Mountain Views News Saturday, April 5, 2014 FYI16
Arizmendi for Sierra Madre City Council
Rachelle Arizmendi will bring her experience at
managing over 300 employees and a budget of
over $20 million to her service on the Sierra Madre
City Council. She will work to enforce fiscal discipline
and make sure Sierra Madre lives within its means.
No other candidate has Rachelle’s experience at
managing people and balancing budgets.
As a Sierra Madre homeowner, Rachelle is dedicated
to maintaining home values and enhancing the quality
of life in our neighborhoods. That means preserving the
unique charm and character that makes Sierra Madre
our special place to live.
She will work to keep Sierra Madre a vibrant, safe place
where individuals, seniors and families can flourish. She will also work with the
PUSD to make sure Sierra Madre neighborhood schools receive their fair share
of resources.
With your support, Rachelle Arizmendi will keep Sierra Madre great by working to:
•Limitandcontroldevelopment•Keepdowntownanappealingandneighborhoodfriendlyarea•EnforcetheCity’sfiscaldiscipline•WorkwiththePUSDtoimproveourneighborhoodschoolsWhatever the issue, Rachelle will always give priority to the quality of life in our
Sierra Madre
Paid for by Arizmendi for City Council 2014
Mountain Views News Saturday, April 5, 2014 FYI16
Arizmendi for Sierra Madre City Council
Rachelle Arizmendi will bring her experience at
managing over 300 employees and a budget of
over $20 million to her service on the Sierra Madre
City Council. She will work to enforce fiscal discipline
and make sure Sierra Madre lives within its means.
No other candidate has Rachelle’s experience at
managing people and balancing budgets.
As a Sierra Madre homeowner, Rachelle is dedicated
to maintaining home values and enhancing the quality
of life in our neighborhoods. That means preserving the
unique charm and character that makes Sierra Madre
our special place to live.
She will work to keep Sierra Madre a vibrant, safe place
where individuals, seniors and families can flourish. She will also work with the
PUSD to make sure Sierra Madre neighborhood schools receive their fair share
of resources.
With your support, Rachelle Arizmendi will keep Sierra Madre great by working to:
•Limitandcontroldevelopment•Keepdowntownanappealingandneighborhoodfriendlyarea•EnforcetheCity’sfiscaldiscipline•WorkwiththePUSDtoimproveourneighborhoodschoolsWhatever the issue, Rachelle will always give priority to the quality of life in our
Sierra Madre
Paid for by Arizmendi for City Council 2014