Happy Hanukkah

Nameplate:  Mountain Views News

Inside this Week:

Community Calendar:
SM Calendar of Events
Sierra Madre Police Blotter

Sierra Madre:

Shop Sierra Madre:

Around The San Gabriel Valley:

Pasadena – Altadena:
Altadena Crime Blotter
Pet of the Week

Arcadia · Monrovia · Duarte:
Arcadia Police Blotter
Monrovia Police Blotter

Education & Youth:
The Reel Deal

Just for Best Friends:
Happy Tails
Pet of the Week
SGV Humane Society

Health & Wealth:
Family Matters
The Joy of Yoga

The Good Life:
… This and That
Senior Happenings

Food & Arts:
Chef Peter Dills
Table for Two
Jeff's Book Pics
Jeff's History Corner
Sean's Shameless Reviews
On the Marquee

The World Around Us:
Looking Up
Christopher Nyerges

Opinion … Left/Right:
Christine Flowers
Michael Reagan
Out to Pastor
As I See It

Legal Notices (1):

Legal Notices (2):

Legal Notices (3):

F. Y. I. :

Jeff Brown
Deanne Davis
Peter Dills
Bob Eklund
Marc Garlett
Howard Hays
Katie Hopkins
Sean Kayden
Chris Leclerc
Christopher Nyerges
Ben Show
Rev. James Snyder
Keely Totten

Recent Issues:
Issue 49
Issue 48
Issue 47
Issue 46
Issue 45
Issue 44
Issue 43
Issue 42
Issue 41
Issue 40
Issue 39

MVNews Archive:  Page 1

MVNews this week:  Page 1







“And God said, ‘Let there be light’ and there was 


As fall fades to those icy desires of winter the 
season of Christmas reminds us of that glorious 
light who entered the world. 

 Every generation has symbols, seasons and 
occurrences to promote those precious windows 
of time, and it is during these immortal moments 
of inspiration that we are authored in the nobility 
of heaven. 

 The Sierra Madre “Candlelight Walk” is 
a holiday island within that great Season of 
Celebration. Whether in the spring of life or the 
winter of reflection the candlelight procession will 
awaken the spirit of emotion in the charitable birth 
of a child.

 The Candlelight Walk is held each Christmas 
season to celebrate the journey Joseph and Mary 
made to Bethlehem where Jesus was born over 
2,000 years ago. With “Mary and Joseph” leading 
the way, the procession will begin at St. Rita’s 
Catholic Church in Sierra Madre, accompanied 
by participants holding candles and singing 
traditional Christmas carols. The procession 
will end at Kersting Court in the center of town 
where the Christmas story will be read from the 

 The event begins at St. Rita traveling down 
Baldwin to Kersting Court. It is recommended to 
arrive at 6:45p.m., as the walk will begin promptly 
at 7:00 p.m.

Early Sunday morning, December 6, 2015, 
an alert Sierra Madre resident reported 
suspicious activity to the rear of the businesses 
on Montecito Court. The 3:00 AM call raised 
the awareness of the responding officers after 
a recent burglary at the pharmacy located on 
north Baldwin.

 Responding officers saw a vehicle driving 
out of the area as they arrived. Officers 
continued to the rear of the businesses and 
located two suspects attempting to break into 
the rear door of the pharmacy. The suspect 
fled on foot. While the two suspects fled, the 
vehicle returned to the area. The driver was 
detained and eventually taken into custody. 

 Police units from Arcadia and Monrovia 
Police Departments arrived to assist Sierra 
Madre’s units. Another alert citizen spotted 
one suspect hiding in her side yard and called 
the police department. The suspect was taken 
into custody. The third suspect had taken 
refuge on the roof of the Bean Town Coffee 
House and when the assisting units arrived, 
jumped off the roof in an attempt to flee the 
area. He was quickly taken into custody after 
fracturing his leg from the fall.

 Due to the alert citizens of Sierra Madre, the 
quick police response, and the help from our 
neighboring police agencies, these criminals 
were taken into custody with no loss of property 
to the pharmacy, which had been victimized by 
burglaries in the past. Further investigation by 
SMPD Detectives revealed that these suspects 
had burglarized other businesses outside of 
Sierra Madre earlier that morning.

Director of Public Safety, Chief Larry 
Giannone, stated “The moto of See Something, 
Say Something works. This was a great team 
effort by the alert citizens and police officers to 
put these criminals back behind bars.”

 Lebron and Brooks were booked at the 
Pasadena Jail for suspicion of commercial 
burglary and possession of stolen property. 
Shaw was booked at the LACO USC Medical 
Center on the same charges. The three suspects 
reside in Long Beach. Bail for all three was set 
at $20,000. 

 All three suspects are out on bail and due 
back in court at the end of December.

 Anyone that may have witnessed this 
incident or has any additional information 
are urged to contact the Sierra Madre Police 
Department at 626 355-1414.


Adelaide (Adie) Geneva Mentzer was born in 
Pittsburgh, Penn in 1915. She was one of 8 children 
born to German Catholic parents. She married 
Warren Marshall in 1940 at the age of 25 and had 
the first six of their nine children; Trudy, Paul, 
Connie, Jacquie, Warren Jr (Rocky) and Marianne, 
in that order. They moved to Sierra Madre, 
California in 1954 and had three more children, 
Linda, Betty Jeanne and Audrey, in that order. 

 She had a busy, active life between her kids 
and activities. She always enjoyed playing bridge 
weekly with her girls club and often played card 
games with her children and grandchildren, 
which she still does today. She also played the 
organ and piano regularly throughout her life. She 
was a dedicated parishioner to St. Rita’s Church 
in Sierra Madre for over 60 years. All her children 
and some of her grandchildren attended school 
at St. Rita’s and her daughters were all married at 
the church.

 She was fortunate enough to celebrate her 50th 
wedding anniversary with Bud, however, he passed 
away one month before their 55th Anniversary in 
1995. She loved him dearly and always said, I got a 
great guy and he was the only guy for me.

 She had a total of 10 children, 9 survived birth, 
and 24 grandchildren. To date, she has 40 great 
grandchildren and 1 great-great granddaughter 
who will is almost 2-years old. There are still 
several grandchildren who have not had kids yet 
and the greats are just starting to have kids. The 
Marshall’s are an ever-growing family, totaling 
approximately 70+ at this time.

 She still lives in the house in Sierra Madre. 

Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side 

by Deanne Davis



Walking through Kersting Court, admiring our really handsome Christmas tree, 
the menorah and Nativity scene, checking out the windows at Savor the Flavor and 
Leonora Moss will definitely get you into the Christmas spirit. Our light posts are 
garlanded, parking lots are full, we’ve all survived Black Friday and now Christmas 
is everywhere. If it weren’t 80 degrees, we’d almost think it was winter.

 Speaking of Christmas trees, our moment is about upon us, when it’s time to 
trim the tree. Lovingly, 
we unearth all the boxes 
of Christmas stuff, try to 
remember what we did 
last year with the manger 
scene that made it look 
so sweetly reverent, 
promise ourselves we(re 
not going to do so much 
this year, and then 
put up more than ever 

 There’s no way 
we can’t put out all the 
Christmas goodies the 
children made in Sunday 
School through the 
years; the little hands 
pressed into plaster 
of paris, the pictures 
mounted in bread dough 
frames, the miniature 
red felt stockings with 
family names in glitter, 
the red globes that date 
from the beginning of 
our marriage, which 
are cracked and crazed 
(as is, occasionally, our 
marriage), but precious 
in our sight. And the 
lights. Even though you 
carefully put each string 
in a separate Ziploc bag, the little stinkers are still tangled. And the string you 
didn’t test before you put it on the tree doesn’t work, causing you to want to say 
unpleasant things.

 Yep, it’s two weeks before Christmas. The beautiful real tree that smells so 
fresh and forest-y that you want to bury your face in it is in the house in the time-
honored Christmas tree spot. It’s time to decorate. The family scatters like roaches 
when the light is turned on, and you and Tree find yourselves alone, even though 
you made cookies to convince everyone how much fun this is going to be. This 
intimate moment deserves a small celebration. It(s definitely time to make Eggnog!

 Look through any Christmas Cookbook and you’ll find Eggnog, all right, the 
Victorian version requiring way too much labor, and you’ve already got the labor 
ahead of you: Tree, Naked.

 Here’s your traditional Eggnog: Beat yolks and whites of 8 eggs separately. 
Add 1/2 lb. sugar to whites, beat until stiff. Add beaten yolks to whites, mix until 
blended. Beat in 2 jiggers Rum. Add 1 bottle (4/5 qt.) Whiskey. Beat mixture. 
Add 1 pint heavy cream. 1 quart of milk. Mix. Chill well. Grate nutmeg over top. 
Serve. Seriously? A bottle of whiskey?? Make this and Tree will still be naked 
tomorrow and you’ll have a headache!

Here’s a much easier, kinder, gentler version:

1. Buy a carton of prepared low-fat eggnog right out of the dairy case at your 
favorite market.

2. Put a tray of ice cubes in your blender.

3. Fill the blender two thirds full of eggnog mix.

4. Add a half cup of rum, brandy, or a little of both to the blender (or more, or 
less, depending on how annoyed you are).

5. Blend until ice is pleasantly crunchified.

6. Pour into a large, beautiful, stemmed glass. Grate fresh nutmeg over top.

7. Sit down and admire Tree, while enjoying eggnog.

8. Realize that peace reigns now that family has scattered to unknown 

9. Put on the Christmas CD that YOU like. the one that has (Grandma Got 
Run Over By a Reindeer) on it, if that’s your cup of eggnog. Or maybe Andrea 
Bocelli’s “My Christmas” if you’re feeling a little more classical. 

10. Relax. Breathe. Allow joy to flood your heart, soul and mind.

11. Plug in the first string of lights and think about that first Christmas night, 
that first Light.

12. Rejoice! Peace on Earth, Good Will To Men!

13. Know in your heart that Tree will be the most beautiful one ever!

14. Invite friends and family over to share your eggnog and admire Tree.

“On a night like this, centuries ago,

A brilliant star rose in the East,

To show the Wise Men where to go.

They set out on a journey,

To find an unknown King.

Their hearts were filled with happiness

And praises they would sing!”

(“A Night Like This” from “Star of Wonder – A Christmas Musical”

Book & Lyrics by Deanne Davis, Music by David Wheatley)

My book page: Amazon.com: Deanne Davis

Blog: www.authordeanne.com

 “Tablespoon of Love, Tablespoon of Laughter” is available there…

Christmas is coming! You’ll need gifts!


 Pg. 3


 Pg. 5


 Pg. 6



 Pg. 8


 Pg. 9


 Pg. 10


 Pg. 11


 Pg. 12


 Pg. 13


 Pg. 14



F.Y.I. Pg. 18

Useful Reference Links

Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com