Mountain View News Saturday, November 28, 2015
Weather Wise
— www.TheKensingtonSierraMadre.com —RCFE License 198601953GALLERY RECEPTIONAnnouncing an Exhibition of JIM BURNS— Watercolor Fine ArtistThursday, December 3 from 4:00 until 6:00 in the Eveningat The Kensington Sierra Madre, 245 West Sierra Madre Boulevard, Sierra Madre, CARSVP to 626-355-5700In cooperation with the Creative Arts Group in Sierra MadreJIM BURNS
6-Day Forecast
Sierra Madre, Ca.
Sun: Sunny Hi 60s Lows 40s
Mon: Ptly Cldy Hi 60s Lows 40s
Tues: Ptly Cldy Hi 60s Lows 40s
Wed: Sunny Hi 70s Lows 40s
Thur: Sunny Hi 70s Lows 40s
Fri: Sunny Hi 70s Lows 40s
Forecasts courtesy of the National Weather Service
Unless otherwise noted, all meetings listed below are held at City
Hall 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, Ca.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
6:30 pm
Free on-air publicity for local events
Sierra Madre’s EMERGENCY radio station is now accepting scripts
for Public Service Announcements (PSAs) about community events.
PSAs will be broadcast on the air at no charge. The station operates
24/7 and can be heard at 1630 on the AM dial.
Any local non-profit or non-commercial organization can have
their event information broadcast to the public on Sierra Madre
Community Information Radio. The station covers the city of Sierra
Madre, plus surrounding areas of Pasadena, Arcadia, and Monrovia.
Your event must:
• Benefit a non-commercial or non-profit entity
• Be open to the public
• Be of general interest to local citizens
write a Public Service Announcement that describes your event
and e-mail it to radio@cityofsierramadre.com.
During the week of Sunday, November 15th, to Sunday, November
22nd, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded to approximately
265 calls for service.
Thursday, November 19th
At 10:20 am, Sierra Madre Police responded to the 200 block of Old
Oak Lane regarding a burglary from a motor vehicle. Upon arrival,
the victim informed Officers that earlier that morning he parked his
vehicle in front of the residence that he was working at and about
an hour later he went back to his van only to discover the rear doors
open and two gasoline canisters on the ground behind his van.
When the victim inspected his vehicle he noticed that his gardening
equipment had been stolen. The victim informed Officers that he
locked and secured his vehicle prior to walking away from it. Officers
inspected the vehicle and noticed the keyhole to the rear doors was
slightly damaged as if it was forced open with an unknown object.
This case has been forwarded to the Detective Bureau.
Saturday, November 21st
At 10:22 am, Sierra Madre Police responded to the station lobby
regarding a theft report. Upon arrival, the victim informed Officers
that she last saw her cell phone Thursday just before class. During
class she placed her cell phone in a front pocket of her backpack
and upon returning back to her backpack after class, she realized
her phone was missing. The young child reported the incident to
her father, who then contacted the cell service provider in an effort
to help locate the phone. The provider informed the father that the
cellphone was last used in a nearby location in Monrovia. This case
has been forwarded to the Detection Bureau.
At 10:42 pm, Sierra Madre Police were patrolling the area of Orange
Grove and Hermosa when they observed a parked running vehicle
with its headlights on and a dark shape in the middle of the road
next to the vehicle. As Officers approached the vehicle, they realized
the dark shape was in fact two females huddled down on the street,
who quickly got into the vehicle as Officers approached. Officers
initiated a traffic stop and were informed by the pair that they were
arguing and female #1 was trying to get female #2 back into the car
so they could go home. While speaking with both women, Officers
could smell the odor of alcohol emitting from their breathe, as well
as observing bloodshot eyes and slurred speech. A background
check revealed one of the women had a suspended license and was
currently on probation for driving under the influence. The woman
was required by law pursuant to her court probation to submit to
a Preliminary Alcohol Screening, to which she did not comply to
and as Officers placed the woman into their patrol car the woman
became combative and started to scream. Ultimately the woman was
arrested for dui, resisting arrest and battery against an officer and
was safely placed into the patrol vehicle without further incident.
As Officers spoke to female #2, she provided a false identity and was
ultimately arrested for being drunk in public and providing a false
identity to an officer.
Regular City Council Meeting
December 8, 2015 - 6:30 pm
The final agenda and staff reports will
available online no later than Friday
night. Enter the date “10/13/2015” for
the complete agenda packet.
Can’t make it to the meeting, but still want to share your
thoughts? You can mail or drop off a written statement
to City Hall or email city@cityofsierramadre.com before
5:30 the night of the meeting and your statement will be
delivered to all the Council Members.
HOLIDAY CLOSURE: - City Hall will be closed on
November 26 & 27 in observance of the Thanksgiving
Upcoming Public Meetings and Events
Thursday, December 3, 2015, 3:00PM
Senior Commission Meeting
Thursday, December 3, 2015, 7:00PM
Planning Commission Meeting
Saturday, December 5, 2015, 9-11 City Hall
Planning & Community Preservation and Public Works
Service Hours Monday - Thursday 7:30am - 2:00pm
Sierra Madre City Hall 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra
Madre, CA 91024 (626) 355-7135
-New and Gently Used Items-•
• •
Home Decorations, Toys, Holiday
Items, Jewelry, Stationary, Pictures,
Linens, Clothes, Shoes and more! •
• DECEMBER 3rd, 4th & 5th, 2015 •
• • • •
• •
• •
,.. \;..
9:00 am to 2: pm
550 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.
Sierra Madre, CA. 91024
626 355-7739
•All Proceeds benefit local Charities •
• •
• •
3 Days To Start Your Holiday Shopping!
All items are priced affordably!
We have something for everyone! • ••••••••••••••••••
“The Kindness of Strangers”
feature encourages readers to
share their stories. I can assure
you, they will be uplifting
especially in contrast to all the
the challenges and issues we
have to deal with daily. So, if
you have something you would
like to share, please submit
it to: editor@mtnviewsnews.
com. It doesn’t matter where
you were or when it happened.
Share your good expeiences in
hope that it might bring a little
joy and/or inspire someone.
-Susan Henderson, Editor/
Publisher MVNews
Sierra Madre United Methodist Church is
holding its annual Christmas Alternative Gift
Fair & Boutique on Sunday, December 6, 2015
from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Celebrate the spirit
of the holiday season with a gift that truly “gives
back.” Your donations help support the relief
efforts of local organizations such as San Gabriel
Valley Habitat for Humanity, Friends in Deed,
and Foothill Unity Center, and global efforts such
as Heifer International, Imagine No Malaria, and
missionary programs in Mexico. Sales from the
popular handcrafted gift boutique will benefit
Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley. Enjoy free
refreshments while you browse. The Church is
located at 695 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. in Sierra
Madre. Call 626-355-0629 for more information.
Deco Week at the Sierra Madre Rose Float, "Rollin' on the River", starts
on December 26th. We need your help! Please click on the link below to
look for the shift(s) that will be right for you: https://smrfa.ivolunteer.
com. We hope that you will join us. If you prefer to help with non-
decorating jobs, food service at lunch or dinner, working in the Sales
Booth or checking in volunteers, please contact Bonnie at volunteer@
For more information about SMRFA and all of our activities, check out our website at smrosefloat.
org. We look forward to seeing you at the SMRFA barn! Volunteers like you are what make the entire
process possible.