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FREE EL NIÑO PREPARATION WORKSHOP - SIERRA MADRE CITY HALL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5TH 2015 9:00-11:00AM SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2015 VOLUME 9 NO. 49 Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side by Deanne Davis SIERRA MADRE WINTER FESTIVAL KICKS OFF HOLIDAY SEASON WITH SNOW, SHOPPING AND FUN “Rollin’ On the River... Come paddle along! Adventure waits just around the bend.” Sierra Madre’s 2016 Rose Float So there are these big pink flamingoes, see, watching Mr. Park Ranger with an intensity that only big pink flamingoes can generate, waiting for him to turn his back and get involved with an inquisitive tourist. The moment comes, they make a break for it, leap aboard their trusty umbrellas, start paddling with all their might... and end up gliding down Colorado Blvd. on New Year’s Day. That’s our story, as imagined by Richard Burrow, who submitted the winning float concept, and we’re sticking to it! Every year we think it’s our best year ever, and this year, the Sierra Madre Rose Float Association has outdone themselves creating this flamingo masterpiece. The umbrellas rock back and forth, the flamingoes rear their pink heads high in the air, and four of the nicest, most well spoken, brightest young ladies we’ve met are riding along. We will be amazed when we see our float covered with at least 12,000 carnations in every shade of flamingo pink, over 5,000 light and dark iris, 10,000 lavender and white roses will create the river and splashes as our escaping flamingoes roll on down the river. Pine branches will form the base, lentils, coffee grounds, assorted seeds, peas and beans will form the umbrella handles and other earthy areas. Dried items, such as strawflowers, will fill the insides of the umbrellas where the flamingoes sit as they make their race to freedom. Let’s just say it’s going to be gorgeous and you will be so proud of our princesses, as they are stellar young women. We visited the float barn the day our princesses were learning what to do in the unlikely case of a fire on the float. Between drills, I got to chat for a few minutes with each of our princesses, who will be beautifully dressed by Sarah and Arthur of Les Champs Elysees on Baldwin here in town. Princess Emily Lopez, a senior at Alverno, plans to attend college on the east coast and will be majoring in biology with an eye toward a career in neonatology. And, yes, she’s well aware that there will be heartbreak in that branch of medicine. Emily is a Sierra Madre resident, of course, as are the other three princesses. She’s in the National Honors Society, plays softball, is in the book club and has visited Greece. Emily thought Greece was a beautiful place with all the white houses, the deep blue ocean, and a view of antiquity in practically every direction she looked. When asked how she liked the food, she got that far-away look of ecstatic remembrance and said she loved the food. Princess Cameron Martinez, also a senior at Alverno, has her eye on Santa Clara, LMU or Stanford for college. She’s planning a Political Science major leading to becoming an attorney. Cameron is active in sports, volleyball and softball, she’s a reader, a writer, and enjoys travel. She has spent some time in France and went to the top of the Eiffel Tower, even though she’s not all that fond of heights. But it was so worth it as the views from the top are beyond amazing. The gardens, the Seine, all of Paris in every direction. Cameron is ready to go back to Paris! Princess Katie Stapenhorst, a junior at Polytechnic, is giving thought to possible colleges, but it’s too soon to be making serious decisions just yet. Katie enjoys meeting and talking to people and thinks she’d like a career where people skills would be important, possibly education or social services. And, she’s on her school dance team. Katie has also spent some time in France where she was involved in a home study program, where French was spoken most of the time. In northern France, near Calais for part of her visit then in Paris. She loved the fact that everything is so accessible, thanks to the Paris Metro. And the bread! Ah the bread, the fresh baguette every day! She’d like to go back. Katie has been a float worker for several years and now she’ll be riding, too. Princess Kari Savoie, a junior at Flintridge-Sacred Heart Academy, is considering medical school as she wants a career where she will make a difference. She attended a week long camp at Irvine Medical Center where attendees shadowed doctors and nursing staff. Kari sees herself as a surgeon. She has been in synchronized skating for 8 years, figure skating for 11 years and is part of a 16 person team centered in Anaheim called The Iceka-Teeks. She and her team have competed around the country: Massachusetts, Michigan, Rhode Island, Colorado, and they are on track for international competition! These delightful young women will be appearing at events around town in the next month: Kiwanis Club, Rotary, the British Home, the RV show at Santa Anita, the Kensington and, of course, before the City Council. They are charming, witty, bright and we can be immensely proud of them. Watch the Mountain Views News to see where you could meet them before the parade. “Rollin’ On the River” is sure to be another prize winner in this year’s Rose Parade! (Note: My interview with our princesses took place before the tragic events in Paris and San Bernardino.) My book page: Amazon.com: Deanne Davis Blog: www.authordeanne.com “Tablespoon of Love, Tablespoon of Laughter” is available there… Christmas is coming! You’ll need gifts! Mayor Pro Tem Gene Goss (back row center) welcomed Santa and Mrs. Claus and their elves to Sierra Madre last Saturday. Also assisting Santa were the 2016 Sierra Madre Rose Parade Princesses Emily Lopez, Cameron Martinez, Katie Stapenhorst and Kari Savoie. The Winter Festival, sponsored by the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce is held annually to kick off the holiday season with fun for the entire family and support for Sierra Madre’s local retailers. Photo by Bill Coburn SIERRA MADRE RANKS NO. 11 IN AMERICA’S TOP 20 BEST SMALL TOWNS FOR CHRISTMAS! According to Country Living, Sierra Madre is the only California city to make the list! “Where do Southern Californians go to get the Christmas spirit? Sierra Madre, a foothills town just a few miles east of Pasadena, imports snow from the San Bernadino Mountains every year to build a big snowman in the town’s central square, Kersting Court, until the balmy local temperatures send him downstream. There’s still plenty to see, with the town’s houses and businesses decorated for the season, a life-size nativity scene.....” Source: http://www.countryliving.com/life/travel/g2829/ best-christmas-towns-in-usa. CITY CLERK, NANCY SUE SHOLLENBERGER TO END 32-YEAR CAREER Since elected City Clerk in 1984, Nancy has acted as a buffer between the city government and its citizens. If a resident needs a public document, she gets it to them. When people encounter the government, sometimes they’re unsure of the steps to take to pursue their issue. Shollenberger said, “I do my best to make them feel comfortable.” Shollenberger, along with her husband and two children, moved to Sierra Madre in 1968. In 1972, Nancy started her own business, “The Sierra Madre Answering and Secretarial Service”. When cell phones and computers came into being, Nancy closed down her business in the Year 2000. In 1984, Gary Adams approached Nancy’s husband and asked him if he thought Nancy might consider being City Clerk. Nancy was very busy with her business and raising their two children, and never thought about being City Clerk. Of course, Shollenberger was honored that a City Council Member would think about her, so she considered it and decided to run in 1984. Shollenberger was not challenged until 2008 however, she won and ran two more times, unopposed. It has been a wonderful career. Though Shollenberger is leaving office, she will continue living in Sierra Madre, where people know her for her helping hand to those seeking help from the city government. “I have been fortunate to have this opportunity”, Shollenberger said. “I’ve met so many absolutely fabulous people who are civic volunteers and commissioners I would have never met before. I love to be in a small town. Story and Photo courtesy City of Sierra Madre FLINTRIDGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL stand apart. learn together. FIND OUT WHAT PREP HAS TO OFFER! Flintridge Prep Admissions Open HouseSunday, December 6, 20152 p.m. to 4 p.m. Register at www.flintridgeprep.orgCoed 500 Students Grades 7-12 Middle School & High School Presentations .. CALENDAR Pg. 2 SIERRA MADRE NEWS Pg. 3 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY Pg. 5 PASADENA/ALTADENA Pg. 6 ARCADIA NEWS Pg. 7 MONROVIA/DUARTE Pg. 7 EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. 8 BEST FRIENDS Pg. 9 HEALTHY & WEALTH Pg. 10 THE GOOD LIFE Pg. 11 FOOD & ARTS Pg. 12 THE WORLD AROUND US Pg. 13 OPINION Pg. 14 LEGAL NOTICESPg. 15 F.Y.I. Pg. 18 | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |