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HEALTHY LIFESTYLESMountain Views News Saturday, April 5, 2014 12 HEALTHY LIFESTYLESMountain Views News Saturday, April 5, 2014 12 
Yoga has it all, it encompasses physical movement, breath, mental focus and 
spirituality. Yoga is an overall healing experience. We each have our own 
unique journey with Yoga. Many people first come to improve their physical 
health or recover from accident or injury. Others come on the recommendation 
that yoga will help them unwind and reduce the effects of chronic stress. 
At different points in life, what we need from our practice can change. At 
first, we may purely love the asana practice, and then come to appreciate 
that centered, calm feeling when leaving class. Many students find that yoga 
strengthens their spiritual life. 

Following our introduction, yoga provides yet another opportunity: a venue 
for self study, or Svadhyaya. 

In the beginning, self study actually begins with cultivating awareness. We become aware of our bodies 
and get in tune with what's going on--how are we moving? How are we breathing? What hurts? 
What needs support? Next, we practice periods of complete stillness or instances of unwavering focus. 
We get to know ourselves better on an intimate level. 

Many newcomers to yoga may be well on their way in the process of self study. They relish in the 
opportunity for further introspection. It doesn't matter so much where we begin in cultivating awareness, 
as we can progress from any point. However, it is important to get started. And there's no end 
point to self study in yoga. Always learning to do, and further reflection to be had. Believe it or not, 
it all begins on the mat. 

Hope to see you in class, Keely Totten - Teacher at Yoga Madre 

Dr. Tina is a traditional 
naturopath and nutri-
tionist at Vibrant Living 
Wellness Center 


In last week’s article I talked about some simple ways to reduce thetoxins we are exposed too. The main problem with toxins is we can’tsee, smell or feel them, at least not right away. We don’t realize that we’re 
being affected by toxic substances until we have a problem. Sometimes 
it takes years of subtle exposure to a combination of these toxins for aproblem to arise. At that point it is hard to figure out if it was exposureto one toxin that caused the problem or was it a cumulative effect ofmany toxins. It is not hard to notice that we have an increasing number 
of cancers, immune system disorders, neurological problems, chronicfatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivities, and allergies than everbefore. 

Again, the best advice is to avoid exposure to toxins in the first place.
Here are a few more simple ways to reduce your toxin exposure or 
eliminate the toxins that enter your body: 

1. Stop eating pesticide laden, genetically modified and processedfoods. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
60 percent of herbicides, 90 percent of fungicides and 30 percent of
insecticides are known to be carcinogenic. Pesticide residues have been detected in 50 percent to 
95 percent of U.S. foods. To help your body with the toxins you unknowingly take in, you shouldregularly consume these foods as they are great liver detoxifiers: grapefruit, onions, garlic, cruciferousveggies, cilantro, and parsley. Remember that most if not all processed foods contain chemicals. 

2. Stop any form of substance abuse. This includes tobacco, excessive alcohol, drugs, and evenexcessive caffeine! There is a lot of research that says one cup of coffee or a glass of red wine may begood for us but in this case, more is not better. 
3. Lose excess fat. Fat stores toxins. The body’s solution to the toxins and pollution we absorbis to dilute them, most toxins are fat soluble, so the body dilutes the blood content of these by forcingthem into the fat cells. 
Hopefully, some of these simple ideasfrom the last two weeks will help youreduce the toxic load that your bodywill have to deal with! 

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