Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, October 18, 2014

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Flood Control Announces Hahamongna EIR Meetings


Pasadena Genocide Memorial on track after 
joining many of the best non-profits in Los 
Angeles in receiving corporate grants 

 During its annual Community Connection 
Breakfast, iconic American Corporation, Wells 
Fargo, gave the Pasadena Genocide Memorial 
Committee (PAGMC) a $1,000 grant. PAGMC 
joined 62 other terrific San Gabriel Valley non-
profits Thursday morning in being honored by 
the venerable bank known for its philanthropy 
and one of the most well-known brand identities 
in the world. Accepting the contribution for 
the Board was Pasadena Police Sergeant Greg 
Afsharian. Afsharian made history nearly three 
decades ago when he became the first Armenian 
speaking Police Officer in the Pasadena Police 
Department. The PAGMC is shepherding the 
fundraising and construction of a Genocide 
Memorial for placement in Pasadena’s Memorial 
Park. The project, under the supervision of 
internationally-renowned architect Stefanos 
Polyzoides, has been approved by the Pasadena 
City Council and is in final negotiations on a 
construction contract in hopes of having the 
memorial finished by April 24th, the 100th 
commemoration of the Armenian Genocide. 

 The Wells Fargo Certificate presented to the 
PAGMC Board stated: “Wells Fargo is proud 
to support nonprofits that work to strengthen 
our communities. Through corporate and 
foundation grants, we share our success by giving 
back to nonprofit organizations that address 
vital community needs and issues, including 
community development, education, human 
services and cultural/civic projects.”

 The board recently unanimously elected former 
Pasadena Police Chief and White House COPS 
Program Executive Director Bernard Melekian 
as its Interim Chair. The move has been widely 
haled and well received in Pasadena and across 
the Armenian-American community. “I was 
quite pleased by the recognition of American 
Corporation with the stature of Wells Fargo,” 
commented Melekian. “Our momentum 
continues to build toward success and adding a 
company as large and respected as Well Fargo to 
our list of financial supporters will help bring this 
historically important and long held emotional 
project to completion. With the centennial 
approaching, the committee is on track and 
moving forward with building this historic 
landmark that will properly honor our 1.5 million 
fallen ancestors,” concluded the Chair. 

 The Pasadena Armenian Genocide Memorial 
Committee is a 501(c) (3) organization focused 
on the fundraising, development and outreach 
of the Pasadena Armenian Genocide Memorial. 
Designed by Art Center College of Design graduate 
Catherine Menard, the Memorial will entail a 
tripod of beams that meet together over a water 
basin. One and a half million tear drops of water 
will fall into the basin each year, representing each 
life lost to the Armenian Genocide.

 In addition to Sgt. Afsharian, PAGMC Board 
Member Anthony Portantino, Wells Fargo 
Foundation Director Jonathan Weedman, 
Montrose Brand Manager Edgar Patatanyan 
and Regional Wells Fargo Presidents David 
DiCristofaro and Sandy Walia are featured in the 
attached photo.

As many as 400,000 double-bed, diesel belching 
monsters, clogging streets, creating noise, dust, 
pollution, destroying precious habitat and severely 
impacting recreational opportunities and our 
neighborhoods. Is this any way to manage a river?

 LA Caounty Flood Control District has announced 
that they will release the final Environmental Impact 
Report for the Devil’s Gate Sediment Management 
Program in Hahamongna Watershed Park on October 
20. A series of three public meetings will allow the 
public to comment on the Flood Control District’s 
plan before it goes to the County Board of Supervisors 
for their review and possible approval.

 Saturday, November 1, 2014, 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., 
John Muir High School Auditorium, 1905 Lincoln 
Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91104

 Monday, November 3, 2014, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., 
Jackson Elementary School Auditorium, 593 West 
Woodbury Road, Altadena, CA 91001

 Thursday, November 6, 2014, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., 
Descanso Gardens Maple Room, 1418 Descanso Drive, 
La Cañada Flintridge, CA 91011

 Preliminary indications are that the Flood Control 
District will select one of their previous alternatives, 
making only minor concessions to Pasadena and the 
250 commenters who raised more than 1500 concerns 
about the $70-100 million sediment trucking program.

 The Council of Arroyo Seco Organizations will hold 
a special meeting on Tues., October 21, 7 pm Pasadena 
Humane Society, 361 S. Raymond Ave., Pasadena to 
develop a community response to the Hahamongna 
program. Come find out how you can make a difference.

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