Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 4, 2015 Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 4, 2015
Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side
by Deanne Davis
“Those who won our independence valued liberty asan end and as a means. They believed Liberty to bethe secret of happiness, and courage to be the secret ofLiberty.” Louis D. Brandeis
“It will be celebrated with pomp and parade, bonfiresand illuminations from one end of this continent to the
John Adams (1735-1826) On July 4th Celebrations
Don’t you love seeing flags flying all over town?
So many houses have been decorated with red, whiteand blue bunting. Looks super! We’re certainly doingour part, us Sierra Madreans, to celebrate with pompand parade, and ours will be spectacular as usual.
Let’s skip the bonfires! We look forward to seeingour VFW guys and Grand Marshals, Nina and ClemBartolai. Our Mayor, John Capoccia will be waving atthe crowd, along with the rest of the city council. Myfavorite is always the Sierra Madre City College float.
All the Boy and Girl Scouts, the teams, bands, classiccars. Our parade is always such a fun event. We won’tmiss it and hope you didn’t either. Rumor has it thatTriple Crown Winner, Victor Espinoza, will be ridingin the parade...but probably not aboard AmericanPharoah.
We’ve been invited to a couple of really niftyevents but the one we’re picking is the barbeque atour daughter, Patti’s, and son-in-law, Dave’s, house.
I’m bringing potato salad. Potato salad has been
in my culinary repertoire for about fifty years and,
fortunately, most of my family like my version. It’s aclassic summer dish and most everybody has theirsecret ingredient. Me, too, and I’m not telling.
There are many ways to wind up with a big bowlof potato salad. I do the old fashioned hard boiledeggs, pickle relish, onions, potatoes, celery salt andseed, pepper, dill, mustard, mayonnaise, a dash of1000 Island dressing and refrigerate for a couple ofdays before the event so everything gets a chance toget acquainted and develop flavor. I’ve got dozensof potato salad recipes from magazines and variousnewspaper cooking pages, but I’m afraid there will bemutiny if I deviate from the old familiar salad we allknow and love.
Several years ago, my live-in potato saladaficionado, John, and I went to Greece with some
friends and some other nice folks who had chartered
a yacht which came fully equipped with a veryhandsome captain who came to dinner each nightwearing an impeccable white uniform with muchgold braid. Dinner, by the way, was served on beautifulchina with linen tablecloth, napkins, and a dauntingarray of silverware. Our Captain was charming andreally knew his islands, many of which we visited.
There were crew members who ran the boat, cleaned
our cabin... and a chef. Oh, our chef! His galley, infull view of everyone at all times, was the size of acomputer workstation. He created wonders in there,
baked fresh yeast bread and cinnamon rolls everyday and omelets so light you had to hold them down.
We were served fish so fresh it was still wiggling.
And potato salad. He made potato salad that wasso simple, so easy, so delicious. Small red potatoes,
chopped scallions, chopped egg, capers, and Greekolive oil. He only used Greek olive oil and was openlyscornful of anything from Italy. His potato salad wasserved warm and I have never once had the courageto try it, feeling that my weak attempt would be sortof like trying to duplicate Michelangelo’s David withplay doh.
During the week of Sunday, June 21st, to Sunday,block of West Sierra Madre Blvd regarding a vandalismJune 28th, the Sierra Madre Police Departmentreport. Upon arrival, Officers were informed by aresponded to approximately 300 calls for service. small business manager that earlier that morning
when she arrived at the location, she observed graffitiMonday, June 22ndon the back wall of the business as well as on the
At 11:14 am, Sierra Madre Police responded to thetrash dumpster. She stated that the day before when400 block of Fairview Avenue regarding a disturbanceshe left the location at 6:00 pm, there was no graffiti.
report. Upon arrival, Officers were informed by theEstimated cost of damage was set at about $150. Thisresident that her son had damaged her bedroomcase has been forwarded to the Detective Bureau.
door then locked himself in his room. She feared he
was damaging more property in his room becauseFriday, June 26thshe could hear loud crashing noises. She stated theAt 10:12 pm, Sierra Madre Police responded to Santadisturbance resulted after her son became upset afterAnita Canyon Road regarding two intoxicated malesinquiring about new locks on his bedroom door, sincewith a dog attempting to break one of the locks offhe felt people were going into his room and stealingthe gate at the location. Officers were informed byhis possessions. When she informed her son that shethe reporting party that while she was waiting to bewould not change his locks, he became upset so shereleased from behind the gate when a vehicle pulledthen went into her bedroom and locked the door. up behind her. She stated two males with a dog exitedThe son then began banging on her door, ultimatelythe vehicle and began walking around the area andbreaking it. He then locked himself in his room andappeared to be intoxicated. At one point one of theshe called the police for assistance. When Officers men attempted to force open the lock by hitting itinstructed the man to open his door, he refused. with a rock, while the other suspect and the dog leftThe woman provided a key to open the door, and asthe area. Upon arrival, Officers discovered one of theOfficers entered the man attempted to close the doorsuspects standing next to the gate. While Officersto keep the Officers out. Ultimately Officers werequestioned the suspect, they were overcome by theable to make entry and detain the suspect safely andodor of an unknown intoxicant. The suspect statedwithout incident. The woman requested a privateto Officers that he had drank a lot of alcohol prior.
persons arrest for the act of vandalism. The man wasOfficers arrested the suspect for public intoxication. Aarrested and booked at Pasadena Jail. system check informed Officers that the suspect also
had three outstanding warrants from the Los AngelesThursday, June 25thPolice Department. This case has been forwarded to
At 7:57 am, Sierra Madre Police responded to the 300 the Pasadena Superior Court for filing.
Whatever you do this July 4th weekend, be sure youhave a great time with people you love, people whoenjoy food, laughter, each other, and maybe you cansit out somewhere and see fireworks bursting in thesky. Put your feet in the water, have another hot dogand delight in every minute. Somewhere along theway, be sure to remember that freedom isn’t free. Ithas been bought and paid for at great cost by peoplewho gave all.
Happy 4th of July! God Bless America!
My book page: Deanne Davis
“Tablespoon of Love, Tablespoon of Laughter” isavailable there…
An excellent graduation gift, by the way!
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