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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2014 VOLUME 8 NO. 6 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2014 VOLUME 8 NO. 6 SENIOR COMMUNITY COMMISSION SEEKING “OLDER ‘SIERRA MADRE’ AMERICAN OF THE YEAR” Sierra Madre, CA. - The City of Sierra Madre Community Services Department and the Senior Community Commission is seeking your assistance to find the 2014 Older ‘Sierra Madre’ American of the Year. Nominated individuals must live in Sierra Madre, demonstrate outstanding community service and be age 60 or older. Nomination forms can be obtained from the Hart Park House Senior Center, Community Recreation Center, City Hall, Sierra Madre Public Library or by contacting the Senior Services Desk at (626) 355-7394. Nominations are due by Tuesday, February 18, 2014 and can be dropped off atthe Hart Park House Senior Center or mailed to City of Sierra Madre, c/o OlderAmerican Nomination, 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. The Senior Community Commission will discuss nominees and announce the honoreeat their regular scheduled meeting on Thursday, March 6, 2014 in the Sierra MadreCity Council Chambers. The honoree will also be recognized at a reception held intheir honor on Friday, May 9, 2014. Previous Honorees include: Joan Crow, Jerry & Nan Carlton, Pat Alcorn, Fran Garbaccio, Ken Anhalt, Eph Konigsberg, Russ Anderson, George Throop, Loyal Camacho, John Grijalva, Joylouise Harte-Smith, James Heasley, Midge Morash, James Tyler, Isbella Paegal, Bonnie Garner, Rose Fafach, Ed Wellman, Celeste McCleary, Dorothy Tillquist, Doris Webster, Elsie Dannmayer, George Mauer & Karl Teigler. ELECTION COVERAGE On April 8, 2014, voters in Sierra Madre will go to the polls and select three people from a field of four to sit on the City Council. They will also vote on a local ballot measure to extend the city’s current User Utility Tax Ordinance. The Mountain Views News will provide our readers with comprehensive coverage of this election. Each week, as we have done in the past, we will profile the candidates and give each of the candidates the opportunity to introduce themselves to our readers by answering the following questions: 1. Why are you running for City Council? 2. What are you going to do for Sierra Madre? 3. How do you plan on accomplishing your goals? (All candidates are being asked to answer the same questions and their answers will be published unedited.) The paper will also review the pros and cons of the proposed User Utility Tax Ordinance. The schedule will be as follows: February 15th An Impartial Analysis of Measure UUT February 22nd The Pros and Cons of Measure UUT February 28th Candidate Denise Delmar March 1st Candidate Rachelle Arizmendi March 8th Candidate Noah Green March 15th Candidate Eugene Goss March 22nd Candidate Forum Review It is our sincere hope that each candidate will submit their answers so that we can share them with our readers. A separate letter has been sent to each candidate asking them to participate. In addition to the candidate spotlights, we will attempt to cover the various forums sponsored by local organizations. Where possible, the unedited video of these forums will be broadcast on the papers website. Our reporting on this election will be as fair and objective as possible. However, please keep in mind that our columnists are always free to share their opinions. Their opinions are their opinions and may or may not reflect the position of the paper. This is true in all things, not just this election. We will also provide for you the calendar of important dates regarding the election. It is our goal to do whatever we can to help you make an informed decision on April 8, 2014. Susan Henderson, Publisher and Editor SIERRA MADRE’S HISTORIC WILSON-BIXBY HOUSE FOR SALE The Wilson-Bixby House is a monument to Sierra Madre’s rich history and reflects the Gilded Age of Victorian-Era architecture. Originally constructed in 1881, the house as one of the City’s oldest treasures and is reportedly the oldest inhabited residence. Situated wonderfully on a gentle hill, the home’s wrap-around porch with beautiful fretwork sets the tone for the property, revealing its farmhouse roots. Features throughout that define and enhance its character include high ceilings adorned with plaster medallions, original woodwork including beautifully turned stair spindles, fine metalwork found in window and door hardware, tall original windows that allow light to stream in and hardwood floors. The original property of 20 acres (two 10 acre plots) was purchased from town developer Nathanial Carter by Mr. Wilson an attorney in Los Angeles for an orange grove. The property extended from Central Ave. (changed to Sierra Madre Blvd. in the 1930’s) to Highland and from Lima west to a point west of the Bailey Canyon stream that would amount to 20 acres. The house, barn and tank house were built on the eastern 10 acres of the property in 1881 by Wilson and orange trees were planted. A photo dated 1882 shows the house with many small orange trees, with white stakes in front of the house. This photo also shows open country clear up to the mountains. The house and tank house are all that is left of the original buildings on the ranch. The original house had an open porch on three sides was two stories with two bedrooms upstairs, kitchen, parlor and two bedrooms downstairs. The property was supplied by Sierra Madre co-operative water Co. from springs in the foothills. Each ranch At this point the house contained property was allowed a certain day and four bedrooms plus a trunk room time to draw water from the system upstairs. The downstairs consisted of supply line by a valve at the northern a front parlor with a fireplace, a dining edge of the property on Highland room, two bed rooms, and a screened Avenue. At this time the water tank sleeping bed room for Mrs. Evans who in the top of the tank house was filled had to sleep in an open bed room, a for household and garden use and the bath room and a kitchen. orange orchard was irrigated. Records show that the water billing address for The county records show that the the property was on Highland Ave. house has seven bedrooms, the four upstairs and three downstairs. In the The undeveloped western 10 acres 1920’s a floor heater was added to the were sold sometime in the 1890’s. In downstairs and the upstairs trunk the 1890’s the property was sold to the room was converted into a bathroom. second owner, A. Bixby who continued Grove Lane was the original driveway the orange grove enterprise and to the house and barn as the property maintained the house as a mountain address was on Central Ave (now Sierra retreat for his family. This is the same Madre Boulevard.). During the lean Bixby that developed areas of Long years of the depression Mr. Evans sold Beach and Santa Monica. There are off many lots along Highland Avenue, several photos of the Bixby family in Lima and Sierra Madre Blvd. and around the house. In the 1930’s, Montecito Ave was The eastern 10 acres that contained completed, continuing all the way from the house, barn and tank house plus Lima to Sunnyside. In 1957 Mr. Evans several out buildings and orange grove sold the remaining one and a half acres was sold to W.A. Evans in 1903. Mr. to Lewis George Jr. George split the Evans operated the orange grove and property into four lots. egg ranch, the hen house was to the west of the house. Dick and Elva Johnson purchased the lot containing the house and tank The house was lit by natural gas that house in 1964, and have owned the was piped to all of the rooms of the property every since. Many repairs house & heated by coal heaters in each and restorations were completed over room connected to two chimneys. In the years. A major restoration was the early 1900’s when electricity came started in 1991 when the Sierra Madre to Sierra Madre, Mr. Evans remodeled earthquake damaged the house. the house installing electricity, expanded the upstairs from two to four The house was gutted inside, and bedrooms and a trunk room. Also a underwent three years of restoration screened sleeping room, and indoor which included new foundation, bathroom were added to the first structural reinforcement, new updated floor. Mr. Evans was also a builder that electrical service and plumbing, installed electricity in many houses in including copper piping most rooms Sierra Madre. His daughter told us that were wired for phone and cable, new this was the first house in Sierra Madre heating and air conditioning systems with electricity. The remodel makes for the upstairs and downstairs. the house larger for the Evans family. (continued on page 14) Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com THANK YOU CVS! When CVS Pharmacy announced earlier this week that they were going to stop selling cigarettes and other tobacco products at its more than 7,600 CVS/pharmacy stores across the U.S. by October 1, 2014, their actions caught the attention of the entire nation, and especially the children in Mrs. York’s third grade class at Sierra Madre Elementary School. “I appreciate your billion-dollar health risk to try to get people to stop smoking”, says Marcus, who then goes on to encourage the chain to sell new products to offset their losses. “Thank you so much for not selling cigarettes and tobacco. My dad’s adoptive parents both died from smoking”, says “a very thankful student in Mrs. York’s class, Annika”. These young people are to be commended for letting CVS, a corporate giant, know that their actions will have a positive impact on their lives. Thank you, the children of Mrs. York’s class for stepping up to the plate! | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |