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Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 12, 2014 

Rose Bowl 

that our residents rely on and 
Robin Salzer, owner of Robin’s who in some cases their lives 


Wood Fire BBQ will continue depend on. Eradicating hunger 
the Hot Meals Program at the in our community, even if only 


Villa-Parke Community Center for one or two nights per week, 
for the next 60 days. The City will improve the quality of 
had asked Salzer to relocate the life for those without and will 


program after Thursday to a validate the commitment of a 

non-City location or consider community and city that truly 
In an open letter to the 

By Dean Lee

merging it with Pasadena cares,” Salzer said.
United’s meal program at the Mercy Santoro, Director, 

community Thursday, City 

Jackie Robinson Community Human Services and Recreation 

officials announced that 

Center due to its impacts on Department, said they want to 

the Rose Bowl Operating 

other regularly scheduled cooperatively work with Salzer 

Company is exploring the 

recreational and organized to make sure his volunteer 

idea of an annual music 

sporting events.efforts are successful and benefit 

festival at the stadium— 

 According to city officials, the Villa-Parke neighborhood.
similar to the annual 

efforts to enhance the program, “Villa-Parke is an important 
two-weekend, three-day 

including using healthier food recreation, sports and 
Coachella music and arts 

choices through collaboration community service complex 
festival held in the city of 

with local community gardens, for the City. We have a strong 
will also be explored. A commitment to serving all 

Indio California.

determination on the future use of Pasadena while also being 

 “While still in the 

Seven other food The association was reopened through the kitchen to access 

of the Villa-Parke Community sensitive to the specific needs 

conceptual phase, the vision 

Thursday after a hearing on the restroom. The restaurant 

Center as the program site of the Villa-Parke community. 

businesses also shut 

Monday determined a licensed was also ordered to place a 

for the festival includes 

will be made after the 60-day Salzer’s philanthropy is to be 

down for health pest control company had sign or notice advising raw and 

top-quality musicians 

assessment. commended and we want to 

eradicated the pests. An undercooked foods. Sumiko 

performing on multiple 

violation since 

Pasadena United Hot Meals will work with him to make sure he 

employee said the center Sushi reopened April 2 after all 

stages located inside the 

mark its two-year anniversary has the opportunity to continue 

February 5, all have services eight push cart venders. the volitions were corrected. 

at the Villa-Parke Community his good work,” Santoro said.

Rose Bowl Stadium and a 

been reopened. The health department also Since February 5, seven 

Center, 363 E. Villa St., from 5-7 The Hot Meals Program is 

portion of the Brookside 

provided food prep training food businesses have been 

p.m., Thursday.every Thursday night at 7 p.m. 

Golf Course,” read the letter 

By Dean Leeincluding, no barehanded temporarily closed for 

 “I would like to thank the and Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the 

 A push cart food staging 

signed by both Pasadena 

contact with food.violations, a list can be found 

City of Pasadena for stepping Jackie Robinson Community 

center, along with a catering 

Mayor Bill Bogaard and 

 Perfect Equation Catering in 

up to support a meal program Center 1020 N Fair Oaks Ave. 

business and a Sushi restaurant 

Councilmember and ROBC 

the 2000 block of North Lincoln 

were the latest establishments 

was also shut down March 25 

President Victor Gordo. 

to have their health permits 

during a routine inspection. 

“The festival may include 

suspended, and ordered closed, 

 According the report, Boric 

food, art and cultural 

for violations ranging from 

Acid powder was observed 

programming. Similar 

cockroaches, lack of hot water scattered throughout the 

events have grown in 

to the use of dangerous cleaning 

kitchen area, “causing potential 

popularity in recent years; 


chemical contamination of 

each with their own unique 

 According to city documents 


from the Environmental Health 

elements and vibes.”

Heath department officials 

Division of the Pasadena Health 

 ROBC officials will bring 

also said the found several dead 

Department, obtained by this 

the issue to the city council 

German cockroaches beneath 

newspaper, the Pasadena Street 

shelves, and underneath the 

next month as an alternative 

Venders Association in the 

refrigeration units in the kitchen 

to hosting an NFL team at 

2500 block of East Foothill Blvd 


the stadium. 

was ordered shut down April 

During a second inspection 

 A new music festival at the 

3 due to “an imminent health 

March 31 the business was 

Rose Bowl could begin as 


found to be in compliance and 

soon as June 2015 according 

 “The violations you are allowed to reopen.


to the letter. 

charged with include, vermin 

 Sumiko Sushi and Vietnamese 

infestation,” the report reads. 

 The city has had a similar 

restaurant also had their license 


“Observed all life stages of 

event in June, Make Music 

suspended March 25 for a long 

cockroaches at the food prep/bar list of violations including, 

Pasadena, since 2008. The 

Names Poet

counter and equipment storage 

Inability to properly clean and 

free all-day, all-ages music 

racks across the 2-compartment 

sanitize, rodent droppings and 


celebration spans more than 


 The Altadena Library 

allowing customers to walk 

20 city blocks and includes 

announced Thursday that 

over 150 free concerts. 

the new Poet Laureate for 

Chamber to Hold Restaurant

 This year, Make Music 

the Altadena Library District 

Pasadena will be held 

will be Thelma T. Reyna. 

Week April 27 to May 2

Saturday, June 7, 11am

Her official inauguration will 


be on Sunday, April 27 at 2 laureate, will be there to pass 
pm at the library’s annual the laurels. 
Friends sponsored program, This free event is sponsored 
Poetry and Cookies. Her by the Friends of the 
term will be from May 2014 Altadena Library and will 
through April 2016. Linda take place in the Main 
Dove, the library’s current Altadena Library. 

PCC To Host Technical 
Assistance Visit Monday 

 Pasadena City College will host working relationships among all 
a technical assistance visit on campus groups are essential to 

Pasadena’s restaurant offers menus and venues to 

Monday, April 14, 2014. The continued growth and student 

community opens its doors suit every appetite, budget and 

Academic Senate of the California success,” said Dr. Mark Rocha, 

to guests from throughout craving.

Community Colleges and the President-Superintendent of 

Southern California for the Pasadena Restaurant Week is 

Community College League of PCC. Matthew Jordan, Interim 

fourth Pasadena Restaurant a citywide event featuring the 

California have joined forces to Dean of Instructional Support, 

Week. The Pasadena Chamber cuisine of many of Pasadena’s 

provide technical assistance to encouraged all members of the 

is sponsoring the event which top dining establishments. 

districts and colleges to ensure campus community to attend 

takes place from Sunday, April Participating restaurants will 

successful implementation of as “it is vital that all campus 

27th through Friday, May 2nd.offer fixed price dinner and/or 

state laws and regulations. constituents arrive at a shared 

 Find out why lunch menu items for visitors. 

 Ben Smith, President of understanding of applicable 

named Pasadena the best Dinners will be three-course 

the Academic Senate of the state laws and regulations,” said 

mid-sized city for dining in meals while lunches will consist 

California Community Colleges, Jordan.

the United States. Pasadena’s of two-courses. Depending on 

and Scott Lay, President/CEO The techinical assistance 

favorite, most unique and the venue and menu offered, 

of the Community College workshop will be held on the 

finest dining destinations offer meals will be priced at either 

League of California will deliver campus of PCC, Creveling 

prix fixe menus, special meals $26, $35 or $44 for dinner or 

a presentation on participatory Lounge, 9am to 1pm. For 

and deals during Pasadena $15, $20 or $25 for lunch. (Some 

governance and answer additional information, visit 

Restaurant Week. Return to an prices may vary.) Alcoholic 

questions for attendees. “As

old favorite or try someplace beverages, gratuity and tax are 

the College prepares to enter its technical-assistance 

new. Taste the best Pasadena not included in the price unless 

90th Academic Year, effective 

has to offer at unbeatable prices. specified by the individual 
Pasadena Restaurant Week restaurants in advance. 

Learn How to Produce 
Free April Events at the 

Your Own TV Show 

 In anticipation of Pasadena 

Pasadena Senior Center 

Media opening new studios at 

the Nazarene, 3700 E. Sierra 

150 S. Los Robles Ave, they are 

There is something for Madre Blvd. Fritz Coleman International Chinese 

offering free television-training 

everyone at the Pasadena Senior will open the conference with Martial Arts Tournament and 

programs for producers. Plan 

Center in April. You do not a keynote address and a full Masters Showcase. Part of the 

to attend an orientation to 

have to be a member to attend. slate of workshops will focus ICMAC Worldwide Circuit, 

discover the right classes for 

Some events require advance on common interests and competitors of all skill levels 

you. Producers’ Training 

reservations as noted. All events concerns among seniors of all and age groups will travel from 

teaches how to produce shows 

take place at Pasadena Senior ages and abilities. Registration all over North America and 

for The Arroyo Channel. Studio 

Center, 85 E. Holly St., unless is required. Visit www. other countries to participate 

Production/Equipment training 

otherwise noted. (click in this event April 26. A full day 

is also offered to volunteer 

Book Club at the Center – on Events and then Event of exciting competition will 

crewmembers. In addition, 

Friday, April 25, at 1 p.m. Online Registration) or call be followed by a breathtaking 

on-going training will soon be 

Read “The Madonnas of (866) 402-6797.Masters Showcase, which will 
Leningrad” by Debra Dean and Save the Datefeature two hours of various 

Class Offerings 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Nightly 

then join other members of Pasadena Senior Games – demonstrations by renowned 
the Senior Center Book Club May 24 to June 29. Registration and highly accomplished 

Training Orientation 

for a discussion. Marina’s story is now open for 28 competitive Masters in different styles 
moves between Leningrad sporting events for men and of Kung Fu and Tai Chi, as 

Monday April 14 at 6:00 pm - 7:00 pmduring World War II and Seattle women ages 50 and older. well as a variety of Chinese 

 Introduction to Field Production Training 

in modern times. As an elderly Whether you’re interested in weapons and self-defense arts. 

Wednesday April 16 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 

woman in Seattle, she cannot competing, volunteering or The public will also be able 

Producers Training 

hold on to fresh memories but attending as a spectator, visit to watch a performance of 

Monday April 21 at 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 

her distant past is preserved www.pasadenaseniorcenter. Traditional Lion Dance. 
in her mind’s eye. For more org or contact Cynthia The event starts 8 a.m. Adults 

Training Orientation 

information call Judy Starlight Rosedale at cynthiar@$20, $25 and $30; Children 12 

Monday April 28 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 
at (626) or and younger $10, $15 and $20 
Pasadena Conference on (626) 685-6724. The Pasadena Convention 

Citizen Journalism coming soon 
Aging and Lifestyle Fair – Center, 300 E. Green St. 

Digital Film Group coming soonSaturday, April 26, from 8 a.m. 
to 1:30 p.m. at First Church of 


Hot Meals Program To
Continue at Villa Parke 

on the cities website, www. 
Jump into spring by hopping 
over to one of several special 
festivals and egg hunts for 
children at Victory Park today; 
Villa-Parke Community 
Center on April 19 and 
Robinson Park, also on April 
The fun begins at Victory 
Park, 2575 Paloma St., from 
9-11 a.m., today, with a special 
“Breakfast with the Bunny.” 
Enjoy three pancakes, choice 
of bacon or sausage, choice of 
fruit and juice, all for $5 per 
person. Call (626) 744-7500 
for more details. 
After breakfast, jump into 
the spring festival where arts 
and crafts, games, prizes, live 
entertainment, face painting, 
balloon animals and much 
more can be found from noon 
to 3 p.m. And don’t forget to 
bring your best egg hunting 
In one of Pasadena’s largest 
egg hunts, children can hip-
hop their way through a field 
of more than 15,000 eggs in 
search of the lucky GOLDEN 
EGG, redeemable for a giftbasket full of goodies. The 
first hunt begins at 12:30 
p.m. for children ages 5 years 
and younger, followed by a 
separate egg hunt at 1:30 p.m. 
for children ages 6-12. 
No registration is required 
and admission is free. There 
is a nominal fee for rides and 
food at the festival. 
On April 19, egg hunts, face 
painting, arts and crafts and 
other fun will be found at 
Robinson Park, 1081 N. Fair 
Oaks Ave., 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 
p.m. Call (626) 744-7330 for 
At the Villa-Parke Community 
Center, 363 E. Villa St., similar 
activities will be held, from 
noon to 3 p.m., also on April 
19. Bring your cameras to hop 
in line for pictures with the 
Bunny too. Call (626) 7446530. 
For more information about 
the Human Services and 
Recreation Department, please 
Egg Hunts
Martial Arts 

The Jackie Robinson Community Center 

Pet of the 
Smokey is a one-year-old 
Dogo Argentino mix. He’s 
a very playful puppy and 
enjoys toys. He’s been out 
on our Mobile Outreach 
Unit to community events 
and got along well with 
other dogs and people. He 
has a lot of energy so an 
active home would be a 
great match for him. 
Smokey’s adoption fee 
is $125, which includes 
his neuter surgery, a 
microchip, the first set of 
vaccinations, as well as 
a free follow-up health 
check at a participating vet. 
New adopters will receive 
complimentary health and 
wellness exam from VCA 
Animal Hospitals, as well 
as a goody bag filled with 
information on how to 
care for your pet. Ask an 
adoptions counselor for 
more information during 
your visit. 
Call the Pasadena 
Humane Society & SPCA at 
626.792.7151 to ask about 
A352279, or visit at 361 S. 
Raymond Ave. in Pasadena. 
Adoption hours are 11-4 
Sunday, 9-5 Tuesday – 
Friday, 9-4 Saturday. Pets 
may not be available for 
adoption and cannot be 
held for potential adopters 
from phone calls or email. 
Directions and photos of all 
pets can be found at www.
available in citizen journalism 
and digital film groups. Call the 
office (626) 794-8585 or go to 
explore what Pasadena Media 
has to offer.