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Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 5, 2014 
Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 5, 2014 
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Arcadia Recreation and Community Services 


The Recreation and Community 
Services Department is offering the 
first ever Teen Spring Sports Camp 
at First Avenue Middle School, 301 S. 
First Avenue, in Arcadia. The dates are 
Tuesday, April 8, Wednesday, April 9, 
Thursday, April 10; and Friday, April 
11, 2014, from 9am-3pm for a cost of 
$10 per day. 

Sign your child up for one day or all 
four! Camp is available for youth in 
grades 6-8 and will consist of drills, 
games, and exercises to help your child 
improve their abilityand understanding of sports. Camp 
provides a fun safe environment for 
youth to enjoy their spring break. 

The camp includes a snack and water 
each day for participants but children 
should bringtheir own lunch daily. Participants should wear appropriate athletic attire and tennis shoes. 

A late fee will be charged for supervision if your child is picked up after 3pm. To register, go 

to the city’s website at under the Recreation and Community Services 

Department or come by our office, 375 Campus Drive. Cancellations must be made by 

Friday, April 4th, in order to receive a refund that is subject to a $10 service charge. For more 

questions, please contact the Recreation Department at 626.574.5113. 


By Marc Garlett


A recent article in the New York Post about 
brothers battling over a painting from their uncle’s 
estate serves as a reminder of the importance of 
designating specific beneficiaries for your personal 
property, either through a will or by gifting while 
you are still alive. 

The brotherly brawl came about after noted 
Manhattan interior designer David Barrett died 
and left his two nephews – Richard and Alan 
Barrett -- “equal shares” in his $5.6 million estate. 
The estate included a $45,000 piece of art the 
brothers flipped a coin over to determine who 
would get the painting. 

Richard lost the coin flip – and then flipped out, 
filing a lawsuit to gain ownership of the painting, 
which held up payment to the two estate executors 
and his brother. 
The lesson: simply splitting an estate without 
detailed bequests can, and often does, lead to 

The solution: take a complete inventory of your 
personal property, and then designate a recipient 
for each asset. 

Make these designations via your will, or better yet, 
give them away while you are still living so there is 

no question as to who you intend to inherit your 
prized possessions.
Alternatively, consider taking pictures of each 
item of personal property and writing the name of 
designees to receive each item on the back of the 
image. Reference the images in your will.
And if you are a parent, your children are probably 
what you value most. You can protect them by 
putting in place a comprehensive Kids Protection 
Plan® to provide for their long-term as well as 
short-term guardians, and by establishing a trust 
to fund their care if anything happens to you. 

If you would like more information about 
establishing a Kids Protection Plan, providing for 
your prized personal possessions, or creating or 
updating an estate plan, call our office today to 
schedule a time for us to sit down and talk. We 
normally charge $750 for a Family Estate Planning 
Session, but because this planning is so important, 
I’ve made space for the next two people who 
mention this article to have a complete planning 
session at no charge. Call 626.355.4000 today and 
mention this article or visit 
for more information. 

Marc is a local attorney, father, and CASA volunteer 
(Court Appointed Advocate for Children). He is 
on a mission to help parents build, preserve, and 
pass on their own personal family legacy. His 
office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, Sierra 
Madre, CA 91024. 


 “There are three things certain in life: death, taxes and Facebook 
Facebook has announced they will be rolling out a new look for pages.
The most significant changes are in the location of the apps and the 
two column format. The apps will now appear in two locations; the leftside column or in the top navigation menu. A few of us are wondering 

if this means a more mobile friendly experience for custom apps. We’re hopeful. 
The current two column format is going away and the left column will feature about 
information. The right column will feature all posts. 
Even though Facebook is rearranging the furniture again, don’t get frustrated. These 
pages help you stay in touch with people who are important to your business. Focus on 
listening and providing great content to an interested audience and Facebook will serve 
as a great marketing tool for your business. 

About MJ: MJ and her brother David own HUTdogs, a creative services business that 
specializes in Internet Marketing strategies and Social Media. They offer social media 
management services and help their clients build a strong on-line presence. “Like” them 
on Facebook for trending news in social media, internet marketing and other helpful 
Sign up for their upcoming classes and presentations at:

Call Patricia at 626-818-2698 Today!