AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 12, 2014 5 AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 12, 2014 5
“What’s Going On?”
VICTIMS: 30 years of Rebalancing
By Christoper Nyerges
News and Views from Joan Schmidt
the Scales of Justice
[Nyerges is the author of 10 books, including “How to Survive Anywhere.”
fundraisers at her home and attendees included
He has led outdoor field trips since 1974, and does a weekly radio show.
A little more than
Jimmy and Gloria Stewart, Roddy Mc Dowell
He can be reached at Box 41834, Los Angeles, CA 90041, or www.
thirty years ago “Lenny” He also works with the non-profit survival
and Robert Wagner. Dennis and Donna Brown’s
(Ellen Griffin Dunne) made
research thinktank, WTI, who has a booth each Tuesday at the Highland
son Chris had been murdered and they felt great
a phone call to Marcella
Park Farmers Market.]
relief after his conviction. However in 10 years,
Nicholas Leach, “You
there has been 11 appeals and the Browns are not
don’t know me, but we
on the notification list.
to deal with stark, basic, everyday needs and
have something terrible in
LeeBertha also told of Marcella’s son Dr. Henry
concerns in a harsh manner until something new
T. Nicholas and his important role in the cause.
is developed.
A terrible injustice had
He was the key backer and proponent of Marsy’s
While it is true that learning how to trap and
happened to the Dunne
Law, California’s Victims’ Bill of Rights.
eat a rat means you don’t have to worry about
family. Their daughter
All of us who have
Keynote speaker, Griffin Dunne, son of Lenny
food from the store in the event of an economic
Dominque, a beautiful
devoted our lives to studying and applying skills
and brother of slain Dominique gave an account
collapse, it is far better to involve yourself in the
young actress was brutally murdered by her
of survival are well aware of the periodic events
of his sister’s horrendous death. At the time, his
practical and philosophical underpinnings of the
former boyfriend, John Sweeney. On two prior
which beset us all: wars, droughts, floods,
mom had MS, and great stress can escalate the
society so that such a collapse doesn’t happen in
occasions, he tried to strangle her, so she broke
hurricanes, earthquakes, economic collapses, etc.
illness. “But her spirit became stronger because
the first place.
up with him. Ultimately, he succeeded and
Some are “acts of God,” and many are acts of man.
of rage and love. The trial and justice system
As our material abundance and technological
November 4, 1982, Dominique died. The District
The practical skills of survival are direly
failed her; they made a mockery of Dominique’s
advances continue, we become more and more
Attorney tried Sweeney for 2nd Degree murder.
needed by all of us. And yet, the media continues
death. ..This terrible injustice to my family…we
dependent upon things which we cannot control.
The jury was not permitted to hear testimony
to serve up “reality” shows that provide little or
reached out to Marcella Leach. My incredible
We’re fast on the path to a “Blade Runner” or
of physical abuse from Sweeney’s previous
no practical skills in our day to day living.
mom went in her wheelchair. She was shy, but
“THX1138” world.
girlfriend, so he was convicted of manslaughter
Shows like Survivor, Man vs. Wild, Survivorman,
would go out and speak for any interview, to
If you’re worried about our future, the answer
and served three years in prison!
and their feral offspring can be amusing, but are
anyone who would listen.”
does not lie with a loin-clothed man with a spear,
A year later, Marcella Nicholas Leach
designed more for entertainment value rather
San Bernardino District Attorney Mike Ramos
since a thriving meaningful culture requires vastly
experienced the same tragedy. On November 30,
than providing anything of real value. These
is also a great supporter of JHV. He feels “The
more than that. Real survival must encompass
1983, her daughter, Marsalee Ann Nicholas was
shows which often depict buff individuals in a
Lady of Justice Scale has been tilted towards
a working knowledge of politics, economics,
murdered by her ex-boyfriend who was stalking
wilderness setting often showcase the worst of
murders’ rights. Needs to be tilted more on
ecology, health, and so much more.
her. Marcella suffered the trauma of violent
human nature in order to keep us glued to our
victims’ side, needs to support victims. We get
Our answers lie in making the time to educate
victimization by the criminal justice system. A
there by organizations such as JHV. Marsy’s Law
ourselves to the things that really matter in
week after the funeral, Marcella met the murderer
Though it amusing, and often nauseating, to
has helped…sets the precedent for the entire
life. For that matter, in today’s information-
coming out of the market. He had been released
see hungry men and women eating snakes, rats,
glutted world, it’s a real challenge to discern
on $50,000 bond and lived only two blocks from
and grubs, there seems to be little relevance to the
Deputy D.A. Kathy Cady, an Honorary Board
between useful and useless information, between
her. It would be almost two years before he went
millions of modern urban dwellers.
Member spoke of the fine work of JHV, who
entertainment and education, between that
to trial.
What then is real survival all about?
hold crime clinics for victims’ rights, restitution
which leads us to freedom and that which merely
This is why Justice for Homicide Victims
Our food-related survival skills necessitate our
and unsolved murders. JHV collaborates, meets
Foundation (JHV) began. On April 6, JHV
knowledge of urban food production, such as
legislators and law enforcement members and
If we desire to be a part of the solution to the
marked its 30th Anniversary by honoring its
growing fruit trees, raising vegetables in limited
recently received a Commendation from the L.A.
ails of modern civilization, then we must choose
founders, Ellen Griffin Dunne (“Lenny”) and
space, raising chickens, making compost.
County Board of Supervisors.
to not live our lives driven by fear and greed.
Marcella Nicholas Leach, recalling early days and
We need to educate ourselves to what foods
Jeannette Chavez, mother of slain
Yes, real survival means that we must change
paying tribute to the many victims whose posters
have great nutritional value, and which do not.
Samantha Salas have become very involved and
ourselves first.
were on display at Rose Hills Memorial Park in
If we cannot grow at least some of our own food,
addressed the group. Her younger daughter
Sometimes, we have to realize that we’ve been
Whittier. The day was inspiring and brought
we should support those farmers at local farmers
Brittney read her poem, “Family Chains”.
hypnotized, and that we must fight our own
hope to victims’ families, but at times heart-
markets who are providing local quality food.
During the program, guitarist/singer Kevin Rose
ignorances. Real survival means that we must
wrenching. Marcella was able to attend and
Real survival in the modern world includes
performed “Stairway to Heaven” and “Tears in
become like children again, and realize that there
welcomed attendees; Lenny passed away in 1997,
practical knowledge of economics. How can you
Heaven”. Crystal hearts presented to Marcella
is no dishonor in going back to Square One. By
but her two sons, Griffin and Alex were present.
get more for less money by spending less and
Leach, and Lenny’s sons, Griffin and Alex. A
reassessing everything that we think we know,
Jane (whose parents had been murdered)
earning more? You begin by separating need from
most appreciative Marcella told us “JHV is the
and by asking questions anew, we may discover a
and Bill Bouffard, current JHV Presidents traced
want, and then you re-evaluate everything in
most outstanding non-profit group”. Teary-
new found joy in our very existence.
the early history and read names of JHV members
your life that is touched by money. Ask yourself,
eyed she looked at board members with love
The pursuit of material survival is too often
who had passed away.
“How can I obtain this thing, or service, or skill,
and gratitude, “This would not be possible
compassionless. We need compassion for each
Speaker LeeBertha Pickett-Allen spoke
without money?” Is it possible to trade or barter?
without you”. Chrystal gavels were presented
other if we want to have a society that is worth
of her late son Ernie. Although there were many
And then there is the ages-old good advice for
to L.A. County Deputy D.A. Kathy Cady, Frank
living in.
witnesses to his murder, no one would come
how to soundly deal with material things: why
Girardot and San Bernardino County District
William Blake once summed up the essence of
forward. “When I met Marcella, I was grieving
buy new, if used will do? Don’t discard if it can
Attorney Mike Ramos.
Real Survival when he stated, “I sought my soul,
and crying. Then I met Lenny and we talked. We
be made into something else, etc.
After the speakers, people sang, “We are
but my soul I could not see. I sought my God, but
went to police and became involved. It took 14
Economic collapse of a country’s currency
the Survivors”. Doves and balloons were
my God eluded me. I sought my brother, and I
years to bring justice for my son.”
has happened many times, usually due to the
released, followed by the lighting of a candle in
found all three.”
LeeBertha mentioned other early JHV members
over-extension of the leaders who controlled the
a beloved one’s memory. Please go on line and
Jack and Genelle Reilly, whose daughter Robin
purse strings, and who considered themselves
find out how you can help. We can never rest
had been murdered and Doris Tate, mother
more deserving than the general populace. A
till justice is done for all slain victims: www.
of actress Sharon Tate, and their involvement.
collapse of a country’s currency forces the people
LeeBertha recalled that Lenny had several
“Fabulous ‘50s” benefit will also acknowledged in the program. LA County Supervisor Michael
salute Colleen McEvoy, local For more information Antonovich, Peter Amundson,
Jewish community, Simplicity and sponsorship, program Bob Bartlett, Fred and Diane
Bank advertising and auction item Bowden, Michael and Annie
donation forms, visit www. Cacciotti, Charles and Diane
Cynthia Kurtz, President Carroll, John and Kris Fasana,
and CEO of the San Gabriel
George Haines, Peter and Toni
Valley Economic Partnership, 2014 Golden Plate Awards
Hoffman, Monrovia Mayor
will receive the 2014 Heart in Honorees
Mary Ann Lutz and Corey Lutz,
Hand Humanitarian Award at
Heart in Hand Humanitarian: Betty Sandford, Pete Siberell,
Foothill Unity Center’s 15th
Cynthia Kurtz, president and Don and Maria Schweitzer, and
Annual Golden Plate Awards
chief executive officer, San William and Linan Ukropina.
on Saturday, April 26. The
Gabriel Valley Economic
award, the Center’s highest About Foothill Unity Center
accolade, honors local people
Founded in 1980, Foothill Unity
who have made an outstanding
Neighbors Helping Neighbors/Center is the primary provider
impact on the quality of life in
Volunteer: Colleen McEvoy,of food, case management/
their communities and beyond.
longtime Center supporter and crisis help, and access to health
Tickets to the event at The annual holiday benefit party care resources across eleven San
Trinity Ballroom in Pasadena host Gabriel Valley cities. As the
federally designated Community
are $150 per person. The
Neighbors Helping Neighbors/Action Agency for the Foothill
evening’s Fabulous ‘50s theme
Corporate: Simplicity Bank Area, it operates two locations, in
will include a showing of
Monrovia and Pasadena, serving
classic cars, silent and live Neighbors Helping Neighbors/clients in Pasadena, Altadena,
auctions, and oldies music. Faith Based: Jewish Federation South Pasadena, Sierra Madre,
Sponsorship opportunities of the San Gabriel and Pomona Arcadia, Monrovia, Bradbury,
start at $2,000, with special Valleys, Temple Beth David, Duarte, Azusa, Baldwin Park and
recognitions including ads in Pasadena Jewish Temple and Irwindale. 77% of clients are at or
below the National Poverty Level.
the Tribute Program. Ads may Center, Weizmann Day School
The number of people it serves has
also be purchased separately.
2014 Golden Plate Awards more than tripled over the last five
The Center is seeking items
Honorary Committee years, making community funding
for the evening’s silent and
contributions and volunteer support
live auctions. Donations Co-chairs are Mickey and Lee more critical than ever.
valued at $100 or more will be Segal. Committee members are
SCAQMD Expects to Exchange 4,000 Lawn Mowers This Spring
Southland residents can register starting on Wed., April 16 to get up to 75 percent in savings on a
new electric lawn mower with the South Coast AQMD’s popular Lawn Mower Exchange Program.
Now in its 12th year, the program helps the wallet and air quality by trading residents’ used, highly
polluting gas-powered lawn mowers for environmentally friendly, cordless battery-electric models.
This year’s program offers 4,000 mowers for trade-in. SCAQMD encourages residents to act fast once
registration opens and secure a spot at one of four events being held this year in Long Beach, Pasadena,
Riverside and Anaheim.
“By participating in the Lawn Mower Exchange Program, residents will get a brand new mower that
is easier to operate and quieter than a gas model for just a fraction of the retail price,” said William
A. Burke, Ed.D., SCAQMD’s Governing Board Chairman. “In addition to taking advantage of this
great offer, residents will also help better their community by eliminating air pollution from old gas
In fact, an older gas-powered lawn mower can spew more pollution into the air in a single year than
a car driven more than 22,000 miles.
Residents have the opportunity to register and choose from one of five Black & Decker and Greenstation
battery electric models ranging from $100 to $250:
-- Black & Decker 18” 36 volt, $100 (Retail price: $379) (75 percent savings!)
-- Black & Decker 19” 36 volt, $180 (Retail price: $429)
-- Black & Decker 19” 36 volt self-propelled, $250 (Retail price: $479)
-- Greenstation 20” 24 volt, $160 (Retail price: $430)
-- Greenstation 19” 24 volt self-propelled, $230 (Retail price: $470)
To take advantage of this great offer, residents must pre-register at by clicking on the
Lawn Mower Exchange banner, or calling 1-888-425-6247. Registration opens April 16 at 8 a.m. and
is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Exchanging a mower is easy and convenient – only a 10- to 15-minute process – and participants
never have to leave their car. Upon arrival, workers will remove the old gas mower from the vehicle
and drain it of hazardous fluids prior to its destruction at a metal recycling facility. After payment is
made, attendants will place the new, boxed mower in the customer’s vehicle. To view a video on the
exchange process, visit
Residents must be at least 18 years old to participate in the program. Gas-powered mowers must be
in working order and only one mower per household can be exchanged. Cash, check or major credit
cards are accepted for payment.
Exchange events will take place as follows. All events will take place on Saturdays from 8 a.m.
to noon.
-- May 3 in Long Beach-- May 17 in Pasadena-- June 14 in Riverside
-- June 28 in Anaheim
When the program ends this summer, SCAQMD will have scrapped more than 55,000 highly polluting
gasoline mowers, removing almost 114 tons of smog-forming pollutants from the Southland’s air.
This year’s program is sponsored by the SCAQMD, in cooperation with the California Air Resources
Board, Southern California Edison, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, City of Anaheim,
City of Pasadena, Long Beach City College, Bourns, Inc., UC Riverside, and Anaheim Public Utilities.
The program is funded through SCAQMD’s Air Quality Investment Program (AQIP), which is
financed by Southland companies that pay a fee in lieu of offering rideshare incentives as required by
SCAQMD’s Rule 2202.
The Lawn Mower Exchange Program will offset more emissions than would be achieved by an employer
rideshare program. SCAQMD is the air pollution control agency for Orange County and
major portions of Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Riverside counties.
Call Patricia at 626-818-2698 Today!