Mountain Views News Saturday, July 4, 2015
B7BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS Mountain Views News Saturday, July 4, 2015
because the funds held in the trust are not readilyavailable to the beneficiary - the distributions froma Special Needs Trust are made on a discretionarybasis.
A Special Needs Trust could also be used tocreate financial incentives to ensure your lovedone continues to be cared for the way you wantafter you are gone. For example, we’ve builtprovisions into Special Needs Trusts that providefor cash payments to a guardian who takes thefamily member with special needs out of the
house to movies and meals, for example, in thesame way the parents did while they were living.
Finally, it is also important to consider howto ensure that the trust has sufficient funds
throughout the life of the individual with specialneeds. One method that is commonly used is toname the Special Needs Trust as the beneficiaryof the parent’s (or other relatives) life insurancePROTECTING YOUR policies. You will also want to ensure that the trustassets are wisely invested so the funds continue to
accumulate and grow. And family members andfriends should be encouraged to make donations or
gifts to the trust and/or to include it as a beneficiaryWhen you have a family member with specialin their own wills or life insurance policies.
needs, it is important to understand that yourIt can be complicated to properly plan forestate planning strategy is unique and requires thea loved one with special needs which is why it isassistance of an attorney experienced in creatingimportant to get started as soon as possible. And weSpecial Needs Trusts. If an inheritance is left can help. One of the main goals of my law practicedirectly to your family member with special needs,is to help families like yours plan for the protectionit could result in the loss of essential governmentof yourself and your family through conscious,
benefits that assist with the cost of his or her care. thoughtful estate planning. Call my office todayA Special Needs Trust permits an individual thatto schedule a time for us to sit down and talk so
is 65 years or younger to receive certain resourcestogether we can identify the best strategies for youbeyond what is supplied by Medicaid withoutand your family.
making him or her ineligible to receive theTo your family’s health, wealth, and happiness,
government benefits.
A Special Needs Trust can be created whileyou are living or, you can create a will or a revocableliving trust that establishes a Special Needs Trustat your death and transfers funds into the trustwhen you die.
Either way, a Special Needs Trust can providea disabled dependent with the ability to pay for
A local attorney, father, andthe care and services that are not covered byCASA volunteer (Court Appointed Special Advocategovernment benefits. This includes things suchfor Children), Marc Garlett is on a mission to helpas therapies, special equipment, education, travel parents protect what they love most. His office is
costs associated with medical appointments,located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, Sierra Madre,
and other similar costs that are not covered byCA 91024. Schedule an appointment to sit down andMedicaid. talk about ensuring a legacy of love and financial
When the government determines whether orsecurity for your family by calling 626.355.4000 ornot your loved one qualifies for benefits, the assetsvisit for more information.
held in a Special Needs Trust are not considered
These days, a buyer's biggest concern shouldn't be so much about finding the lowest interest rate,
but finding a lender who will approve their application. There are three basic types of mortgage
providers, each regulated by a different agency, and following different disclosure laws.
Banks: generally employ their own underwriters and provide loans with their own money. They
often have mortgage products matched to particular situations, such as manufactured homes or
new construction. Minimum credit score requirements will vary from bank to bank.
Brokers: work on a commission and make a little more than bankers, but their business is highly
regulated and transparent. They prepare your application file and present it to banks or investors.
Involving a third party can take more time, of course, and since they have higher credit score
requirements and fees, don't shop at a broker if your score is below 620.
Correspondents: draw from their own credit lines and sell your mortgage shortly before closing.
Since their ability to lend depends on their own credit, it's possible for closing to be delayed if they
are processing more loans than they have funds to cover. That doesn't mean you can't still get
good terms, however.
You need to assess your financial position and your needs, and speak with your real estate agent
about which type of lender best suits your situation.
Guest writer: David Finstrom, HUTdogsSchedule an email campaign to go out 2 to
We were trained during our early school years that3 weeks before your take off. You may want to let
summer equals time off. Toes in the sand, napsfolks know about your summer schedule to help set
under a shade tree, late night BBQs, care-free living,expectations.
camping under the stars, midnight swimming, andBefore your leave, schedule your tweets ahead of
waking up at noon. Summer simply beckons us totime with a tool like Hootsuite.
slow us down and find time to escape.Schedule a few Facebook posts with theThen you graduate and the ‘real world’ lets usFacebook’s built-in scheduling tool
know what’s what. Create an appropriate auto-reply for your inboundSmall business never sleeps. We always have oneemails.
more, all right 100 more things to do. Taking time offSchedule an email campaign to go out while you
is a challenge. It is also a necessity. We all need timeare away or better yet the week you come back.
to recharge and refocus.If you are living large, when you arrive at yourQuestions flood our minds and wake us with vacation destination, you’ll be in a place where there’s
2AM panic attacks at the mere thought of takingno cell reception, the WiFi stinks, the fish are biting,
time off. Will my business survive if I take a weekthe BBQ is tasty and the iced tea is endless.
off? Will our customers go elsewhere? How will weAbout MJ: MJ and her brother David own
let folks know? Who’s going to run the show? WhatHUTdogs, a creative services business that helps
if… etc. their clients build a strong on-line presence. “Like”
So how can we (small business owners) escape?them on Facebook for trending news in social media,
Maybe we can’t distance our selves completely,internet marketing and other helpful tips, www.
but we can systemize our get-a-way. That means
little planning mixed with technology. Online toolsSign up for their upcoming workshops at: www.
can help.
Call Patricia at 626-818-2698 Today!
We’d like to hear from you!
What’s on YOUR Mind?
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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: