JUST FOR BEST FRIENDSMountain Views-News Saturday, July 11, 2015 10 JUST FOR BEST FRIENDSMountain Views-News Saturday, July 11, 2015 10
by Chris Leclerc
“One Love, One Heart…Let’s Get Together and FeelPixie friendly with the baby squirrels, she allowedAlright.” ~ Bob Marley them to exploit the remaining lactated milk left
over from a recently birthed litter of puppies. If itWhen I was a kid, I remember the adults saying,hadn’t been for Pixie’s willingness to show random“When one stops learning, one stops living“. Thatkindness, those baby squirrels would most likelyprobably meant very little to me at the time, but ashave perished. As it turned out, all three of thoseI grew older and had my own personal experiencessquirrels survived and grew strong enough to bewith living, I began to realize the amazing lessonsreleased back into the wild.
that God’s wonderful creatures can teach us. Another remarkable account of an unlikely
I once saw a video that reminded of an amazingloving relationship between members of twophenomenon of nature that truly astounds me, andvery different species happened at the Elephantmakes me wonder, “How can this be?” I am talkingSanctuary in Hohenwald, Tennessee, justabout animals of distant and unrelated speciessouthwest of Nashville. In this case, a youngwho are apparently able to put away their inherentfemale elephant affectionately named “Bella”
instinctive differences to not only survive, but tobonded with a yellow lab named “Tara“. All of theshare symbiotic and friendly relationships withother elephants at the sanctuary chose a friend ofother beings that are for the most part, very differenttheir own species to connect with, but apparentlyfrom themselves. Bella ended up the 5th wheel in the deal, so with
There have been many documented accountsno other elephant to partner with, she focusedof cross-species relationships over the years, buther need for friendship on a cute, cuddly caninethe e-mailed video that brought this subject tocompanion. There are several rescued elephantsmind, was uniquely inspiring. It was a home movieand dogs at the Sanctuary in Hohenwald whoshowing a dog and a wild crow playing together inshare the same open space, but the two speciesan enormous back yard at the pup’s home in thetypically avoid contact with each other. However,
south part of Germany in 2006.the two unlikely lovebirds named Bella and Tara
The dog was apparently quite a social sort, butare absolutely inseparable. They eat together,
there were no other pets in his home to interactwander together and even sleep together.
with, so having become lonely for companionship,I observe and learn so much from the animals
he decided to befriend a huge crow that came flyingevery day. They truly inspire me, and I hope to playout of a tall tree nearby and plopped itself downit forward by inspiring others in the same way. Ifin the backyard. The crow promptly commencedanimals, both domestic and wild can be willing tosquawking at the dog and taunting him. Insteadforego instinctual expectations in order to love andof rushing forward and frightening the seeminglybe loved by someone very different from themselves,
crazy crow, the dog approached slowly, whimperedwhy can’t we humans do the same?
humbly and proceeded to rub his furry neck againstI don’t know about you, but I am willing to crossthe big black bird’s beak! Soon they were inseparablethe bridge of unfamiliarity and reach out to thosepals, spending all their time together under the treewith whom I may have very little in common. Whencanopies in the back yard. Who knew?I do take that chance, I find that I learn a lot, not
After watching that video, I decided to look uponly about other people, but about myself. I learnmore information about unusual cross-speciesabout living with a giving spirit and it allows me therelationships, and I found a few similar stories. Oneopportunity to get out of my own head and be partwas about a maternal relationship that developedof something bigger than myself. And, interestinglybetween “Pixie”, a darling standard poodle, andenough, I typically find out that I have more inthree abandoned wild squirrels who, by forcescommon than not, with the folks I thought werebeyond their control, showed up on the poodle’sso very different from me. Learn from the animals,
property in March 2010. The tree where the squirrellove and let live!
family had nested for years was felled by chainsaws,
so the adult squirrelswere left with no choice
but to abandon the nest.
The three infant
squirrels were too tiny torun when the tree came
down, so they were leftlying in the grass wherePixie romped and playeddaily. In an epic strokeof fate, Pixie opted to
befriend the squirletsrather than attack them,
as one might expect adog to do. Not only was
Dogs know when they are rescued, and they return
the love tenfold! Such will be the case with Oreo
(A4846601) if he were to be adopted. Oreo is a
tender loving 1.-year-old black-and-white male
Chihuahua and Dachshund mix (aka a Chiweenie)
whose owner left him at the Baldwin Park Animal
Care Center on June 22nd for no known reason.
Weighing 11 pounds, Oreo finds the noisy shelter
environment stressful, but we expect he will
blossom once in a home. He is initially shy with
new people, but warms up quickly into a sweet
and attentive character. He walks fine on leash,
but could use additional training to polish his
skills. Oreo gets along with other dogs, and is a
wonderful listener, watching his handler carefully
with his big brown eyes. Oreo will thrive in a bighearted
home eager to have the wonderful reward
of watching his confidence flourish outside of the
shelter. To watch a video of Oreo, visit the following link: https://youtu.be/GkGgdUZltsA
To meet Oreo in person, please see him at the Baldwin Park Shelter, located at 4275 N. Elton, Baldwin
Park, CA 91706 (Phone: 626-430-2378 or 626-962-3577). He is available now. For any inquiries about
Oreo, please reference his animal ID number: A4846601. The shelter is open seven days a week, 12
pm-7 pm Monday-Thursday and 10am-5pm Friday-Sunday. This is a high-intake shelter with a great
need for adoptions. For more information about Oreo or the adoption process, contact United Hope
for Animals Volunteer Adoption Coordinator Samantha at Samantha@hope4animals.org. To learn
more about United Hope for Animals’ partnership with the Baldwin Park Shelter through its Shelter
Support Program, as well as the many dogs of all breeds, ages, and sizes available for adoption in local
shelters, visit http://www.unitedhope4animals.org/about-us/shelter-support-program/.
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Meet Squiggy! Squiggy is ain return for a loving, secure
handsome terrier mix, about 2 home. He might do well with
years old and weighing aroundanother compatible dog in the
15 pounds. He has a wiry household, but he could also be
medium length coat of black quite content as the only dog. If
with tan highlights. He came you think Squiggy might be the
to the shelter as a stray with noright new best friend for you,
identification, and has not been please come in and meet him.
claimed. His adoption fee is
Squiggy has a calm energy$120 which includes his neuter
level and a mellow disposition.surgery, a microchip, first
He is a friendly boy who is veryvaccinations and a free wellness
fond of people and loves gettingcheck-up at a participating
pets and attention. He is perfectly content to lieveterinarian.
down next to his person, or maybe even share a lap.If you are interested in meeting Squiggy or any
Squiggy is a world-class snuggler.of the other available animals at the shelter, visit
Squiggy is easy to harness and he walks well onthe San Gabriel Valley Humane Society at 851 E.
leash, pleased to sniff and explore the world in aGrand Ave., San Gabriel, Calif. 91776. It is open
relaxed manner. He is happy to take a break and10:00am to 4:30pm Tuesday thru Sunday. For
lie on the grass next to his walker, especially if theremore information, call (626) 286-1159. See their
is some attention involved – maybe some treats, orwebsite at www.sgvhumane.org for information
even better, a belly rub or back massage.and photos of all their wonderful pets.
Squiggy appears to enjoy the company of otherSGVHS Calendar Photo Contest: Pet photos
dogs, especially if they have the same calm energywanted! If you have some great pet photos and
that he has. He is a bit independent, and quitewant to share, the shelter welcomes your best
happy on his own, but he and his kennel mate photos in their second annual calendar contest.
get along well and have formed a harmonious It’s easy -just email your landscape (horizontal)
relationship with each other.format photos to sgvhscalendar@gmail.com. Tell
Squiggy is looking for a forever home where heyour friends, family and co-workers! Everyone is
is part of the family, sharing in daily activities. This invited to compete. The submission deadline is
happy, friendly boy has a lot of affection to give Saturday, July 11, 2015.