Mountain Views News Saturday, July 13, 2013
Dear Savvy Senior:
Can you write a column alerting seniors to the dangers
of summertime heat? I manage a number of
urgent care clinics, and last summer we had more
than 200 cases of heat-related illnesses, most of who
were seniors. I would like to reduce that this year.
Concerned Citizen
Dear Concerned:
I certainly can. Most people don’t realize that extreme summer heat causes thousands of heat-related
illnesses in the U.S. each year, and kills more people than hurricanes, lightning, tornadoes, floods and
earthquakes combined, and seniors are among the most vulnerable.
The reasons behind this are because of the body’s ability to regulate temperature through blood circulation
and sweat glands tends to decline with age. Bodies of older adults also contain far less water
than a younger person, and older brains don’t recognize thirst as easily, making them more likely to
get dehydrated.
In addition, many seniors have certain health problems that can increase their risk of hyperthermia
(when the body overheats). These include:
• Underlying diseases like congestive heart failure, diabetes and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease or COPD.
• Trouble walking or moving around.
• Being overweight.
• Having dementia or other problems with thinking skills.
Medications that some seniors take, like diuretics and other high blood pressure drugs, can also cause
dehydration or affect the ability of their heart, blood vessels or sweat glands to respond to the heat.
Signs of Danger
Heat stroke is the most serious heat-related illness. The signs to watch for include a body temperature
above 103 degrees Fahrenheit, a rapid pulse rate, throbbing headache, dizziness, nausea, confusion,
and hot, dry skin with the absence of sweating. If you, or someone you know is experiencing these
symptoms, call 911 immediately because heat stroke is a medical emergency.
Heat exhaustion is milder and can develop after several days of exposure to high temperatures. The
warning signs are heavy sweating, paleness, muscle cramps, tiredness, weakness, fainting, dizziness,
headache, and nausea or vomiting.
What to Do
If you think you may be suffering from a heat-related condition, cool yourself down by going indoors
into air conditioning, remove or loosen any tight-fitting or heavy clothing, drink plenty of water (but
avoid alcohol and caffeine), take a cool bath or shower, or apply cold water, ice packs or cold compresses
to your skin.
And when you do go out in the heat, be sure to dress in lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing,
avoid extended periods of sun exposure and drink plenty of water even if you don’t feel thirsty.
Seniors who live without air conditioning should go to public places that have it like shopping malls,
senior centers or public libraries. Your local health department can also refer you to an air-conditioned
shelter in your area.
For those who can’t afford to run their air conditioning at home, there’s the federal Low-Income
Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), along with many utility companies and charitable organizations
that may be able to help you with your utility costs. To find out about the programs
available to you, along with their eligibility requirements and how to apply, call the National Energy
Assistance Referral project at 866-674-6327 or visit energynear.org.
For more extreme heat-related safety tips, visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website
at cdc.gov/extremeheat.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.
org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.
By Pat Birdsall
Overheated Home-Many seniors are unprepared to deal with hot weather because they lack a
working air conditioner or cannot afford the electricity required to adequately cool their home. Places
like libraries, shopping malls and movie theaters offer a climate controlled place to escape the heat.
Heat Stroke-Temperatures can quickly rise and take a toll on the body. The elderly should stay indoors
during the hottest part of the day.
West Nile Virus-West Nile Virus, transmitted to humans by bites from infected mosquitos, is now
a common summer occurrence. The elderly are especially susceptible to West Nile Virus. Eliminate
standing water which serves as a mosquito breeding ground. Use Commercial repellants or natural
repellants to avoid mosquito bites. Food Poisoning- Summer celebrations mean picnics, parties
and potlucks;This creates the opportunity for improperly stored foods. Avoid food poisoning by
keeping foods piping hot or well chilled. Dehydration- Seniors can avoid dehydration by sipping cool
beverages throughout the day. Sunburn-Using sunscreen and protective garments, such as a wide-
brimmed hat, will help prevent sunburn. Neglect- Make sure elderly relatives are cared for and have
necessary medications and groceries before you leave on vacation. Also, stay in touch with neighbors
who can look in on your relative. Overexertion-Hot weather can sap your energy faster than normal.
Limit physical activity during hot weather and schedule activities to avoid being outdoors during
the hottest part of the day. Allergies-Summer greenery means more allergens in the air. The telltale
symptoms are itchy, red, watery eyes and sneezing. Do not take any over the counter medication
before you’re sure they are safe and compatible with any existing drug regimen or health conditions.
HELPFUL HINT: To dust a delicate pleated lamp shade, simply stroke it from top to
bottom with a clean dry paintbrush.
A guy was sitting quietly reading his newspaper when his wife walked up behind him and whacked
him on the head with a magazine. “What was that for?” he asked. “That was for the piece of paper in
your pants pocket with the name Laura Lou written on it,” she replied. “Two weeks ago when I went
to the races, Laura Lou was the name of one of the horses I bet on,” he explained. “Oh, honey, I’m
sorry,” she said. “I should have known there was a good explanation.” Three days later he was watching
a ballgame on TV when she walked up and hit him in the head again, this time with the iron skillet,
which knocked him out cold. When he came to, he asked, “What the heck was that for?” She replied,
“Your horse called.”
~ ~ ~
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! … July Birthdays
Nina Bartolai, Mary Lou Caldwell, Louise Neiby, Eunice Banis, Betty Hansen, Christine
Durfort, Shahrzad Azrani, Betty Barlow, Cindy Barnard, Jeanne Borgedahl, Janet Cox,
Dorothy Montgomery, Bess Pancoska,Janice Swanson, Linda Thunes, Barbara Watson, Pat
Alcorn, Karma Bell, Alice Clark, Dorothy Jerneycic, and Betty DosRemedios.
* To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737. YEAR of birth not
Quote of the Week: “People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.”
~Anton Chekov
ACTIVITIES: Unless listed differently, all activities are at the Hart Park House
(Senior Center) 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre
YMCA San Gabriel Valley Intervale Senior Café: Monday-Friday at 12:00 Noon
(Participants are urged to arrive no later than 11:45 A.M.)
All seniors 60 and up can take part in the lunch program. There is a suggested donation of $2.00 for
those 60 and over and $3.75 for non-senior guests. Daily
reservations are necessary as space is limited.
Please call 24 hours in advance...626.355.0256
Free Balance Class: Every 3rd Monday for 11:00 am to 11:45 am with Shannon Vandevelde. A
variety of balance exercises are practiced; all ability levels are encouraged and welcomed.
Free Blood Pressure Testing: On the 2nd Tuesday of the month 11:00 am-12:00 pm: A nurse from
Methodist Hospital, Arcadia volunteers to do the readings. No appointment necessary.
Bingo: Every Tuesday afternoon from 1:00 pm- 3:00 pm Cards are only .25c each!
Free Chair Yoga: New Hours: 11:00 to 11:45 Every Wednesday morning. Join Paul Hagen for this
free class that focuses on senior yoga techniques. No reservation is necessary!
Free Legal Consultation: Pasadena attorney Geoffrey Chin volunteers on the 2nd Wednesday of
the month. He focuses on estate planning, trusts, wills, probate, conservatorships and business law.
*Appointments are a must! Please call: 626.355.7394 to make yours* Conflicting court schedules
can occasionally cause cancellations.
Lunch and Learn: Wednesday, June 26th, 12:15 to 1:00 pm
Come listen to the great services offered by Humana, a widely known company throughout
our community and the country. Their motto entails: “Healthy People, Healthy Planet, Healthy
Performance.” They promote seniors and their well-being.
Birthday Celebrations: The 2nd Thursday of the month the Senior Center celebrates the birthdays of
our patrons at 12:30 pm. Please join us for free cake and ice cream and “celebration.” (The cakes are
provided due to a generous donation from the Sierra Madre Civic Club.)
Game Day: Every Thursday at 1:00pm. Poker is usually the game of choice, or should I say chance?
Board games and other card games are also available. Outside, on the patio, a beautiful, one-of-a-kind
chess table is anxious for players.
Free Strength Training Class: Every Friday from 1:00 pm -1:45 pm Conducted by long-time
volunteer, Lisa Brandley. The class utilizes light weights for low-impact resistance training. Weights
are provided by the Sierra Madre Senior Center. It’s a great way to stay in shape and to
socialize with your peers.
Senior Citizens Club: Every Saturday at the Hart Park House (Senior Center). Brown bag lunch at
11:30am; Club meeting at Noon; Bingo 12:30- 3:30 pm. Only .25c per card… For more information
call Pat Birdsall at 626.355.7290.
Save the Dates!
Friday, August 16, 2013- USS Iowa (San Pedro)
Registration can be done in person at the Hart Park House Senior Center & Community Recreation
Center or online at www.cityofsierramadre.com Cash, checks and credit cards are accepted. Make
checks payable to “City of Sierra Madre.” Payment must be made at the time of registration.
Senior Movie Program:
FREE movies are chosen by the seniors themselves and shown on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the
month in Sierra Madre’s City Council Chambers, 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. ~ Start
time is 1:00pm ~
July 17 : West Side Story (1961)
West Side Story is an American musical directed by Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins. The film is an
adaptation of the 1957 Broadway musical of the same name, which was in turn inspired by William
Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. It’s a musical about two youngsters from rival NYC gangs who fall
in love. Starring: Natalie Wood, Richard Beymer, Rita Moreno, Russ Tamblyn and George Chakiris.
Not rated. Start time: 1:00 PM (run time is 152 minutes)
The story of Beatrix Potter, the author of the beloved and best-selling children’s book, “The Tale of
Peter Rabbit,” and her struggle for love, happiness and success.
Rated PG Start Time: 1:00 pm (run time is 92 minutes)
Okay, more specifically: my parent’s bathroom, their kitchen. Finally in their
retirement years, my parents have been blessed with the opportunity to do some
major home improvements. Their house was built in 1950, and, other than paint
and new linoleum here and there, nothing’s been done to it in the way of renovation. So, you can
imagine their excitement as they planned a second story addition with a loft!
My parents are blessed with an excellent contractor (Chuck Schutz, “Quiet Valley Building Co.,”
highly recommended!). Some contractors have earned the dubious reputation of being unpunctual,
unreliable, and generally flaky. Chuck is refreshingly 180 degrees opposite this norm. However,
despite having the best contractor, we all know that remodeling comes with unexpected problems
and delays; it’s just the nature of the beast. All you have to do is watch 15 minutes of reality shows like
“Extreme Makeover: Home” or “Flip This House” to know that construction is spelled “D-R-A-M-A!”
Considering that my parents haven’t had a TV since the 1970’s (and therefore haven’t been exposed
to reality TV), you can forgive them for a bit of home remodeling naïveté. Their project has shrunk
from a second story to a one-story addition (a blessing in disguise, we all agree!) and stretched a
bit beyond the projected six months. I try to empathize and remind them that this is a character-
building experience. And one area in which they’ve built remarkable character is in condensing their
activity to four small rooms; a living room, two bedrooms, and the bathroom.
But wait! There’s more! Not only is one bedroom a place
for sleeping, it also stores their clothes, cooking utensils,
packaged food, exercise equipment, arts and craft materials,
and a small library of books. The other bedroom serves as
an office, computer lab, dining room, fiber arts project center,
silkworm hatchery, aviary, and entertainment den. (As if
enough entertainment wasn’t provided by the preceding!) The
living room doubles as an appliance warehouse and is where
my parents meet with Chuck and the other professionals
working on the project. (My parents are scared to show them
the other rooms, for fear they’ll think they’re eccentric. Why
would anyone think that?) And then there’s the bathroom,
the only room with accessible outlets and running water. My
parent’s ability to turn out semi-homemade food from a hot
plate, food processor, Vitamix, microwave (in the computer
room), and about two square feet of counter space amazes
There’s a constant rotation of cooking appliances being moved to and from the limited usable
surfaces. If you want to use the hot plate, you’ve got to first remove the small coffee maker and find a
place for it on the floor by the toilet. If you want to make more than four cups of coffee, you’ll need
to get the big coffee maker. But you can’t leave the big coffee maker on the counter after you’re done
with it because it’s an inch taller than the bottom of the medicine cabinet, which is constantly being
opened. So, you pour a few cups and the rest goes into a thermos that stays on the floor until anyone
wants a refill.
It took a while to get used to this back-and-forth movement, but now we do it automatically. My
parents claim they even have a system for washing the dishes in the bathtub. I’ve never witnessed
this, but the clean dishes are proof. Just the fact that they haven’t resorted to TV dinners and paper
plates is commendable!
Well, according to the latest calculations, my parents have about 130 more days of pioneer living.
At least they’re still able to wash and dry their clothes in the machines in the garage. Doing laundry
in the bathtub would be the final frontier. I’m sure they could manage, but I hope they won’t have to!