Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, July 11, 2015

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 11, 2015 Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 11, 2015 

August 10, 1920 to June 17, 2015 

Helen was born in Sierra Madre, California 
in 1920. Although born in the USA, Helen wasraised by her Grandparents in Japan from age2-10 years old. She returned to Sierra Madre in1930, attended Sierra Madre Elementary, WilsonJr. High School, Pasadena High School andPasadena Junior College. In 1941, she attended 
the University of Washington in Seattle, whereshe met Ray Obazawa. The War broke out andto avoid going to an Internment Camp, Raymoved to Spokane. Helen then joined him andthey married. After a few years in Spokane, Raywas drafted into the Army when Helen and Raymoved to Chicago to join Ray’s sister, Masa andhis parents. 

When the War was over, Helen, Ray and two-
year old Susie moved to Pasadena and eventuallyto Sierra Madre where they have been activemembers of the Sierra Madre Community.
Helen was a member of Sierra Madre BethanyChurch and Choir, a Girl Scout Leader, a Cub 
Scout Leader and a Pioneer Girl Leader as 
well as working at Sierra Madre and SierraMesa Elementary Schools in the cafeteria. She 
eventually became a school cafeteria Managerand Manager Trainer for the Pasadena SchoolDistrict. Because of these activities, she has had 
significant influence on many, many childrenover the years. 

In her retirement, Helen kept cooking byteaching classes, she sang in choirs, at weddings,
funerals and other celebrations. She also 
organized craft groups for fund raisers. She alsodid a lot of entertaining, i.e., her Christmas Eveparty, hosting Home Stay students from Japanand having birthday, anniversary and other 
celebratory parties. She loved being with people, 


(cont. from page 1) 

spoke of the increase in

robberies and reminded 

everyone to keep 

residence and vehicle 

doors locked and report

anything unusual or 


At the Crime Victims 

Clinic, Assemblyman 

Mike Gatto who 

recently lost his father,

(who was murdered 

during a robbery) spoke

about Proposition 47. 

Reduction of felonies 

young and old alike and made many, manypeople happy. 

Helen is survived by her husband of 73years, Ray Obazawa; John Obazawa, son; SusieBerteaux, daughter; John Berteaux, son-inlaw; 
David Berteaux, grandson; Yuko Ishizaki,
granddaughter-in-law; Anthony, Taylor andAlicia Berteaux, great grandchildren; Shoand Florence Nomura, brother and sister-inlaw; 
plus a multitude of nieces, nephews andcousins. 

A Memorial Service will be held: 
Saturday, August 15, 2015First Presbyterian Church2775 Lincoln Ave. 
Altadena, CA 91001 

11:00 am 
Buffet Lunch in Church Social Hall followingthe service. 
The family requests no flowers. 

Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side

by Deanne Davis 

to misdemeanors has prevented DNA testing and previously that was a great tool used forsolving unsolved crimes. (This point was also reiterated by the LASD (Captain Rod Kusch)
and LAPD (Lt. Mike Oppelt) Homicide Bureaus.

What’s the solution? Start writing your representatives and tell them legislation needs to beginto stop the horrible repercussions from Prop. 47.
Picture above, l to r : Interim Sierra Madre Capt. Joe Ortiz, SMPD Chief and Public SafettyDirector Larry Gianonne and Chief Anthony Miranda of Irwindale 

“If you’re in the front row of the parade and you stopwalking, pretty soon you’re back in the tuba section.
And if you want to lead the parade, you’ve got to keepmoving!” Dr. Phil McGraw 

“If you’re not in the parade, you watch the parade.
That’s life!” Coach Mike Ditka 

If you didn’t enjoy this past July 4th weekend, you justweren’t trying hard enough! First of all, the weatherwas absolutely perfect. Remember July 4th last yearwhen we all just about melted? This year couldn’t havebeen better. Best parade ever, too. Highlight for justabout everybody was seeing Victor Espinoza, TripleCrown winning Jockey. And then, the U.S. Women’ssoccer team won the Women’s World Cup title. AsCarli Lloyd put it, “I was just on a mission. I was on amission to help my team win this game!”

Back to the parade...we’re still laughing about theSierra Madre City College float, “Bullet Train ToNowhere!” Happy to see our VFW guys steppingalong smartly carrying the flags. Bud Switzer – youknow who he is, the guy who started all the Halloweenfestivities years ago up on Alegria when he and his son,
Kevin, started carving a couple hundred pumpkinsand lining them along his driveway, which drewneighbors first, then a few folks from around townand now thousands pour into Sierra Madre to take alook at Halloween the Sierra Madre way. Anyway, itwas great to see Bud looking sharp, marching with therest of our VFW guys to start the parade. Don’t knowwhy everybody doesn’t stand up when the flag is goingby, though. One of the mysteries of our age, I guess.
We always do.

All the kids from various scout troops, nurseryschools, softball association, Little League were greatto see. Dr. Walter Cailleteau, of Sierra Madre Animal 
Hospital made a parade appearance. All sorts offolks have made him their main veterinary guy sincehe moved into the area and set up his practice onMichillinda, where Albertson’s used to be. Speakingof Albertson’s and a new grocery store to set up shopthere, we were so hoping when we read that Aldi’sMarkets will be coming to California that maybe oneof them would land there. We’re going to keep hoping.
Liked Father Richard’s classic Chevy, too. St. Rita’s 

was well represented.

We got so many goodies just sitting there on theparade route: Cookie tokens from Mary’s Market,
which made us laugh as it says on there, “Find us ifyou can!” We know exactly where Mary’s is in theCanyon and we’ll be heading up there for our freecookie. Think they’re still doing Taco Tuesdays,
too. Creative Arts invited us to a free Scarecrow 
Workshop in September so we can beat the crowdand create the winning scarecrow for Halloween.
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
gave us a pamphlet telling us when their next trainingclass will be held. August 15-22 if you’re interested.
Here’s their phone number: 626-470-7426 and classesare FREE! Zombies were all over the place lookingparticularly ghoulish and the Sierra Madre Playhousepassed out cards about their Halloween events...moregreat family FREE shows! Candy was flying in everydirection and watching the little ones scramble for itis just a hoot. We were delighted to see the Search &
Rescue Team, and riding with them was our friend,
Rae Anderson, who is on the Search & Rescue Board 
and is now 92! 

Isn’t this the greatest place to live! Every restaurantin town was doing fantastic business all day on the4th and that’s good for all of us. Loved seeing Citizenof the Year, Dave Loera and Nina and Clem Bartolai, 
our Grand Marshals. Sierra Madre Music had a 
super float with a great band and singer. Our RoseFloat is going to be incredible with paddle wieldingflamingos floating in umbrellas. This year’s winningdesign was submitted by Richard Burrows and is afitting design/tribute, as longtime SMRFA PresidentBob Young, who passed away last year, was a big fanof flamingos.

Well, our tomatoes are looking better, the cantaloupeseeds we planted are making nifty little vines and ourpotato salad was devoured at the family barbeque.
Doesn’t get much better than this! Hope you have agreat week and shorter showers than you ever thoughtpossible are becoming a personal challenge.

My book page: Deanne Davis 

 “Tablespoon of Love, Tablespoon of Laughter” isavailable there… 

An excellent graduation gift, by the way! 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: 


During the week of Sunday, June 28th, to Sunday,
July 5th, the Sierra Madre Police Departmentresponded to approximately 288 calls for service. 

Thursday, July 2nd

At 10:36 pm, Sierra Madre Police responded to the2000 block of Santa Anita Ave regarding a residentialburglary. Upon arrival, Officers were informed bythe victim that earlier that day while away, she hadreceived notification from her alarm company thather security control panel had experienced a powerfailure. She arrived to the residence at around 10 pmand entered the rear double doors. She stated she 
noticed the doors were closed but unlocked. The victim 
informed Officers that the residence is currently upfor sale and is vacant. While she searched the house, 
she noticed in the kitchen that the stove had been 
stolen. During their investigation, Officers discoveredthe security system motion sensors, portable securitysystem control panel, and the residence key box werestolen. This case has been forwarded to the Detective 

Friday, July 3rd

At 1:26 am, Sierra Madre Police responded to the 100block of West Sierra Madre Blvd reading a criminalthreats investigation. Upon arrival, the victim 
informed Officers that she had dated the suspect for 


Sierra Madre, CA. – July 7, 2015 – Enjoy air-
conditioned comfort as you attend three free funevents at the Sierra Madre Public Library this comingSaturday, July 11.

The Sound of Disaster. Join the Sierra Madre 
firefighters as they show how to respond to anemergency. All ages welcome, program starts at 10:00 

Local History Tour at the Library. The whole familyis invited to attend a digital tour of Disaster Strikes.

11:00 am led by the Teen History Docents using theDigital Storyboard. 
several months, but when she decided to end the 
relationship, he became violent. She stated he hadbeen calling and texting her all day, harassing herand threatening her life. Officers searched the areaand were unable to locate the suspect. At around 2:23am, Officers were patrolling the area when the victimflagged them down and informed them that she hadseen the suspect near her location. Upon returning,
Officers were informed by the victim that the suspectcalled her and told her that he would harm her for 
snitching on him. He stated he watched her talk toOfficers and was hiding and waiting until the Officerthat was parked across from her home would leave sothat he could harm her. Officers searched the area and 
were able to locate the suspect. Initially the suspectgave a false name and denied knowing the victim. Thevictim positively identified the suspect and the manwas placed under arrest. This case has been forwardedto the Pasadena District Attorney’s Office for filing.
At 7:27 am, Sierra Madre Police responded to the 100block of Holdman Avenue regarding motor vehicleburglary. Upon arrival, Officers were informed by thevictim that the night before, he parked and securedhis vehicle in his driveway. The following morningthe victim came out discovered that his vehicle had 
been broken in to and miscellaneous power tools werestolen. This case has been forwarded to the Detectives 

Salsa Dancing Lessons. Adults, bring a partner,
or find one here, as we learn to Salsa! “Very FunPrograms” will show you all you need to have a greattime with Salsa dancing, starting at 4:00 pm.

Check the website or brochures in the library forthe summer schedule and join us for free programs allsummer long! 

Read, Discover, Connect @ Sierra Madre Public 
Library, 440 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA91024, (626) 355-7186,