any fees upfront. There is no need to pay anyone
to modify your mortgage terms, because your lender, and only your lender, can do that.
Most importantly, do not make mortgage payments to anyone but your lender. If a person
or company presents you with an official looking statement that indicates payments should
now be made to them, don’t walk – run for the door, and call the Better Business Bureau.
By working directly with your lender, you may be able to modify your loan terms, or agree
to a pay-off through a “short sale” listing. Please heed this advice from an experienced
CALL 626-264-2085
The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques
By La Quetta M. Shamblee, MBA
In a recent interview with leadership expert, John Maxwell captured on CD by Success
Magazine, he spoke about the correlation between the focus on personal growth and the
achievement of goals. For decades, setting goals has been heralded as the focus of honing
one’s progress and success. Mr. Maxwell shares a simple, yet profound perspective based on
more than 40 years as someone who has taught and coached thousands of individuals who
have gone on to achieve phenomenal success.
He alluded to the notion of goal setting during a period in his life as well. At some point, he
discovered that a commitment to personal growth on an ongoing basis leads to attainment
of, and often the surpassing of milestones that he would have previously identified as goals.
The basic tenant – if you want to reach your goals, just make a commitment to personal
Being disciplined is one of the personal traits that he addressed, showing the contrast
in relation to simply being motivated. The tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions to
lose weight was presented as an example of how motivation without discipline is useless.
Stating a goal and having the initial motivation to lose weight has to move beyond making
a pronouncement and spending money on a gym membership, new exercise equipment
or weight loss program. If the motivation to exercise beyond a brief period of excitement
during the month of January is not evidenced by discipline to continue the new routine in
February, March and beyond, setting a goal followed by an initial surge in motivation is for
Every achievement, large or small, is built on a foundation of discipline applied with
consistency to the development and growth of a talent or skill. Talented musicians, master
carpenters, profession athletes and successful entrepreneurs have something in common.
All of them have attained their distinctions as a result of a sustained process of disciplined
effort applied over a period of time with consistency.
Focusing on personal growth in one or more areas of one’s life on a daily basis will propel a
person to great achievements. The world’s top athletes still maintain regiments of practice
and conditioning. These individuals recognize the importance on ongoing personal
improvement in every area to optimize their performances. Their achievements, successes
and status as champions are indelibly linked to a pattern of discipline and consistency. This
powerful combination provides the magic formula for personal growth to create the magic
that will have you looking at your goals in the rear view mirror as you are propelled far
beyond your initial expectations.