Mountain Views-News Saturday, December 5, 2015
For the period of Sunday, November 22nd, through
Saturday, November 28th, the Police Department
responded to 755 calls for service of which 104
required formal investigations. The following is a
summary report of the major incidents handled by the
Department during this period.
Sunday, November 22:
Just before 12:27 a.m., an officer conducted an
enforcement stop on a vehicle in the area of Santa
Anita Avenue and Colorado Boulevard for having
expired registration and a false registration sticker.
During an inventory check of the vehicle, the officer
located cocaine in a small pill bottle. The suspect, a
59-year-old male from Hawthorne, was arrested and
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
At approximately 12:54 p.m., an officer
responded to a residence in the 300 block of
West Magna Vista Avenue regarding a grand
theft report. An investigation revealed unknown
suspect(s) entered the unlocked vehicle and stole
the victim’s laptop. No suspects were seen and no
witnesses were located.
Monday, November 23:
At approximately 10:00 a.m., an officer conducted
a traffic stop on a vehicle near the intersection of
Foothill Boulevard and Valencia Way for illegally
tinted windows. Upon contacting the driver, the
officer discovered the 37-year-old male from Covina
was driving with an expired license. He was cited
and released in the field. His vehicle was released to
the registered owner.
Just before 5:15 p.m., an officer responded to an
apartment complex in the 1100 block of West Duarte
Road regarding a suspicious circumstances report.
The victim discovered the mail boxes to the complex
had been pried open and believed his mail was stolen.
No suspects were seen and no witnesses were located.
Tuesday, November 24:
At about 10:29 p.m., an officer conducted an
enforcement stop on a vehicle in the 000 block
of Bonita Avenue regarding a disturbance. Upon
contacting the driver, the officer detected a strong
odor of alcohol emitting from the driver’s breath.
Through a series of tests, the officer determined the
30-year-old female from Montebello was driving
under the influence of an alcoholic beverage. The
suspect was arrested and transported to the Arcadia
City Jail for booking.
Just after 11:08 p.m., an officer responded to a
residence in the 1100 block of Sunset Boulevard
regarding a burglary report. The officer determined
unidentified suspect(s) entered the residence by
unknown means, stole jewelry, a laptop, and a set of
car keys before fleeing. No suspects were seen and no
witnesses were located. The investigation is ongoing.
Wednesday, November 25:
Shortly after 7:05 p.m., officers responded to
Nordstrom at the Westfield Shopping Town Santa
Anita, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a
disturbance. A 26-year-old female from Arcadia
attempted to return merchandise that she claimed
she had purchased at Nordstrom earlier in the day,
and became irate when the store refused to process
the transaction. Her receipt was for a $216 Bose
speaker, but she was trying to return a box containing
a telephone charger, a knife, and other random pieces
of merchandise. After crying and yelling, the subject
left the location without further incident.
Around 8:20 p.m., an officer conducted an
enforcement stop on a bicyclist in the area of Peck
Road and Clark Street for riding without headlamps.
An investigation revealed the bicyclist was in
possession of small baggies of methamphetamine,
cash, and a glass smoking pipe. The 30-year-old
male from El Monte was arrested for Possession
of Narcotics for Sales, Possession of Narcotics,
and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. He was
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
Thursday, November 26:
At approximately 2:16 a.m., an officer conducted a
traffic stop on a vehicle in the area of Huntington
Drive and Golden West Avenue for a warrant
attached to the license plate. The officer discovered
the warrant belonged to the driver, a 37-year-old
male from Temple City, who also had a suspended
license. He was cited, released in the field, and his
vehicle was impounded for 30 days.
Just before 11:00 p.m., an officer responded to
the food court at the Westfield Shopping Town
Santa Anita, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, in regard
to a disturbance. The officer discovered a 25-year-
old male from Sunland was intoxicated and unable
to care for himself. He was arrested for Disorderly
Conduct and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for
Friday, November 27:
At about 8:34 p.m., an officer conducted an
enforcement stop on a bicyclist in the area of Peck
Road and Randolph Street for riding without
headlamps. A search of the bicyclist revealed he
was in possession of methamphetamine and drug
paraphernalia. The 45-year-old from West Covina
was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail
for booking.
Just after 9:35 p.m., officers responded to the 1000
block of Volante Drive regarding an audible alarm.
An investigation revealed unknown suspect(s)
gained entry by shattering a glass door and ransacked
the master bedroom before fleeing undetected. No
suspect(s) were located and the amount of property
loss was unknown at the time of the report.
Saturday, November 28:
Shortly before 7:10 a.m., an officer responded to a
residence in the 000 block of East Longden Avenue
regarding a trespassing report. The owner explained
he discovered an unknown male subject sleeping
inside his pool house. The officer made contact with
the subject who was still at the property. The 53-year-
old male transient from Lancaster explained he
was seeking shelter and a place to wash his clothes.
He was arrested for burglary and trespassing, and
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
At approximately 5:09 p.m., an officer was
dispatched to the area of Second Avenue and
Colorado Boulevard regarding an altercation
between two subjects. While arguing inside a vehicle,
a male subject hit his girlfriend in the face and pulled
her hair. The victim attempted to pepper spray the
suspect, but accidently sprayed herself as he was
chasing her. The 23-year-old male from Pasadena
was arrested for battery and an outstanding
misdemeanor warrant, and transported to the
Arcadia City Jail for booking.
ARCADIA, Calif. ... The City of Arcadia
celebrates the start of the holiday season with the
inaugural Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony and
Dedication on Saturday, December 5 at 5 p.m.
The event takes place at the new Arcadia Transit
Plaza on the corner of Santa Clara Street and N.
First Avenue and will feature the dedication of the
highlighted Deodar Cedar as the official Holiday
Tree of Arcadia by the City Council and the
Arcadia Beautiful Commission.
No holiday event would be complete without
a visit from the big man in red. Santa will arrive
on an Arcadia Fire Truck and help the Mayor “flip
the switch,” bringing the lights and decorations to
life on the tree. The crowds will be entertained by
the Arcadia High School chorus as they perform
several holiday classics. A special moment of peace
is planned to honor those who have been touched
by the recent acts of terrorism throughout the
world, and to make a call for universal peace.
Guests are invited to make their own
commemorative holiday ornaments, marking
the dedication of the holiday tree, while supplies
last. Visions of Arcadia and More Visions of
Arcadia, a collection of personal essays about
Arcadia, its people and events, will be for sale,
with the Mayor on hand to personally autograph
Bring a little joy to the children in need in our
community by donating a new, unwrapped toy to
the Foothill Unity Center. A large collection bin
will be placed at the event and all toys collected
will be delivered to the Foothill Unity Center by
the City.
For more information, please call Arcadia City
Hall at 574.5460.
During the last seven-day period, the Police
Department handled 395 service events,
resulting in 67 investigations. To see a complete
listing of crimes reported, go to http://www.
crimemapping.com/map/ca/monrovia for crime
mapping. For Police Department news and
information, visit our website and follow us on
Non-injury Traffic Collision
November 30 at 9:55 a.m., a traffic collision was
reported at the intersection of Primrose and
Maple. The collision occurred when a vehicle
made a complete stop at Primrose and Maple,
failed to yield for an oncoming vehicle and the
two collided in the intersection. No injuries were
November 30 at 4:44 p.m., a caller reported that
several street signs in the 400 block of North
Grand Avenue had been vandalized with a black
Sharpie marker. The investigation is continuing.
November 30 at 5:09 p.m., an officer was
dispatched to a business in the 100 block of West
Foothill on the report a shoplifter in custody. A
male suspect entered the store, selected alcohol
and miscellaneous medications, and then fled the
store without paying for the merchandise. The
suspect was detained by a store loss prevention
officer. An officer responded and the suspect was
arrested and taken into custody. He was later
released with a citation to appear in court on the
November 30 at 8:29 p.m., a male suspect entered
a business in the 500 block West Huntington.
He selected a pair of black gloves and walked out
of the store without paying for the merchandise.
The suspect was followed across the street by
a loss prevention officer. Police arrived and
detained the suspect. The suspect was positively
identified by the loss prevention officer and
placed under citizen’s arrest for petty theft. The
suspect was taken into custody. He was later
released on a citation to appear in court on the
Grand Theft
November 30 at 8:59 p.m., a business in the 400
block of South Myrtle called police to report a
grand theft. A male Hispanic suspect entered the
business and walked around the store several
times. The suspect then grabbed two Black Smart
Balance Wheels that were near the cash register
area, apologized to the clerk and fled on foot
with the merchandise. The suspect was captured
on video surveillance and the investigation is
continuing. The Monrovia Police Department
is seeking help in identifying the suspect. Please
see the Monrovia Police Department website for
photos of the suspect.
Stolen Vehicle Recovered
December 1 at 2:45 p.m., a stolen vehicle was
located in the 300 block of East Central. Officers
followed the vehicle and stopped the suspects in
the 400 block of Montana. Two suspects in the
vehicle were arrested and taken into custody.
Rollover Traffic Collision
December 2 at 4:45 p.m., officers responded to
the report of a rollover traffic collision in the
700 block of Monterey. The occupants had to be
extricated by the Monrovia Fire Department, but
only minor injuries were sustained.
Residential Burglary
December 2 at 8:31 p.m., officers were dispatched
to an alarm activation at a residence in the 100
block of Sutter Creek. The suspects shattered a
rear glass door to enter the home and ransacked
the master bedroom. They left the location
through the front door, leaving it ajar. The
investigation is continuing.
DUARTE, CA, December 2, 2015 – The homeless
population, although often silent and in the shadows, are
part of the demographic make-up of Southern California.
To accurately count this often-vulnerable group, the City
of Duarte opted to participate in the 2016 Greater Los
Angeles Homeless Count sponsored by the Los Angeles
Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA). The actual count
is scheduled for Tuesday, January 26, 2016 from 8p.m until
approximately 12am. The City also participated in the 2015
Homeless Count.
Interested individuals, 18 years and older, are invited to
volunteer and assist. The City will need approximately 25-
30 volunteers to successfully complete this task. Volunteer
counters will receive training and refreshments that
evening and be deployed from the Duarte Community
Center in groups to count blocks within a specified area.
The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department will be assisting the
City in this endeavor. Interested individuals are encouraged
to sign up by calling Duarte City Hall at (626) 357-7931 ext.
267 or by emailing jruiz@accessduarte.com
LAHSA, the lead agency for the Los Angeles Continuum
of Care (LACoC), coordinates a biennial count of homeless
people. The organization strives to make a difference
in the lives of homeless residents and the count allows
them to assess how and where homeless people can be
best served. LAHSA has contracted with the San Gabriel
Valley Consortium on Homelessness, a nonprofit agency,
to provide participating cities with support. For additional
information please contact Duarte City Hall at (626) 357-
7931, X267.
About the City of Duarte
The City of Duarte was incorporated on August 22,
1957. With integrity and transparency, the City provides
exemplary public services in a caring and fiscally responsible
manner with a commitment to our community’s future.
For more information visit www.accessduarte.com or call
(626) 357-7931. Follow the City of Duarte on Facebook at
facebook.com/duartecommunity; Twitter @CityofDuarte;
Instagram @city_of_duarte and LinkedIn.
The California State Legislature recently adopted
the “Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety
Act,” which added new procedures pertaining to
the cultivation, distribution, and transportation
of medical marijuana facilities. Furthermore, in
order for local municipalities to continue to have
the ability to regulate medical marijuana facilities
pertaining to issues of cultivation, distribution, and
transportation, updates to local land use and zoning
codes must be adopted prior to March 2016.
To that end, staff is coordinating a process for
the Planning Commission on December 9, 2015,
to consider updates and amendments to Chapter
5.96 of Title 5, and Chapter 17.44 of Title 17, of the
Monrovia Municipal Code, related to the City’s
regulations on medical marijuana dispensaries and
related activities. Moving forward, the item will
then be heard as an initial ordinance introduction
and first reading by the City Council on December
15, 2015, with the final public hearing and
consideration scheduled to take place on January
19, 2016.
Last week, the City coordinated a special tour of the
Historic Depot for members of the Monrovia Historic
Preservation Group (MOHPG). Public Services Director
Tina Cherry led the discussion, and around 35 MOHPG
members enjoyed the chance to take a behind the scenes look
at the Historic Depot before the City initiates rehabilitation
efforts to restore the building. A picture of the special
meeting has been included as an attachment below.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com