Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 4, 2015
During the past several months, staff has been working to develop anoverall plan for addressing the adaptive reuse of the Historic Depot. Akey component of that plan has centered on the possibility of sellingthe facility to a developer / user, with the condition that the new ownerrevitalize and restore the facility in a manner consistent with the City’svision for the Station Square area. To help make the economics of theproject work, the City does have restricted funding that must be usedthis calendar year that are applicable towards upgrading the HistoricDepot facility. We have spoken with a number of development andrestaurant interests regarding the site, and we do believe that the overallfacility would best integrate into the Station Square area as a restaurantuse of some sort. To that end, we have been working to develop anoverall RFP packet, which includes preliminary architectural conceptdesigns. We plan on finalizing the overall RFP within the next 2-3weeks, and we will of course keep everyone informed as to our progresson this project moving forward.
JULY 3-5, 2015
After a thorough review of the potential fire dangers during theupcoming 4th of July weekend, Canyon Park and the Hillside
Wilderness Preserve will be closed on July 3-5, 2015. Among the issuesthat have been identified by our Fire Department as reasons for theweekend closure include typical 4th of July activities, expected hightemperatures, low humidity, and the fires that are burning in theregion.
BETWEEN JULY 2-5, 2015
Just a quick note to let everyone know that in preparation for andclean-up of the City’s annual 4th of July Concert and Fireworks Show,
the Library will be closed between July 2-5, 2015. Normal operations atthe Library will resume on Monday, July 6, 2015.
The road paving portion of the overall Station Square Project wasinitiated this past week. Our construction crews worked around theclock in an effort to keep the project on schedule, and there were afew residents who raised concerns regarding the night-time pavingwork and the noise associated with the construction activity. The
Monrovia Police Department and our Public Services Departmentworked together to ensure that all impacted residents were providedwith relocation options until the night-time construction work wascompleted, and many thanks to everyone for their patience withthe City given the traffic, residential, and business impacts that haveresulted from our Station Square Project!
Last week, representatives from Mt. Sierra College met with Citystaff and informed us of their operational plans. After considering avariety of potential locations, it appears that Mt. Sierra College is nowlooking to lease around +/- 25,000 square feet of space in the MonroviaTechnology Campus, located at the south-west corner of MountainAvenue and Royal Oaks Drive. Based on our discussions with Mt.
Sierra representatives, they are hoping to sign a lease to occupy the newfacility in the near future, and if all goes according to plan, they hopeto move into the new facility by the end of this current calendar year.
We will continue to monitor this situation moving forward.
Just a quick reminder that the City of Monrovia’s renowned4th of July Concert and Fireworks Show is scheduled to takeplace in Library Park (321 South Myrtle Avenue) on Saturday,
July 4, 2015. After saving seats for the Fireworks show, thosewho attend the event can look forward to great shopping anddining along Myrtle Avenue. Live entertainment featuring theband Person to Person will begin at 7:00 p.m., followed by thefree 20-minute spectacular Fireworks Show at 9:00 p.m.
Spectators may reserve a park space no larger than 10’ x10’ which must be supervised at all times. A new programthat will be offered this year is a decorating contest, wherespectators display their patriotic decorations within their 10’ x10’ park space, with a chance to win a prize for most patriotic,
most creative, or the judges award! It should be a tremendous
event and we hope that the entire community will come on outto join us for the fun and festivities!
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled440 service events, resulting in 71 investigations. To see a completelisting of crimes reported, go to
map/ca/monrovia for crime mapping. For Police Department newsand information, visit our website and follow us on Twitter.
Bicycle Accident June 22 at 9:39 a.m., an officer responded withMonrovia Fire Department paramedics to the dirt fire road in theAngeles National Forest above Monrovia’s Canyon Park. A male
adult bicyclist reportedly fell off his bike on the trail. This incidentwas reported by a Park Ranger. The bicyclist suffered minor injuriesand was treated by paramedics.
Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested June 22 at 11:43a.m., a motorist reported a female driver in a vehicle traveling infront of him that he believed was intoxicated. Both vehicles stoppedat Shamrock and Colorado. Officers arrived and detained the driver.
Field sobriety tests were conducted and the driver was arrested forDUI. She was taken into custody and held for sobering. She was laterreleased with a citation to appear in court.
Vehicle Burglary June 23 at 12:23 p.m., a vehicle burglary was reportedin the 100 block of South Madison Avenue. The rear window of a 2014
Chevy Tahoe was broken open and the suspect(s) stole the rear seatfrom the vehicle. Time of occurrence is unknown. The investigationis continuing. Residential Burglary June 24 at 6:03 a.m., a house sitterwas staying at a residence in the 300 block of Highland Place and wasasleep upstairs all night at the home. Sometime during the night, thehouse was toilet papered, and it appears that someone entered anunlocked side window and ransacked the house, stealing a computertablet and a small amount of cash. The house sitter did not wake upduring the incident. The investigation is continuing.
Driving Under the Influence/Possession of a Controlled Substance
– Suspect Arrested June 24 at 8:34 p.m., officers observed a malesubject driving a motorcycle at night with the headlight off. He drovethrough the intersection of Colorado and Monterey at approximately35 mile per hour, honking as he drove through, failing to stop for thestop sign, and swerving back and forth. The officers stopped the driverat Violet and Lime. The driver appeared to be intoxicated. Standardfield sobriety tests were conducted and the driver was arrested forDUI. He was also found to be in possession of a controlled substance.
The suspect was taken into to custody and held for sobering. He waslater released with a citation to appear in court.
Petty Theft – Suspect Arrested June 25 at 4:14 p.m., officers weredispatched to a residence in the 900 block of South Californiaregarding a juvenile taking a delivered FedEx box from a porch. Theofficer arrived and located the suspect in a park across the street.
The suspect was positively identified by a witness to the theft; he wasarrested and taken into custody. The suspect was later cited out to a
Theft From a Vehicle June 26 at 8:42 a.m., a vehicle burglary wasreported at a residence in the 700 block of West Huntington. Thevictim had parked his truck in his driveway, but forgot to put thelock on the outer toolbox. Miscellaneous tools were stolen from the
vehicle. The investigation is continuing. Vehicle Burglary June 26 at
11:09 a.m., two vehicles were reported burglarized in the 900 blockof South Primrose. The reporting party’s company had parked twotrucks in front of the location at approximately 8:00 p.m. All of thetool boxes, windows and doors were secured. The next morning at
8:00 a.m., an employee came to work and saw both vehicles had beenbroken into, ransacked, and miscellaneous equipment had beenstolen. The investigation is continuing.
Vehicle Burglary June 26 at 9:02 p.m., a vehicle burglary was reportedat a business parking lot in the 500 block of West Huntington Drive.
The victim parked and went into a store. He returned to his vehicle
approximately an hour later and saw his vehicle, a white Escalade,
had been broken into and the third row seat was missing. Theinvestigation is continuing.
Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested June 27 at 12:24a.m., officers conducted a traffic stop on the 210 Freeway, just pastthe Myrtle onramp. During the contact, the officer observed severalsigns that the driver had been drinking. After investigation, thedriver was determined to be driving under the influence of alcoholand was arrested, taken into custody, and held for sobering.
Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested June 27 at 1:11a.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop in the 400 block of WestHuntington for a vehicle code violation. During the contact, theofficer determined the driver had been drinking and was intoxicated.
The driver was arrested for DUI and held for sobering.
Bicycle Theft/Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested June 27 at 3:16 p.m., anofficer was flagged down by the victim of a bicycle theft that had justoccurred in Duarte. The officer obtained a detailed description of thebike, then directed the subject to the Sheriff’s substation to reportthe theft. The officer drove west on Huntington Drive and saw a malesubject riding a bike that matched the exact description of the stolenbicycle. He followed the suspect to a business and saw the suspectdrop the bike as he went into the store. When the male exited the
store, he was detained. It was quickly discovered that the suspect hadjust shoplifted from the store. The suspect was positively identifiedby the victim as the suspect who stole the bicycle; he was arrested forboth crimes and taken into custody.
Possession of Methamphetamine/Suspicious Circumstances –
Suspect Arrested June 27 at 8:31 p.m., a resident from the 600 blockof West Maple called police to report a male adult subject had burstthrough a door at their residence yelling for help; he appearedbloody, disoriented and scared. The subject ran down a hallway andinto a bedroom. The residents went into another bedroom, closed
the door and called police. Officers responded, set up containment ofthe area and requested additional resources. Officers from Irwindaleand Arcadia responded to assist in the search, along with a canineunit from Glendora and the Foothill Air Support Team helicopter.
Officers determined the location of the residents and rescued them.
The suspect had gone out the window of the bedroom and brokeinto a second location, where he was found by officers, hiding inthe garage. During a search of the suspect, he was found to be inpossession of methamphetamine; he was arrested and taken intocustody. The suspect claimed to have been involved in a confrontationwith another male subject armed with a gun. Police have not beenable to substantiate the information reported by the suspect. Theinvestigation is continuing.
Residential Burglary June 28 at 1:50 p.m., officers responded to aresidence in the 500 block of Sombrero regarding a possible burglary.
A neighbor noticed an unsecured door and knew the residents werenot home. When officers entered the residence, they found it hadbeen ransacked. The suspects had stolen jewelry and cash from thehome. The Investigation is continuing.
Stolen Vehicle June 28 at 2:35 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen fromthe 200 block of West Lemon. The victim had parked and locked hervehicle in the rear alley behind her residence at approximately 8:00
a.m. She returned to her vehicle at 2:35 p.m. and it was gone. Thevehicle stolen is a 2013 Toyota RAV4. The Investigation is continuing.
Stolen Bicycle – Suspect Arrested June 28 at 3:51 p.m., a bicycle theftin progress was reported at business in the 100 block of East Olive.
The suspect threw the bicycle in a vehicle and fled. The Foothill AirSupport Team helicopter responded to assist in the search, and thevehicle and stolen bicycle were located in the backyard of a residencein Baldwin Park. The suspect exited the rear of the residence and wasarrested and taken into custody
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