Mountain Views News Saturday July 4, 2015
B2 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Mountain Views News Saturday July 4, 2015
By Sean Kayden
Last week, I delved into why you should be
watching True Detective season two. It’s dark,
gritty, well-acted and just plain good. This week,
I want to share my thoughts on some new originalprograms that have recently started up and areturning favorite that premiered this week. I willbe taking a look into HBO’s new comedy seriesBallers, USA networks brooding hacker drama,
Mr. Robot, and the arrival of the best show on
television that no one knows about, season three
of Rectify from the Sundance Channel.
HBO’s Ballers comes to us from the producersof Entourage, which returned this year on thebig screen to poor reception. Ballers is a sportsdramedy that explores the lives and families offormer and current football players, includingretired football star Spencer Strasmore (Dwayne”The Rock” Johnson), who is struggling to adjust tolife as a financial advisor. The series also stars John
David Washington, Rob Corddry, Omar BensonMiller and Troy Garity. It’s a moderately light andentertaining addition to the HBO lineup. Whilethe show won’t be picking up any awards, DwayneJohnson is simply enjoyable to watch on the smallscreen. Known for his action roles in films, it’s
terrific to see him do a little more acting with anideal balance of comedy and drama. Overall, ifyou were a fan of Entourage and are into football,
this show will do the trick. It’s not Shakespearehere people, but if you’re considering somethinglight to watch on a Sunday night, Ballers will mostcertainly fit the bill.
Many critics are hailing USA network’s Mr.
Robot as the best summer show. After two
episodes, I may not consider it the best, but adamn good one. Created by Sam Esmail, Mr.
Robot follows a mysterious anarchist who recruitsa young computer programmer who suffers fromsocial anxiety disorder and forms connectionsthrough hacking them. Wide-eyed actor RamiMalek is convincing in the lead role as a young
man who loathes today’s society and for goodargument to boot. Christian Slater pops up as thetitular character, but Malek is the main attraction
here. The series pilot was a special one and Iunderstand why it had so much buzz surroundingit. Obviously, it’s a darker show than Ballers, butit’s worth seeking out since it’s so relevant totoday’s culture. As far as summer shows usuallygo, this one may have the potential to stack upwith the best of the year if it can continue to evolveand refrain from being a retread every episode asit airs each subsequent week. Presently, with itspolitical and cultural views as for something tocontemplate about, I say pull the trigger on Mr.
Robot. In the end, it may get you thinking which isa rare thing for summer shows these days.
After spending nineteen years on Death Rowfor the rape and murder of his teenage girlfriend,
Daniel Holden (Aden Young) is going home. Hisconviction has been relinquished due to new DNAevidence, propelling him back into a world he nolonger knows. Having spent his adult life waitingto be executed, Daniel must now learn how to live
again. But, his return into the outside world maybe as merciless as prison. He is disturbed by thepast, dogged by the present, and unclear of hisfuture. Rectify is absolutely magnificent. I amat a loss for words when I speak about the sheerbeauty of this one of a kind series. With incrediblestorytelling that I’d considered chill worthy tospectacular acting across the board (especiallylead actor Aden Young, who deserves an Emmy),
Rectify is the best drama on television handsdown. Season three started up this week (beforethis article was published) and I have high hopes itwill be the finest season yet. Unfortunately, like thefirst season, it will only consist of six episodes. Allthis means is that each episode will be extremelypivotal, no filler episodes here. Check out the firsttwo seasons on Netflix, I guarantee you will behooked after just one episode.
On the Marquee: Notes from the Sierra MadrePlayhouse
By Artistic Director, Christian
I’m just back from a vacation in
Ashland, Oregon visiting friends
and seeing shows at the Oregon
Shakespeare Festival (OSF). I had
the good fortune to work there in the
1990’s and I still have many friends
in the company. OSF is the largest
theater in America. This season it
is producing 11 plays in repertory
and its company numbers over 500
people – all paid! I saw three shows
there, with a really fun production
of the musical Guys and Dolls being
my favorite (it will tour to the Wallis
in the Fall so you will have a chance
to see it.) My best friend is the head
of their costume shop and she gave
me a tour of the new production
building – 78,000 sq. ft. of shops and
storage. It truly is state of the art –
they even have a 3D printer. It was
impressive, to put it mildly – and
As I attended shows and, especially,
as I toured the facilities, I couldn’t
help but think about what SMP
could accomplish with even the
smallest amount of their resources.
I fantasized about being able to
produce theater and not have to go
begging for props and furniture, to
not have to cajole artists and artisans
to work for less than they should be
paid, to have access to the kind of
production support that could make
happen whatever we dreamed of in a
show. Just once, I would love the chance to realize
a show exactly as I imagine it in my head.
Artistic leader of SMP, I am so proud of what we
are accomplishing on our limited budgets and
with our limited staff – we have been attracting
remarkable talent to work with us, both on and
off the stage. I made a promise to the Board and
to you, our loyal patrons, that the shows at SMP
would be as wonderfully realized as possible and
I think our past season was a good example of
how we are doing.
We are about to launch our second season
under my artistic leadership – I certainly have
learned much this past year (I’ve made my share
of mistakes, too – but never the same one twice,
thankfully!) I still have much to learn, but I’m so
excited to be a part of the growth of SMP. And
I’ve heard from many of you that you like what
you are seeing. We are very close to being able
to announce the second half of our season. It is a
As the
tricky thing putting a season together – balancing
the offerings against our resources and the
availability of the shows (we were turned down
again this year for a comedy that I would love to
stage – I’ll try again for next year.)
The adage says “there is no place like home”
and though I’ve been to the largest theater in
America, I’m happy to be working for you at SMP.
As one of our slogans says: “Come Home to the
Playhouse”. I’m glad to be home – and I hope
you’ll find your way “home” as well.
. . .
As you can see from the picture Always…
Patsy Cline is going to be fantastic. Tickets are
selling well for this one already – don’t miss
out, buy yours now! The show opens July 31.
Remember we give 20% discounts for groups of
10 or more who purchase their tickets ahead of
their attendance date. Please call Mary Baville at
626.355.4318 to arrange your purchase.
Jeff’s Book Picks By Jeff Brown
wonderfully atmospheric and a cozySUSAN MEISSNER
read. In this book Sergeant HamishThe author of A Fall of Marigolds
Macbeth is alarmed to receive a reportjourneys from the present day to World
from a woman in the small village ofWar II England, as two sisters are
Cronish in the Scottish Highlands.
separated by the chaos of wartime ...She
She has been brutally attacked andstood at a crossroads, half-aware that
the criminal is on the loose. But uponher choice would send her down a path
further investigation, Hamish discoversfrom which there could be no turning
that she was lying about the crime. Soback. But instead of two choices, she saw
when the same woman calls him back
only one—because it was all she really
about an intruder, he simply marvels atwanted to see… Current day, Oxford,
her compulsion to lie. This time, though,
England. Young American scholar
she is telling the truth. Her body is foundKendra Van Zant, eager to pursue her
in her home and Hamish must sort
vision of a perfect life, interviews Isabel
through all of her lies to solve the crime.
McFarland just when the elderly womanis ready to give up secrets about the war
that she has kept for decades...beginning
with who she really is. What Kendra
receives from Isabel is both a gift and a
In 2004, two great scientist-explorersburden--one that will test her convictions
attempted to find the bottom of theand her heart.1940s, England. As Hitler
world. American Bill Stone took
wages an unprecedented war against
on the vast, deadly Cheve Cave in
London’s civilian population, hundreds
southern Mexico. Ukrainian Alexander
of thousands of children are evacuated to
Klimchouk targeted Krubera, a freezingfoster homes in the rural countryside. But
nightmare of a supercave in the war-
even as fifteen-year-old Emmy Downtree
torn former Soviet republic of Georgia.
and her much younger sister Julia find
Both men spent months almost tworefuge in a charming Cotswold cottage,
vertical miles deep, contending withEmmy’s burning ambition to return to
thousand-foot drops, raging whitewaterthe city and apprentice with a fashion
rivers, monstrous waterfalls, mile-longdesigner pits her against Julia’s profound
belly crawls, and the psychologicalneed for her sister’s presence. Acting at
horrors produced by weeks in absolutecross purposes just as the Luftwaffe rains
darkness, beyond all hope of rescue.
down its terrible destruction, the sisters
Based on his unprecedented access toare cruelly separated, and their lives are transformed… logs and journals as well as hours of personal interviews,
James Tabor has crafted a thrilling exploration of man’sDEATH OF A LIAR (HAMISH MACBETH timeless urge to discover—and of two extraordinaryMYSTERIES # 31) BY M. C. BEATONmen whose pursuit of greatness led them to the heightsHamish Macbeth is a policeman in the small Scottishof triumph and the depths of tragedy. Blind Descenttown of Lochdubh, who occasionally bends the rulesis an unforgettable addition to the classic literature ofwhen it suits him or when it can help some of histrue-life adventure, and a testament to human survival
fellow eccentric townsfolk.All 31 books in the series are and endurance.
Harry Shahoian as Elvis
Sunday, August 2, 2015 from 6-8 pm
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Ice Cream Princess
Serving from 5pm
Call Patricia at 626-818-2698 Today!
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